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Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Had the bloody visage involved any other kind of blood, it may have disturbed Kali a bit more than it had. Having clearly belonged to the alien however, somehow lessened it's impact in her eyes. Merely appearing... unclean, rather than as macabre as it might have otherwise been. As Raith goes about cleaning up a bit, Kali would vocally note her suspicion that they might well be approaching the tower. She also mentally noted the fresh captives, furrowing her brow at the foul thought of them swelling the enemies numbers.

"At least three." She would answer upon Raith's query as to the number of Hunters sighted, pointing out one, and trying to gauge their formation if there should truly be four so not to count any twice or dismiss any pairs. "Look, there by the corner, it just moved out. If they don't change path they'll be here soon."

Anticipating their arrival Kali's first thought was that she had to evacuate this tower as soon as possible. Before she could get up and go however, the atypical presence of the woman perched next to her gave her pause. What was the best plan here? Together, she hazarded the thought that they might be able to swiftly dispatch these beasts right now. Perhaps prevent having to deal with the new spawn that would inevitably result if they were allowed to keep those captives. Three, maybe four reptiles, a grabber and a couple of slimes. The latter types she knew well to be slow and vulnerable out in the open. The real question was how long it would take the shift skins to realise their location and reach it, assuming they chose to leave the rest behind.

She grumbles audibly at her uncertainty, tilting her gaze very slightly towards Raith to speak in a fast and businesslike fashion. "Attack now or latter? Good angle, but no escape routes. I can set minor flash traps on the stairs. We could take out two of the lizards before they can react."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"We'd best be careful then. I'm pretty sure that the one up here wasn't with them, unless it passed me on my way here." Raith pulled her sniper rifle off of her back and looked through the scope, counting the number of targets in the main group. She kept her finger away from the trigger, and didn't look for too long lest the glint off her scope catch someone's attention, but as she looked over the terrain she came to a silent agreement with Kali. They were, for whatever reason, heading right here. Joy.

Lowering her weapon, she turned to Kali and said; "We wouldn't be able to escape if there were too many to handle, but they don't seem to have any casters and there aren't that many. We can take them down from up here, and even if we don't get them all we could probably hold off whatever comes up the stairs so long as we're careful. I'll keep an eye on these guys, and when you're ready you come over and pick your first target. I've got the hunter leading the main group."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Hovering in thought for a short few seconds, Kali eventually responds with a minute rapid nod and an affirmation of, "Alright. I'll be quick." said ducking out below the window and swiftly moving off towards the stairs. Stopping at the landing to make a quick check that the stairwell was still clear, she would then descend roughly half way down the steps to set her first trap. Placed upon the wall at around eye level. Proceeding to head back up to leave another pair of the traps at around two thirds of the way up, one on the steps this time, and the last on the wall again.

With these small defences in place she would hurry back up to the top and take position at a window capable of overlooking the targets. Re-familiarising herself with their position she would lower her rifle, pulling back a sandy coloured fabric dust cover from the barrel and resting it against the window ledge. Keeping herself back from the window opening itself and ensuring the barrel didn't protrude visibly from the tower. The abnormal presence and assistance of Raith caught her out again as she realised she needed to inform her unexpected partner of her intended target. "I'll take the hunter at the rear. Ready?"

[Set 3 Flash Mine Traps (Ball, Trap)

Get ready for shot/take shot using
-'Deadly Aim' (Full 10 points trade), 'Called Shot' and 'Far Shot' (if required)]
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

As Kali set about setting her traps, Raith found herself a decent hiding spot that would allow her to overlook the ruined city below them and activated her natural camouflage, both herself and her gear practically vanishing on the spot as the magical tattoos came into effect. When Kali came back up, she would be hard pressed to find Raith at all, but the cloaked su-ku-ta whispered the condition of the approaching enemies in order to alert the other girl to her presence. Once she was in position and had chosen her target, they were ready to get started with Raith's favorite part, and the assassin licked her lips in anticipation for the oncoming violence.

