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Growing Legacies (dragoon93041)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Pan: HP = 55, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

Much as chaos might flow through his very veins, chaos flowed from Pan's soul as well. Leaving the demonic brothel in which he had been born had been partly driven by that, and since his departure Pan had enjoyed a relatively lax journey in which he had had a few easy fights and managed to spread his seed a fair few times before ending up where he was.

Meres was a small city located to the West of Therion, located on the shore of a lake, the sprawling crystalline lake Emsdon. Relatively safe from the orc war, wealthy, often holding plenty of travelers, a healthy competitive fighting area, and likely plenty of lonely housewives missing husbands who had gone off to fight alongside their peers from Therion; there were plentiful opportunities there that might let him hone his skills and meet a few new prospective breeders to carry inheritors of his soon-to-be-divine lineage. The road leading to it had been fairly boring so far, and but he had a choice as to how quickly he wanted to try and get to the city; he could take any of a number of detours.

There was a crossroads up ahead, a sign directing him towards Carcavers, a smaller town that would be a much shorter walk if he wanted to find a bed sooner rather than later; getting to Meres would take until sometime in the night, while he could see the town's border off in the distance much more clearly. Another sign, this one pointing to the Northeast, would take him to Diamond Hills, a mining community judging by what little he'd heard of it.

There was a girl standing at the crossroads, staring up at the sign and pointing at her chin. She was an unusual sight, at least by mortal standards; light blue hair drawn into twin tails that dangled down to her hips, a colorful red and blue jacket with gold trim that left her midriff and shoulders exposed and ended under her breasts, similarly colored shorts, white leggings and a top that left a lot of cleavage on display... She had creamy skin, but her face was painted a paler shade with red and blue eyeliner. The girl bobbed back and forth on the balls of her feet, eyeing the sign as if unsure as to which way to go, having not yet noticed Pan's approach.
Pan walked towards the crossroads, humming to himself. He had forgotten the lyrics to the song he was humming and he didn't remember the tune quite right but he didn't let that stop him. He had enjoyed that song that the bard had told and was going to get all the mileage he could out of it. He had a spring in his step, using his staff as a walking stick. The crossroads up ahead would prove to be interesting... but Pan was of course much more drawn to the girl. Maybe she was ready to receive the blessings of a soon-to-be god? "Ho there!" he called, waving. He quickly stepped up to the girl, smiling. "Another traveler? What seems to be the problem, my lady?" He had assumed his base form, so he looked to be a seasoned traveler, even if he wasn't.
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Pan: HP = 55, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

The girl, at the sound of Pan's voice, bent over backwards to look at him in an impressive display of balance that also happened to give him an even better view down her shirt, leaving him staring down her cleavage for a moment before she broke out into a grin and straightened up. Giving a dramatic spin on the spot that offered quite a bit of jiggle to her fairly large chest, she began rocking back and forth even more enthusiastically while calling back; "Hiya there stranger! I'm just not sure where tah go! You got any ideas?"
With her interesting choice of coloring and odd movements, Pan began to think that the girl before him might be more than she seemed. Not that he minded the view, quite the contrary. Still, it wouldn't do for him to be sucker punched by a simple succubus so Pan kept his guard up and wits about him. "I don't really know, myself, I'm new to the area. Heading straight for Meres would take too long and I would miss the chance to explore so maybe I'll visit Carcavers first. I would welcome a travelling companion if you wished to go with me. My name is Pan, can I hear your name?" Going to Carcavers would also leave him with some time to wander the town. His current goal, vague as it is, is to seek out those of knowledge who may be able to either give him the information of gods and their births directly or at least to point him in the direction of those who do know of such things.
Pan: HP = 55, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

Netrixa Bound 81

Perception: -1 success... Them ones.

Grapple: 81, Netr

"Oooh, yer an explorer? I always wanted tah be an explorer!" the strange girl replied excitedly. Siddling up next to him, she slipped an arm under his elbow and tugged it securely next to her, locking them together. "Pleasure tah meet 'cha Pan, I'm Netrixa! Nettie to my friends!" she said brightly, turning towards the nearer town. "Yah wants some free advice? Course ya do, who doesn't? Don't go takin that North road, nothin' at all worth seein' up there! Just came from that way, boy was it a drag, lemme tell ya!"

