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Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

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Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"nope gonna have to go gather my own clothes first i didnt know how long you would be before you got here. plus there are these bags of food and such. got enough labor issues of my own. now Excuse me briefly while i go grab my clothes"

*Chase would leave the bag of supplies in the apartment and run back upstairs to load up a gym bag with whatever clothes could be fit into it. After that Chase would return to the apartment making what haste that could be*
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Damnit, alright, we'll be waiting at the truck. Don't take too long. Moira, you think you can handle that bag yourself? I don't want to have to drop it and draw my gun if someone tries to jump us."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

You're making me carry all this down three flights of stairs? You insensitive... Moira says, managing to sound outraged while Rachel simply starts heading for the stairs.

Meanwhile, Chase manages to grab a few extra changes of clothing before coming back down.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Right. Lets get out of here. My trucks parked out front." Robert says, as he heads down the stairs.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

Rachel already has a head start down the stairs and grumbling, Moira follows Robert. The three get down the stairs fairly quickly and thankfully notice the pickup is still there and untouched.

Is there a reason you have a chainsaw inside the truck? Rachel says, looking in the window.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Figured it might come in handy. Moira, Rachel, get in." Bob says, as he unlcoks the cab and gets into the drivers seat, putting the bag in the truck bed. "Chase is going to have to stay in the back, there's only room for three. I hope he hurries up."

(I thought I was carrying the bag with the chainsaw and food in it?)
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*wouldnt waste anytime heading down and once outside seeing them all in the truck Chase would hope into the truck bed without second thought. Chase would be careful not to land on the chainsaw though*

"alright all packed lets get outta here"
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

Well let's get moving. I don't want to have to be hear when people start dying. Moira says, not aware of what Robert saw on the way in. The reactions of both her and Rachel probably won't be pretty when the car moves out onto the road.

(Chainsaws often have bladed chains and are typically stored in a carrying case. A bag would be torn open by the chainsaw.)
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)


"Right." Robert says, as he starts the engine and pulls the truck out into the street, and starts heading for Seville. He keeps the truck going slowly so as not to shake Chase around too much.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

As Robert pulls out onto the street, the small amounts of people still moving about no longer hide the remains of the earlier carnage. Trampled carcasses of people line the sidewalk while bloody lumps paint the crosswalks red. Seeing this, Moira lets out a small gasp before collapsing in her seat, likely having fainted. At the same time, an impossibly small voice speaks from the back of the cab, Dad... are those...?
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Yes. Stop looking. The sooner we're out of this town the better." Robert says, not liking that his daughter had to see that, but not able to do much about it either.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

Rachel merely whimpers as Robert continues to drive. Off down one of the side alleys, while the car is stopped at a light, moaning can be heard and four figures start to slowly shuffle out into the light covered in blood.

(I'm trying to avoid having you leave the town until Chase can respond to the gore)
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*sure chase had seen monster movies and all the bloody effects but seeing them for real was definately something different. Chase was mostly looking behind the truck which only helped leave the signs of carnage in sight longer. Chase wouldnt give any verbal ques but thoughts about the death immediately went to Chase's father and silent prayers for his saftey before knocking on the back window of the cab*

"please drive faster..."
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Oh crap." Robert says, and runs the red light, seeing as how there are so few cars in the area at the moment, he didn't think it would matter. He didn't panic though, and kept the truck in control as he went down the road. "You better hold on back there Chase!"
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*holding tight to the side of the truck bed Chase just looked on trying to simply keep in the back of the truck*
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

Driving quickly, a glance back by Chase reveals that a few of the zombies try chasing them for a short while before loosing coordination and crashing to the ground. After a few minutes, the zombies are left far behind. Eventually the pair exits the city and heads towards Seville only to encounter some sort of traffic jam that has brought progress to a standstill less than a mile from town.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*noticing the appearent standstill Chase gets up and looks ahead trying to see over the cars to what may be causing the delay*
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

It's hard to tell, but a ways forward the cars seem to stop. After that point, vehicles continue at a trickle only one or two every hundred feet or so. Where the cars are stopped flashes the signature lights of police cars. Possibly they have a check point set up and are only letting people they ok through.
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

*sitting back Down Chase would sigh and just return eyes to the way they had come from watching that way hoping not to much more came from town after them*

"this is gonna take a while"
Re: Guns and Oil (Robert and Chase)

"Oh, what the hell. Do we really have time for this? And are there even any obvious signs of infection for them to check for besides the coma?" Robert says, but keeps the truck in line. "Chase, keep an eye out, we don't want any surprises when we're stuck going so slowly." He shouts into the back.
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