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Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Those wild and powerful claw swipes were terrifying. The speed and reach on them, not something Kali would have wanted to deal with in a straight fight. But she doesn't let that fear hamper her. With the aid of her invisibilty, she is able to carefully watch each blind swipe and dodge the exact amount needed, watching for the right moment to lash back herself. It was rather... exhilarating, honestly. Alongside the pumping adrenaline, she actually felt a small sense of power over this great lizard. Tiny little Kali'Zhira. It was similar, but still very distinct, to when sniping them.

Opening! She lets her blade fly, and it's sharpness serves her perfectly. Hopping back and getting ready to continue the dance, just in case, she evaluates the strike. She'd done it. The hunter was finished. She quickly wipes her dagger on the small patch of cloth on it's scabbard, and sheaths it. She leaves the hunter behind to paint the desert and makes a beeline in Raith's last heading.

Pulling her rifle round and loosening the sling, she would make chase as fast as she was able to whilst still reloading steadily. Drawing one of her new Hollowpoint rounds from her ammo satchel. She had no idea what an "Elder Lord" looked like, but she was banking on them being as squishy and vile as the rest. She wanted her first round to blow a good hole through the thing. Hearing Raiths call to the sisters however, did give her a reasonable idea of where the beast apparently was.

Double move to chase and start reloading Hollowpoint round. Does Kali need a perception check to spot Raith here?
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility
Kali reloads
--- Sniper Rifle reload count: 1 (Hollow Round)
Kali keeps running: 28 SPD
--- Movement: Straight Line (SPD x2) = 56

Raith warns the women and stops

Sisters split at the warning
--- Kalesi continues moving forward (East): 17 SPD
------ Movement: Full run (SPD x4): 68
--- Zuni gets forced to turn left (North): 10 SPD
------ Movement: Full run (SPD x4): 40
--- Pushra gets forced to turn right (South): 10 SPD
------ Movement: Full run (SPD x4): 40

Elder Lord halts his chase shortly after the sisters split
--- Movement: 8 ft
Elder Lord starts digging to the surface

And the directions are arbitrary. Just labeled them to make it easier for me to visualize.

Kali managed to cover quite a bit of ground while reloading her weapon, and she quite easily heard her companion raise her warning to the three sisters. This also gave her a fine view of what happened next. Upon hearing Raith's shout Kalesi wasted no time in simply grabbing her sisters' shoulders and shoving them both away from her body. "Run!" Though the two stumbled and looked confused they each did as they were told, and once they were free Kalesi poured in a little more effort and gained even more ground. Kali may not have noticed the small mound that signaled the Elder's location Raith found it suddenly slowing once the girls split in three directions, and once it came to the point they parted it simply stopped.

For just one second an almost quiet peace filled the desert. But a deep rumbling broke that peace, and for an instant or two the sands started gathering into a small sink hole right where the Elder lay. Raith was lucky enough to keep her footing, but a moment later the gathered sands started billowing out into the air. A small geyser erupted, the cloud it kicked up washing over the Su-Ku-Ta and revealing her position, and once they started to turn into a small centralized cyclone everyone would understand what was happening. The Elder was making his appearance, just as he did before, and though he had yet to be seen there was no doubt that he would rise any moment now.

Raith - 8 ft West of Elder Lord
Kali - 60 ft West of Elder Lord

Elder Lord - 200 ft from illusion and rocks

Kalesi - 60 ft East of Elder Lord
Zuni - 40 ft North of Elder Lord
Pushra - 40 ft South of Elder Lord

Rocky Outcropping - 400 ft beyond illusion, 200 ft East of Elder Lord
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith's stomach turned even as she struggled to keep her footing, the unstable ground keeping her from backing away from the slowly growing hole. She raised a hand to her face as the whirlwind of sand suddenly came up, her camouflage flickering for an instant and then failing completely, her tattoos not nearly powerful enough to keep up with the whipping sands. The Elder Lord's rise to the surface was practically cataclysmic in and of itself, and Raith could barely move through the storm, even though the sniper knew that she had to. Backing away as carefully as she could, the sniper cursed inwardly as she placed her heavier rifle on her back and then placed a hand upon the stock of her carbine, waiting. To take the weapon out now would be to allow sand into it, which would no doubt instantly jam the complicated weapon. As it was, the delicate bits of her rifle were guarded by the cured leather holster in which it normally rested, and she'd wait until the sandstorm abated - or until she had no other choice - before drawing the weapon for what a part of her was warning would likely be her last stand.

