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Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith quickly produced a denarius from a pouch and said; "I call tails." Tossing the coin up into the air, she caught it invisibly and flipped it onto the back of her wrist. Heads. "I need to call heads next time. You're up, I'll stay back here with them. You'd probably be better off signalling with your tricks than I would be anyway."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Fair enough. I'll get to it then." Kali replies in short. Wasting no time, she immediately starts reciting out her invisibility spell in her deliberately subdued casting style. The vocalisation low and soft in tone, and the somatic component seemingly performed as minimally as she was able to, being mostly finger work and refraining from any overt arm movements or swaying.

As soon as her spell was complete, she would set out at a brisk pace in the general direction of the disturbance, though heading at a slight angle for the purpose of not placing herself directly in the path that anyone watching their group would be gazing down. Hopefully she'd soon be able to get a better look at whatever had caused the mysterious lights and that distant thud sound.

(Invis and sneaky quickly sneaky peeky.)
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 32/39, Status = Fine

Kali casts Invisibility (Light - Lv 2): Auto-success
+20 Stealth

Stealth (Kali): Rolls a... well, with 53 stealth it's not really important...

For a while it seemed Kali would need to take a small trek to find whatever the hell was causing this ruckus off in the distance. But after only a few seconds another of those large clouds suddenly burst into the air, and another more noticeable thud echoed past the inquisitive sniper. A few seconds later a third appeared, this one closer and more pronounced, and when the burst finally hit that noise was starting to sound a little more like an explosion...

Whether Kali decided to push ahead, stay put, or simply fall back to regroup with Raith the scouting gunner would eventually feel something starting to approach. It started as a low rumble, nothing that could be felt through the sands, but after a minute or two of patience a dust cloud would finally come into view. As it grew it became somewhat obvious that it was heading in the women's direction, and at its head Kali would barely be able to make out a few horses running full tilt. It was a bit of a chore to make out the riders at this distance, but if the rifles they all wore said anything than these approaching men couldn't be all that welcom-

A horrible shriek shut out any of the thoughts either Kali or Raith could have had for the approaching threat. It pierced through everything, that shrill cry of rage ringing in the gunners' ears even at this distance. The only thing that made it worse was a second shriek that joined the first, and a third soon followed. And those cries could only be one thing. One of those walking gray mountains was a threat in itself. Three would become a rolling squad of death and destruction. And with those men fleeing straight for the small group of women that death would soon be breathing down their necks.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Shit.... SHIT!" Raith cursed, and quickly raised her rifle. She knew those screams, and knew that they weren't going to be getting away from the charging things if they spotted the sisters. The damn things could run forever, and far faster than their unnaturally large bodies would suggest, and even though Raith couldn't see them yet she was sure of what she heard. Raising her heavy rifle and trying to think up a better solution, she waited for the things to come over the horizon so that she could get a shot off and start running. She didn't know where Kali was, but if the girl could come up with some sort of better option Raith would be happy for it.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

That shrill. That terrifying loathsome alien shrill. It had been the first sound she heard when they came. It was the sound that haunted her last memories of her father. And it was coming this way.

"No... no no no, not this way! Shit fuck frell! What do I..." Kali curses to herself and cutting off as she frantically tries to think of how to react. Coming this way. Certain. Get out of the way? Unlikely. Raith must have heard. Would recognise. Run back to group? Illusion? Might be seen before cast. Shit. No time. Shoot.

Bringing her rifle about she gets into a shooting position and scope in the most suitable target. She'd prefer to use one of her specialised rounds for this kind of monster, but no time to switch now. If she could just tip the tides a little for those men on horseback. Hopefully the horsemen had already put at least a few bullets into those beasts. Her one had to count.

Freezing her breath to take the shot, she drops into her momentary shooters trance. Nothing was permitted to disturb a shot. Memories, fear, anger. All frozen till the bullet had left the barrel. A silent and still body, mind and soul.

( Sniper routine. -'Deadly Aim' (Full 10 points trade) and 'Called Shot' )
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 32/39, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility

Squid, I'm giving you a free round to choose your target since Kali couldn't quite see them before she started readying herself. I've already got the rolls started for it, just need to no who you wish to shoot.

