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Greenhouse 2

Re: Greenhouse 2

Norma smiles and moves to pet the creature. "You're a pretty Correl aren't you?"
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Looks like it is tame..." Alane also walks to Norma to pet the creature as well. "Should we give it a name?" she says smiling to Norma as she strokes the animal as well.
Re: Greenhouse 2

The Correl purred, a mental touch of satisfaction gracing thier minds as it curls up some more.
Re: Greenhouse 2

Seeing the others by the animal Jenelle decides to go over and see what's going on. "Hi," she says as she walks up to the other's with a nice smile and a wave.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"We're petting this cute correl." norma says as she pets it and then in a baby voice "Yes you are. Yes you are! you're such a cute correl." She says.
Re: Greenhouse 2

Alane giggles as she heard Norma talking to the Correl in a baby voice. She keeps petting and enjoys the satisfaction which she feels through it.
Re: Greenhouse 2

It continues to purr as you pet it's soft overcoat, the antenna it was holding up fliting back down.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Ah I see, it is pretty cute, much cuter than the adamtrite I was just chasing. So are you guy's botanists too?" Jenelle asks the two petting the correl.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Nope!" Norma says bouncilly. "Allane here was giving me the 50 cent tour.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"50 Cent tour, that sounds so bad" she says resentful "But you can´t deny that you had and have your fun." she adds grinning.
"I´m Alane, not a botanists but a Receptionist. Nice to meat you and this is Norma, a new scientist."
Re: Greenhouse 2

The cat continued to just sit there, letting you touch it.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Oh okay I'm pretty new here myself, I'm Jenelle by the way one of the botanists here. Though I don't know much about this greenhouse, only the plant ones you mind if I join you guy's I'm done for the day and I never really got a tour of the place either."
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Sure! The more the merrier." Norma says happily while still petting the creature.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Ok, let´s move on" says Alane as she stands up. "I think this cute Correl got enough from your love, doesn´t it? Alane crawls the chin of the creature as she says "You said that you don´t know much about the Greenhouse Jenelle, but do you know some interesting places here?"
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Well, not much about the animals in this greenhouse I should say. The other two greenhouses are more my cup of tea. Greenhouse one is just the regular plants and greenhouse two is for the plant animals, which would you guy's like to look at first," Jenelle answers.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"We're already here lets explore." Norma says eyes shining with a thirst for knowledge.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"So where to first, greenhouse 1 or 3?" Jenelle asks.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Plants are boring, I suggest that we went a little bit around in Greenhouse 2 and after that we go to explore Greenhouse 3." she proposes.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Yes I want to see the animals they created." I say smiling at Dyna as we agree.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Okay, no problem. Though I don't think plants are boring, I am biased though." She smiles and says, 'Well lets continue on shall we."