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Happy Goblin Fun Time (Tiffanian)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
((OOC: Bulli casual one-shot not-really-canon but also not-really-ToC thing for Tiffanian. Spoilers: these times will probably be neither happy nor fun for the goblin. I'll try to tag my posts accordingly but smut scenes may include ryona and other such unseemly things, so probably avoid reading it if you're not into that.))

It was another bright and beautiful day in the Pfthirian jungle. Or at least a specific fluffy-tailed man believed so. A long bout of rain had finally passed and the sun now reigned over the sky, shining through the small cracks in the otherwise shadowy canopy overhead. This more pleasant weather had in turn prompted Eztli to go on a stroll through the wilds seeking a temporary cure for his ever-present boredom and hunger. To say he looked out of place walking along one of the location's many dirt paths was an understatement. A wiry, pale, dark-haired man who would be mistaken for human if not for his fox-like ears and tail wandering one of the most dangerous locales on Donevrion armed only with semi-formal attire and a carefree expression would almost certainly appear suicidal to anyone with even a child's understanding of the jungle.

And yet he did as he so often had before, guided by his ears and deceptively powerful nose. As he walked at a leisurely pace, Eztli searched the air for scents and sounds that he believed might entertain him, sate him, or both. Not far to the west he could hear the clash of predator vs prey and smell the blood in the air as each fought for survival. He mentally marked the direction off as uninteresting; it sounded like a conflict between mindless beasts and didn't seem fun at all. To the south he detected a hint of something foul, which he guessed was a concentration of miasma. Mundane noxious gasses wouldn't pose much of a risk to him, but it was also highly unlikely that there was anyone sentient in that direction so there wasn't really a point in investigating. To the north, however, he picked up a lone human fragrance and, with all his other options seeming uninteresting, he initially decided to head off in that direction to see who he might find. Yet before he made significant headway toward his target, something more interesting made its way to his sensitive nostrils coming from the east. It was the distinctive scent of a female goblin.

This naturally piqued Eztli's interest. This was not a location known for its goblin population, after all. It was too far from any known remaining night elf demon cults and any form of demonic civilization. And even in places where goblins were common, females were rarely seen far from a tribe's holdings. Perhaps she had been summoned? Or perhaps there was a hidden tribe nearby? The fluffy-tailed wanderer simply had to know, and what better way than to ask the goblin directly? As such, he shelved the matter of the human for now and quickened his pace as he began moving in the direction of the goblin, intending to find her and make his presence known with very little subtlety. He couldn't help but feel more eager knowing that he would soon have the entertainment he craved.
This… was it called a jungle? Whatever you called it it sort of sucked. Even though Tlech was well-equipped to handle the heat it still wasn’t the most comfortable of places, especially decked out in her leather armor. The vegetation was also quite thick, made it hard to see and move around… some of the underbrush was taller than she was! Even Hell wasn’t this annoying to traverse! She scrambled up to the top of a small hill, able to just peer into the distance above all the leafy green nonsense… She was a goblin, not even four feet tall with long blonde hair that was currently sticking to her face from the jungle humidity. She had a plump form that was more or less hidden by the leather armor strapped on top of her sackcloth dress, though no amount of binding could hide her heavy breasts.

She had been summoned here to this jungle by a woman, though they had quickly been separated… it seemed to Tlech on purpose. What her summoner had to gain for summoning her and then running off when there was seemingly no combat to be had anyway she had no clue in Hell, but she was starting to suspect that she wasn’t going to be paid. "Fuck" she grumbled under her breath, "dum betch wastin’ me time." Without any explanation for why she needed to be there she was just about to cancel her summoning and return to her body…
His nose had the right of it -- not that Eztli had harbored any doubt, it never lied to him before -- and before long he had found the subject of his search, a new goblin friend. She seemed agitated, but he didn't give much consideration as to why. As such he made no effort to hide his presence, stepping out into her field of view and scanning her with his piercing red eyes, but other than a playful smile his expression betrayed no hint of what he was thinking.

