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Grain of Sand (Garran)

Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"If we're going to be husband and wife, Okori would sound best, don't you agree?" she asked, before standing up from the bed, and offering her hand down to him to help him up. If he took it, she'd beginning leading him towards the back, where a cold looking spring awaited them. It wasn't cold for long, before Garran would feel a strange vibration from her tails. Soon, the spring was steaming hot. With that, she worked at her sash at her waist with grace, her pale breasts spilling out into full view in such an alluring way that someone could have easily made a beautiful painting from it.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"Of course, Okori." He said with a blush, taking her hand and following her to the springs. Upon arriving, they started to both undress. Taking off the last of his clothes, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder to watch her undoing her sash, exposing her bountiful chest to his eyes. He unconsciously took a deep breath, trying to keep his head on straight instead of quickly loosing it to arousal.
He quickly, but carefully, entered the water to hide his evident hardon from her as he wanted to keep a much more gentleman like demeanor, carefully doing his best to prevent any splashing or disturbance. Reaching his hand up to her, he offered guide her into the spring.
"Careful Mistress Okori, I almost tripped getting in, I believe there is a jutting rock from the side on the right corner." A sincere smile lingered on his face. His body felt even hotter upon gazing at her figure from beneath her nude magnificent form. It took alot of inner strength, but he was mostly able to maintain eye contact with her instead of ogling her body, though his eyes would occasionally against his will glance astray to her curves.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Okori reached down, though as she sank down into the water that came up to her knees, one of her tails came 'round and tucked under his chin, applying some strict force behind itself as she stared at him intently. "You have gone off and called me Mistress Okori once more. Would you prefer to be my servant instead of husband, so you may continue calling me that?" she asked with a no-nonsense tone.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

He shook his head furiously. "N-no! Of course not! I'm sorry! It's just been so long, my former Mistress, using that title just has become a bit of habit! Never again."
Garran struggled to swallow the lump in the back of his throat.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"Making an excuse suited to a mere trained dog. Oh well," she sighed. "You're still a man, so one's expectations cannot be high. At least you qualify for eye candy with that tan." she said, sitting into the springs and letting out a relaxed sigh. "Massage me." she stated simply. "You can do that, right?"
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"Of course." Promptly approaching her from behind, he continued to admire her form while his hands kneaded into her shoulders. With the water shimmering, his eyes struggled to look below the surface to gaze at the rest of her body that what submerged. He managed to tame his hands, keeping them from wandering too far as he continued to rub her sensually. After some time, he was satisfied to have gotten any knots from her shoulders and neck, and proceeded slowly down her spine. Eventually reaching her hips, he marveled her hourglass figure with his stroking hands. His own arousal was making itself well too known, the feeling of her wet hot flesh in his hands made him yearn for her more. Giving into a small temptation, he drew his body close behind her, kissing along her neckline as continued to massage her body. His touch roamed from her collarbone to her chest, and his hands kneaded her heavy breasts in his palms.
"Let me know if there's anything I can do to make this feel better." He whispered, inhaling the steam from the springs along with her scent.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Okori remained with a straight back and firm posture. It almost seemed like a training she would have had to have gone through in order to maintain herself in such a straight and dignified manner. To that end, Garran may be surprised to find that she was no more stiff than any other person might have been, despite how one might think it'd require so much concentration to sit so straight.

When he became a little more bold, kissing her neck and feeling her orbs with his hands, Garran would find her golden gaze looking back at him, her eyes thin like a predator. The gaze alone seemed enough to paralyze him and lock him in place, before she simply looked straight once more. "Was your assertiveness trained or were you always like that?" she asked. "If I understand correctly, from the world men like you come from, a common reaction from me would be to incinerate you on the spot." she announced.

"I won't incinerate you. I'm just curious." she said suddenly, before one of her tails sprouted forth and collected a bar of soap. "Clean me," she said, another tail lunging forth and collecting a small vial of clear liquid. "Starting with my hair." she commanded him, holding the liquid vial to him with her tail and setting the bar of soap on the side.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

At one point his eyes connected with hers. The look she was giving was a cold calculated gaze that he had felt many times before. Something he was doing was only going to make things worse for him. His hands retracted from her body as he visibly flinched under her gaze.

"I'm sorry. I suppose it kinda was. If I wasn't pleasing my former Mistress in some sexual manner, then I wasn't doing things right. I'm glad you're a woman with high class. But um, in my world, if a man did something like this, the woman would just take everything I own."
Course here, I own NOTHING. Well I suppose I got a case of blue balls now.

Taking the soap from her tail, he lathered her hair thoroughly. He actually enjoyed the feeling of stroking such long strands between his fingers. Alot of caution went into each comb, careful to make sure not to in any way damage one of the many things he had always admired in any woman. There was something elegant and beautiful in maiden with long tresses. His hand tended till he was satisfied, admiring a healthy glow as he rinsed out the soap. Figuring she'd want her tails done next, he did the same process with the first one.
"In my world, I'd never find myself next to such a beautiful woman. So I can't complain about everything."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

His action to tend to her tails earned Garran a smile from the kitsune, before she raised her body up from the water, her ass directly in his face as she remained like that, purely to allow him greater access to her tails of course. "So I see you're a man who appreciates fluffy tails." she said with a chuckle. "You can clean them all easily from here. Though with that look on your face, I can tell all you're thinking about is this body of mine, drawing your essence from your body." she said with a seductive tone, leaning one hand back to smooth a hand up along the flesh of her ass, and along her tail.

