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Growing Legacies (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine, Warp Shell X=10 (+20 to attack, weapon damage, special maneuvers, AV, +10 speed, +20 vs hostile effects, +30 Grapple) Upkeep = 3 EP and 5 HP

Netrixa Pregnant with a faerie, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, 40 resistance to Fire/Heat and Cold damage and damage dealing spells from the Aether element, +20 magic AV and Dodge, and creatures hitting them with an unarmed attack or that are hit by the caster’s melee attacks take 3d10 fire damage. Creatures grappling them instead take 4d10 damage per round that ignores armor AV, Upkeep = 1 EP, spent 4 EP, Grappled by a tentacle beast, taken 36 Willpower damage, Aroused, Horny, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, taken 22 Willpower damage, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

Pan tries to fry some tentacle monsters.
Attack: 99 vs they cap out at 90 Dodge, all three are hit.
Damage: 6 * 14 = 84, 84 + 22 = 106 damage, the EP damage doesn't matter since they're dead.

Sarah tries to kill the one that's holding Orgrosh.
Attack: 99 vs still capped at 90, hits, does enough damage minimum to kill.

Orgrosh will try to kill the one holding Netrixa.
Attack: Hits, also does enough damage to kill.

A seventh emerges! And the bushes are still rustling.

Pan's wave of soul-rending emerald flames washed over the unnatural beasts and the cover behind them alike, leaving only ash in its wake. The crackling green flames left only blackened, static-ridden earth, and with the second wave disintegrated, Sarah and Orgrosh managed to clean up behind him. Sarah quickly finished cutting down the already maimed beast holding Orgrosh, and the orc warrior quickly pulled herself away from the tentacle beast's death throes - and out of its aphrodisiac slime - and rushed to cut down the one holding Netrixa before it could do anything further to her. It was hacked down, its flesh seared, and Netrixa was left falling onto its flailing corpse. She had been badly hit by their poison, however, and tilted her head to start sucking on one of the tentacles while her fingers pushed into her own sex, trying to satisfy the insatiable lust that she'd been driven to.

One more burst from the remaining undergrowth at the edge of where Pan's flames had ended, and the bushes behind it were still moving. Rather than charge like the other had, however, it froze suddenly, and a strange glowing rune appeared on its head. "Return the whore and my clothes!" a harsh female voice demanded, distortion and the echoes from the magical communication ensuring that the voice would be hard to identify were he to hear it again without it. "Deny me and suffer, little man!"
Pan looked at Netrixa for some information, only to see that she had been completely overwhelmed by the poison. He sighed. Guess it was up to him then. He was a bit irritated by the "little man" comment, more than a little irritated, actually. "So, I guess I'm talking to the Witch of Diamond Hills. A couple of things you should know: Netrixa is with me. You try to take her I'll turn you to ash. Second... my name is Pan, heir to great power. You think yourself greater than me? You vastly overestimate your ability to deal with anyone other than naïve schoolgirls. Now take your remaining forces and flee." He had to admit, he was curious why the witch specifically wanted the clothes but there was time to figure that out later, once Nettie's fit of necrophilia had passed.
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine, Warp Shell X=10 (+20 to attack, weapon damage, special maneuvers, AV, +10 speed, +20 vs hostile effects, +30 Grapple) Upkeep = 3 EP and 5 HP

Netrixa Pregnant with a faerie, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, taken 36 Willpower damage, Aroused, Horny, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, taken 22 Willpower damage, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

The tentacle beast didn't move in any way to indicate a reaction, but that he'd rankled the person speaking was clear in the venom that was added to their still distorted voice; "Aahhhh, a stupid one! With magic enough to deal with a few mindless creatures, apparently. It's too bad that you've opted to throw your life away in order to bang a witless bimbo for a few extra days, perhaps eventually you could have earned the right to threats like that. Fair warning; It won't matter what power you think you've inherited. You have kept my things from me. When we meet, and when you are begging on your knees for your life, be prepared for the fact that you shall receive no mercy. Not even death."