"My, my. A goblin in this part of the jungle," he remarked, his tone likely giving some of the secrets of his opinion of her. "What is a goblin like you doing in a place like this?"
Well, now there was at least some reason not to cancel her summoning outright. A man walked right up to her, and as he looked Tlech over she looked at him in return. He was tall, probably a full two feet taller than her if she had to guess, wearing some bizarre kind of clothing she'd never seen before, with fluffy ears and a tail. A person? With fluffy ears and tail? The tail didn't even look like something you'd find on a hellhound, so she was stumped as to what he might be. She didn't much care for his tone of voice when he addressed her, but for now she didn't think much of it. "Got summoned" she replied, "dunno wot for. Summoner done ran oft an' I ain't got a clue where to. Dum betch. Anyways, wot're ye doin'?" Something told her she needed to be wary of this one... A person with red eyes smiling like that was usually bad news.
"Me? I'm just taking a stroll in search of something fun," he remarked, his smile visibly widening as he visually appraised the goblin a second time following his remark. "A summoning, eh? So no tribe near here.... A shame, I do enjoy playing with goblins and I haven't seen one since I left Acheron."

"Your summoner is probably the human to the northwest of here, from the sounds of things," Eztli followed up despite the inherent threat in his words. His ears twitched and he took another sniff of the air to track the progress of his second choice of entertainment that day. "Making her way even further north as we speak. Probably didn't even realize she had powers and summoned you by accident and spooked herself. I had originally written her off when I caught your scent, but if she's got magic then maybe I'll have to find her and have fun with her after all."

"So what's your plan?" The kumiho's smile turned into a grin that exposed razor sharp teeth as he asked. "You going to try to follow your summoner? Or are you heading home without payment?"
Tlech narrowed her eyes at the man as he smiled at her, that playful smile clearly a front... The demons that smiled were always more dangerous than the ones that showed their cards. The way he talked about "playing" with goblins and his tone of voice when he said it only confirmed as much. He continued on to tell her about her summoner, apparently running away as they spoke... and then threatened to have fun with the girl as well. "Ye got a gud nose on ye" she said after a moment, "got 'ell'ound blood in ye?" She had to stall for a little bit of time to figure out her plan... She had probably been summoned by the desire for help, even if unconsciously. It wouldn't have been the first time. And she should probably keep this man from finding her summoner if at all possible... Besides, she could take her payment from him if she managed a win. "I ain't inna mood fer neither if'n I'm bein' true" she replied, grinning at him, "ye seem like yer inna mood fer sum fun... an so's am I. Wot say we play fer a bit?"
"I like your spirit! I think I'm really going to enjoy figuring out whether you're from Hell or not. How far will I be able to go?" Eztli's grin never shrunk even the smallest bit as he replied to Tlech. Despite the thinly veiled nature of his threat, however, he didn't take anything resembling an appropriate battle stance. Instead, he fished a cigarette from his vest pocket with his right hand and put it to his lips before lighting it with a small spark of hellfire from his left pointer finger, then stuck his left hand in its corresponding trouser pocket. He took a drag of the cigarette, exhaling a plume of smoke in the goblin's general direction before adding with finality in his tone; "Let's get started then."

Fight presumably starting here. I was just going to go ahead and GM this one unless somebody really, really wants to GM for it for some reason.
Tlech didn't really like the tone this man was taking with her... or the way he casually used hellfire to light some sort of strange stick on fire to suck on. What in the shit was that, and why was he doing it? She quirked an eyebrow, pondering only for a moment... He didn't seem interested in taking any kind of fighting stance, which was interesting. She had a feeling she just might have been in over her head, but then that was part of the fun of being summoned. She put up her fists in front of her and allowed the demonic power to flow through her, hardening the muscles beneath her pudge as she said "sure, let's."

Fell Might at X = 20. Spend 17 EP and 1 HP. 16 EP per turn upkeep. +40 Dodge, Melee damage, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Grapple. +20 resistances. +60 to-hit.
Starting Stats
Eztli: HP = 74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5), Temp HP = 20.
Tlech: HP = 66/67, PP = 42, EP = 72/89, Status = Fell Might (X = 20)

Buff Round:
Eztli spent X - 1 EP on a Body Transformation, where X = 5.
Tlech spent 17 EP and 1 HP on Fell Might, where X = 20.

