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Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Well, we are high up, though I suppose someone, or thing, could get on the roof..." Natalie scratched her head sheepishly, though regained her composure quickly. Kita was certainly getting to her, and now how she liked. "You want me to go secure it sweetie?"
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Nah, it's probably good for the night, but it's something ya better keep track of for later I guess," Kita replied, trying to stifle a yawn even if she was trying hard to keep the soldier from getting too many ideas.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Natalie inched closer, looking at Kita intently. "Might get cold, tonight, you know. I get the impression you don't like me much, but can we atleast stick close together, for the warmth?" Despite the preditory look, her voice took on a softness it hadn't had before.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita shrugged. "It's not that bad. Least we got clothes." Simply shrugging, she sat herself into the corner, propping her rifle nearby. She didn't like the vibes the gal gave her, but then again it'd be nicer then what she's had to deal with staying outside. Still, if anything, her last snit with humanity didn't help her feelings at all.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Sighing and laying back against the wall near the opening, Natalie just shoot her head. "Independent little thing, aren't ya. Well fine, be that way." She shifted her eyes around abit. "But do you mind if I just go ahead then?" Her tone implied without a doubt what she meant, if that wasn't enough her hand slid down between her legs, looking at Kita with raised eyebrows.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita sighed and shrugged. "Whatever, not the worst thing I've gone through," she snapped. Kita mentally grumbled to herself. Some girls...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Natalie lowered one eyebrow, turning slightly. "Well I'll try and be quiet, I generally don't even make noise when doing it by myself." She didn't take her clothes off at all, just reached down and began. True to her word, Kita wouldn't even know she was there, if it weren't for her heavy breathing. "I'll take first watch, I guess too, so you can just sleep through this if it REALLY disturbs you. I'm sorry, but it's been over 24 hours, that's way too long for me." There was a hint of sarcasm on the solider's voice as she rolled her eyes.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita, unfortuneately had allready fallen asleep. Possibly due to the fact she hadnt gotten much sleep over the last few days, her body finally took the leaning back on the wall as a sign to stop, soon falling unconsious on the poor soldier.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita was woken to the feel of a hand over her mouth. Not hard, but enough to cut off her oxygen a bit. While that was the first thing she felt, soon she became aware of a strong arm around her, holding her tight against the owner of said arm.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Mmmmgh..." Kita muttered, waking up slowly, then jarring even further awake as she found the hands holding her. Thus, she'd struggle and kick a bit, with a little bit of a growl. She KNEW it wasn't a smart idea to go with this horny soldier!
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The grip just got tighter, and soon she felt warm breath on her ear. "Keep it down, there's something out there!" Natalie hissed a little more loudly then she should, she was obviously in combat mode from the way she said it, and was trying to be quiet, but failing. She slowly begain to let go of Kita, placing her against a wall, suggesting she was merely trying to keep the goth from waking loudly.

Unfortunately, thanks to the mini-struggle, the monster Natalie was worried about heard them, shrieking loudly and skittering across the metal roof towards them. "Nice going idiot!" The solider dropped Kita quickly, diving for her gun and getting ready to fight. This was clearly now how she planned the encounter to go.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Due to the close proximity of the threat, Kita just glared, and quietly as she could, she grabbed her rifle, training it to the doorway and keeping her trigger finger ready, now being deadly quiet...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

A spider quickly rounded the corner and got into the room, too close for Natalie to bring up her own weapon before it knocked her over backwards. This also unfortunately meant that Kita couldn't shoot it without risk of hitting the solider. She'd have to act fast, though, as there were still skittering sounds coming from the roof. The spider had friends, it seemed...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita stifled a growl. Perhaps if the bitch had been more quiet and perhaps a bit more rational waking her up... Her hand whipped for her knife in her boot- only to remember she had given it away. Cursing, she scampered forward, prepared to smack the spider off her with her rifle butt.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

(Both you AND the spider got a critical success...)

Kita landed a mighty blow, fueled by adrenaline. The spider hissed as it was almost knocked over Natalie, who was doing a decent job of keeping the thing from gaining any leverage against her. The act enrages the spider, who leaps off the solider and knocks Kita onto her back, intent to teach the small girl a lesson as they skid a short distance away.

Natalie begins to get up, but halfway through the motion the second spider bursts in, quickly getting on top and knocking her back down. The solider has gotter her sidearm ready now, though, if only she could get a clean shot.

(Guess it might not seem like it though. That one spider is pretty injured though)
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita growls quietly as she's bowled over, grabbing her rifle once again and swinging it wildly in a attempt to beat the spider off of her by now. Being under such situations before, she rushes to get free so she can get her gun to bear....
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita gets lucky with her first swing of the rifle butt, hitting the spider right in its "face". The force of the blow isn't bad either, and the creature smashes into the wall, stunned for a moment.

Natalie wasn't fairing so well. The spider attacking her shot some sticky web out around her legs, firmly affixing her to the floor for the time being. Letting out a curse, the solider raised her service pistol carefully to fire, but only managed a graze. The shot echoed loudly in the room as a third spider came in the opening.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita didn't take time to check the one she had knocked free. Rolling to her front, she leveled the rifle, training the sites, trying to aim carefully like she was taught before firing at the spider atop of Natalie. "Hit the dirt!" she yelled as a warning before squeezing the trigger.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita's aim was dead center, a very solid hit. Unfortunately, the specific part of the spider's torso she hit just so happened not to contain any major organs, and thus while spewing spider goo all over, the monster was just enraged. It hopped off Natalie to confront Kita as the other stunned one recovered. It was now two on one for the little girl, but she did at least have enough time to get her rifle to fire again before the spiders would get an attack in.

The third spider happily bounded over to the still trapped solider, ready to take up the work of subdoing her. Natalie had other plans, however, and fired thrice at the beast before it was able to cross the short distance. The first two hit, but the 9mm bullets were too puny to stop the charging animal and it tackled her before she could fire off more.

(Technical summary: Two spiders facing you, but you can attack first. Your rifle can technically one hit either of them (or the one on Natalie if you got THE BEST ROLL). You had crappy rolls for your shot this time, but hey, what can ya do.

As for the solider, she's can still put a fight, but can't last on her own forever probably.)
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita decided the soldier was free enough to start firing and now focused on keeping the buggers off herself. Quickly aiming at one of the advancing spiders, she took a few precious seconds to aim before firing a volley in thier direction.