There was little else to do as the snipers prepared for the looming threat. All they could see were the horses running for their lives, the riders that desperately clung to them, and the cloud of sand the group kicked up in their wake. With Kali being just a little bit closer she would be the first to recognize that there were six men making a mad attempt at escape, and that each of them carried a rifle that looked very much like her own as well as an assault rifle that looked more Badarian in design.

But an instant later that suddenly changed. The very slightest glimpse of some monstrous hulk pursuing the men gave way to another blast, this one exploding within the men's midst and hiding them from view until they reappeared a few moments later. But one had gone missing, horse and all. If either of the onlooking women wondered why the final man had disappeared they would soon be answered when the first of the juggernauts finally came into view. It ran on all fours, a gigantic gray slab of meat, and within its almost canine mouth a limp body could be seen impaled on a set of impossibly long serrated teeth. The titanic beast kept running with its prey in its maw, but after a few loping steps it simply tossed the body to the side to land in a heap of bloody flesh and bone that could barely be called human. As it did this the second behemoth roared out of the dust cloud and started giving full chase to the fleeing horses, and a few seconds later the third finally emerged.

But this final beast held an extra surprise. As it stormed forward a strange lump could be seen clinging to its back and neck. At first one would have thought this black mass could be some kind of infection, maybe even some sickly looking tumor. There was no telling what kind of diseases the aliens could have brought to this world. But after a moment that dark mass started to glow. It started with a violet streak, something that seemed to be swirling down into the core of this lump, and as it grew the thing started to change. It solidified itself, formed a pair of arms and legs that held onto the juggernaut as it slowly yet steadily gained on the horses that were trying to evade it, and soon enough a vaguely feminine shape could be seen as an eldritch purple continued to grow.

Whether or not the women understood what they had just seen only Kali was close enough to actually do anything about it. The last of the juggernauts was finally within the very edge of her rifle's range, and that brought the slime along with it. Thankfully nothing had yet to react to the woman's presence, and she was free to pick her target as she saw fit. Of the monstrosities the lead juggernaut looked like it may have taken the most fire, but seeing it nearly swallow a man was enough to show that it was still a very dangerous threat on its own. The one that bore the slime appeared to hold the least, and the slime itself looked nearly ready to fling even more dark magics at the frantic group of men. With all these threats stacked against her Kali would need to choose her target wisely.

While Raith may not have the range to deal with these beasts just yet she had her own little problem to deal with. "What... What do we do?!" A quick glance would show the three Anudorian sisters clinging to each other, and while Kalesi still had the sense to at least act the other two looked ready to bolt at the slightest word. The only thing that kept them there was their utter refusal to release their sister in this crisis, but there was no telling how that might change if those beasts started bellowing once they were closer.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Shooting at range required patience. Firing off too soon would only risk revealing her presence and force her to waste time reloading. Trying to pick the best target during this was difficult. They were all open, but running furiously, which made timing crucial if the shot was to count for anything. The one in front looked like it might have taken the brunt of fire from the horsemen, naturally, but that didn't mean it would offer the best chance of a lethal hit.

Then she saw it. The rising slime like abomination riding upon the back of one of the beasts. So this was the source of the explosions? She had been hoping and assuming those had been bombs thrown back by the horsemen. Allowing a magic wielding intelligence to lead these beasts was not something they could afford. She'd only heard of these "magic slimes", and never before identified one for certain. But she'd seen the shattered core of a "Dark Slime" in the market once, so that was the thing to aim for. Luckily, it's fluid nature as it rides and compensates for the Juggernaut's rough motion, actually made what would otherwise be a nightmarish shot, comparably possible.

Resettling her aim, she resolves to try and take out the slime. Praying to the stars that her round would be sufficient to crack that core.