Initiative (Using standard ToC 3d6 + Speed and then alternating initiative rules here):
Eztli: 53
Tlech: 44

Combat Round:
Eztli uses Trip + Stunning Blow.
Attack: 89 vs 123. Miss.

Tlech uses devil's lightning at x = 5 (breaking spirit ceiling by 4) and flurry of blows. 3d10 + 5d10 + 55 to-hit on 4 attacks, 1d8 + 40 + 5d8 damage.
Attack: 2 hits, 2 misses.
Damage: 76 - 10 - 44 - 5 = 17 * 0.8 = 14, 62 - 10 - 34 - 5 = 10. 24 damage, reducing temp HP to 0 with 4 damage getting through.

Ending Stats
Eztli: HP = 70/74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5)
Tlech: HP = 62/67, PP = 42, EP = 47/89, Status = Fell Might (X = 20), Devil's Lightning Enchant (X = 5)

Well. Eztli certainly couldn't say he'd expected a random goblin to be able to pour that much power into herself. To have found a summoned goblin spirit wielder of respectable caliber in the middle of nowhere, the jungle really was a fascinating place.

Despite his opponent's obvious spiritual power, however, the red-eyed man still wasn't very concerned. He expected to end the whole thing in one move. First he'd sweep her legs out from beneath her and get her on the ground, then he'd put himself on top of her, and then he'd toy with her until she showed him her truest colors.... Or at least that's how it went in his head. In actuality, he attacked her with a low sleep and the damned goblin dodged his attack and flew at him like she had angel blood coursing in her veins.

But Eztli wasn't a slouch. Even with the diminutive demon's alarming speed, he managed to dodge the first attack without too much trouble. The second though, that one got him right in the stomach, shredding part of his vest and shirt and unbinding the defensive enchantment on his clothing. The successful strike also forced him to take his hand out of his pocket in order to deflect her third blow, but he'd still take a another direct hit from her immediate follow-up to that. Both blows were mighty enough to have originated from a half-giant, but fortunately for the demonic man he was quite durable and made more-so by his enchantments. He ended up getting away with only minor scratches.

"Interesting," he murmured despite the cigarette in his mouth as he prepared to weather the goblin's continuing assault. He was firmly on the back foot for the moment, but he had a plan to turn things around.
Tlech stood still, waiting on the demon to approach her... The best punch was a counterpunch, or at least that was what she told herself. He came at her with an agility that was concerning but expected, trying to sweep her short little legs out from under her, but she hopped over his leg and in the same motion flung herself into him with everything she had, empowering her fists with electricity as she swung them at him. The first punch he dodged easily, but the second she caught him right in the gut, as solid a blow as the goblin could possibly land.

And yet he shrugged it off like it was nothing. She didn't allow it to get to her, following up with another blow that he parried, and then one more that hit him in the stomach again... and again he barely seemed to register it. Distressing. Still, with a wordless grunt she pressed on. She couldn't keep this up for very long, her reserves of energy wouldn't last forever... but she felt she couldn't slack up for even a moment lest her opponent destroy her in an instant.

Same song, second verse
Starting Stats
Eztli: HP = 70/74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5)
Tlech: HP = 62/67, PP = 42, EP = 47/89, Status = Fell Might (X = 20), Devil's Lightning Enchant (X = 5)

Initiative (Using standard ToC 3d6 + Speed and then alternating initiative rules here):

Combat Round:
Tlech is maintaining Devil's Lightning and using Flurry of Blows. 3d10 + 5d10 + 55 to-hit on 4 attacks, 1d8 + 40 + 5d8 damage.
Attack: 1st automatically glances. 3 misses.
Damage: 46 - 34 - 5 (lightning damage only did 5 due to glancing, spell resistance can't reduce it past that) - 5 = 2 * 0.5 (Iron Body from Full Defense) = 1 damage.

Eztli used Full Defense this round.

