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Feb 8, 2009
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For anyone who knows Munchkin, we all know that the game is really basic, but a blast to play.

It doesn't have a lot of rules to pick up and learn or constantly look back on.
It doesn't have a lot of strategy and complicated play.
What it does have, is a straightforward concept that's just insanely fun.

And thus: I release unto thee. HENTAI MUNCHKIN!

Same as munchkin, but with a custom made cardset. You're going to know if you win or lose an encounter going in (barring other players interfering!), and the game's focus is entirely around the silly fun of out-munchkining one another (and in our case wild roleplaying).

Your turn starts by "opening a door". This can either be kicking down the door to an underground dungeon, stumbling into a bar back at the town where a group of thugs are waiting for you, walking up to the automatic doors on a starship that slide open, diving through the massive FARgate, or anything else!

If you don't find a monster, you may choose to "look for trouble" (fight a monster from your hand), or take another "door" card.

If you do find a monster... Fight it accordingly, win, lose, or be raped horribly into next week. (winning gets you treasure!... rape sometimes too!)

Then your turn is over and the next person goes.

Don't forget to throw down effect cards to save yourself, or fuck (sometimes literally in this case) your allies, because whoever reaches that elusive level 10 first is the winner!

(Further rules: You only have two hands, one head, one body, and can only carry one big item, or use one complex item... etc. etc. If you really want the full rules, go find them in a quick Google search, because there's a ton of them.)
Re: H-Munchkins

man i love munchkin, i look forward to seeing this play out.
Re: H-Munchkins

Same. How will this play out? Who's gm and who gives who which cards etc?
Re: H-Munchkins

I was going to ask for help compiling a card list and open applications as soon as we had enough to start a game. However, due to everyone's extreme lack of interest in playing with me, I'm simply going to turn this project over to anyone else who wants it.
Re: H-Munchkins

I need to check all threads and such more often >.< munchkin is teh bombness and hentai version would be super hilarious so while you seem to be putting it aside at least know if you pick it back up i would show interest in it. cause afterall munchkin beats all.
Re: H-Munchkins

I play munchkin all the time with my friends. I would love to help draw up a card list, and work out the best way to play this game over the forums.
Re: H-Munchkins

Someone else will have to pick up and start on this project.
Re: H-Munchkins

I'm going to start designing some cards and the base rules. The thing is, I'm not sure how humourous, or how hot, to make it.

On a scale from 1 - 10, where 1 is humour / fun

Suck the GM's cock
Gain a slut level
Because everyone knows the best way to win games is getting friendly with the master.

and 10 is hotness / seriousness

Type A Yax Demon
Level 7
Catgirls are at a +2 against Yax Demons, since they are both feline.
-2 to escape rape.

Yax demons are giant, golden cats who specialise in impaling their victims on their two phalluses simultaneously, which then thrust in and out of the girl's two orifices simultaneously, and ejactulate simultaneously. They are extremely fast and are expert at catching their prey.

Bad stuff: Your reduced senses due to your arousal and double creampie results in you leaving an item behind as you flee. Discard a card from your hand, or if you have no cards in hand, discard a card in your play area. Catgirls also miss their next turn due to impregnation.

Note that I'm not necessarily saying that humour cards won't have long descriptions or that serious cards won't have short descriptions, this was just an example of the two paths i could go with the game. Of course I could also take a bit of both, and make then funny and hot. I just want to know who much people care about humour as opposed to hotness.
Re: H-Munchkins

I'd say go no more than 3 or 4 on that scale. It's not Munchkins if it's not silly. Monsters might go a little higher, treasure and effects a little lower.
Re: H-Munchkins

I think I agree, but I'd like a couple more opinions as well.

In any case, what about the name? I quite like munchcunts, or munchkunts :D
Re: H-Munchkins

I agree with DeMatt, serious'd when concerned with monsters and rape, and lol'd when concerning pretty much everything else.
Re: H-Munchkins

Hentai and Munchkin.
Two of the best things in the world combined.
Re: H-Munchkins

I have made progress with this, but it's harder to make some things up than it first seems.
Re: H-Munchkins

by the way Aika my vote is for munchkunts for a name thats a perfect name ;p
Re: H-Munchkins

I've heard of this, but never played it. So, I figured I'd ask if anyone had an FAQ or tutorial handy that they swear by?