(Back away, switch to the carbine.)
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Seeing the strange disturbance in the sand Kali slows to a stop. In her haste she had probably gotten closer than was really necessary given the situation. And suddenly the desert erupts. Spotting Raith now as the spraying sand revealed her, Kali couldn't help but be very much concerned about how she was practically in the middle of it all. Especially when the geyser transforms into an intimidating cyclone of sand that almost obscured Raith from her once more. Kali decides against dismissing her invisibility and finishes reloading her rifle asap, getting the cartridge in and locking the bolt forward before any sand could blow over her way. Taking a knee to aim, she would prepare to make her shot, and prays that she will be able to make it count.

((Finish reload. Crouch to kneeling.))
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Bound DC 60
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility, Kneeling
Kali finishes reloading (Hollow round)
Kali takes a knee: +8 To-Hit

Raith switches weapons (Carbine)
Raith moves back: 28 SPD
--- Movement (Straight line - SPD x2): 56 (West)

Sisters all move to gain more distance
--- Kalesi: Full run (SPD x4): 68 (East)
--- Zuni: Full run (SPD x4): 40 (North)
--- Pushra: Full run (SPD x4): 40 (South)

Kali stealth vs Elder Lord: Pass
--- Kali remains Invisible

Elder Lord surfaces
Elder Lord uses Animate (Grapple, X=10, +3 targets for 13 EP)
--- Grapple (each sister): BOUND DC 60
--- Grapple (Raith): BOUND DC 60

With the dessert heaving and opening everyone did their part to prepare for the final beast's arrival. Raith was able to take cautious leaps behind her before shouldering her rifle and preparing to release her carbine. It was much easier to do once she broke free of the small cyclone, and once she came to a rest she was unknowingly a little past Kali as she took to her knee and shouldered her weapon the moment she finished reloading. The sisters couldn't do anything to help the snipers, nothing other than escaping as they had, and the distance they covered made them far too distant for the Elder to reliably capture all three in one shot.

Or so some may have thought, but these monstrosities were a threat for a reason. Once he popped into the air he took only a moment to look around before an entirely-too-thin hand plunged back into the ground. The sharp shooters were fast enough to notice the sudden arc of power that seemed to fly in all four directions, but that didn't mean they were fast enough to react. A hand sprung from the sands, an overgrown copy from the Elder, and it quickly wrapped its fingers around Raith. The grip itself was surprisingly strong, each finger looping around her body and pinned her arms at her sides, and try as she might she simply couldn't manage to force her way free.

Raith was trapped, as were the sisters even though they were spread so far. The Elder Lord took only a moment to admire his handiwork before his emotionless mask turned to the bound catgirl. She was the closest, the easiest to reach and the most dangerous since she was the only one that held weapons. There was no doubt that he was going to come after her first. But Kali was free. He hadn't even noticed her, and she was in a near perfect position to shoot him anywhere she pleased. And though she was bound Raith could still feel the sands shifting ever so slightly. They still held her tightly, but sand itself could be rather deceptive. It was a solid mass, one that could support nearly any weight, but it also flowed. It could slip through someone's fingers nearly as effortlessly as any bit of water. And Raith could feel it. Tiny streams were running down the length of her body, and though it was almost entirely too small to notice the pressure holding her in place was starting to weaken. It may not happen immediately, but soon her small prison would dissolve enough for her to break free. The only question now was whether it would happen before her captor arrived. If he got close enough to grab her...

