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Gwen (thetwo)

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Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen tosses a small plastic cup at the object. It appears to stick to the side fo the slime blob for a moment before falling to the ground. It does not seem to do much to the slime though. She takes a step backward as the slime mutates into the form of a human, though she cannot tell if it is suppsoed to be a man or woman.

Gwen DEF: 3
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 6

Flee N/S/E/W (<1%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

A dream. This has to be a dream.... she snaps her fingers several times, gesturing at the slime-thing. Okay... maybe not, then. Um...

Gwen tries to get past the thing, running to the east.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen only makes it about two steps before the slime creature's "arm" shoots outward and wraps itself around her waist, forming around it, binding her to it. She turns her head over her shoulder to see it moving towards her, noticing it now has taken the form of a young, attractive female. Well as attractive as a translucent green female could be.

(Flee failed)

Gwen DEF: 2
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 6

Can't Flee, Pinned
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen gives the thing a reflexive knee to the face as she tries to struggle out of its grip.

What... the... hell...
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen strikes out with her knee toward the creature, but fails to estimate the distance correctly in the darkness. All she hits is air, though before she can reset, the creature's other arms shoots outward and wraps itself around her calf, trapping it up in the air. Gwen loses her balance and falls backward off of her good foot, only being held up by the slime blob.


Gwen DEF: 1
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 6

Can't Flee, Pinned
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Wordlessly, perhaps unable to speak, Gwen frantically kicks at the blob with her free leg, not thinking clearly.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen kicks out with her free leg to feel that some of her weight was still on it. No matter, her main concern is to break free of this thing. Her kick connects with the side of the slime "girl" and a pained expression forms on it's face. The slime in response lifts her higher off the ground, her free leg just out of reach of the hallway floor.


Gwen DEF: 1
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 5

Can't Flee, Pinned
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

A dire look on her face, Gwen lets out a hoarse whisper "let me go and I'll stop hitting you". But while the grip on her leg is maintained, she continues kicking.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

The slime seems to not even register her audible plea. The slime holds her tight against her continues assault. her kicks are blocked by strangely harder pieces of slime. Gwen can't tell if the slime is hardening itself as a defense, or if certain parts are harder than others.


Gwen DEF: 1
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 5

Can't Flee, Pinned
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

"No? Alright, then..."

Gwen continues kicking, hoping that it's just some parts harder then others. To that end she start varying where her blows must land... stomach, face, chest...
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen does her best to aim at the vulnerable parts of the girl's body, hoping the slime's "anatomy" is the same at the figure it is modeling. She lands a hit in the stomach, but her foot gets stuck in the slime. Almost immediately afterward, the slime creature reforms so that both her legs are trapped by the slime girl's "arms," wrapping all the way up to her waist. She is then dropped painfully back to the ground on her back. In her pain and fear, her mind suddenly recognizes the face on the slime, it's hers!


Gwen DEF: 0
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 5

Can't Flee, Pinned
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

On recognizing her own face, for the first time, Gwen lets out a scream. Even more desperate now, she begins trying to thrash her legs about independently... Maybe something inside it is vulnerable.... oh god I hope so...
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen thrashes and catches something. She thinks she almost "feels" it scream as it releases both of her legs and reels backward. She is not sure what she hit, but she it something. She quickly gets back on her feet.

(Crit Hit)

Gwen DEF: 0
Gwen CONST: 4
Slime HP: 3

Flee N/S/W/E (50%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Thoroughly freaked out, Gwen again tries flees eastward, hoping its injuries will convince the thing not to follow her.
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen tries to run to the east, but is again trapped from behind. This time the slime creature wraps up both of her legs, causing her to fall painfully to the ground, face first. She suddenly feels a warms pulse through her body that flows from where the slime is touching her.

(Flee failed)

Gwen DEF: 0
Gwen CONST: 3
Slime HP: 3

Can't Flee, pinned
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Trying to ignore the pain and unexpected heat in her body, Gwen again tries thrashing her legs around inside the slime.

"Ugh, just let me alone!"
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Gwen hopes that her flailing will hit something sensitive within the slime. Her leg catches something inside and the slime again releases her. She quickly stands back up, and turns toward her attacker.


Gwen DEF: 0
Gwen CONST: 3
Slime HP: 2

Flee N/S/E/W (67%)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Almost desperate now, unable to tell if she's actually done any significant damage to the thing, and still freaked out by the whole concept but especially the fact that it appears to be copying her appearance, Gwen again tries to get away.

(flee east)
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

The girl again tries to flee from the slime. This time she is successful. SHe does not look back, and does not realize how close she was to being captured again. When she stops to catch her breath, she looks around. The hallway continues to the est, and there is a door to her north.

Gwen DEF: 0
Gwen CONST: 3
Slime HP: 2

Rest (38% chance per DEF recovered)
Search the area
Travel W/E/N
Re: Gwen (thetwo)

Unsure how far the slime is behind her, Gwen continues East at a run.
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