The rune vanished, and the tentacle beast turned and sprang back into the woods. Whether Pan would opt to let it, or shoot something at it as it turned was up to him; regardless, the movement among the bushes and trees would cease, leaving the forest eerily quiet and still. Netrixa, in contrast, was not; she was giving muffled mewls around the limp tentacle that she was sucking on, furious driving her fingers into her sex, and generally being a horny mess. The tentacle beasts that hadn't been disintegrated were all starting to melt, dissolving into a foul smelling, oily fluid that was an unpleasant gray in color. Sarah quickly grabbed Netrixa and pulled her off of the beast's corpse, and then dragged the mage over to some bare ground while Netrixa vigorously tried to kiss her. She manhandled Netrixa with apparent ease, and pushed her down without being apparently bothered by the slime still coating much of her skin.

"She'll be like that for a few hours unless someone deals with it," Sarah said in an emotionally neutral but fairly assured tone. "Uggghhhh... Hours? I'll have to put up with being this horny for hours!?" Orgrosh grumbled, stepping over; she was handling it better than Netrixa, but had also received a thorough coating of the aphrodisiac slime, giving a pleasant sheen to her emerald skin. "Unless magic or... Satisfaction rids you two of it, yes," Sarah replied with some amusement evident in her voice, "it won't last as long if it's washed off." Netrixa, in the meantime, was starting to growl with frustration as her fingers proved insufficient to satisfy herself. "Paaaaan! Are they dead enough for you to dick me deep yeeettt!?"
Pan dismisses the buff on himself before it kills him and joins the other two with looking at Nettie. "So, I'm going to deal with this little problem before we proceed. Netrixa has more going on than most so even if it was cleaned off, she wouldn't be fine. If anyone else needs their problem dealt with you can join us. C'mon Nettie, into the bushes we go," Pan gathers her and puts her clothes to the side to be washed later. He tried to avoid getting slime on him as much as possible. He remembered when he had upended a whole jar of a similar substance on himself by accident and as punishment his mother had had him just wait out the effects. It wasn't a pleasant memory. With he and Netrixa in the bushes, he lowered his pants and asked in a teasing voice "Alright, Netrixa, where do you want it?"
Last edited:
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a faerie, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, taken 36 Willpower damage, Aroused, Horny, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, taken 22 Willpower damage, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

Avoiding touching the slime would be close to impossible without some way of washing it off first; Netrixa was practically coated in the stuff, and neither Orgrosh nor Sarah were all that much better. Sarah, notably, seemed to be suffering no ill effects from it other than some damp clothing. There was no flush to her skin, no clear signs of arousal, and she didn't even seem particularly bothered by the slime still clinging to her skin. Orgrosh, in contrast, was panting, hard, and had a flush to her skin comparable to Netrixa's. Pan's offer still caused the orcess to quirk an eyebrow, however, and she folded her arm over her chest and considered his offer for a moment.

"Bold, straightforward... You're not an incubus or something are you?" she asked, letting Pan reply before turning to Sarah. "You hungry by chance?" The blonde shook her head, "No, we took care of that yesterday, and I didn't use anything in this fight. I'll keep an eye out if you want to get it worked out of your system faster."

That apparently decided, Orgrosh nodded and turned back to Pan. "Yeah, sure... This slime is annoying and I could go for some cock for a change. Been a while," she said gruffly, and followed Pan into the bushes as he hauled a squirming Netrixa out of line of sight of anyone else coming down the road. Netrixa immediately dropped to hands and knees facing him, eyes hungrily watching his cock and her bubbly backside waving from side to side. "I wanna feel you get hard in my throat before you fuck me! I'd prefer my pussy but you can take my ass if you want! Just make sure that you give it to me hard!"