(If I've done this right, it should be something like...
+58 attack (normal), Sneak +10, Kneel +8, Deadly Aim +10, Max Range Increment -32 = +54 total modifier.
Farshot, Deadly Aim (Full 10 points trade) and Called Shot. )
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Just.... Just be quiet for right now, and try to hide!" Raith said quickly, keeping her own rifle raised and slowly dropping to a prone position in the sand. Still functionally invisible, the sniper sighted in as the first of the abominations topped the hill, a vaguely canine creature pockmarked with bullet holes that it didn't even seem to notice, faceless save for the gaping maw filled with gigantic crystalline teeth. One of the fleeing riders was clenched between its teeth, most likely already dead but tossed aside like a helpless ragdoll anyway just to make sure. Two more followed, similar but less pockmarked, and the one in back seemed to have some kind of growth on its....

'No.... Oh... Come on! That's not even fair!' she protested silently as she recognized the shivering mass of dark fluid on the final giant's back for what it was just as it formed into a feminine shape. A slime. And not just one of the regular ones either - those Raith could deal with easily enough - but a gods-damned mage slime! It was no doubt what was driving the juggernauts, and upon recognizing it Raith immediately marked it as the greatest threat facing them. While it might have seemed innocuous next to the creature on which it was riding or its two kin, the magic that it could unleash could potentially strike out them from any distance and do things that the magically inept former slave could only think of in her nightmares. Worse than that, while the juggernauts might tear them all to bits just like they were systematically doing to the fleeing men, Raith knew that the slime could do far far worse - it was one of the most dreaded of the invaders that could rip their very souls from them, and turn them into one of their mindless thralls.

The slime was far out of her own range at this point, and Raith could only imagine where Kali was, but she didn't doubt that the other sniper was thinking the exact same thing. They should leave those men to their fates, she knew, but at the same time Raith had no way of signalling such to Kali, and there was every chance that the juggernauts and their master would stumble across them anyway. As such, Raith kept her rifle trained on the first, ready to put a round thread the base of its spine - where she had learned their real weak point was rather than their heads - should Kali fire of a shot as well. Maybe, if the riders turned and fought and they brought down the slime quickly enough, they might have a chance, but that would be up to Kali to take the first shot and decide what their next move was.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 32/39, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility

Slime DR is hax

Kali attacks Dark Slime (Su-Ku-Ta Sniper Rifle): Hit
--- Damage: 4(7 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 7 + 13) = 4(34) = 136 (Ignore 16 AV)
------ Damage Reduction 1/4: (136 - 16)/4 = 30
--- Damage: 16 + 30 = 46

Kali's sniper rifle reload count: 2

So much hax... Hey Tass, are they really supposed to be that hard to snipe? And by the by, all the juggs are supposed to be canine-ish. My bad for not making that obvious.

She took to her knee and calmed her nerves... She lined her shot, tracking the subtle bounce of the slime as it rode its steed toward an inevitable slaughter... Invisible and undetected, Kali could have taken as much time as she wanted, but she needed to more. In an instant her rifle let loose its own explosive burst, and after only a fraction of a second the nearly human slime recoiled and nearly fell to the sand as its cohesion was nearly shattered. But these creatures were known for their resilience, and after only a moment or two of unsteady footing the slime managed to recollect itself and grip the behemoth that carried it. A moment later that human form reemerged, and though it had no eyes with which it could truly see there was no mistaking just who it was starting into at that moment.

The creature made a slight motion toward the vanguard sniper, and the juggernaut under its direct control shifted to give chase. "SNIPER!" At the same moment the fleeing men realized just what had happened, and seeing a chance opening before them the apparent leader gave a single order. "Spread out!" With that the horses each turned into a different direction, and with five targets running off the two remaining juggernauts looked confused. But that only lasted for an instant, and with another subtle command the slime had them chasing the outrunners.

Whatever spell the slime had been preparing had been dropped once it had been shot, but as it found a much more interesting target that glow started to gather once more. Whatever it was planning would soon be complete, and it had yet to enter Raith's range of attack. But those creatures were still some distance off. It would take some time before the hulk would become a threat. She just had to hope the slime wouldn't be as accurate with its magics as the snipers were with their rifles...
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

'Dammit!' Raith heard the shot, and saw the slime recoil and nearly fall. She also saw that it hadn't, however, and even though she couldn't see Kali either the sniper it looked like the slime could. Rising up from her prone position, Raith started forward as fast as she could, her camouflage straining to keep pace with her movements so that she could get closer. The slime still probably couldn't detect her, but that didn't mean that it wouldn't as it got closer, and Kali probably didn't have long before she had bursts of magic heading her way, invisible or not.