Ending Stats
Eztli: HP = 69/74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5)
Tlech: HP = 61/67, PP = 42, EP = 28/89, Status = Fell Might (X = 20), Devil's Lightning Enchant (X = 5)

Sure enough, the smaller demon continued her assault without wasting a moment. She didn't have the training or the style of an accomplished striker, but her spiritual reserves allowed her to make up for it with raw power and speed that surpassed a normal lesser demon's by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately for her though, Eztli had training, magic, and demonic strength behind him. The fifth of the punches Tlech had thrown in the fight would only glance him as he turned away from her and the remainder would miss entirely as he carefully bobbed and weaved his way away from them.

And once the second half of her offensive was spent, Eztli decided it was time. He could've probably waited out the goblin's energy reserves, but he wanted his counterattack to strike at both her body and her morale. For the first time since their "playtime" had started, Eztli would straighten up and take a proper, if basic, fighting stance. Left hand and leg forward, right hand and leg back. His cigarette hung from the side of his mouth ignored. He planned on ending the fight with a strike of his own.
Tlech's flurry of attacks was near completely useless when the demon tried to defend himself, her knuckles glancing off his side once before he adjusted to dancing just out of her range. "Dodgy basterd" she grumbled, watching as he shifted into a fighting stance for the first time... That wasn't good. If he was getting serious she was probably in trouble, and she was already getting tired without much to show for it at all. She would have to focus on defense just for a moment before going all out again...

Drop the devil's lighting, only 1 attack this time with 3 dice in defensive fighting. That attack will be 3d10 + 5d10 + 61 to-hit, 1d8 + 32 damage.
Starting Stats
Eztli: HP = 69/74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5)
Tlech: HP = 61/67, PP = 42, EP = 28/89, Status = Fell Might (X = 20), Devil's Lightning Enchant (X = 5)

Initiative (Using standard ToC 3d6 + Speed and then alternating initiative rules here):

Combat Round:
Tlech uses defensive fighting, taking effect immediately...

Eztli uses Trip + Banishing Strike (no damage in order to ignore dodge bonus) + Defensive Fighting for an AV bonus from Iron Body.
Attack: 97 vs 89. Hit.
Damage: None.
Resistance check (Trip): 69 vs 37. Tlech is knocked Prone and loses her attack this turn.
Resistance check (Banishing Strike): 48 vs 28. Tlech loses her Fell Might.

Eztli uses Brawler to attempt a free action grapple vs Tlech: 88 vs 88. Tie, Tlech avoids being grappled.

Tlech lost her attack due to gaining the Prone status against her will.

Ending Stats
Eztli: HP = 69/74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5)
Tlech: HP = 61/67, PP = 42, EP = 28/89, Status = Prone.

Tlech's choice to go on the defensive would cost her, Eztli would make sure of that. Having seen her earlier counterattack, he wasted no time in attempting to bait a second such strike from her. His leg shot forward again in a telegraphed second attempt to trip the goblin, inviting her to go for another counterpunch. This time, however, the male combatant was better prepared for her incredible speed. He twisted himself out of the way of her return attack and delivered an open-palm strike to her back. While the strike wouldn't cause Tlech any pain, it would put her off balance enough to force her to stumble to the ground and would have the more insidious effect of forcibly breaking her grip on her spiritual empowerment.

Eztli wasn't done just yet though. As his goblin opponent went down he followed up by attempting to firmly put his foot on the diminutive demon to jkeep her there permanently. Even without her magically-boosted strength and agility, however, her senses were honed enough that she was able to get out of the way and avoid him pinning her and likely sealing the fight's result. Her reaction time impressed the man despite her status as a lesser demon. It left him even more disappointed that he wouldn't be able to keep her past her summoning....

"Almost time for the fun to really begin," he taunted with unrestrained glee in his voice. Even if he couldn't keep her, Eztli was growing more eager as the end of the first part of their little game drew ever nearer. He would be sure to get his full of play from this remarkably strong goblin. "Please be sure to resist as long as you can!"
Tlech saw the demon come at her with another attempt to swipe her legs out from under her and jumped his leg, ready to punch him in the gut... but this time he was a step ahead of her, moving out of the way and slapping her in the back with the palm of his hand. With her legs up in the air she was thrown well off balance, stumbling as she hit the ground. She knew that he would be trying to attack her as she hit the ground, so instead of trying to catch herself with her hands she put her arms up and rolled as she hit the ground, narrowly avoiding a stomp as she got on her back to face him.