Raith - 64 ft West of Elder Lord
Kali - 60 ft West of Elder Lord

Elder Lord - 200 ft from illusion and rocks

Kalesi - 128 ft East of Elder Lord
Zuni - 80 ft North of Elder Lord
Pushra - 80 ft South of Elder Lord

Rocky Outcropping - 400 ft beyond illusion, 200 ft East of Elder Lord
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

With the Elder Lord making it's appearence finally, Kali readies to make her shot, needing to wait for the scene to settle to be certain that it would not go to waste. Whilst she was dreading what it's first move might be, she had by no means expected it to capture not only all three sisters but also Raith in one fell swoop. She grits her teeth and has to restrain herself from jumping away from her spot as she witnesses the sand itself come to life and launch up to bind the tattooed Su-Ku-Ta. Thankfully, it seemed that she remained undetected. This was her chance. Quite possibly her only chance.

She realised now, that she had in fact seen one of these "Elder Lords" before after all, just once, briefly, on the day that she lost everything and took this path. For all she knew it could be the same one. Without any further hesitation she hones in her sights on the target. This was far far closer than she should be for this, but there was no helping that now. She didn't know what powers these beings possessed, but a hollowpoint round from an enchanted Su-Ku-Ta rifle felt like an agreeable way to test them at least. A split seconds deliberation between aiming for the heart or the head, had her deciding that there was no guarantee these creatures had hearts. So heads it was. The way it floated along emotionlessly yet somehow brimming with menace regardless, was too sinister for words. But at least it's steady gliding path made for smoother shot timing. This had to be perfect. Or else.

'Deadly Aim' (Full 10 points trade), and 'Called Shot'
Pray to anyone listening and willing to guide a bullet.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Dread rose in the pit of Raith's stomach as the elder lord rose up from beneath the sands, the fear taking hold before she could stop it, but even in the face of the nigh-indestructible opponent the sniper kept to her training and tried to hurry out of its reach. If only it had actually worked. Raith almost screamed as the hand suddenly rose up from the ground beneath her feet, fingers formed of flowing sand wrapping around her and binding her where she stood before she even had a chance to get out of the way. The breath momentarily stolen from her lungs, she heaved and squirmed to no avail as the alien lord surveyed its work, apparently finding it agreeable before proceeding towards the only threat among those it had just captured; her.

Seeing the alien floating toward her stilled her sense of dread and replaced it with a feeling of tired finality, however. The peace with which she faced her approaching death surprised even her, and it was she stilled that Raith felt the fingers that formed her animate prison slowly dissolving, the magic pushed into them perhaps insufficient to hold the loose particles of sand together. Hope revived, and though her renewed struggles were just as futile the su-ku-ta allowed herself to think that she might get out of this in one piece.... If the elder lord was somehow distracted before it could grab her. It was possible that it was a ruse, a push to give her hope so that the alien could crush it out of her, but Raith pushed the thought from her mind and slowly tried to push against the crushing force of her sand prison. If she could expand the thing's fingers, even a little, pulling back might give her the moment that she needed to spring free of her bindings.

Escape grapple and give prayer to the god of bullets!
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Bound DC 55
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility, Kneeling
Desert sand-hand sculptures crumble slightly
--- DC on Bound -5 (55)

Raith attempts to break free
--- Grapple: 46 + 10 = 56 vs 69 = 14 + 55
------ Raith is still Bound

Sisters attempt to break free
--- Grapple: HAH!

Elder Lord float-struts his way closer: 24 SPD
--- Movement: Unhindered floating (SPD x2): 48

Kali snipes (Sneak Attack, Hollow Round, Deadly Aim 10, Called Shot): Auto-hit
--- Damage: (6 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 13 + 10 + 6) x4, Ignores 16 - 4 AV
--- Damage: 4(52), Ignore 12 AV
--- Damage: 208 - (4 - 4) = DEAD


Kali - 8 Exp (For killing most everything and all the magics)
Raith - 6 Exp (For killing a hunter and warning the girls and surviving the encounter)

The bound sniper struggled with all her might, twisting and turning and contorting her body in any way she could to somehow break through the sands that held her tight, but no matter what she does the hand remained clenched. She could even feel some of it tearing away, but the magics within the sand kept the construct intact and left her nothing more than a prize for the approaching alien to claim. She knew it, and so did he. Though his face still held no expression there was a sense of superiority that hung around him, an arrogance that somehow glistened in his empty eyes and made the skirt of tentacles on which he rode squirm triumphantly as his path drew him near.