(Get up and start moving towards the slime and the juggernaut that it's riding.)
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Well shit. That didn't work. It looked a lot like it had almost worked. But would a second bullet just result in another identical almost or not? The normal slimes never held together so well. The shock had always seemed to "kill" them quite readily.

It was coming this way now, so decisions had to be made. Still had time before they neared though, and was still invisible. Would likely be harder for the slime to pinpoint her accurately if she just stayed in place for now. An explosive bullet perhaps? Kali grumbles to herself with a conflicted and nervous expression, and begins loading the special round.

This was far too much of a gamble. Was it really worth the risk of engaging these things just to save the sisters and some utterly unknown men on horseback? Apparently she'd already decided on that. A cold part of her was deriding her for her foolishness, and how the world would never be rid of these monsters without a little sacrifice. But frankly she had been feeling a little warmer since stumbling into this troublesome trio.

(Reload with explosive round. Try to estimate the distance left and judge how much time she has.)
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 31/39, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility

Kali reloads
--- Sniper rifle reload count: 1 (Explosive Round)

Raith approaches
--- Flanking Kali
--- Stealth: Rolled 14

D.Slime casts Powerful Manipulation (Force - Lv5 Utility): 38 - 8 + 19 vs 40 = Success
--- Attack: Hit
--- Effective EP pool: 2 + 40/4 = 12
--- Move object: target Kali
--- Resistance: 20 + 8 + 13 = 41 vs 38 = 18 + 20
------ Kali is lifted and pulled into the slime

I'm ruling that even though they made contact the lack of a grapple means Kali isn't aphrodisiac'd

Jugg1 attacks: Hit
Jugg2 attacks: Hit
--- Damage: 3 + 11 + 37 - 5 = 46

Rider attacks: Auto-hit
--- Damage: 7 + 9 + 8 - (12 - 8) = 20

Jugg1 and Rider1 trade hits
--- Rider1 is dead
Jugg2 and Rider5 trade hits
--- Rider5 is dead
Rider2 attacks Jugg1
Rider3 attacks Jugg1
--- Jugg1 is dead
Rider4 attacks Jugg2

With horses rushing, men screaming, and monstrosities beating a path practically straight down her throat Kali most likely had all the motivation she would ever need to quickly reload her rifle. It was a practiced motion, one that was second nature and already had the spent casing dropping to the ground. All she needed was to load and ready her special round.

That was when all hell broke loose.

The first screams sprang from both the left and right. The juggernauts let out that same piercing shriek as they neared their targets, and try as they might the horses just couldn't manage to outpace them. "FIRE!" In an instant the entire unit turned as one, but even that obvious bit of training couldn't suppress the sudden screams from the men at the ends. A moment later the behemoths pounced, the sudden impact of their bodies throwing enough sand into the air to hide the vicious attack that had to have followed. Even then the men opened fire, and though their shots looked blind there was no denying the sudden bellows of pain that erupted from each cloud.

At this point Kali was ready to load her special round, but that chance was suddenly stolen when the final juggernaut suddenly slid to a full stop. The beast nearly ate the distance in just that short time, but once it finally came to a rest its rider threw out a tendril of its mass and pointed it straight toward the sniper standing out in the open. Whatever magics it built suddenly snapped and shot forward, and a moment later Kali would find a fierce force settling all around her body. At this point the invisibility did nothing to hide her, and though her own experience with magic allowed her to fight whatever power was directed toward her she simply couldn't break through the slime's will. Her entire weight was suddenly lifted as if it were nothing, and once she was airborne she was flung straight toward the purple ooze even as it dismounted and gathered itself on the sand. The false catgirl simply flew at that point, her path taking her dangerously close to the man that appeared to be leading the riders, and though they didn't collide she flew close enough to hear him mutter a single curse the moment she passed. A second or two later found her colliding with that squishy mass, but thankfully its effort to collect itself coupled with its small feat of casting left it unable to gain any sort of grip on the gunner. She still had the capacity to act, but even then the titan standing nearby looked ready to pounce the moment she tried to escape.