Orgrosh, in the meantime, snorted and started to undress. The orc's armor proved easy to take off, leaving her baring it all in short order. She proved to sport an appealing mix of curves and muscle, with visibly toned abs and muscular arms and thighs, but also fairly large, soft breasts comparable to Netrixa's in size, and a pleasantly round but still toned ass. "Hmph, so... She's a slut normally then?" she asked, planting a hand on her hip and appraising Pan's member with her eyes. She seemed to like what she saw, as a grin quickly spread across her features. "You're pretty big," she murmured seductively, "but do you have the stamina for both of us, I wonder..."
"No, not an incubus. Didn't get any of mom's magic. Just not going to beat around the bush. Don't want to be caught with my pants down if more of those things come out of the woodwork." From the conversation between the two, it seemed that Sarah was an succubus of some kind or at least had been exposed to enough corruption to gain certain mutations, though Pan wondered at her apparent immunity to the slime. Sure 'cubi were better at handling such things than most but there would usually be at least an effect. There would be time to indulge his curiosity later, though.

At Orgrosh's moment, Pan flapped one of his hands in the air "Oh, she's been through a lot. You know, one of those stories where the young maiden gets captured and exposed to this kind of stuff for years. It changes how you handle things. We're trying to get some people together to handle the woman who subjected her to it but not many volunteers so far." He pressed his throbbing cock against Nettie's face, letting her get a taste before guiding her mouth to take the whole thing. "As for endurance... no, I'm not a 'cubi but I did pick up a few tricks. Though I'll admit, I've never had a go with an orc." Pan allowed himself to get harder and grow to fill Netrixa's mouth before using his hips to slide in and out a little roughly, trusting Netrixa to be able to use her mouth well.
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a faerie, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, Aroused, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

Orgrosh offered only a grunt of acknowledgement as Pan confirmed that he was no incubus, and again when he offered some explanation as to Netrixa's obvious eagerness. She was certainly displaying it now, the slime-soaked mage bobbing her mouth onto his shaft while her lips maintained a tight seal, and swirling her tongue around his tip and against the underside of his rod. Netrixa would let him thrust, controlling the pace, but he was subjected to the full extent of her oral talents in the meantime. Orgrosh would grin and watch as she disrobed, getting naked except for some cloth wrapped around her lower legs, letting Netrixa do the work in getting Pan fully erect... And then some.

"No? Really... You're in for a rare treat then! It isn't just the men who possessed of our renowned vigor! I hope you can handle a hard ride," she said, kneeling down to get next to Netrixa, who was slurping audibly on Pan's now thoroughly saliva-slick cock, her throat bulging visibly as his member stretched it, though she continued to display no apparent gag reflex. Her body was tensed, rocking back and forth in rhythm with Pan's thrusts, and a stream of muffled, pleasured moans streamed from Netrixa's mouth. Orgrosh grabbed her by the back of the head as she knelt beside the sorceress, pushing her head harder into Pan's crotch, which seemed only to excite the lust-addled girl even further.

"She sucks cock good," the orc remarked breathily, clearly quite aroused herself and enjoying the sight and feel of Netrixa sucking him off, while Netrixa seemed to enjoy being manhandled in general. "My turn, I want a taste!" she said, tugging her head back via a grip on her hair and then bending down to end up right beside her. Netrixa released his shaft with a soft pop and a gasp as she was pulled away, her gaze flitting back up to meet his fully. Her eyes were wide and unfocused, but even though she was panting for breath, Netrixa stilled leaned in to lap at the base of Pan's shaft and murmured wordlessly, almost incoherent with lust. The busty orcess gripped him around the base in the meantime, giving Netrixa just a bit of room to keep tonguing him while establishing a strong grip with one hand and a light one with only forefinger and thumb with the other.

"Hmph, he's already hard... Really hard..." she murmured, and Netrixa added; "And he stays that way~ I suck cock good!" Their breath was washing over his member as they spoke, maintaining his excitement with a bit of teasing instead of direct stimulation, but that wouldn't last long. Orgrosh pressed her soft flips to his tip and slowly parted them as she slipped forward, sliding them over his sensitive head, rolling her tongue vigorously over every new portion of him that she had access to while the hand maintaining the lighter grip began to slide back and forth, deliberately meeting her lips with her fingers before pushing back to touch her other hand. She gradually advanced down his length over the course of about a minute, jerking him off into her mouth all the while, as Netrixa lapped at whatever portion of his cock that was available to her.