"Affirmative, acquiring target..." Raith quietly said back, keeping her voice low to keep it from carrying. Looking through her scope at the all but invisible form of the hunter, Raith sighted one the beast's heart carefully, knowing that the chest was more reliable target at this range, particularly when the target was only barely visible. "Target acquired, let me know when you're ready. We'll fire on my mark," Raith continued as she maintained her shot. Though it hadn't been a core part of her training, she'd been taught how to work with another sniper and fell back into that training smoothly.

When Kali announced her readyness, Raith quietly began to count down from three; "Three.... Two.... One.... Mark!" Raith squeezed the trigger of her rifle halfway through the word, sending a bullet right at the targeted hunter's heart.

Barring any conditional modifiers, Stealth = 31, Perception = 32.

Raith pulls out her rifle and fires at the appropriate time, using Called Shot and 10 points of Deadly Aim. Also Far Shot if needed.
Sneak attack makes it an auto hit, but if detected
Attack = 66 + 10 = 76

Damage: (4d10 + 21 + 10) * 2, doubled if the attack is a sneak attack.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Clean enough
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Cautious
Kali sets 3x Flash Mine
Casting: Auto-success

Raith bides her time...

Enemies forces continue to approach...

Raith attacks Hunter1
--- To-Hit: Auto-success
--- Damage: More than enough, DEAD

Kali attacks Hunter2
--- To-Hit: Auto-success
--- Damage: Another one, DEAD

Hunter3 runs inside
Hunter4 is still hidden
Slime1 drags its victim closer
Slime2 drags its victim closer
A.Grabber drops its victim inside

Raith - Sniper Rifle reload count: 3
Kali - Sniper Rifle reload count: 2

With Kali taking the time to set her traps along the tower's stairs Raith was free to watch the approaching enemy. Though their progress was slow the time it took to get those traps laid let them cut through much of the distance, and as Kali started to return the aliens each began to pick up their pace.

But the woman eventually returned, and after another quick look each of the snipers picked their own target. Within a few more moments they each heard their own shot ring out, and as all the invaders looked to the tower they each finally spotted the snipers that lay there. At first all the creatures started dashing forward as one, but a moment later two of the hunters simply collapsed. One of them managed to bring a clawed hand up to his chest, and as it pulled away he found his own dark blood washing over his fingers. It looked like he tried to yell something at his brethren, but all that came up was a sputter of even more blood, and as it finally collapsed onto the ground for good all it could see was the small puddle slowly seeping into the sandy street.

With the other creatures now rushing forward a number of them were suddenly lost from sight. And for good reason. Even if the tower survived the ravages of time and granted them an excellent seat the snipers just couldn't get any angle as the creatures reached the foot. They'd have to lean out if they wanted a clear shot at the lizard or the grabber flying through the entrance. Of course if either one of them turned to defend the staircase they would find them just entering the tower proper, the lizard hissing at the stairway before it started climbing up while the grabber was dropping its catch on the floor before heading toward the middle of the floor for some unknown reason.

With one hunter starting for the stairs it should be reaching the first of the mines any second. But Raith had said something about a fourth lizard, and that one had yet to be seen anywhere. It could be inside, following closely behind its brother, or it could be waiting at the bottom as the tentacled thing started digging into the sand on the floor. It could also be outside keeping watch over the pair of slimes that were still trying to shuffle to safety, the women they held now being dragged on the ground instead of being encased within their mass. But those slimes were still dreadfully slow, and if either sniper chose to attack them right then and there they could before they reached the blind spot. But there was also the question of whether those mines would do much to stop the creatures inside. Perhaps they should focus their firepower on defense instead of trying to pick off the stragglers. But either way they would need to switch weapons soon. It would take some time before their sniper rifles were loaded once again.