And then a single shot rang out. Kali simply appeared, the flash from her muzzle obliterating her invisibility in a clap of thunder that sounded no louder than Raith's own rifle. She was in a perfect position, kneeling mere feet from her unawares target, and the shot was so easy that she took her time lining it properly. And once that trigger was pulled it was the end. The hollow round struck the Elder's head dead center, and on impact it simply shattered into a number of flechettes. Each individual piece tore through flesh in an instant, and all too quickly the floating monster had the back of its head explode into a geyser of flesh and gore that left only the barest traces of the creatures head to remain on stump that even then refused to bleed.

What remained of the Elder kept hovering forward, its tentacles still writhing around and dripping their corruptive fluids all along the sands beneath it, but eventually whatever magics kept the thing aloft failed and left its body flopping onto its front at Kali's feet. A small cloud puffed into the air and whipped past her, but even then her invisibility kicked into gear and started shifting her image until she all but disappeared save for the sands that settled on her head and shoulders. And once everything came to a quiet rest that was the end of it. Dread, fear, terror, it all evaporated the moment the Elder finally died. All that remained was its headless body and the traces of power that still held those gripping hands intact. But even those sculptures would dissolve in a few minutes, and once they did the entire group was free to gather as they pleased.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Bullseye! A grin shoots across Kali'Zhira's face upon the successful shot. The grin creeping into slightly anxious uncertainty just a second later as the creature fails to stop immediately. And just as Kali was tensing up and about to try and make a last ditch break for it, the alien finally falls forward and collapses. Kali remains frozen for a moment, still wearing her wary gritted teeth expression of 'you gotta be shitting me', but it fades into relief and she lets out a long sigh. "Oh thank the stars. It is dead right?" she says still invisible and keeping her eyes on the fallen terror a while longer whilst addressing Raith.

Eventually she gets up, and makes a few quick skips backwards to where Raith was trying to break out of the slowly crumbling sand prison. Invisibly appraising it for just a second, before giving the base off the hands thumb a short sharp butt from the stock of her rifle, and proceeding to grab the oversized digit and rip it away. Or whatever was enough to help her comrade break or slip out of it's grasp. "I don't trust it like that still. Don't suppose these things have a heart that I can cut out and rip up? Crush? Burn? Shoot some more?"
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

The dread rising in the pit of Raith's stomach as the alien floated towards her at its own leisurely pace became almost paralyzing. She could feel it coming closer, feel the arrogance rising off of it in waves, and knew well enough that that arrogance was justified. She had no magical talent of her own, no spiritual prowess that might offer such insight, but Raith didn't need it to feel the elder lord's power radiating off of it. This was a creature far beyond her in scope and scale, far stronger of mind and spirit and even of body than she, this was.... A creature who's head had just been mostly blown off of its shoulders. Raith gaped in awe, her motions to escape momentarily ceasing as the nearly decapitated alien just kept on floating toward her as if nothing had happened. 'How are we ever supposed to fight something that can survive that...' she thought, but then its magic finally failed, and the alien lord dropped to the ground in a heap of limp, boneless limbs.

Fear turned to exhilaration, and as the other sniper who'd made the killing shot came forward (still invisible) a broad smile swept across Raith's face. "Kali'Zhira I could kiss you! That was one helluva shot!" she said to where she assumed the girl was standing, and after a moment's work she was free of the crumbling sandy bindings that the elder lord had trapped her in. Kali's question caused her to glance at the dead elder lord worriedly, and she reached back and handed the girl her heavy rifle as she said; "I'm not sure. Take this while you free the others, and give it another shot if it tries to move. I'm going to gut the thing and see what I find."