The orc was about a third of the way down onto his impressive length before he was testing her throat, causing her to gag slightly. Rather than retract, however, she pushed down further, gasping and gulping audibly, pulling him down her throat until she was nearly to her hands. Her reactions were clearly well practiced, as her throat tightened and contracted as she gagged deliberately without causing herself too much discomfort. Only after a minute of gagging on his cock, giving shallow bobs and stroking him quickly, would Orgrosh retract and gasp, coughing slightly and leaving his cock covered in new saliva. Netrixa immediately began to move to start sucking him off again, but at that point Pan could do whatever he wanted; both of them were clearly almost maddeningly horny and raring to go, but he could let them suck him off for a while first or urge them into whatever pattern he might prefer to take his pleasure from them. Any position that put him into closely intimate contact with them - particularly with Netrixa - would have him contacting the aphrodisiac slime coating them, however.
Pan grunted when Ogrosh began her assault and reveled in it, enjoying both of them. However much he wanted to cum, however, he didn't. He was saving himself for the main course and couldn't afford to indulge in foreplay too long. His assertion earlier had been more than a little bluff, while he knew how to last, he wasn't sure he was up to both Netrixa and an orc that had a succubus for a partner but he was damn well going to try. He pulled out of Orgrosh's mouth, not without a little remorse. "Ugh, enough Orgrosh, if you suck too much harder I'm not going to be able to handle you. Nettie, you'll go first. Why don't you warm up Orgrosh?" Treating her like a tool, he had her get on her knees, facing Orgrosh's sex with him behind Netrixa. Always up for a change, Pan changed his dick's shape a little while he pushed in. He covered it hard bumps, something like he'd seen from a dildo, something to give his dick a nice texture for Nettie to enjoy. He went at her fast immediately. He knew the aphrodisiac would start to effect him immediately and hoped to finish with Nettie before it got to him and this became never ending.
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a faerie, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, Aroused, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

Orgrosh's mouth released his shaft with a soft pop when Pan pulled away, and the orcess giggled softly and then sighed, still eyeing his rod as it stood twitching in front of her. "You know, that only makes me want to suck harder... But I can wait a little while to taste your cum," she said, before lying back as Netrixa, giggling in approval at the orc's remark, moved between her legs. Orgrosh grabbed one of her pigtails and unnecessarily pulled the mutated mage's head into her crotch, and then gave a low moan as Netrixa immediately started eating her out.

That left Pan free to move behind her, and as his newly-knobbly shaft pushed into her she gave a muffled moan of pleasure. Her folds gripped him hard, conforming to his added texture, and once he bottomed out Pan would feel her shudder in front of him and push back like she was trying to take him even deeper. She was already soaking wet and needed no warming up, so when he simply started pounding her she was not only ready to take it, but loved it. She bucked her hips back in time with him, her bubbly rear rippling as his hips bounced rapidly against it, and squeezed as he retracted only to relax as he slammed back into her.

The slime coating her body was starting to seep into Pan's skin where he was touching her, afflicting him with the aphrodisiacs slowly but steadily, though by now much of its potency had been spent and it likely wouldn't be enough to drive him completely into a frenzy anymore. It would make the mage's pussy feel even better around him as he rutted with her, however, and she certainly hadn't taken any offense when he'd cum inside of her before...
Well at least he wasn't going to go crazy and end up slumping over. Pan let his fingers sink in to Nettie's rear, enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin under his fingers. Given some time, he might have teased her a little but with the slime affecting everyone, they probably weren't in the right mood. As he sped up, Pan wondered a little if he could get someone pregnant twice. He'd heard that some species could do that so maybe Nettie had been messed enough with to do the same. Or maybe he would just get lucky. He hung on to that thought as with a final, powerful thrust, he pushed Nettie right into Orgrosh's crotch as he came, smushing her face into it. He held the pose for a few seconds, pumping enough semen into her to fill her up, before pulling out, leaving a small trail of semen. His cock had only softened long enough to pull out and was back to standing tall and proud. "Alright then, I know you'd like more attention, but we've got someone else to help." He set Nettie aside to let her rest as he approached the orc. "Alright, now on to you. So, Orgrosh, got a preference?" He was hoping she wouldn't say something about him standing and supporting her. He wasn't sure he could manage that and certainly didn't want to lose face but equally wasn't about to drop his cocky attitude.
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a demon and two faeries, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, Aroused, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

