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Gwen (thetwo)

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Nov 12, 2008
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("Level Two" will be a little more sporting for you, at least to start ^_^)

The room spins around her. Gwen awakens with a daze in a strange room. She is lying naked on a dirty cot in a small, dirty cell. She has no clue how she got here, and why she is not wearing any clothes. she slowly sits up, and looks around her cell. There is a door slightly open to her south. The rom itself is barren; only a cot, a toilet, and a small cabinet. Disoriented and a little cold, she wonders how she got here and how she will escape.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel S
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen gets up quickly, not one to lie around wondering where she was. After a moment, though, she realized that this wasn't the usual "just-woke-up" confusion, but something deeper.

Well... this is hardly the worst place I've woken up naked, but I usually remember at least some of what I did the night before. If you're not going to remember it's not worth doing, really. Well, lets see if I can figure out where I am. Hell, and find some clothes.

Gwen glances around the room and discards most of it as useless, but seizes on the cabinet as probably containing something like clothes, and possibly someone's wallet or prescription medicine as well - maybe a name would strike a bell.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen looks through the drawers and finds a pair of red panties. They are hardly flattering, but they are something, and Gwen quickly dons them. Under the panties she finds a note that simply reads "Enjoy, Dr D." She picks up the note and examines it.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search again
Travel S
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Well, I've known one or two doctors but none of them were a 'D'. Maybe one of my professors? My Spanish professor last year was a little cute, he might have had a doctorate, I guess... but no, I swear I haven't seen him since the final.

Wait, someone left a pair of red panties for me to wear and a note for me to find. So they know I'm here, and naked. But that's all? I don't even get a long shirt or something? Fuck that.

Feeling angry but showing no sign of embarrassment despite her partial nudity, Gwen strides out of the room.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen walks out into a dark and dirty hallway. There is a door to her south and the hallway veers to the West. The hallway is so dark she can only see a few feet in any direction. There are a few backs full of random stuff strew about, many of which have been opened and spilled.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search again
Travel N/W/S
Last edited:
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

(Can you confirm that south is my only movement option? From the description it seems like I should be able to go west as well.)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Damn, it's dark in here. Well, lets see if I can find anybody. Or a shirt. Or a light switch or something.

Gwen pushes open the door to her south and moves inside.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen enters a dark laboratory. There are many tables set up in the middle of the room with various chemicals, burners, and other things she can't quite figure out. There lab appears to continue to the West. There are cabintes and drawers that line the walls.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel N/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Well, that certainly isn't what I expected. Where the hell *am* I?

Deciding that wherever she is, she probably isn't supposed to be there, Gwen decides to look around to find something that might giver her some hint how to stop being there... or at least to look like she belongs.

But that note... maybe someone playing a prank on me? "hey, Gwen's dead drunk, lets stick her naked in the middle of a secure building and see if she can get out of this one?"

Gwen searches the cabinets and similar around the room, hoping to find a discarded uniform, a map, someone's ID badge, or some way to turn the lights back on. She briefly eyes some of the heavier stuff, but decides that the only thing worse then being naked at night in a secure building would be to be naked at night in a secure building with a weapon.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen looks throughout the room, hoping to find something to help her out. She finds a light switch, but after flipping it several times comes to the conclusion that either the lights are burned out, or that there is no power in this room. Next trying her luck in the cabinets, She fails to find anything remotely useful. The only thing she finds that remotely resembles clothing is what looks to be a handkerchief. Saddened that most of the drawers don't have anything useful, she gives up before searching every single nook and cranny.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search Again
Travel N/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Great, no power and no carelessly discarded uniforms or anything. Not even a decent fire-escape map pasted up near the door.

Gwen moves back out into the hallway.

Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Discouraged, Gwen makes her way back out in the hallway. In her frustration, she fails to notice a large guard walking down the hallway toward her. "Hey, get back in your fucking cell!" He yells at the frustrated girl.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4
Guard HP: 4

Flee N/W/S (33%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

And.... shit. Security. There go my hopes of getting out of here unnoticed.

She glances briefly at the door she first came out of (What does he mean, cell?) before turning to face the man. She doesn't make any effort to cover herself.

"Cell? I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. Would you care to explain what you think is happening here?"
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

The guard is unfazed by the half-naked girl in front of him. "Your cell, your home, you dorm, your palace, whatever you want to call it. You need to get back in there NOW!" He says as he points to the door to their north.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4
Guard HP: 4

Flee N/W/S (33%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

"Now you see here-" Gwen began, stepping forward and attempting to kick the man between the legs.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen kicks up swiftly with her knee, hoping to catch the guard off, well, guard. She lands her attack, and the man backs up a few steps in pain, "Ow, that hurt you little shit! I don't care what the boss says, your ass is mine!" With that, he make a move toward Gwen.


Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4
Guard HP: 3

Flee N/W/S (50%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen ignores the man's blabbering and tries to follow up with an elbow to the man's head.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen swings, but this time the guard is ready for her. In one painful, swift motion, the guard grabs her arm and twists it behind her back. he pulls her next to him and she can hear the guard chuckle.


Gwen DEF: 2
Gwen CONST: 4
Guard HP: 3

Can't Flee, Pinned
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen grunts but won't give him the satisfaction of a response, instead trying to get one of her legs between his in order to pull whichever leg he has his weight on forward while pushing the rest of him backward with her body.
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