Raith - Top of tower - 50 ft
Kali - Top of tower - 50 ft

Trap1 - 25 ft
Trap2 - 35 ft

Hunter3 - on stairs - 10 ft
Hunter4 - unknown
Slime1 - 5 ft from tower
Slime2 - 5 ft from tower
A.Grabber - 0 ft
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith had never been particularly quick to reload. Her instructors had harped on her for it endlessly, but she had never felt the need to hurry considering the fact that she'd always carried a backup weapon, and if they failed she had her knife too. Besides, being hasty was a great way to spoil shots or lodge a rock or a loose casing into the chamber of one's rifle, which were far more costly than an extra few seconds to reload in her eyes. It was in just this sort of situation that her backup rifle came into use, and Raith smoothly rose up from her hiding place and into the center of the tower where they couldn't see her as the invaders rushed for the tower. The angle wouldn't allow for shots from up here, and they'd be well inside before Raith could get another round into her heavy rifle anyway.

And she was quite alright with that as she smoothly skulked over to the entrance to the top of the stairs, not even pausing to whisper to Kara; "Stay out of sight unless you see an opportunity." As she reached the top of the stairs, Raith scanned over the alien creatures quickly as she shouldered the smaller, lighter weapon. She'd have to make her shots count to kill the creatures with it, but so long as she had a clear line of sight such was hardly the most difficult task in the world. She maintained her camouflage as she moved, though such was more difficult given that she was moving more quickly than the tattoos were able to shift the rest of her skin.

Switch to the carbine and move to the top of the stairs.

Stealth = 31, Perception = 32, Dodge = 35, Armor = 5.

Can I get:
The distance to the nearest mine (read: am I in their AoE)
The distance to the nearest hunter
The distance to the grabber
The distance to the slimes
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Kali cursed at how quickly they'd reached the tower. It was a dangerous misjudgement, but she couldn't dwell on that now. Stepping to the side of the window and facing the door she immediately goes about reloading. An action engraved soundly in muscle memory from the countless times she'd performed it. That lizard that broke off first must be on the stairs by now, so she presumed to hear the faint burst of her magical trap any moment now. There wasn't much else she could do but get her rifle ready in time should anything reach the top. The feeling of being trapped nagged at her horribly, but there was no backing out now.

Focusing on the threat below, she watched as Raith moved to watch over the stairs, glad that the cat woman had an alternative weapon on hand. Something that she herself had never picked up.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Ready
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Reloading
Raith switches to Carbine and moves to stairs
Kali reloads her weapon (Count: 1)

Hunter3 runs up and triggers Trap1
--- Damage: 2 + 1 + 16/8 + 2 - 8 = 0
------ Blind: 22 + 5 = 27 vs 29 = 9 + 20 BLIND
Hunter4 activates Trap2 and Trap3
--- Damage (Trap2): 6 + 1 + 16/8 + 2 - 8 = 3
------ Blind: 22 + 15 = 37 vs 29 = 9 + 20 RESIST
--- Damage (Trap3): 4 + 1 + 16/8 + 2 - 8 = 1
------ Blind: 22 + 11 = 33 vs 40 = 20 + 20 BLIND
A.Grabber starts digging
Slime1 drops its hostage and joins A.Grabber in digging
Slime2 drops its hostage and joins A.Grabber in digging

Raith - Sniper Rifle reload count: 3
Kali - Sniper Rifle reload count: 1

With Raith switching weapons and Kali reloading her own there was nothing much the two snipers could do to stop the enemy advance. The hunter seemed to pick up on this, and he started barreling up the stairs three steps at a time. Even with the winding staircase not giving him a clear shot he was making good time, but that all changed in an instant. The moment a clawed foot landed near the mine a bright burst flashed through the tower. The lizard let out a surprised screech, and though it looked no worse than before the slightly unfocused look in its eye said it all. The creature was blinded.