OOC: chop the thing up with the knife and let Kali hold her rifle. Don't worry squid, if Raith finds the greybrain she'll hand it over immediately.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

As Raith climbs free Kali decides to let her invisibility drop now, allowing a brief humble smile at the praise. It wasn't really that remarkable a shot Kali thought, but it sure felt special. "Alright, will do." She replies taking the other rifle with a snappy nod of the head, and slinging her own over her back. Stepping in the direction of one of the girls, she casts the corpse one more disdainful glance, then adopting just a hint of smugness, and dashes off across the sand.

Coming to one of either Zuni or Pushra first, and repeatedly checking over her shoulder as she approaches. "Hey there. Lemme give you a hand with that." Kali calls lightly with an obvious note of new cheerfulness. Stopping beside the grasping sand sculpture, grabbing at a weak spot and either levering it away or giving few kicks and knee strikes to suitable spots. "Glad you kept running? I am. I don't want to know all the other ways that could have gone. Ok, go help your sister there. I'll free the other." Kali directing the girl towards the one opposite and then heading over to Kalesi herself.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc), Kneeling

Though wary of reprisal Raith was left alone to work on the headless body, and thankfully no fel magics or creatures showed to cause her any trouble. The body itself didn't even stir in the slightest as it was dissected, and after a bit of poking and prodding the kitten found her prize. A large lump was pulled free, something that was surprisingly smooth and warm as the gore was cleaned from it, and once the greybrain was revealed it simply sat there in the Su-Ku-Ta sniper's hands. It was a bit of a puzzle why people called it a 'brain' when it was usually found within an Elder's gut, but as Raith held it she could feel a certain...wrongness pulsing within it. It felt like the corruptive magics all the aliens held was suddenly condensed into this almost crystalline lump. She even wondered if the thing was trying to talk with her, and though she didn't hear a thing it almost felt like she could talk back...

Meanwhile Kali was off toward one of the nearer sisters with Raith's carbine in hand, and once she arrived she found a somewhat exhausted looking woman looking up at her with a surprised and stunned look on her face. The kick to the base of the sculpture helped loosen the fingers, and once one was pried free the entire construct simply collapsed back into sand and left the woman falling onto her ass with a slight yelp. "Um... Yes... Very glad..." She still looked shocked as she rose to her feet, and after she brushed the stray grains of sand off her cloak she fidgeted a bit. "Yes... I'll just... Um..." Before Kali could run off to help the eldest she was suddenly caught be the arm. The woman stepped closer very quickly, and before the fake neko could react a small peck was given to her cheek. "Thankyou!"

With that the girl ran off to help her sister, her identity still a question even now, and Kali was free to help Kalesi. She had that same shocked and awed expression that her sister held, and even when her prison was completely destroyed she simply sat in silence looking up at the woman that loomed over her. When she did finally manage to collect herself she brought her knees under her body as she continued to look up, and a moment later she started speaking. "That was... Incredible..." There was an overabundance of reverence in that voice. "You saved us... Twice!" She eventually managed to pull herself to her feet. "If there's anything we can do... Anything I can do..." And once again Kali found another woman leaning in very close. "Anything..." She stepped back and bowed to show the greatest respect. "You need only ask. I am at your beck and call."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Slowing to a pause quickly at the catch on her arm, Kali began to turn her head with a light questioning, "Hmm?" receiving the peck as she does so. Blinking once at the gesture, and returning a similar humble smile, with just a tiny hint of a blush coming over her face. Her two years in the desert and deliberate anti-social ways had made her unused to any kind of human interaction beyond straight forward bartering and listening out for leads. Excluding the cold faced ghost act, it had probably resulted in a bit of shyness setting in behind that veil.