And that was what welcomed Raith as she finally made her way beside her fellow sniper. The other woman was simply lifted and pulled directly into the slime while the dust cleared from the other struggles. Two more men had been killed, their remains as well as the horses they rode little more than meat waiting to be picked clean by whatever scavenger was lucky enough to come across them, and another shriek of a scream meant that those giants weren't quite done wreaking havoc. One even lunged forward, its maw opening to welcome its next helpless victim, but the riders looked ready to fight tooth and nail. They even managed to kill the other behemoth, and as one they all turned their muzzles to the last of their immediate threats.

As she took this all in she would realize that nothing had reacted to her presence. Though her own invisibility was far from perfect it still worked, and this gave her a couple options. She could help the riders deal with their juggernaut. There was no doubt that her shot would leave it collapsing into a heap of disgusting gray meat before it could kill anymore men, and with their help she could probably make short work of the last two threats. But Kali was in danger that very moment, and if the slime was allowed to act there was no telling what kind of havoc it would wreak once it finally had its victim in its grasp. A single bullet could solve that little problem, but that would leave the remaining juggernauts to run wild. There was no telling what the thing sitting next to Kali would do once its master was destroyed. Neither option looked all that wonderful at the moment, if Raith was going to act it had to be one or the other.

Of course she could always run...
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite


In an instant, everything seemingly went so horribly wrong. She couldn't precisely see Kali with the other sniper's invisibility spell still active, but when it pointed in their general direction and something slammed harmlessly into the slime's body a moment later there could only be one possible reason for it. The other juggernaut stood by the slime, obscuring her shot slightly and ready to do who knew what should its master be destroyed. The riders, despite bringing down one of the juggernauts, were being slaughtered, and even if the handful of remaining men managed to kill the last of the canine abominations it wouldn't be long before the slime and the remaining monster dealt with them as well.

It was a perfect opportunity for Raith to simply take the sisters and flee. She should have, given how hopeless the situation looked, and she didn't doubt that if she did she would be joining Kali in a fate that she knew all too well. All of this went through Raith's mind as she dropped to a knee and raised her rifle, sighting for the slime and trying to get at its core without going through Kali to do it. Dropping to a knee, Raith sighted as best she could as quickly as she could, unable to risk taking her time to properly line her shot up as much as she might normally like to. It was a risk, but the very moment that Raith had a shot she took it.

Shoot the slime. Full Deadly Aim and drop to a knee. +88 attack, 4d10 + 30 damage, 60 foot range with Far Shot for range modification, ignores 16 AV

Attack is probably a sneak attack, so damage is doubled and there's an extra +10 to hit.

Also, made this post while frustrated with something completely unrelated so I might edit it to be less shitty later.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

but once it finally came to a rest its rider threw out a tendril of its mass and pointed it straight toward the sniper standing out in the open. Whatever magics it built suddenly snapped and shot forward, and a moment later Kali would find a fierce force settling all around her body. At this point the invisibility did nothing to hide her, and though her own experience with magic allowed her to fight whatever power was directed toward her she simply couldn't break through the slime's will. Her entire weight was suddenly lifted as if it were nothing, and once she was airborne she was flung straight toward the purple ooze even as it dismounted and gathered itself on the sand. The false catgirl simply flew at that point, her path taking her dangerously close to the man that appeared to be leading the riders, and though they didn't collide she flew close enough to hear him mutter a single curse the moment she passed. A second or two later found her colliding with that squishy mass, but thankfully its effort to collect itself coupled with its small feat of casting left it unable to gain any sort of grip on the gunner. She still had the capacity to act, but even then the titan standing nearby looked ready to pounce the moment she tried to escape.

Just like a hundred times before. Load the round quick and steady. No pressure. She couldn't afford to fumble today. Not when... not when...