But a few moments later the second and third traps that were placed were triggered. With the pair so close to each other it created a more intense flare, and when it finally cleared another hunter could be seen covering its eyes. Unlike its brother it looked like it actually took some damage from the mines, but even with its scaled hide crisped it still appeared relatively unharmed. But the frustrated growl it let loose said it was suffering, and once it placed a hand on the wall and used that to steady itself it would be easy to tell that this one had been blinded as well.

Further down the lone grabber was searching for something on the ground, and after a couple of moments its tentacles started digging through the sand. A couple moments after that the pair of slimes entered, and as they passed the grabber's hostage they simply oozed forward and left their own women lying next to the first. Soon enough the puddles joined the tentacle ball and started shuffling in place. They're actions were a curious thing, especially since there were threats nearby, but with all of them acting as one it wouldn't be long before whatever it was they were searching for would be unearthed.

Raith - Top of tower - 50 ft
Kali - Top of tower - 50 ft

Hunter3 - uninjured, Blind - on stairs (20 ft)
Hunter4 - slightly singed, Blind - on stairs (30 ft)
Slime1 - uninjured, digging - tower floor (0 ft)
Slime2 - uninjured, digging - tower floor (0 ft)
A.Grabber - 0 ft - uninjured, digging - tower floor (0 ft)
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Seeing the two flashes Kali knew that her traps had been set off, but more importantly, that the enemy had already made it a worrying distance up the tower. Without any way of knowing she could only pray that her simple spells had been effective. 'Damnit. Never should have fooled myself into getting cornered like this. This was a reckless idea Kali...'

With nothing else to do but finish reloading she hopes that Raith is able to deal out some effective punishment to their foes.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Kali's traps had seemingly done the trick quite nicely, as not only was the first hunter stopped in his tracks and blinded, but a second that was not only blinded but singed by the dual explosion. That left her with two easy targets, and three that weren't even paying her any attention. The world around Raith slowed as she raised her carbine up to her shoulder and took aim. Every muscle in her body tensed save for those in her arms as she took aim upon the creatures one after another within her mind, the careful study that she required to pull off this particular move taking more time than she'd like, but the results would speak for themselves. Assuming she hit her mark, of course.

The assassin smirked as she sighted her first target, the nearest of the hunters and the most obvious threat to her at the moment. Then the next target appeared in her mind, her motions already planned out as she prepared her muscles to enact them. The other lizardman was her second target, followed by the three creatures at the bottom of the tower. Though she probably didn't want them digging up whatever they were looking for, Raith knew that she would have to kill the hunters first.

Her sights centered on the hunter's head, Raith squeezed the trigger and relaxed, the action embedded into her muscle memory. Before the action of her gun had even finished chambering the next round she was moving, aiming for her next target. Shot after shot, the two hunters taking rounds to the head while the creatures below, bereft of anatomy for her to strike, simply got shots through whichever area provided the most flesh for the lighter rounds of her carbine to tear through.

Raith uses full rapid shot for 5 attacks, called shot, and deadly aim for 10. Raith acts last in the turn, cannot move, uses far shot to hit the ones too far away, and takes a -20 penalty to Dodge total. I call this move "The Call of Duty Aimbot Mode."

Attacks: 66 + 10 - 16 = 60, 56 against targets more than 30 feet away.
Damage per shot: 2x (2d8 + 24 - 4 + 10) or just 2x (2d8 + 30)

Targets are, in this order: Hunter 4, Hunter 3, Adult Grabber, Slime 1, Slime 2.

Stealth = 31, Perception = 32, Dodge = 15, Armor = 5, Resistance = 23.

A note in case she gets grappled: She can still shoot all of the creatures so long as she wins the grapple check, and she only needs to win it once, but she'd take a -10 penalty to attack rolls.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Headshot!
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Ready!
Kali reloads her weapon (Ready!)