"A kitsune is among the most noble of races. Be thankful you have a chance to even touch one, much less be a husband to one." she announced, demanding respect from him.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

I can think of other things! but...
"Only if you stop teasing me." He made a nervous gulp as he continued to restrain himself from all natural male instincts. Instead, he lathered and rinsed each tail from beginning to end, his urge to reach out and give her alluring ass a tight squeeze torturing his mind every time his hand stroked to the base. It took longer than he thought it would, but she did have 8 of them. Soon after that, he began to wash her back again, unsure what his next move should be.

"I have to admit, when I first saw you, I was speechless. I'm still not sure how nobility and status is determined among this land, but it's easy to see why Kitsune's would be amongst the top. I used to never believe in magic before then either, but now it seems to be common everywhere."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"With nobility comes power, that much should be easy to understand for a human. But..." Okori turned around, letting her tails sink into the water and create a layer of suds over the surface of the water, causing the water to give up a good smelling aroma as the tall and proud kitsune looked down at Garran, before placing one hand against his chest, pushing him down into a sitting position as she mounted his lap, his erect length brushing upwards along her crotch. "Nobility in the world of a mamono is much more fickle, as with power, comes nobility. If at any moment someone proves to have more power than you, your status is immediately below theirs. In the situation of a mamono wife and her human husband... The status of husband is always below that of a wife." she announced, leaning back to show off her enticing body to Garran, letting him take in the round of her breasts and the hourglass figure she possessed. "You may look, but not touch. How does that make you feel?" she asked. "Most men would be frustrated. Though few would actually be thankful for this kind of treatment. I expected as much disrespect from you. No matter their status, people think themselves above their true place in society. It's most frustrating to them then, when they can't prove to themselves that they are truly above where they really are. Do you think you're capable of showing respect and humility if all I do is promise you the privilege to gaze at my form?"
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

As she placed her hand to his chest, his heart began to beat faster. Controlling himself had been so much easier with her back turned to him, and as much as he had been trying to mentally prepare himself for the inevitable, he could almost feel himself crumbling inside. Though if he tried anything, he would most likely find himself dead. Or worse, back in the hands of the Pharaoh. That thought alone was preventing him from doing anything rash.

Okori began to explain what had already been beaten into him by his previous owner, that men were nothing compared to any woman on this island. Their dominance was absolute. But her threat of never being able to touch seemed to tear at him. He wanted to touch her, to feel her against him. And he knew she could see it in his eyes. But he also didn't want to lose a woman with such charisma and guile, and the thought of being given to somebody else had now become terrifying. The words she had spoken were clear, and he understood the possibility of never being able to feel her lovely folds around his dick. Almost wincing at the pain of holding in his reflexes to thrust up into her as she gridded against him, he nodded with heavy quick breaths.

"Y-yes. I believe can." The blood in his body boiled from more than just the heat of the the springs. Momentarily he closed his eyes to calm himself, before bringing them open again to view the kitsune goddess.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"I expected a more pathetic answer. I'm not disappointed though." she replied, before standing up, her crotch immediately in front of his face, before she lifted one leg over, placing it on a flat rock used for sitting no doubt, so that her folds were directly in view. "Make me wet." she commanded. "I'm going to be having sex with you after all. I was just talking in theory, before. I'd be a human if I did not have sex with my husband."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Maybe the Pharaoh had unintentionally made him a bit stronger, because a pathetic answer was what she would of gotten before then. Even though the compliment was small, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride from her comment. A wave of relief overcame him once she stated she had been talking 'in theory' before. He had honestly thought she meant in all seriousness. For a moment, he studied her pussy, watching as the moisture from the spring dripped from her folds.

Not wanting to disappoint, he tenderly licked around the outside of her lips teasingly to drink of the water. His hands stroked the inside of her thighs as his mouth tended to her groin. He then placed the tip of his tongue just below her pussy before flattening it against her wet folds, slowly dragging it upwards to the top. Once there, he reversed direction, licking from clit to lips with the back of his tongue. Every time he'd reach the top, he'd spend a moment teasing her bud with just the tip of his tongue. Flicking it and softly probing before placing a gentle kiss to finish. Hands going from her thighs to her bottom, he gripped softly to hold her waist in place as he turned his head, now intimately pressing his mouth to her folds. With the lips of his mouth sealed to the lips of her pussy, he sucked and drank of whatever moisture he found, hers or the springs. A soft moan escaped his lips, a shiver up and down his spine as his arousal was becoming overbearingly powerful. He truly was thankful to be with this woman, his hardon becoming enthusiastically stiff. His grip on her ass tightened as his probed and twirled his tongue around inside her now, thirstily seeking out whatever wet juices it could absorb.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

His ears were teased with pleasant moans and coos. She did not flinch or react strongly in any way to his motions, only with simple moans and gestures of encouragement. When he pressed his lips to her folds, and moaned against them, she giggled as if it tickled. When his tongue trailed in, and squirmed around the insides of her pussy, one of her tails suddenly curled around his neck softly, not choking him or anything of the sort, but just holding him. After a moment longer, her tail pulled his head away, and was powerful enough to do so anyway even if he chose to resist it. Grinning down at him, she licked her lips as if she found him appetizing in appearance. "Now we're going to put that tool of yours to use. Stand up." she directed him, and once he did, her tails would suddenly converge upon Garran, and engulf him in a drowning sea of soft fluff, as if he was imprisoned in a soft, plush cloud. He was lifted off of his feet, and held horizontally with some of his body submerged in water, before he suddenly felt her nether lips against his length, as made evident by the sudden tightness that began to swallow the tip of his cock. She drove herself straight down, engulfing his entire length within her folds as Garran found his length trapped in a pleasure hell, her tightness a zone of both pleasure and torture.