Letting each other part, Kali proceeds on to help Kalesi out of her bind. The sand soon broke up, a little easier than the last even, and left the elder sister sitting. Kali'Zhira simply offers her hand to help the woman up in response, waiting until it was actually taken. Rubbing the back of her neck Kali chuckles at the first reverent remarks in a manner typical of someone unaccustomed to and awkward about praise or attention. She lingered on being about to say something silly along the lines of 'it was nothing', but rather allows Kalesi to continue instead. At which she finds herself blinking again frozen for a second, and smiling sheepishly once more. The offer of gratitude certainly seemed particularly sincere, Kali thought, though not knowing quite what to make of it overall. Just possibly missing some undertones in the offer. "Uh... of course. Though I think I'm happy enough knowing that one less fiend is preying on Anudor. And how would I possibly sleep tonight were I to have just abandoned you and your sisters to that monster hmm?" She talks as they walk back towards Raith, taking a slightly more relaxed pace, since they'd all been running around enough already, and to allow the other two some time to free the remaining of the trio and return together. "Don't forget Raith, or your own efforts either though. It might sound silly, but if you hadn't made it work to chase you like you did, my bullet would never have been ready in time."

When they did near Raith, Kali would call out a little, "Hey Raith! Anything in there other than evil jelly? Worse than Grabbers or about the same?"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Digging through the mush that made up the elder lord's body, Raith was eventually given pause as she dug out something she had only semi-expected - a large grey stone. She'd collected lesser versions from other aliens before, from the corpses of the tentacle spawn and the corrupted victims of the invaders, but her only elder lord kill hadn't exactly been recoverable and so this was her first dissection of such a creature. That said, she wasn't too surprised to find something similar within the greater alien creature, particularly given some of the rumors she'd heard about these creatures in her travels around the desert. Feeling the grey crystal in her hands, Raith wondered for only a moment about why they were called "greybrains" before the sense that there was more to the object in her hands than met the eye was laid concretely within the sniper's mind. It was almost as if she could talk to it....

Kali's question interrupted her from her thoughts, and Raith looked over at the other approaching sniper and shouted back; "Just a lot of goo and magic rock! Nothing special, and it's not even twitching anymore! Just more meat to cut through than the little greys, that's all!" She glanced back at the gooey stone resting in her hands as Kali and the sisters came towards her, and after a moment she petulantly muttered; "Yeah, well.... You're a penis!" Satisfied with her inane jab at the inanimate object, she waited until her traveling companions were close before offering Kali the gem, "It's all yours! A prize for your good kill!" Saying that, Raith would sheath her knife and gladly accept her heavy rifle back if the faux-catgirl opted to return it. "That.... Went surprisingly smoothly. Are you three alright?" she said, directing her question at the sisters, though both they and Kali would likely notice a spring in the tattooed su-ku-ta's step along with a cheeriness to her voice that they hadn't heard before.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)

"Of course! I don't even wish to think of what may have happened if that thing caught us all unawares..." The woman shuddered a bit as if simply mentioning it already put those thoughts in her mind, and after a small shake of the head she turned her attention over to her sisters still struggling to break free. "Um...excuse me..." And at that she went off to help. That didn't take long, and the trio managed to return to Kali's side just before she met with Raith.

Surprisingly enough Raith actually received a response. A small wave of confusion washed off the thing as she called it a penis, and after that it simply went inert now that more people were arriving. Though the sisters looked mildly exhausted from all that running they all managed to smile at her. "Yes, we're perfectly fine, thank you." "And thank you for giving us that warning." "Who knows what fate would have fallen over us had it caught us all at once..." "And to show our gratitude we decided to extend our offer from all three of us to the both of you. We discussed it as we walked back, and we all agreed." And true to what was said all three sisters smiled and bowed as one would to a master. "If there is anything we can do for you, anything to help you relax and enjoy yourselves, all you need to do is ask."
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

While Kali might not have known the ramifications behind the actions and words of the three sisters, Raith knew them all too well. As such, when the three made their offer to her, the sniper's expression slowly soured until she was left with a soft frown following their bow. Women in su-ku-ta society were sometimes permitted the right to own slaves (though most would consider it more a form of short term leasing) if their husband permitted it, and while Raith had never been in a position to do as much herself, she'd heard about it before. While that might not be what the three actually intended, the offer made by the three girls struck the ex-slave as a similar arrangement, one that would put the three into more obligation than Raith herself liked to think that she had over another person. The fairly formal nature of su-ku-ta society meant that the three would be held to the letter of their promise, or would have been if they were still in polite society...