Hunter3 runs up the stairs
--- Position: 40
Hunter4 runs closer but a bit more cautiously (1.5x Speed)
--- Position: 45
Slime1 keeps digging
Slime2 keeps digging
A.Grabber keeps digging

Raith becomes the Aimbot
--- Attack (Hunter3): More than enough
------ Damage: 2(3 + 7 + 30) = 80 DEAD
--- Attack (Hunter4): Can't miss
------ Damage: 2(4 + 1 + 30) = 70 DEAD
--- Attack (A.Grabber): Still can't miss even as far as it is
------ Damage: 2(6 + 2 + 30) = 76 DEAD
--- Attack (Slime1): This isn't even fair...
------ Damage: 2(2 + 2 + 30) = 68 initial
--------- Damage Reduction 1/2: (68 - 8)/2 + 8 = 38
--- Attack (Slime2): Give them a sporting chance!
------ Damage: 2(3 + 8 + 30) = 82 initial
--------- Damage Reduction 1/2: (82 - 8)/2 + 8 = 45

While Kali continued the arduous process of reloading her rifle she could only sit and watch as the two lizards shook off the momentary stun from being blinded and started climbing once again. Their stride let carried them up the stairs, each bound nearly making them leap as they pass close enough to actually see the women even blinded as they are, and as the first one slows to allow his partner to catch up the rather feral grin reveals a set of rather feral looking teeth while their eyes say they're going to enjoy treating these kittens some humility.

But that little bit of extra distance only made it that much easier. Their heads may have well been painted targets. Her rifle followed each step, and once she was ready a loud crack was all that was heard before half of the creature's skull simply disappeared. The missing half reappeared a moment later as bits and pieces of flesh and bone painted the wall of the tower a rather sickeningly dark swath of red, and a moment later a second streak decided to join the first. What was left of the hunters simply collapsed on the stairs, one of the bodies starting to roll back down while another stubbornly clung to the edge before finally tipping just enough to fall to the floor below.

The other three probably would have been surprised to find a body landing in their midst, but before the dead hunter could land Raith had already swung her weapon down and let another volley loose. The three bullets shot by the airborne corpse and drilled through each of their softer targets. The grabber looked like it would collapse into itself before toppling over to its side, but the slimes themselves appeared to be more resilient. Even when each shot bore a hole into each puddle and left a noticeable track that refused to close the hot lead didn't quite make it clean through. In fact the small monsters just let the bullet be, the casing starting to roll around within their mass as the creatures started moving toward their discarded prizes.

And this was definitely a cause for concern. While Kali was watching she noticed that the grabber had managed to catch something, and soon enough the twin puddles joined in and started lifting as one. A section of the floor actually rose out of the sand before Raith destroyed the tentacled abomination, but the pair of slimes managed to lift what looked like a trap door. The remnants of the tower descended further into a dark abyss, and if nothing was done then they would escape into the unknown with the woman they had captured. But they were also moving a little more sluggishly than one would expect, and bits and pieces of their mass lingered as they shuffled across the floor. It shouldn't be too difficult to step them in their tracks.

Raith - Top of tower - 50 ft
--- Sniper Rifle reload count: 3
--- Carbine ammo: 5/10
Kali - Top of tower - 50 ft

Slime1 - trying to reclaim its prize, heavily injured - 0 ft
Slime2 - trying to reclaim its prize, heavily injured - 0 ft
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Three down, two to go. Raith had had no idea that there was anything beneath the tower, but truthfully it didn't come as much of a surprise to her. Ancient ruins like these always had all sorts of secret passageways and the like, but she figured that letting even the unintelligent creatures leave her sight would probably not be a good thing for her or her new partner. The fate of the captives was only a secondary concern compared to that.

Aiming her carbine on the two slimes once more, Raith quickly put a pair of shots through both of them.

Rapid shot for a total of 4 shots, Deadly Aim for 10.

Attacks: 66 + 10 - 12 = 64, 60 against targets more than 30 feet away.
Damage per shot: 2d8 + 24 - 3 + 10 = 2d8 + 31
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Seeing the two hunters reach the top of the stairs and quickly sent back down by expertly placed bullets, Kali having finished reloading her rifle stepped forward to get a propper view down the stairs, catching sight of the trap door swinging open and the slimes attempting to make their escape. Raith and her carbine had certainly made short work of these creatures, giving Kali new thoughts about the value of carrying a better backup of some kind than her knife.