Netrixa was still certainly susceptible to the fertility enhancing magical biology that Pan was bringing to bear; she had only conceived yesterday after all, and her body was still in a state where he could turn that into a full on litter. Her body was even already used to such things, given that she'd birthed full broods of tentacle beasts before, and as he pounded into her, Netrixa's ovaries were hard at work in reaction to his body's prompting. By the time he was done with her, she had offered up another pair of eggs for his swimmers to claim. Her folds clenched around him rhythmically as she bucked her hips back to meet his thrusts, and she moaned heavily into Orgrosh's pussy as Pan fucked her into a full-on stupor. When he came in her, Netrixa groaned heavily, cumming as well and milking him for every drop.

The mage would collapse onto her side, groaning and incoherent and starting to idly masturbate, earning a chuckle from Orgrosh. "On your back," she replied in an authoritative tone when he asked how she wanted it, "I like to be on top!"
Hmm... this was a bit of a pickle. While he had experienced things like that at home, he wasn't really into it. Eh, he could probably fake it. The slime gave him a nice enough buzz going that he could get through something like this, even if he didn't particularly like it. "Alright then, you go for it." He laid down, letting his dick stand tall and proud. If she was going to just have sex with him, that was fine. Any attempt at teasing though... he would attempt to break her rhythm.
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a demon and two faeries, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, Aroused, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

If Orgrosh sensed Pan's trepidation at the notion of not being in full control, she didn't show it. She watched him drop to his back, eyed his erect rod for a moment, and then crossed the short distance between them at a hasty crawl. Her lips sealed over the tip of his rod as soon as she reached it, and she gave a sultry moan as she sucked the mixture of his and Netrixa's round off of him. For a moment she dropped her lips down onto his turgid shaft, taking him down her throat, and then slid back to leave his rod glistening with her saliva save for the base. "Fff... Hnnn... Fuck... You ain't shooting blanks..." she murmured after releasing his rod with a soft pop and a gasp. She leaned down to lap the base of his shaft clean, her fingers stroking the top third of his erection, and then completed her crawl onto his lap, leaving his shaft clear of any leftover semen as she prepared to ride him, unaware that what she'd swallowed was already prompting her body to ripen up so that what he might be about to shoot into her would have fertile ground to take root in.

"You thinkin' you're gonna cum in me too? You'd better make me cum first!" she growled playfully while rubbing her petals over the head of his rod. Then she moaned intensely as she sank down onto Pan's member, impaling herself slowly but steadily. She was wonderfully tight, her inner walls clinging to him and dragging against his sensitive skin, and for a moment he was able to simply revel in the velvety grip of her folds once she'd bottomed out onto him. It took her a bit of extra pressure to take him to the hilt, necessitating a moment of wiggling grinding before his balls were pressed against the meaty bubble of her ass, but the orc wouldn't pause for long once she'd reached that milestone.