Raith mentally shook her head, deciding that she was simply overthinking things. "Thanks, I'll, uhhh... Keep that in mind!" she replied, fidgeting slightly. She was used to the relationship of slave to master before the invasion and the relationship of equal to equal after it, so the cat-girl was in somewhat unfamiliar territory here. Turning to Kali and doing her best to push her unease aside, Raith said; "So... What's say we go and skin those hunters, and then get back on track? I don't much like the idea of standing around here for too long, even if you did bring down just about the biggest thing that the xenos are likely to throw at us."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Magic rock? Hmm, what is that thing... a giant greyheart?" Kali replies fairly casually as she returns and nears Raith. "And my prize huh? Just what I've always wanted! A vile slimy alien gut rock." Kali jokes, as she throws her desert cloak over one shoulder so she can access and sling her pack round. Pulling a spoiled looking rough hessian sack out and using it to take the strange stone from Raith. "You're going to be sold off and ground up to make magic dust. Welcome to the sack." said mockingly and leering contemptuously at the object for a second, before slipping the sack shut around it and tossing the thing back into her pack. Kali didn't expect any of her words to be heard by the ex-lords remnants. It was just satisfying to be able to taunt a hated creature that had only moments ago considered itself top of the food chain.

With that she'd set her pack back straight and return Raiths rifle to her, and turn her attention to the sisters. Kali idly noting the way they spoke together, and how it was certainly easy to tell that they were indeed close sisters. "Relax and enjoy myself? Eheh... I'm not sure I remember how. I honestly wouldn't know what to ask, but um... I do appreciate the gesture. Definitely." She says in response to the sisters sincere offer, smiling but looking somewhat awkward about it all. During the few hunts where others had been involved in some way, she had accepted a very small monetary gift once before, or a bounty another time, and some basic supplies another. But she had no experience of getting the "hero" treatment before this, and really didn't quite know what to make of it.

Looking back to Raith next, "And I agree, we should grab those lizard skins and move on for now. Still got to think about how far we can get today and where to make camp. I'm afraid that does mean more walking, I know..." She says, addressing the girls with the last part, "...but you're not out of the desert just yet. Come on. You can have a quick rest while we gather the skins." turning to step and head back to where the brawny reptiles had been struck down.

(assuming no sudden sand worm attacks)

Back at the hunters, "These skins are valuable you see, because they keep a degree of their camouflage ability even after death. If you carefully peel away the tough layer here, you can even get it pretty lightweight." The sniper explains, feeling much more chatty than usual, and giving an short, impromptu and gory educational session whether the sisters seemed to want it or not. "See, they're not as scary without their skin are they." She smirks, "Or... well, not in the same way perhaps... heh." remarked, given how the butchered muscle bound beast hardly looked like something you'd want to confront either way.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)

Though Kali may have meant it all in jest a small wave of contempt passed through her following her remarks, but it came to a quick end once the crystal was dropped into her pack.

Though the girls seemed a little disappointed by the snipers' response though weren't disturbed enough to do anything about it. They simply nodded their acceptance and continued on.

When it came time for Kali's demonstration the women didn't look all that thrilled, but the dutifully followed and managed to pay some attention even while the skins were being peeled from the now dead bodies. And surprisingly enough one of them actually started to show some interest. "How much skin is needed to actually prove valuable?" Zuni (or what it Pushra?) was given a look of slightly disgusted surprise by the other two. "What? I'm curious..." She looked a little sheepish at that moment, but it faded soon enough when asked whether the hunter wasn't so frightening now that it was skinned. A chorus of 'Er...'s were given as an answer, and they nodded somewhat guardedly once that little question was amended.