Putting aside thoughts of the trap door until after the fight was finished, she takes aim upon the slimes. Arriving just a little later however she predicted that Raith should be able to dispatch the creatures before she made her shot, and so would wait to fire only if the carbine somehow failed to stop them.

[[Simply shoot any heroic survivor slimes. I don't think any shooting/stealth skills apply here without it meaning they have already escaped. Sudden shot or basic stealth attack if it can apply. Shouldn't matter anyway.]]
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Fine
Raith attacks: Still can't miss
--- Damage (Slime1): 5 + 4 + 31 = 40
------ Damage Reduction 1/2: (40 - 8)/2 + 8 = 24
--- Damage (Slime1): 7 + 6 + 31 = 44
------ Damage Reduction 1/2: (44 - 8)/2 + 8 = 26 DEAD
--- Damage (Slime2): 8 + 2 + 31 = 41
------ Damage Reduction 1/2: (41 - 8)/2 + 8 = 25
--- Damage (Slime2): 8 + 2 + 31 = 41
------ Damage Reduction 1/2: (41 - 8)/2 + 8 = 25 DEAD

Kali gains 4 EXP (2 for the Hunter, 2 for effective traps)
Raith gains 6 EXP (Killing everything else)

A pair of shots rang out for each of the slimes reaching for their victims, and their entire mass seemed to shudder with each hit. For a moment it almost looked like they would continue and pull the woman into the dark depths of beneath the tower, but the last of their cohesion finally gave in and left them simply splashing into a gooey mess that was starting to seep into the sands.

For a few seconds everything was utterly calm. No movement save for the minor dripping of gore on the walls and slime in the sand, and nothing further appeared to lay claim to the unconscious women or to assault the snipers on their perch. The kittens were free to move about and loot the corpses, something which would probably leave Raith as messy as she was before, but there was also that open passage to consider. The aliens had been trying to escape into the safety of whatever lay beneath the tower, and though nothing came up to greet them that didn't mean the suddenly lifted slab would not go unnoticed.

Raith - Top of tower - 50 ft
--- Sniper Rifle reload count: 3
--- Carbine ammo: 1/10
Kali - Top of tower - 50 ft
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith continued to point her almost empty carbine at the two shuddering slimes, knowing that she could kill one of the things at best. Even after they had begun to dissolve into the ground Raith held her rifle on them for another moment, but once they had half dissolved into the sand she lowered her rifle and turned back toward Kali and smiled, her camouflage receding as she offered the faux catgirl a grin and said, "Wanna collect our winnings first, or just see what there is to see down in that hole? Not that I plan on going in there, mind. Even with this thing that's just a little bit too close quarters for me. But the aliens seemed interested in getting down there for some reason, so perhaps there's something interesting!"