She would make to set off towards Carcavers immediately, making to pull Pan along with her. "It's an awwwwful place down there. Not the mines, the place that I came from! Awful frickin room service, the staff were just... Murderous, an' the food! Hooo boy lemme tell YOU about the food!" she seemed happy to have someone to gripe to even if Pan didn't bother to engage in any form of active listening, but only very insistent interruptions would get her to stop lambasting wherever she'd come from, albeit without ever dropping any specific hints. His suspicions that she might be a succubus were given credence, though not confirmation, by a few moments of close proximity; she had the sweet, alluring scent of unnatural pheromones, the allure that could easily put a man off guard if he wasn't mindful. That didn't mean that she was out for his energy necessarily, but it made it likely that she was either corrupted or of supernatural origins herself.

Netrixa's scent, willingness to let him stare at her chest, and constant chatter were fairly distracting, however, and so when a net suddenly launched itself over her and cut off the start of another sentence when they were about halfway to town, Pan was left shocked as his new traveling companion was ripped from his arm and left squirming on the ground. "Get... Gerrof! Get me outta here! What gives!?"

The one who had launched the net was already fairly clear, a turn of his head would see him staring down a blank eyed man holding a net gun. He - and the two men carrying truncheons that emerged from the trees beside him - looked as if someone had deliberately made an effort to erase all identifying features from them. They were all bald, all had blank expressions and slightly paler than average skin, heavy bags under their eyes, and wore the same clothing; a dull grey shirt and black trousers. None of the three said anything, and instead were simply advancing towards Pan and the recently netted Netrixa silently but with apparent purpose for men with so little passion evident in their expressions.
Pan was happy to listen and the pheremones didn't bother him in the slightest, after all, he had them too so fair's fair, right? And his travelling companions other assets more than made up for any annoyance Pan might have felt. Her complaining somewhat reminded him of the early days of listening to Xaos, when the daemon was still getting all his gripes about other demons and "nature's way" off his... well he didn't have a chest so spines. "You know, though, now you've got me curious. I'm going to make sure to visit there before I go to Meres, if only to see how bad the food is."

He was happily chatting with Netrixa when she was ripped away from his arm. He was completely taken off guard but immediately took out his quarterstaff. After all, no one with any good intentions would have done such a thing. When he saw the thugs, he was a bit confused. What, had someone created a generic human, then just copied him? One he could have understood, a fellow shapeshifter might have wanted to take a form with no interesting qualities for whatever reason, but three... that either meant three shapeshifters (unlikely) or something very odd was going on. Their odd mannerisms also helped enforce the conclusion.

It would be easier to figure out these things after Pan had finished whacking them over the head with his trusty quarterstaff. He cracked his neck as his body began to shift and muscles began to grow at an alarming pace. One arm grew larger immediately but the other arm took a little while to become the same. It was painful but that was the way of things, you paid a price for power. Considering that the thugs may attempt to just hold him down while they dragged away his companion, he started combat by activating Enhance Shell with 3 EP (X=5 but Mastery of Spirit makes activations of buffs cost 2 less) and choosing to make himself better at grappling (Soul's Strength making the 2X bonus to grappling into 3X). He will also make himself better at combat overall and make his skin incredibly tough (Soul Strength 2nd option, increasing the upkeep by 3 in order to increase his attack, AV, and damage to 4X). He'll stay where he is for now, awaiting the thugs.

(Upkeep is currently 0)
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Pan: HP = 35/55, PP = 68, EP = 108/111, Status = Fine, Enhance Shell X = 5 (+10 Overrun/Bull Rush/Swim, +15 attack/damage/AV/Grapple, +5 Speed) Upkeep = 3 EP, 2 HP

Netrixa Bound 81

Attacks: 68, 68, 63 vs Pan's 52, goes down to 47, then 42, all three hit anyway.
Damage: 27, 27, 29, he has 6 + 15 for 21 AV, so he takes 6 + 6 + 8 = 20 damage.

