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Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

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Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*Hopping out of the truck Chase immediately moves to the back to try and start unloading the supplies they gathered and to carry them somewhere they were needed*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"We'll get the damn supplies later, get out of danger!" Robert shouts, as he sees Chase begin trying to unload the truck. "And you! Move it! You'll do more good on the wall!" Robert says to Verath, making sure his voice can be heard over the gunfire and other sounds of battle.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
As Chase is heading to the back of the truck, Verath starts to make his way over to the barricades. Meanwhile, Robert fires off a shot into the advancing horde, although he can't tell if he hit anything. Also, a few zombies climbing over the outer barricades are getting quite close to the primary barricades.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

((Is Robert still *in* the truck? He's got no tag.))

"Jesus loving..." Anna-Lee spits out, the rest lost amid the gunfire. "Guys, watch the left!" At least it seemed like the two of the three that had gotten back had guns and could use them, but against that...horde? Sure it was like shooting fish in a barrel but fish didn't bite.

There was no way in hell the dozen that were shooting were going to take out all those zombies. Just no way. Not unless they had one of those chain guns from World War two.

"Hey!" She makes herself heard to the cops she's been passing to. "Guys, this isn't going to hold! Not with that many out there!"

Yeah, okay, panicking wasn't good, but there was fear and there was logic. And right now, both of them were telling her it was time to get the hell out of Dodge.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Fuck!" Robert shouts, and moves into the front seat. He checks to see if the keys are still in the ignition, praying.......
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript

Ma'am, if we fall back, we'll be cornered in there and the things might find places to hide. Out here we can at least grab the trucks when we need to run. An officer replies to Anna-lee. Meanwhile, Robert finds chase did indeed leave the keys in the ignition, however she is still moving around at the back, trying to unload stuff from on top of the truck's small bunker. The officers all continue firing into the horde while a mostly unnoticed zombie starts getting close to the truck Robert and the others came in with.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Sonovvabitch....." Robert says under his breath, and gets out of the truck, going behind it to help cover Chase. He'd fire at the closes zombie once he was in position.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Then maybe that's what we should be doing," she snaps back, taking a brief second to shake her head, take a breath, and calm her nerves. She's obviously not mad at the officer, just stressed, because that's a lot of zombies. Still, she's not backing off, keeping up in helping with the reloads and trying to keep an eye on the perimeters.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*just working to unload the supplies asap Chase wasnt bothering with anything just focus on the task at hand to do it as fast as possible and worry as little bit as possible about zombies...or else risk panicing.*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
Ma'am, we do not have enough trucks to evacuate everyone. Not to mention that if we don't make a stand now, we'll have to eventually anyway. Besides, the farther we run, the more crowded things are going to get, and the less food we'll have. We have better chances here. The officer responds to Anna-Lee.

Meanwhile, despite the advancing horde, Chase continues unloading the truck while Robert runs around near her in frustration before firing and injuring the closest zombie.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert fires off another shot at the closest zombie, seeing as it was getting VERY close now. If he didn't put it down with the next shot he'd cut and run for the barricade, making sure to drag Chases stubborn ass with him.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

We can't leave and we can't run. Brilliant. Anna-Lee bit her tongue, though, not wanting to cause any more problems. At least they were relatively fortified in here and if the zombies did get any closer, they could bottle-neck the bastards. Maybe. Hopefully.

Stop that!

Between loading, she did her best to eyeball up how much ammo they still had to give out. Granted, there seemed like plenty, but with the amount of shooting going on, it wouldn't do to run out in the middle of things, not with that swarm out there.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*With getting closer to finishing up unloading the remaining supplies Chase was passing glances over to the mechanics working on trucks looking for somewhere to help out over there after finishing at the truck*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
Firing off another shot point blank at a zombie, Robert watches as it falls dead to the ground. Meanwhile, behind him and paying no attention to how close the zombies are getting, Chase takes a glance at the mechanics, the two closer to the shelter are applying armor to the underside of the car while the two farther out are working on the wooden bunkers on the back.

Glancing at the boxes of ammo, Anna-Lee eyeballs that the cops have somewhere between 5/8-7/8 of the remaining ammo left.
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Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

(Lol, that's a lot of zombies.)

"Oh for heavens sake, MOVE!" Robert shouts, and grabs Chase by his shirt collar and drags him over to the barricade as fast as he can move. If she wants to go over to the mechanics and assist, she can, but at least she's farther away from the zombies now. He then takes cover and continues to assist in eradicating the zombies coming toward the barricade.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"get off me damnit.,..if no one seems to care about the supplies we just got then what the hell did we go there to begin with for?"

*Chase just curses about idioctic ideas and moves over to the mechanics to try and help with the bunkers since no one gives a damn about the supplies*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

(Ah, the wonders of character interaction.)

"No one's going to walk off with 'em, we got a bit of a crisis on our hands right now, in case you hadn't noticed!" Robert spits back.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.

Pulling Chase over to the barricades, Robert turns back to see another zombie that had used to truck as cover to get close (Probably unintentionaly doing so) come around the front. Climbing over a corpse, the thing only stands a few feet away.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert calmly puts a bullet in the zombies head, taking a second to aim carefully at it before squeezing the trigger.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Hey, somebody tell John Wayne over there he needs to get over here before he runs out of shots!" Granted, the guy seemed to be doing pretty well, but he was only as good as the bullets his gun held and the last thing they needed was *click click click* with a zombie in the guy's face. Not to mention passing ammo worked a whole lot better than throwing the stuff.
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