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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"I'm... fine..." Tara was till a little out of it, but she was content to sit as she was. Slipping out into the hall after her quick cover up efforts, Alexis turned to Suzy with raised eyebrows. "You sure she's secure? Well we can keep an eye on her if you want to run and find the other two, we think we have an opening. Unless you'd rather guard here."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"An opening? We can get out of here? Uh, cool, uh... Yeah, do you want me to go find them? I think... They were next to the room I woke up in earlier. I... Yeah, ok..." Suzy said slowly, her legs closing a bit further in small attempts to disguise herself more. At least Alexis didn't appear to have smelt her out yet. This done, she took a few steps back, motioning towards the exit, out to the corridors they had come from. Should Alexis approve, Suzy would run out at a light jog, clutching her rifle close, making her way to the room she'd last seen Kita in.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


As Suzy grew closer to the room, she encountered Abi and Kita comming out of a hallway under the upper deck. "Oh, come to look for us. Don't worry we're almost done here."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy paused as she saw the other two, eyes narrowing slightly. "Hey Abi, Newbie. What are you doing coming from down there? Where's Rika? Well, Alexis wanted me to see if you three were ok. And, well, because we think we can get out now. Like, right now. All of us. But still, where's the bitch? We have her sister upstairs." she explained, the last part to Kita, shifting her legs slightly to cover up the dark patch across her groin.
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita meanwhile was looking for the rope for the inner gate, whistling amusedly to herself. "Oh don't worry, your kids are going to have a GREAT surrogate mother for a bit. And if we're getting outta here, it'd be great for a distraction! Everyone but Rika wins!"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy paled, even more than her usual self, and rushed after Kita, stopping just at her side. "What? What? You're throwing her to the monsters? That... That's not right! You're being as bad as them, newbie!" she said quickly, though new thoughts were wandering through her mind. Perhaps this would give her the opportunity to save her children? Right now though, the thoughts were preventing Suzy from making any move to stop Kita, she was completely immobilised in thought.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita rounded on the girl. "If she doesn't get a taste of her own medicine what's going to stop her from doing this to the next group of soldiers that goes by?!? Or even a civvie that finds an old military jacket to replace what those things do to garments?!? Eh? Personally this may be a nice learning experience for her, don't ya think?!?" she said, her voice growling slightly.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

At this point, Abi stepped in. "Well, we already gave her a little torment. I suppose we could let her off now. Though if you really want to, the lever's right up there." Abi then turned to Suzy. "So, why don't we go rejoin the others then." She attempted to lead Suzy away, if she'd follow, leaving Kita to pull the lever if she wished.

(You'll catch up in the same post if you do, so don't worry)
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"I... But I... My... My children Abi... They're down there... I want to get them back..." Suzy stuttered miserably, staring at the lever, then at Abi, then at Kita, the finally down over the viewing platform at the naked and gagged Rika, and shuddered at the thought of what was coming. Then, she looked over at the gate where the squid would invariably come out. "Abi... I want to stay, you go back to Alexis, they haven't moved from last time... I want to see if I can get my children back... If not... Then... I don't want to watch Rika getting her, ah, just desserts..." she continued, still looking sadly over the end of the platform.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita looked between Suzy and Abi, before nodding slowly to Suzy. "I'll try and help then, after all, the big ones may care for Rika, but you might just be able to get the little ones outta there. I'll wait till ya get down there to pull the lever, ok?"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Abi looked at the two dumbfounded. "What... seriously...guys that's probably going to end poorly..." Still, she let go of Suzy, allowing her to run down the hall to the gate, before slowly following. "At the very least don't go in before the squids are good and distracted." Kita, despite not having a direct line of sight, could hear the voice through the arena. Rika had been quite passive, sobbing to herself, but her struggles resumed with the release of the squids drawing near. Abi positioned herself between the door and Suzy, not trusting the redhead's judgement.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy smiled weakly at Abi as she stood near the gate. "Don't worry. I... I let myself get thrown in last time, just for you guys, but now, I have the choice. I won't be going in unless it's safe. I just want to check to see if it's at all possible, is all..." the sniper explained, moving next to Abi to peer out of the door towards the arena, hoping to see her babies soon. "Abi, you can be sure I'll be sensible, please, go back to Alexis, tell her we're ok, and we're just sorting out the last bit of business here, we'll be back soon. If... If she asks, you can just tell her, I'm trying to get my children back, but still, we won't be long." she explained to the brunette without looking at her, still looking out, trying to ignore the struggling, crying Rika, but failing. "I still don't think this punishment is justified..." she murmured, if to herself if Abi had already left, debating whether to rush in and save the blonde before it was too late.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita, meanwhile, made sure the other girl was close enough, even if she didn't really understand what was going on. Still, she hit the lever, opening the secondary gate for the squids to 'go play'.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

As the squids rushed into the arena, Abi still did not leave. "I think they're quite tired of people just wandering around as they please. We're going back as a group. Besides, you need help to distract them if you really want to grab the little squids."