It became clear very quickly that Orgrosh wasn't looking to tease; once her hips were moving she built up until she was bouncing wildly onto his lap, her bottom jiggling and clapping with every stroke. She was also moaning steadily, her bust jiggling in his face, and clearly enjoying herself, but it would be up to Pan whether he wanted to remain placid and let her fuck herself onto him, or push up to meet her.
"Don't worry, I intend to." Soon after Orgrosh touched down and began to move, Pan would push back into her. He usually disliked this kind of position so he was unused to it but he attempted to work out some kind of rhythm anyway, matching Orgrosh's movements. He was determined not to come before the orc did and tried his best to pleasure her.
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a demon and two faeries, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, Aroused, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, Aroused

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

Pan causes: 2d8+17, has to get through 49 PP.
Pan receives: 2d8+23 + 5 - 15 = 2d8 + 13 if he resists pleasure. He only has 34 PP though, because multiorgasmic.
Rolls 1: He deals 21, she deals 16, he's at 18 and she's at 28.
Rolls 2: He deals 25, she deals 23 and makes him blow his load on her ass. If he'd been at full, he'd be at 29 and she'd be at 3.
Rolls 3 for funsies: He deals 27 and makes her cum, she deals 25 and just barely doesn't make him cum, allowing him to "win" and earn the right to creampie her.

Orgrosh offered a throaty purr in response to Pan's declaration of intent to get her to cum first, followed shortly by a hard moan as she started riding him. Having a woman on top of him might not be his favorite position, but the orcish woman proved to be too good of a fuck for him to not enjoy it at least on a physical degree. Her pussy gripped him like a vice, wringing his cock with every ascent and squeezing around him every time he bottomed out into her again. She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself, if the moans coinciding with the meaty claps of her ass slamming against his hips were any indication, but she was clearly looking to burn through both of their stamina as quickly as possible. If he wanted to meet her criteria for being allowed to cum inside of her, he would have to concentrate on resisting the urge to blow his load too soon...

(How the dice say it would go...)
Supernatural or not, Pan's stamina was as limited as any man's, and Orgrosh was riding him hard and fast. His cock was a well designed tool for planting his seed, but his efforts had often been to deliver his potent payload as quickly as possible, not to wait out a partner looking to get him off. He could cum many times, often in quick succession, but the trying to resist that urge... Not so much.

She seemed to be bouncing harder and harder with every passing minute, and after only a few Pan felt that urge to let loose his seed again. Even if he tried to hide that, perhaps to spill his seed into her instead, she would recognize it. Giving a louder, heartier moan just as he neared his release, Orgrosh would pull off of him and straighten up, her hands lowering. "Gonna pop for me? Do it! Nnnnhhh... All over my ass! I wanna feel it!" One of her hands started toying with herself, rapidly strumming her own clit in order to complete her own journey to orgasm, while the other seized his cock and started to rapidly jerk him off. A few moments later, and the orgasmic bliss - if not his favored form of pouring his seed into a fertile womb - was rolling through him as rope after rope of his pearly essence was firing up only to rain down onto Orgrosh's bubbly green backside. About midway through his peak, she started her own, having brought herself over the finish line while jerking him off.

"Mmmmm.... Hmhmhmhmm~ That was still a HUGE load.... Do you always shoot out that much, or was it just for me?"

(But with player preference in mind and if he hadn't had multiorgasmic...)
The rapid bouncing of the orcess on his lap made it hard for Pan to concentrate on anything other than how fantastic it would feel to let himself cum, but even as she tried to get him to empty his nuts, he would manage to measure his stamina against the orc's hard riding. Her enthused moaning would grow more intense in tandem with the steadily rising pace of her bouncing. After a while, the hands on his chest would start to tighten their grip, and she would adopt a feverish look.

"Nnnn, gnnn, hah! Ohhhfuck, hnnn... I'm gonna... Gnn! I'm gonna cum!" she announced, and a few moments later she would arch her back and groan, now grinding on his lap while her inner walls spasmed around him, making not inconsiderable efforts to finally milk Pan of his release. He could have let himself go right then and there if he so wished, but if he kept his discipline he could also elect to outlast Orgrosh and, perhaps, put her into a position where he could be the one in control...
Pan grunted as Orgrosh continued ride him. Something about being in a different position felt like a piece of food stuck in his teeth. Not painful but uncomfortable. He tried to move against her with limited success. The feeling continued until something clicked, like a piece falling into a puzzle, making it clear where you needed to go from there. He grabbed her hips, his fingers sinking into her flesh, invigorated and enlightened into this kind of dance. He slammed deeply into Orgrosh, pushing like some sort of sexual tyrannosaurus... on its back... okay, it's not a great simile. When he came at the same instant as Orgrosh, he felt himself somehow grow stronger. "Why don't we try somewhere else now?" He lifted her at the same time he pulled out, than angled for her crotch.
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Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a demon and two faeries, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, Aroused, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, Aroused, Pregnant with a demon and a faerie

