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Gwen (thetwo)

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Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen struggles against the guard's torso, hoping to distract him enough to sweep her leg under him. She locks her leg behind one of his knees and kicks out, forcing him backward at the same time. She lands hard on him and rolls to the side. She knocks the wind out of herself, so she knows that she must have done some damage to him as well. Pushing up and getting on all fours she looks over at the guard.


Gwen DEF: 2
Gwen CONST: 4
Guard HP: 2

Flee N/S/W (67%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen pauses for a moment. Now would be the perfect time to run, but that would leave a guard awake and aware of her presence. Apparently he thought she had escaped from a cell of some kind, and fat chance he'd forget about her once she was out of sight. She couldn't run, not and leave him as is.

Instead, she gets rapidly to her feet and starts kicking the man in the abdomen.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen kicks the man, hard. He lets out a strange guttural sound before his eyes roll back into his head and he passes out. Standing over the man, she pants for breath for a moment or two before realizing what has happened.

(Crit Hit)

Gwen DEF: 2
Gwen CONST: 4
Guard HP: 0

Search the body
Search the area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Well. Now I *really* have to get out of here. Well, lets see if he's got anything useful.

Gwen does a quick search of the man's pockets looking for anything that could help her get the hell out of here.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen quickly searches the man's pockets. She is able to find a nightstick attached to his belt that she snatches up. Standing back up, she looks at her escape options, pondering which to take.

(Nightstick +1 Combat rolls)

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4
Guard HP: 0

Search the area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen hesitates before picking up the nightstick, but the guard's insistence that she was supposed to be in a cell made her wonder if it might not be better to be armed then to simply be presumed armed. She decides to keep it at least until she is fully dressed.

Convinced that there's nothing further of use nearby, Gwen moves west.

Maybe I can find a window or something to slip out of... better then trying to get past the guards sure to be on a door.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen quickly scampers westward until she runs into an intersection of a second hallway. The hallway forks off to the north, while the original hallway continues to the West. There is a large number of trash bags, many again are still open, on the floor.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel N/E/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Huh, lots of stuff just piled in the halls. I'd say this was all abandoned... but then why the security guard? Whatever, just have to get out of here. Get out of here and find clothes.

Gwen ignores the hallway to the north and continues west, keeping her eyes open for anything that looks like clothing as she walks.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen walks along the hallway when she approaches a door to her north. She notices something hanging on the door's handle and goes to investigate. She nears the door and discovers that it is a red lacy bra. She tries it on, and it is a bit small, but it fits well enough that she leaves it on. The hallway continues to the west.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel N/E/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Okay, the bags of stuff were odd, but a bra just hanging on a doorknob is downright *weird*. I don't even want to think about it.

Now covered enough for basic decency - as far as she was concerned - Gwen continued west, a bit more quickly.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen continues to the west until she runs into a hallway intersection. As best as she can tell, the hallways go off oin all four directions.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel N/E/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen pauses a moment trying to stare down the side hallways, but gives up when she sees nothing but darkness. Seeing no reason to change direction, she continues forward.

Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen finally runs into the end of the hallway. There is a large number of trashbags piled to her west, along with two doors that look like cell doors. One to her south, and one to her North.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

No damn windows. Not at either end of the hallway or in either of the rooms I've been in. Maybe in a basement? That would explain the apparent disuse and lack of windows, perhaps, but unless they think someone might tunnel in... not the guard. Hell, or that note. I suppose I could look for some stairs, then... but there should be big red "exit" signs, shouldn't there? Unless this building has no power at all or it's *really* old... Well either way I ought to be able to reach the stairs from a hallway, right?

After taking a closer look at each door to make sure there wasn't a "stairway" sign next to one, she goes back the way she came, to the 4-way intersection.

Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen turns around, hoping to find an exit through one of the hallways. She reaches the intersection and peers both north and south, pondering where she should go from here. There are more trash bags piled on all the walls.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Ignoring the rubbish, and suddenly wondering how long until someone notices the missing guard, Gwen makes a left and moves down the unexplored hallway, her eyes straining for anything that looks like an exit or stairwell.

Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen heads north. Looking around, nothing immediately catches her eye other than more and more bags simply strewn about. The hallway continues to her north.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Glad at least to finally see a significant length of wall with no doors she may have to explore if no exit is obvious, Gwen continues along the hallway.

Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen comes to the end of the hallway with a door to her north. There is another hallway that runs from the west to the east. There is also a massive pile of green slime near the door. It just sits there, unmoving.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 6

Flee N/S/E/W (<1%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

The hell is that...

Curious, Gwen picks up the first solid thing she can find from the nearby trash and tosses it at the slime, hoping to see if it was solid or slippery or sticky without getting herself unnecessarily dirty.
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