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Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

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Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*chase went over to the mechanics tryigng to help work on the bunkers knowing if they ahd to make an escape these bunkers were all that kept the people seperated from the zombies while driving*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
*=zombie brawl with player (Black = zombie health full, Red = zombie health injured)
Ma'am, the old timer is probably hopeless in that respect. Once they get that old, officers tend to get the idea that they're perfect at everything. A cop replies to Anna-Lee.

In the mean time, Chase moves over to the closest vehicle to start helping with the construction of the bunker.

Robert fires off a shot, but doesn't manage to hit the head of the zombie as it lurches at him. Soon the man finds himself tackled to the ground by the zombie, watching it get ready to try and bite him.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Perfect don't mean invincible," she snaps back, scooping up a couple extra clips and stuffing them in one of her apron pockets, grabbing a couple different types of ammo if she could, not having the slightest clue what type fo gun Robert was using, so she'd hopefully have the right one.

"Keep an eye on things. I'll be right back," she tells Rachel, her being the closest to her, maybe even hollering for someone else to come lend a hand as she does her best to make her way behind the group of reloaders over to near the mechanics, intending to hop the barricade there to get more bullets to Robert.

Of course, this is all before the zombie tackles him, at which point, she lets out a shriek of alarm. If she can't get out there (to grab something to hit the thing with), she grabs the nearest tossable thing to her (or one of the shakers in her apron pocket, if nothing's available) and pitches it at the zombie, trying to distract it enough for Robert to hopefully get away or get a shot at it.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*hearing a shriek nearby Chase turns around to see a waitress and then looking for her harrasser sees robert tackled..and simply thinks "sonuvabitch" before abandoning the truck work to run over to robert hammer in hand and swinging in at the side of the zombies head as hard as Chase possibly could*

"bad zed bad!"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

(God damnit bad dice rolls. How do you miss from six feat away?)

Robert tries to push the zombie off before it bites him, trying to get his knees between him and the zombie.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
*=zombie brawl with player (Black = zombie health full, Red = zombie health injured)

(You miss by shooting at the head of an aggressive moving target.)

Both women, Charge up on the zombie, Anna-Lee actually jumping the barricade. Swinging her frying pan, Anna-Lee smashes into the creature's back causing it to jerk it's head up in response clearing it far enough away from Robert for Chase to get a clear hit. Following the bloody impact to its head, the zombie slumps over and Robert is able to push it off.

Old timer, Just because you're experienced doesn't mean you have to play hero. Stay back near the barricades so we can watch your back. The chief calls out.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

(.........I was supposed to be behind the damn barricade already. Should have been more specific in my other post. Blargz.)

"Thanks." Robert grunts, and gets behind the barricade, reloads, and starts looking for another zombie to shoot.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*Chase grumbles a bit before hurrying back over to the vehicle bunker to continue working on it so they will be ready should evacuation be needed*

"This is a damned nightmare...should he a lot more people protecting this place then whats out here or thats helping us work on these trucks"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

((Resisting the urge to tell Robert "Bad cop! No donut!"))

"There's only so many people that can shoot the damn things, unless you wanna try that trick again with a moving one," Anna-Lee responds to Chase's remarks, picking her way over the barricade a little more carefully than she exited, heading back to her spot to get back to helping with the reload-repeat.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
*=zombie brawl with player (Black = zombie health full, Red = zombie health injured)

When you really think about it though, kid, how many of the people in the back do you think would do more than soil themselves and run screaming? One of the mechanics mentions to Chase.

Meanwhile, Robert and A-L moving back to the barricades, A-L climbing behind them to continue handing out ammo while Robert merely stands on them as there isn't enough room behind them with the ammo holders where they are.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

(Noooooo!!! My donut!)

Robert makes sure his gun has full ammunition before targeting another zombie and aims carefully for the chest before squeezing the trigger.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

(Well, no more waiting for Chance's response, I guess that can come later)

Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
*=zombie brawl with player (Black = zombie health full, Red = zombie health injured)

Taking a full clip from one of the unarmed helpers behind the barricades. Ejecting his partly full clip and tossing it towards the person, he slams the new one in and fires a shot at another zombie. Those looking towards the far end of the parking lot might notice by now that there seem to be breaks in the swarm showing that the area in the back is clearing out. This attack might be over soon.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Having seen the break, Robert tries to get to a spot where he will be more able to aim and fire accurately before trying to shoot down another of the approaching zombies.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"These damn things don't know when to quit." Anna-Lee flexes her fingers and rolls her shoulders between reloading the clips. Looking out past the current swarm, she's tempted to relax for a second, but there won't be any of that until the current batch is dealt with.

Swear, if I hear the phrase "Praise the Lord and pass the ammuntion" ever gain after this, someone's probably going to get hurt.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*Chase continues to work on the vehicles with the mechaniocs in silence*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
*=zombie brawl with player (Black = zombie health full, Red = zombie health injured)

Over at the trucks, Chase is almost finished with the truck she is working on.

Meanwhile, Robert moves over to the truck from before and starts using the front hood as cover to shoot from.

Anna-Lee, howver, hears welcome news from the watch tower:
Chief! The swarm past the barricades seems to have mostly moved on. It looks like they want to find a faster way to get food rather than wading past their fellows to get over here to us.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Thank the Lord," can be heard muttered from the girl's lips. She'll continue to reload as needed, but from the sound of things, they're going to have a bit of a reprieve, at least for a little while. The other thing that was nagging at her was the fact that while this swarm was leaving, what's to say more wouldn't show up later? Would be too much to hope that zombie corpses did something to deter live ones, wouldn't it?
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert holds fire until a zombie gets into a comfortable range, leaving the far off ones for the people with rifles to deal with.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Truck Motor Hp 7/10
Truck Undercarriage Hp 9/10
Truck Bunker Hp 10/10

p=police officer
c=police chief
A= Copper's Char
u=civilian conscript
White numbers are a pile of dead zombies that high, colored numberes are living zombies on a stack of dead ones.
2=2 dead zombies
2=1 dead zombie + 1 living zombie.
*=zombie brawl with player (Black = zombie health full, Red = zombie health injured)

Another volley of shots goes off and several more zombies fall. Robert manages to hit one and do a bit of damage, but it's still standing, albeit more wobbly than before.

After this, we'll need to find some way of moving the bodies. Probably try and make a wall of them on the far end of the lot after we confirm that they're all dead. The chief thinks out loud within A-L's hearing.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Almost over..." Robert mutters to himself, as he targets another zombie.
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