1x Greybrain to Kalesi
3x Chameleon's Skin

Once all the spoils had been gathered the group set out once more to brave the harsh sands. Thankfully nothing bothered them once they left the ambush zone, but their progress was somewhat slowed due to the sisters' earlier run. They didn't seem to have the energy to pick up their pace, but they stayed resolute and didn't object in the slightest no matter how hard they were all pressed to continue. Of course that meant it was only a matter of time until someone stumbled, and one of the younger sisters proved that true enough as she tripped and nearly collapsed on the ground. Kalesi was instantly there and helping the girl back to her feet, but even she was starting to show signs of fatigue.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith allowed a slight grin to pass over her features as one of the sisters displayed a bit of interest in their grisly work, and she answered her question while pulling the lizard's skin off; "Generally taking the skin off the back is usually all you need, but if you can get some off of the thighs and shoulders that's good too. The stuff on the belly's usually too mangled from combat, but if the it's good you can get some of that too."

Their progress was unhindered for the rest of the day save for the ever-increasing slowness of the three sisters. They were willful and stubborn, but they weren't conditioned for the desert travel on foot the way that she and Kali were. The assassin knew that she could force herself to move even when exhausted, but the sisters didn't have her training or discipline, and in an emergency rush they'd be a liability in their state. "It might be time to look for a place to camp," Raith commented calmly, "My calves are starting to get tired from all the sand~" It was an old joke among desert travelers that she'd picked up, and the normal response was; "Than you're walking through the wrong place!" Whether or not Kali actually knew the proper response, Raith's suggestion that they make camp was genuine, and the tattooed sniper began searching for a place safer from the elements and the aliens than bare sand dunes.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Kali grimaced suspiciously very shortly when the plundered "organ" seemed to actually issue a response. But barring any further activity from it she would ignore it and continue. Though it did nudge her preference closer to hopefully being rid of the thing a little sooner.

At Zuni's (or Pushra's?) question (she was going to have to face the embarrassment of asking again at some point wasn't she...), Kali nod's in agreement to Raith's given answer, before adding her own bit. "Well a good front and back like this one can get you fifteen denari pretty easy. If you're really thorough and know who to sell each piece to you can get a bit more. But it's not normally worth the extra weight to try taking all the little strips and odd bits back, since they don't go for quite as much and are harder to sell. Some people might get better prices perhaps. I dunno for sure. I'm not the best haggler."

She smiles a light smirk at first, noticing the others reaction to their own sisters interest in something that clearly wasn't in their collective familiarity or "comfort zone". It does make her think back on when exactly it had become something to take in her stride herself though. She'd had to gut a desert hare once, and made to watch her father butcher a jackal she had shot whilst out shooting with him, but she had always been very squeamish about it back then. Granted her father had probably raised her more like a son than most daughters, but she had to wonder whether the three sisters saw her as some natural born killer that revelled in blood from birth or something.

Finished with the hunter, Raith had already cut up the other two. She lets Raith hold onto the odd numbered hide, passing it off and saying she was happy with the big unhappy rock, and however much that would sell for. And following that they'd be back "on the road".

Seeing one of the sisters stumble and collapse brings a concerned look back from Kali. Even if they got back up, it was clear they weren't getting much further today. And whilst their new resolve to push onward was commendable, she knew that if they let them or made them to continue like this they'd be too destroyed to resume travel in the morning anyway. She sighs to herself and casts a frustrated glance out to the dry landscape, in a direction that the sisters wouldn't see. Just as she was thinking about where they'd be able to make a stop and mentioning it, Raith says it for her, to which Kali nods and murmurs in agreement. "I had been keeping a certain spot in mind, but I don't think we'll get there before nightfall. Best pick somewhere closer and call it for today." She says checking her map briefly, and tucking it away again since it didn't serve to do much but point out they were nowhere special. Kali doesn't pick up on Raith's in-joke unfortunately, but in the scheme of things she hadn't really been travelling for very long after all, nor in company very often.

If nowhere better presented itself, they'd have to simply pick the valley of a shallow dune and set up their lean-to's. If camels weren't so lousy at stealth, camping like this would be a lot comfier with the extra supplies and gear. But Kali hated camels anyway.
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