Holy shit it was approaching fast though... Too fast! What must have been nearly 300 feet had disappeared at a horrifying rate. She'd made a terrible misjudgement. Should have relocated immediately. Sweat beading on her brow she quickly makes to stand and turn, kicking the sand as...

She was grabbed!? She panics. Looking down as she struggles there were no fingers grasping her, struggling to comprehend. The grasping force lifting her entire body resulting in a horribly feeling of powerlessness as she writhed against thin air. It was the slimes magic. 'No!'

Suddenly being yanked backwards and launched into the air, letting out a terrified reflexive scream as the pull wrenches on her guts and the wind hurtles past her face. The speed would be frightening enough alone, let alone with the knowledge of what she was sailing straight towards. Landing with a surprisingly small thud and a very ominous splat, she ends up rolling over to see a tendril or arm of dark slime reach out for her and narrowly pass over her. Getting a direct upwards view of the awful creatures face set against the sky. Continuing her roll she manages to come to her feet, but was in the worst place she could imagine. She noted her invisibility spell was still active, but also the thin slick of seemingly floating slime that her desert robes had narrowly saved her from. Faced with the two horrors, she desperately resorts to one of her few practised escape manoeuvres when caught so close to a foe. Kicking into the sand as if to run, she weaves an illusion. The best she could reliably under the circumstances. A flash of light as the spell releases, obscuring just for a millisecond, the moment a duplicate image of herself splits from her body and separates to run in an opposite direction. The image being no more than a shimmer in the air and a faint smear of suspended slime with matching fake footprints in the sand. Both Kali and her double make a quarter spin and break away at full speed from their foes.

With only barely enough time to get her bearings, she made sure in the least that neither herself or her double ran in the direction of Raith and the sisters.

(Lvl 3 Illusion and double move on the double, somewhere other than here. 56 total speed. Maybe cry a little. TwT)
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 26/39, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility, Grappled

Kali casts Illusions (Light - Lv3 Utility): Success
--- Kali illusion created
Kali and K.illusion split (Move 2x)
--- Kali: 56 North (arbitrary)
--- K.illusion: 56 South (arbitrary)

Kali sniper rifle reload count: 1

Raith sneak attacks D.Slime: Auto-hit
--- Damage: 2(7 + 10 + 5 + 2 + 20 + 10) = 54 (Ignore 16 AV)
------ Damage Reduction 1/4: (54 - 16)/4 = 10
--- Damage: 10 + 16 = 26 DEAD

Raith sniper rifle reload count: 3

Jugg3 tries to figure out which Kali to attack
--- Resistance: 28 + 13 = 41 vs 22 = 2 + 20 Success
Jugg3 pounces the actual Kali (Grapple attempt)
--- Grapple: 20 + 20 = 40 vs 34 Hit
------ Kali is pounced!

Jugg2 attacks: Hit
--- Damage: 9 + 6 + 37 - 5 = 47

Rider attacks: Auto-hit
--- Damage: 7 + 10 + 8 - (12 - 8) = 21

Jugg2 and Rider4 trade hits
--- Jugg2 is dead
--- Rider4 is dead
Rider2 attacks Jugg2
--- Couldn't see that it was already dead
Rider3 attacks Jugg3

Even with Kali panicking as she was she still managed to create her illusion without a hitch, and a moment later the two semi-invisible beings broke and ran in opposite directions. Her escape was soon joined by a rather powerful shot ringing through the air, and if the sniper took the time to turn back she would find the slime starting to dissolve as its core finally shattered.

But if she felt any sense of relief from that it was quickly drowned out by an immense shadow looming over her. The massive beast that had been carrying the slime was moving once more, and just as Kali managed to make some distance a gigantic paw slapped her back and brought her crashing to the ground in an instant. There was no telling how it had seen her, by blind luck or true sight, but either way it now had her under its grip. It bellowed in triumph, that shriek made straight at the prone gunner as she struggled under the beast's waist, and as it practically yelled into the side of her face the flesh around its cock started to flow and gather. A massive cock was starting to sprout, and unless Kali somehow won her freedom she was about to become intimately familiar with the behemoth that held her.