"You are not a patient," one of the plain men said in a perfect monotone, "stand aside or be detained." They advanced at an even steady pace, walking in near-perfect synchronization. The middle one with the net gun dropped it and drew a cudgel as well as they stepped forward, and when the newly enhanced Pan proved unwilling to step out of their way the started moving faster. They were extremely direct, but also quicker than he may have expected when they closed in and started swinging their cudgels at him. They were artless and simple, but surprisingly strong as they clubbed at him, slamming their weapons powerfully but without aiming for anywhere particularly vulnerable; the blows hurt as they got past his guard, but they didn't cripple him like they might have been able to if they'd been more skilled.
"Well, that confirms that something very odd is going on." Pan took the blows the best he could as he activated a second power, Regenesis, as a buff with X=8 (Upkeep will equal 0. 8-1 from skill - 1 from class -3 from synergy with enhanced shell - 3 from efficient wielder). His injuries healed so fast it was hard to tell whether he had ever had them. "Out of curiosity, Netrixa, do you have any, ugh, ideas of what they are talking about? These gentlemen seem to want to have something to do with you." When he got a chance, he would begin to strike out against his foes.
Pan: HP = 40/55, PP = 68, EP = 108/111, Status = Fine, Enhance Shell X = 5 (+10 Overrun/Bull Rush/Swim, +15 attack/damage/AV/Grapple, +5 Speed) Regenesis X = 8 (regain 48 HP per round) Upkeep = 0

Netrixa Bound 81

Pan activates Regenesis.

Attacks: 69, 48 and a near-miss that can only deliver a min damage glancing blow, 64 vs Pan's 52, goes down to 47, then 42, two hits and a glance.
Damage: 27, 24, 27, he has 6 + 15 for 21 AV, so he takes 6 + 3 + 6 = 15 damage.

The trio seemed not to even notice that the little damage their clumsy swings had done had already been healed, and they continued their basic, reckless assault, battering him with clubs. One's was so simple that it barely even clipped him, but it still left a bruise, albeit a bruise that would heal almost instantly. "They're... Gnnfff... The room service!" Netrixa replied, still struggling ineffectually to get out of the net that she'd been caught in. She seemed unable to get free without help, but Pan was busy with the three men apparently trying to drag her off at the moment.
"The room service, eh? They sure, ugh, seem to want to go the distance, coming all this way!" Now Pan decided to start kicking ass, smacking the thugs down with his quarterstaff. With his thickened skin and healing, there was no way these... things were going to beat him. All that he needed to do now was smack them around a bit.
Pan: HP = 55/55, PP = 68, EP = 100/111, Status = Fine, Enhance Shell X = 5 (+10 Overrun/Bull Rush/Swim, +15 attack/damage/AV/Grapple, +5 Speed) Regenesis X = 8 (regain 48 HP per round) Upkeep = 0

Netrixa Bound 81

Pan bonks: 59 vs 38, hit.
Damage: 11 + 16 + 15 - 15 = 27 damage.

Their Attack: Hit, glance, hit.
Damage: 28, 24, 27, so 7 + 3 + 6 = 16 damage.

They're going to retreat after he knocks out the first one, at which point he gains 2 XP.

"They... Gnnn! Hate ta see ya leave!" Netrixa shot back while Pan began the arduous task of beating off the attacking men. What little harm they did cause to him healed almost instantaneously, but when he started hitting them back he found that even his enhanced strength barely seemed to make them flinch. Hammering a blow with his quarterstaff on one of them only caused them to shrug their head down with the force of the blow, not even blinking despite the power of the hit. They began essentially trading hits, Pan taking a stream of blows from their clubs that healed up immediately while he pounded one of them with repeated blows from his staff, none of them showing any signs of pain or fatigue. Despite their apparent durability, he was regenerating and they weren't, so after a stream of blows one of them would go down and stay down, and when he did the other two would pause.