She was on the ground, which wasn't great, but the bigger problem was that somehow he had managed to dismiss the magic she used to strengthen her body. She knew she didn't have the reserve of power to sensibly put it back up, at least not to an extent that would be meaningful against him... She made a quick decision as he spoke to her, deciding to risk it all on a sudden blast of lightning, launching it before he had even finished speaking. She didn't think it would work... but it probably gave her a better chance than anything else she could do.

Devil's Lightning in line form, X = 22. If it requires an attack roll that's going to be 3d10 + 8d10 + 1 to-hit. (1d8 + 2) * 22 damage.
Starting Stats
Eztli: HP = 69/74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5)
Tlech: HP = 61/67, PP = 42, EP = 28/89, Status = Prone.

Initiative (Using standard ToC 3d6 + Speed and then alternating initiative rules here):

Combat Round:
Eztli uses defensive fighting, taking effect immediately.

Tlech uses devil's lightning X = 22. As per Tassadar, this does require an attack roll.
Attack: 63 vs 106, Eztli wins. He has Spell Resistance + Evasion so he takes no damage.

Eztli uses a defensive fighting and an otherwise normal attack against Tlech.
Attack: 87 vs 54.
Damage: 38 - 8 = 30. Another 6 damage for breaking spirit ceiling.

Ending Stats
Eztli: HP = 69/74, PP = 50, EP = 48/52, Status = Body Transformation (X = 5)
Tlech: HP = 25/67, PP = 42, EP = 1/89, Status = Prone, Injured.

"Please be sure to res-ist?!" A sudden blast of demonic lightning cut him off, forcing him to stop mid-remark and lean out of the path of the attack lest he be fried to a crisp. The mighty blast, deprived of its original target, ended up striking a distant tree. The resulting explosion caused wood shrapnel to fling itself in all directions, with the two combatants spared only because of the presence of more of the tree's siblings to offer them shelter from the worst of it.

Despite how close he had come to being ashes in the jungle, Eztli returned his gaze to the supine goblin with a grin on his face. He strolled to the side of her as she recovered from the exertion of her desperation attack. "Good grief," he remarked, as one might toward a hopeless child. "Are you trying to make yourself pass out before I even really get to play with you?"

Before she got a chance to answer, he would swiftly kick the goblin in the side. "That just won't do at all!" He admonished her as she reacted to the pain he'd just inflicted on her. "But I'm guessing you're all out of energy now, so slapping you around some more isn't going to be very entertaining. You don't seem the type to run for your life in this situation, so that's no fun. And goblins taste like shit, so I can't say I'm really interested in that either."

"How about this? How about you surrender now and do everything I say? I can think of a few fun games we can still play. Entertain me enough and I'll even consider forgetting about your summoner." The kumiho's cold eyes didn't match his grin as he made the thinly-veiled threat. He took a last draw on his cigarette as he waited for her response, it having burned nearly to the butt during their fight without him really having a chance to enjoy it. If she hadn't chosen by the time he finished, he planned on making the decision for her.
The blast of lightning was packed with as much power as Tlech’s chubby little body could manage, every last drop squeezed into her last ditch effort… but unfortunately it didn’t connect, whipping past the demon and utterly shattering a tree some distance away. She cursed under her breath, having at least some idea what came next. She couldn’t react before he kicked her hard in her side, drawing a pained grunt and a brief grimace out of her, though she was relatively stoic all things considered, a practiced skill that helped evade extra torment from her demonic overseers back home. This guy pissed her off, from the look on his face to the way he was taunting her… He offered her the chance to surrender then and there, to be his “entertainment” in exchange for him ignoring her summoner…

"Well, ye ain’t wrong" she grumbled as she laid there on the ground, shielding herself as best she could. "I ain’t gonna run from ye, ain’t no point." She looked up at him warily before dropping her fists, laying them on her stomach. "Ain’t no point in keepin’ up a fite neither. Ev’ryting ye say, eh? I s’pose I got no say innit now. Jus’ gonna bet yer games ain’t gonna be fun fer one of us."