And yet maybe she had nothing to fear. A trio of reports led to a small cry of pain from the monstrosity, and though it turned and bared its teeth in a rather hideous snarl it did so without pulling its weight from its latest catch. Even so the last two riders left alive were now training their weapons on Kali's captor, and though Raith had been busy ensuring her shot found its mark she had ample opportunity to watch the small band of men finally fell the last of the juggernauts that had harassed them. The third man that had been alive just seconds earlier was unable to escape the beast that quickly pounced on him, but with two gunners supporting her there was little chance that this lone alien would manage to rape her partner let alone escape.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

(Yaaaaaay. Good luck Kali. Also, note to self, Raith is 115 feet from yon juggernaut on top of Kali.)

The slime was dissolving, and the juggernauts were all dead save one. That one happened to be on top of Kali, but as it now had three gunners targeting it seemed unlikely that the beast would make good on its desire to rape her fellow sniper. Shifting her heavier sniper rifle into the holster on her back and drawing her lighter carbine in turn, Raith took aim at the creature as it thrashed and turned its attention towards the riders who were shooting at it.

Taking aim at the alien beast's neck, the tattooed sniper fired, putting one round after another in carefully placed shots meant to sever the connecting tendons keeping the creature's head attached to its body. It was hard, as the creature was roughly facing in her direction and moving quite a lot, but she was hardly a poor shot and timed her trigger squeezes as effectively as was possible under the situation.

Pull out yon other rifle with quick draw, remain on her knees for dat aim boost. She's 115 feet away and has Far Shot, and her gun has 30 feet worth of range. She's using full Rapid Shot to attack yon remaining juggernaut, with Called Shot and Deadly Aim. She's 4 range increments away.

Attacks last in the turn and takes -20 Dodge, if that matters. Total of 5 attacks.
Attack: 70 (base) + 8 (crouched) + 10 (deadly aim) - 16 (rapid shot) - 8 = +64 to hit.
Damage: 2d8 + 26 + 10 - 4 = 2d8 + 32, doubled. Ignores 8 EV, which comes after ye doubling.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

A shot aimed nearby. Gods bless you Raith. She could only hope that the shot had struck true though, not daring to turn or break her step. Likewise she could only hope that her illusion...

The rushing footfalls crashing up behind her immediately dashed that hope. The shadow looming up behind almost made the world seem to stretch out before her as she struggled to get back under then sun. It was too close! She had to chance turning and rolling, or diving to the...

A harsh thwack to the back knocking any such hopes from her, and sending her crashing face first into the sand. The first attempt to blow the sand from her mouth failing after the wind had been knocked out of her. Raising one arm to try and lift herself with, coughing on sand a little and still dizzy from the blow, she's quickly flattened to the ground again by the huge paw. "Uuugh! No! Get- aghh!"

The direct shriek to the side of her head causing her to wince and screw up her face at the painfully loud sound. When she opened her eyes again, there was a new kind of terror emerging, putting genuine fear in her face. "No! No!! No!" She shrieked as best she could whilst under it's weight. No calm and collected courses of action came to her mind at this time. She simply struggled to escape as hard as she could. She'd not been able to properly observe the results or status of the battle around her either, so right now she was purely praying to one person.

'Please Raith! Please!'
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 26/39, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility, Grappled

Kali struggles to escape
--- Unopposed: Kali is free

Jugg3 attacks: Hit
--- Damage: 12 + 9 + 37 - 5 = 53

Rider attacks: Hit
--- Damage: 11 + 6 + 8 - (12 - 8) = 21

Rider3 and Jugg3 trade hits
--- Rider2 is dead
Rider2 attacks Jugg3
--- Jugg3 is dead

Raith gets to watch it all from where she's kneeling

There was a mountain of gray alien flesh pressing down on her. The 'paw' that held her felt nearly as wide as her entire body. Her mind was stuck pleading for salvation from someone she'd met only yesterday. For all intents and purposes Kali's panicked struggles should have proven utterly useless. But after a bit she felt that pressure ease. The slight snarl from the creature looming over her turned into yet another shriek of rage, and a moment later that rage simply bounded off of the woman and left her completely unharmed. Maybe slightly buried after having all that weight pressed down on her, but still unharmed.