"Reevaluating... Retreat! Unknown obstacle! Reassess!" one of the men attacking them declared, and both immediately turned and began running, one scooping up the net launcher on the way. They left Pan, their fallen comrade, and the still net'd Netrixa behind, who shouted; "Yeah, run yah lousy bums! Yeeeaaah, nice! Now can yah get me outta this dumb net?"
Annoying. And definitely out of the ordinary. Yeah, he had toughened himself up but enhancing himself like this and taking blows still hurt, even if he was able to healing up immediately. After they had retreated, Pan looked over at Netrixa, still bound by the net. Yes, there was something to be done... but talking came first. "Dum dee dum... you know, maybe we should talk a little Netrixa? Maybe about what those guys were and what's in Diamond Hills?" He walked over to the fallen thug(?). He examined him, testing his weight by trying to roll him over to take a better look at his front. "I've heard stories similar to this, you know the type. Town out in the boondocks housing some kind of mad mage, doing experiments that if he was caught doing would be frowned upon. Maybe you've had a closer experience?"
Pan: HP = 55/55, PP = 68, EP = 100/111, Status = Fine, Enhance Shell X = 5 (+10 Overrun/Bull Rush/Swim, +15 attack/damage/AV/Grapple, +5 Speed) Regenesis X = 8 (regain 48 HP per round) Upkeep = 0

Netrixa Bound 81

(Also to be clear; it took 4 hits total at around the damage of the first one to KO the guy.)

"Awww, c'mooon! I've had enough a' bondage!" Netrixa replied, before clapping a hand over her mouth in exasperation. The fallen man was fairly heavy, and when Pan rolled him over the initial estimation of him held up. He looked like a regular man, with normal but forgettable features.

"Well, it's not a TOWN so much... Just errr... An asylum. It is out in the boondocks though! Booooring! It took forever to get 'em to let me go out, an' another forever to manage slippin' away! I was sick of bein' a lab rat and a dairy cow for that witch, alright? Now will you let me outta here?"
Pan tried to see what the man's condition was (unconscious or dead) by listening for a heartbeat. Either way, first he had to help his companion. "Enough bondage? What a strange idea." He grinned but began to let her out, only occasionally giving her breasts a quick squeeze to check out the "dairy cow" part of her story. When she got up, he would grab her around the waist with one arm from behind. "So now we are at another crossroads... we could go and make sure you don't have to be looking over your shoulder every day and then have some fun or we could get the fun part over with first. Which one is more your style?" He said this with an entirely straight face.
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Pan: HP = 55/55, PP = 68, EP = 100/111, Status = Fine, Enhance Shell X = 5 (+10 Overrun/Bull Rush/Swim, +15 attack/damage/AV/Grapple, +5 Speed) Regenesis X = 8 (regain 48 HP per round) Upkeep = 0

Netrixa Fine just fine

Medicine: 1 success with a lot of 2s

The man was only unconscious, as far as he could tell. At least assuming that Pan hadn't been striking deliberately to kill. Whether he would survive the beating on his own might or might not have been another story; a normal man would probably be in trouble but could recover with some help. Whether or not this guy would follow the same rules, however...

"Yeah, enough bondage! Too, too much of it! I been tied up enough for one lifetime!"

When he turned his attention to Netrixa, Pan would find that the off-hand comment about being used as a cow was perhaps less symbolic. A squeeze not only caused her to give a pleasured whimper at even the slightest touch, but caused slight wetness to appear where her hardened nipples visibly poked through the thin barrier of her undershirt. It would take barely a tug to pull her top down and expose Netrixa's chest entirely, allowing him to see the pearly droplets that were forming as he "accidentally" squeezed her breasts while trying to free her. Perhaps notably, squeezing her chest seemed to cause her to tense up and distract her from her efforts to get out of the net.

After a few moments of work, she would begin to stand and dust herself off only for Pan to wrap an arm around her waist from behind. She stiffened a bit in surprise, but relaxed quickly, perhaps just rattled from the recent netting. "Fun? Over with?" she replied mirthfully, "who would ever want fun to be over with?" Reaching back and putting an arm around the back of his neck to draw him in a bit closer, she would lean back and look up at him, smirking. "I only just got out! I want LOTS a' fun! Besides, goin' back that way don't sound like too much fun unless yer talkin' bout torchin' the joint! I'd be down for that, but even if you were WAY too tough for those dumb goons, ya really think the two of us could manage that all on our lonesome?" It was hard to tell whether or not she'd understood his innuendo.
"Well, torching it was the idea, yes, but you make a good point. We'll see if we can't find some angry villagers with torches and pitchforks, maybe some guards, to help us, but first... fun times ahead." He moved his free hands to her exposed breasts and began milking them. After all, what would one do with a cow but milk it? Oh and fuck it too but let's not get weird. His hands moved quickly, kneeding her breasts first, then giving his nipples a little squirt. While performing foreplay, he changed his body little by little, making his skin softer to make them feel better when moving across her massive breasts (Soft Skin x2). He also increased the size of his member, getting ready for the main show (Large x2, Stretching).
Pan: HP = 55/55, PP = 68, EP = 100/111, Status = Fine, Enhance Shell X = 5 (+10 Overrun/Bull Rush/Swim, +15 attack/damage/AV/Grapple, +5 Speed) Regenesis X = 8 (regain 48 HP per round) Upkeep = 0