As she spoke, Raith pulled back the bolt of her carbine and removed the first empty clip, which she placed into a pocket to be reloaded from spare rounds later. The second she had to jimmy out since there was still a bullet on it, and she wasn't about to waste a shot even for her lighter weapon. That finished, she pulled out two more five round strips and slid them into the top of the rifle one at a time before resetting the bolt, also placing the nearly empty clip into her pocket. The whole process took about ten seconds, but Kali could likely have done it faster as Raith's motions were all careful and slow. With that done she drew out her heavier rifle, one of similar make to the one that Kali had just finished reloading, and started the arduous process of reloading that one as well.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"We should probably just quickly snatch the skins and get out of here before any more turn up. I'm not exactly keen on wandering into a grey lair either." The faux Su-Ku-Ta says beginning to make her way down the stairs without delay. Pausing half way momentarily as she looks over and considers the captive woman now, sighing about the complication. "Tainted. But probably not turned since they were being carried like that." She says looking back up to Raith, before continuing down. Glancing a frown to the unconscious women, wondering if they would wake without too much hassle or not. Though having met with survivors tainted by the greys before, she was wary of them even if they did turn out to still be human. Once touched they always seemed slightly strange. She of course, kept a watchful eye on the trap door also, lest any beasts summoned by the commotion already be on their way up.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Sounds good to me!" Raith said at Kali's comment regarding simply taking their spoils and getting out of here. When the human sniper commented about the captives that their quarry had been carrying, Raith shook her head and said, "Nah, they're still alright. I was trailing the caravan that they were a part of when it got hit, killed a couple of the attackers while they weren't paying attention. Had to sell the bits from my kills for more ammo, damned caravan was barely armed. Near as I can tell, the invaders need to take their catch to their leaders, like the purple slimes, the turned, or the slimy floating fuckers before they can screw with people's heads. I didn't see anything like that among this little raiding party, so they're still human."

Raith, having finished reloading her sniper rifle, stowed it over her back, drew her knife, and set about skinning the hunters with the same brutal efficiency that she'd shown before. She also made sure to grab the tiny solid chunks present in the dissolving slimes and dig the greyhearts out of the tentacled aliens, thoroughly looting their dead foes. After collecting their bounty, Raith handed half to Kali with a smirk, but as she took the items the half-naked su-ku-ta casually asked, "What do you want to do about them?"

Should be 2 hunter skins, 2 slime ambers, 2 greyhearts for the number of enemies that died in the tower. Raith isn't going out to loot the other ones, but Kali's free to if she wants more loot! Raith will gleefully hand over half of this, so one item each.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Purple slime? Never seen one." Kali remarks whilst she keeps watch, crouching to grab up some of the slime amber whilst she does so, and accepting the share that Raith offers her. "Well if we leave them here I'll only have to put a bullet in their skull latter. Gotta get them out of these ruins at least." She replies, stepping over to one of the captives and giving her a few nudging kicks to the shoulder, whilst keeping an eye on the open secret hatch and the entrance to the tower constantly. "Come on you lot, get up already." Should the woman prove hard to wake, a small splash of water or a few small magic flashes of light should do the trick.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Messy
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)
Not really rolls, just saying that there was only 1 Grabber, thus 1 Greyheart.


Raith gains 1x Hunter Skin, 1x Slime Amber
Kali gains 1x Hunter Skin, 1x Slime Amber

Up for grabs:
1x Greyheart
3x Unconscious women

With Raith still showing a bit of the mess from butchering the one lizard while running off to carve up two more perhaps it was a wise decision for Kali to try and wake the piled women. A couple of nudges didn't get an immediate reaction, but after a couple more one of them started to groan and roll onto her back before her eyes fluttered open. She seemed unable to focus on anything for a few seconds, but after adjusting a bit she eventually recognized that there was someone standing over her. She simply stared for a few more seconds, a hand rising to shield her eyes a bit before she finally found her voice. "He...llo?"

Meanwhile Raith finally finished her gruesome work, and she once again looked like a bloody angel of death. With cat ears. But she had her prizes, the skins proving quite valuable to certain parties, and with that out of the way she was free to do what she wanted. There was that giant hole that could prove a problem, but nothing had yet to make so much as a sound. It was clear. There was also the women waking up over to the side. Maybe she could introduce herself.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

(Derp, my bad! Squid can have the greyheart if he wants it.)

Raith sighed as she gazed down at her blood soaked front, wondering if there was a way to skin the creatures without coating herself in their blood in the process. She put away her winnings and withdrew her dirty cloth from her pack, once more wiping as much of the blood off of her skin with it as she could. This time, however, when she was finished she simply chucked the stained thing aside and left it there. She watched the awakening women wearily for a moment before deciding to leave them to Kali, instead looking down into the dark hole that the invaders had uncovered, wondering what was down there.