But that didn't mean it was simply abandoning the fight. While Kali may have been too preoccupied with her own plight Raith took her knee and prepared to exterminate the last of the hulking monstrosities. But the two riders didn't feel much like waiting, and they leveled their rifles in an instant. Unfortunately the leader's earlier shot at the juggernaut forced its attention solely on that man, and with a leap it started clearing the distance between it and its target. "Shit!" The horse the man rode bucked at the sudden sight and threw his aim, and while the other man managed to hit the beast the leader was still trying to get his bearing when the monster finally lunged. He was quickly buried under the thing's weight, and though another cloud burst into the air the fact that Raith was that close meant she could see every little thing that happened to that unfortunate soul. A final scream was made as teeth started tearing through his chest, and as he thrashed in pain the beast simply thrashed in an effort to kill the man all the faster.

But amid all the gore and destruction happening only a few feet away Raith did manage to hear one final shot. It signaled a rather vicious cry of pain that ended in a nearly earth-shattering thud, and once the dust finally settled the sniper was free to witness the very last moment of both man and beast. The juggernaut had done much in tearing the man limb from limb, and small pieces of viscera could be seen hanging from those impossibly sharp teeth, but a rather conspicuous hole could be seen exiting the top of that canine head. If Raith ventured to step any closer a quick look inside the beast's mouth would show the man's rifle nearly lodged against its flesh. And while the hole itself didn't seem all that impressive it must have been just enough to finish the damned thing.

"BOSS!" Whether Raith felt like moving or not someone else had, and though the horse was obviously a bit wary of approaching one of the monster's that had recently tried to kill it the thundering of its hooves proved just how well trained it truly was. The sole surviving rider would soon reach his commander, and though what had happened to the men was a tragedy both of the snipers could finally relax. Despite the odds they managed to keep themselves and the three sisters safe.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

((Consider the invisibility and buffs dispelled from during the grapple.))

Teeth gritted and a face full of sand, Kali was in a bad place. Her struggles almost certainly futile, but she didn't exactly have any other real options. The thing was already crushing her knife uncomfortably against the back of her hip, and her little tricks of the light weren't going to be any help here. But amazingly, it seemed like she was being given a chance, feeling the weight lift for a second. She quickly grabs at one toe and with a push rolls herself to the side. Her amazement at having been allowed to escape for that second was soon explained however, when she looked up to realize that the beast had merely let go of her in favour of more murder.

The fleeting feeling of sheer relief, immediately followed by the riding mans blood curdling scream and splay of crimson being spattered across the desert, was a rather sickening combination. Trying to get her wits back together, she just about manages to grab up her gun again and cast a confused glance at it's state of reloading, her hands not knowing where to go, but that was as far as she got.

The final shot sounding out along with the falling thud, and Kali was just left there kneeling crookedly. Casting her gaze around the scene from the top of the shallow dune she'd been on, it seemed like it was over. Sighing weakly, she just slumps to sit on the sand for a moment, spitting some out of her mouth, and resting against her gun whilst watching Raith and the sole survivor. She told herself that she'd get up as soon as she'd caught her breath.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith was quite surprised when the last rider managed to fire and kill the beast just as it buried him under its bulk and seemingly claim his life with its dying breath. She'd been about ready to open fire herself, not expecting it to fall so easily, but that she was able to save the ammo wasn't something that the sniper was about to complain about. She still scowled, however, and as she watched Kali slump aside she drifted off into the background, her rifle still in her hands. With the juggernaut's and their slime master destroyed, the last of the horsemen was now the biggest threat facing them, and she would be quite happy to remain undetected and with her rifle pointed at his back. Kali had been slammed into the sand pretty hard, but she was still moving and didn't look too harmed to move under her own power, and if she wanted to speak to the man before Raith could get into a more favorable position from which she could confront him - one with a clear view at him and with at least thirty feet between him and her - that was entirely up to her.

Use the Sneak skill, basically a stealth check at a -10 penalty to resume being undetected.