Tentacle beast 1, dead
Tentacle beast 2, dead
Tentacle beast 3, dead
Tentacle beast 4, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 5, disintegrated
Tentacle beast 6, disintegrated

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

How Knocked Up is that Orc: Twins for now, one of each.

The first splash of Pan's potent seed into her fertile depths had Orgrosh cumming even harder, milking him of every drop of his genetic gift and drawing as much of it as possible directly into her waiting womb. Orcs were renowned for their fecundity, male and female alike, and his ovulation inducing biology ensured that a pair of her eggs were waiting when his legions of swimmers flooded her deepest reaches to claim them. "Uuuughhhnnn! Ohhhh, ohhhh yeeeeaaaahhhh.... Oooooohhhh FFFFUCK! Nnnnn.... Ooohhh..." Orgrosh groaned in bliss, and as he shifted positions she would shift with him and grind herself into his lap, clearly vectoring to keep going for a second round but allowing him to pick the position now.
Pan, with no way of knowing that the orc had gotten pregnant (also unlikely to care), pushed Orgrosh down while he gained stood up to pound her doggy-style. Yeah, he had let her have his fun but now it was his turn. He initially just let her have it without interruption but the jiggling of her ass soon intrigued him. He pushed himself back and began spanking her ass, watching her skin change color. "Fuck, you are a slutty orc. Did all of that sex with your friend make you this sensitive?"
Pan: HP = 44/55, PP = 68, EP = 84/111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Pregnant with a demon and two faeries, Water/Entropy/Fire mage, spent 4 EP, Aroused, Naked

Orgrosh, Fine, Aroused, Pregnant with a demon and a faerie

none atm

The Village of Carcaver
Aubrey, tavern maid, knocked up with twins, one demonic and one faerie
Witch, apothecary, unpopular
Huntmistress of Sivicine
Acolyte 1, red haired half elf with slim build
Acolyte 2
Acolyte 3
Stormseer, beardman McWizardWarrior
Acolyte of Doraleous, female

Diamond Hills
Evil, Experimenting Witch Her Magically Distorted Voice
-Tentacle Beasts
-Generic Goons
-Netrixa's 3 Classmates

Only dis pear currently.

Orgrosh splayed out, folding her hands in front of her to rest her chin on while keeping her bubbly ass raised high. She yelped at the first firm smack, which added further jiggle to her already fairly bouncy backside. "Nnnhhh... You're just SO BIGGGG!" she groaned, still bucking her hips back to encourage him to keep fucking her, doing so even if Pan wasn't moving other than to smack her ass. The harder he pounded her, the more she seemed to enjoy it, and the even more lust-delirious Netrixa crawled over nibble on Pan's neck, eagerly awaiting her own second round by all appearances. Pink crept into Orgrosh's rear in the form of his handprint as he continued to spank her, but she hardly seemed to mind the pain.
"Thanks. I do my best." He relaxed just a little, getting his breath back and letting the ladies do the work. He rubbed the handprints on Ogrosh's ass and but resisted the urge to post. Considering the universe they lived in and her partner, bigger was just a parlor trick. When Netrixa let her desires be known, he patted her head "Well, if you can convince Orgrosh to give up my cock, you can have another round." I mean, he could grow a second one but handling Orgrosh was hard enough. After getting a bit of a breather, grabbed her ass with both hands, enjoying the feeling of the skin beneath his hands.