Kita and Suzy had two different views of the same event as the Rika lay helpless, her attackers advancing slowly upon her. They did not grab her right away, instead curious as to why their prey was tied up just sitting in the ring. One moved up to play with the gag still in the woman's mouth, not quite sure what it was, but more then a little annoyed that it couldn't stick a tentacle in. Eventually, the squids started to wrap around the blonde's limbs, though with all six surrounding her, some were still free. The three little ones bounced around aimlessly towards the far end of the arena, not quite old enough to understand what was happening, not really caring either.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy sighed as she watched the blonde getting tangled up, feeling slightly queasy. "I... I know. But I don't think distracting these things is really an option. If we had tranquilliser guns, I would just shoot them into unconsciousness. But I don't really know if I want to kill them, especially if I might hit Rika. Besides, I am not opening these doors unless I know for certain I am not putting anyone at risk, Abi." she explained slowly, tapping the butt of her hunting rifle against her knee as she pondered her next move. The faint, and almost instantly obscured view of her children made Suzy blink, and press up against the door just a little bit harder, heart beating quickly as her rational mind battled down her completely insane mothering instincts, to run up and grab her children, regardless of the danger. This half of the sniper was telling her that she would be left alone by the squids. They'd leave her be because she was the mother of their children. They'd let her gather them up and nurture them, perhaps even allowing her to exit. It was hard to ignore these thoughts, and Suzy's knuckles paled even further than usual as she gripped the bars, and started to rattle them slightly, eyes wide and staring, though still resisting the urge to unlock the door and bolt in.

Another part of the ginger girl wanted very much to charge in, butcher the inhuman monsters, and drag poor Rika out of their grasp, to save her the terrible torture that Alexis, Sara, Kita and herself had gone through. It was terribly hypocritical of Kita to throw her in there, and just as bad for Suzy to not help her, in the snipers own, hardly stable mind.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita could only watch from her location, and though she did feel a pang of guilt from her position, she didn't budge. She'd made the right decision, at least she hoped so, she thought, as she watched the impending rape and rescue.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Eventually the squids decided the spectators were not a threat and began using Rika with full enthusiasm. The two girls by the gate were no longer being watched. The babies slowly bounced around, though they were also getting closer and closer to everyone, seeming to enjoy being near others.

From her viewing position up top, Kita had a clear view of tentacles being shoved into Rika's holes, two and three at a time. The gag was out now, but another tentacle was happily filling that role now. The blonde's noises of protest could not reach Kita's ears, but those down below could hear the muffled screams.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy trembled violently as she watched helplessly from the sidelines, unable to leave, but unable to bring herself to shoot the monsters either. For a while, she simply, stared, mouth open, on the verge of crying out of pity and horror for Rika. It was almost as bad to watch as it was to experience to the ginger sniper, but she got no further than gripping her rifle in two hands, and pushing it up against the bars, the barrel sliding through, the safety flicking off, and the bolt being cycled, a round sliding into the chamber. She stared hard at the beasts, blinking rapidly to fight back her tears as the muffled screams filled her ears. How could that bitch have just sat there and watched this happen!?

The fact that her children were so close by made Suzy's heart long even more to bust her way inside and attempt the rescue, though she forced herself to ignore them, concentrating on the rapists, and slowly her breathing went back to a normal pace. The iron sights were fixed upon the squid which was currently filling Rika's mouth, though Suzy couldn't really tell that from the writhing mass of tentacles all around the poor blonde, and eventually, the sniper's finger found its way to the trigger, tightening until resistance was felt, but not yet firing.

After another minute or two of queasily watching, Suzy's finger tightened more, her arms beginning to ache a little from holding the rifle up like this, and finally, she depressed the trigger properly, a single round cracking off, the recoil soaking comfortably into her shoulder, and with any luck, one squid would drop dead, and Rika's mouth would be freed.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita gritted her teeth and sighed. "Aw fuck it," she muttered, grabbing the nearest blunt instrument and depressing the inner gate lever, going down to assist. Her conscious had finally gotten to her, and she was headin down to get Rika out of the mess she had just smushed her into.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

(This gate opens from down below where Suzy and Abi are Lurker...)

At the last second Abi jerked the gun off target once she realized Suzy was actually going to shoot. "You might hit Rika! If you really want to stop this we're going to have to go in there, and I'm not sure we can even round up your babies let alone kill all six squid!" Kita arrived about half way through this warning. For their part, the squids diverted a bit of attention back to the girls at the gate. The element of surprise had been lost, and Abi realized this, a wave of sadness sweeping over her face as she was to blame, in a way.