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Greenhouse 2

Re: Greenhouse 2

We look around in greenhouse 2, some more.
Re: Greenhouse 2

As the trio moved on, they started to see a lot of spider webs all of a sudden...
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Eww, spider-webs. M-maybe we shouldn't get to close to this area." Jenelle says kinda panicky while looking towards the other two.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Eekkss, I hate spieders too. I agree with you, we should avoid this place.... did I have some webs in my hair?" she says as she go with her hand through her hair.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"No, there's none in your hair, but I agree spider's scare me," Jenelle says looking around nervously.
Re: Greenhouse 2

Norma nods as well backing away nervously. "Someone once threw a spider in my hair and I've been afraid of them since." She says.
Re: Greenhouse 2

The three of you retreated, though one of you did notice a spider the size of your head on one of the webs, which further hastened your retreat to the Correl again.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Well, we're back here now. which way now?" Jenelle asks oviously much relieved to be away from the spiders.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"As far away as possible from these spiders..... Maybe the opposite way." Alane says with an shudder of disgusting, as she think back to the huge spider she saw.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Okay, fine with me." Jenelle smiles trying to get Alane to calm down from seeing the spiders.
Re: Greenhouse 2

Norma hugs her self shivering and shuddering with fear after seeing the large spider. She appears to be in shock and doesn't respond to verbals.
Re: Greenhouse 2

As the pair hadn't decided to change direction, all there was left to explain was the Correl getting up to it's feet, rubbing against thier legs and purring, a friendly sorta rub in thier minds.
Re: Greenhouse 2

After petting the correl, Jenelle grabs the other's arms, "Come on we'll go the opposite way. Don't worry about the spiders they're gone now." She adds with a smile.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"What do you mean with "They are gone now" ?" Alane asks Jenelle, looking at her confused. Unresistingly she lets Jenelle pull her.
Re: Greenhouse 2

Norma alows herself to be dragged by the two beautiful girls still shivering from the spiders.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Oh nothing, I just meant whatever made those webs is gone, since we left them behind. Now let's see what else we can find shall we." Jenelle smiles as the three continue on.
Re: Greenhouse 2

The other way seemed to be devoid at the moment, as they didn't seem to be anything but foliage.
Re: Greenhouse 2

"Hmm, I guess the animals are all too shy, shall we move on to the next greenhouse then?" Jenelle asks.