Netrixa Fine just fine

"A real classical kinda guy, huh?" Netrixa replied teasingly before Pan's hands started on her breasts. She moaned and leaned back into him as his hands pressured her large, soft orbs, and he could feel her shudder and the wet spots in her shirt grow as he kneaded her chest. "Oh, you mean that kinda fun... Hnn... You got a big set a' balls just - hahn! Goin for it like this... Oooohhhhhh..." It would only take a little tug down to free her breasts entirely, leaving her pink peaks exposed, and any tugs would both cause the girl to let out a blissful moan and a small squirt of glowing milk to erupt from her chest and dribble down the curve of her breast.

"Nnnnn, easy there - hnn - b-big guy," she would murmur after letting him grope her for a few moments, "we're kinda exposed h-here, don'tcha think?" One of her hands slipped back, seeking to rub his growing and magically enhanced erection, and she groaned again in surprise when she felt how big he was.
"Of course I do. I'm Pan. I grew up with this kind of fun." He groaned in pleasure as he felt her hand rubbing him and increased the pressure on her breasts. "And if we want some privacy, well..." He let go suddenly, pulling her off the trail and finding some glade where they could have their fun without being out in the open. He was open to that kind of situation but didn't particularly have a fetish for it. He pulled aside his clothes, which were made just for these kind of situations and pushed down her pants to get a hand in, seeing what kind of changes had been made to her lower areas. "Not only milk but it's glowing... that witch must have been quite the weirdo."
Pan: HP = 55/55, PP = 68, EP = 100/111, Status = Fine, Enhance Shell X = 5 (+10 Overrun/Bull Rush/Swim, +15 attack/damage/AV/Grapple, +5 Speed) Regenesis X = 8 (regain 48 HP per round) Upkeep = 0

Netrixa Fine just fine

"Wah!" Netrixa stumbled backwards as Pan suddenly backed away from her, nearly falling on her butt, and hastily made to readjust her top to regain some decency as he pulled her off of the road. After a minute or two of wandering through the trees, they came upon a small clearing where they could have both privacy and plenty of room.

"This is better - woah! You ARE hung! That's - hey! W-what's the rush?" The removal first of his clothes, and then her shorts - she was wearing a simple pair of white undergarments that were showing a mild wet spot - caught Netrixa by surprise. There didn't seem to be anything unusual about her down below, but her curvy figure wasn't just in her chest; Netrixa had wide hips and a bubbly round rear. "Yeah, she was!" Netrixa said, somewhat taken aback but nonetheless taking off her jacket and kicking out of her shorts and undergarments, leaving her only in the leggings and top. "I dunno, she said she wanted an energy source, and I was it I guess... Somethin' about quicker top offs 'cause of this," she said, reaching up to tug down one side of her shirt and tug one of her breasts, closing one eye and giving a pleasured murmur while demonstrating another light squirt of her milk.
"No rush... alright." Pan moves around to face Netrixa. "I guess I'll start with this. I mean, it is interesting." Cradling her ass in his hands, he moved his head downward to take a good suckle on Netrixa's breasts, making himself a little shorter to make it easier on them both. Several of the women working in the brothel had this kind of breast milk if he was right. They got paid pretty well just to fill up some bottles while they amused themselves in other ways. Of course, there were the girls who refused... the basement was one of the places Pan had avoided. Those who lost their minds or were entrapped by the place were often kept down there and just used and he had found that to be wrong somehow.