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Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

It was hard to tell whether the revelation of Ruby's risque attire had done anything in the way of distracting the crew members in hot pursuit of her. She wouldn't be theirs to claim so it seemed, not today anyway. Regardless of whether the stripping and the Fire Lotus' quick jukes had saved seconds or fractions thereof from a possible grab or tackle, she had escaped for the time being. A series of confused shouts could still be heard from up above as she sought momentary refuge in the captains' quarters, but nobody thought to check her newest hiding spot... not yet, anyway. She had to move quickly. A glance around would show that Fiaran had quite a few things that could probably qualify as prized possessions within his quarters--a jeweled globe of sorts, a telescopic spyglass, a spare captain's coat, and a collection of assorted yet unlabeled memory crystals hiding in a desk drawer. Snatching at least one and tossing it out the window likely wouldn't take too much time.

But time wasn't a resource that Ruby had in droves, especially as it was proving difficult to find spare clothes suitable for a crew member who wasn't the captain himself. Compared to the others, Fiaran apparently kept his attire remarkably clean, perhaps all too suitable for the armchair leader that he was. If she wanted a disguise, she'd have to settle for one that was far from perfect.

Through the mental window, Ruby could tell that Noir herself was all too aware of the situation. The Mistress heard all that had transpired; of Melchor and his double, of Fiaran's treachery, and of the Fire Lotus' failure to handle the situation on her own. But Ruby's punishment was far from the most immediate matter on Noir's mind. Perhaps the Mistress knew how unreasonable these men were to deal with. But more likely, she was focusing on sensing the plodding footsteps headed in her direction. Through their link, Ruby felt the dank, stale air around Noir as if she were there right beside her. It was quite dark where the pale woman sat, but this was less of a disadvantage for her as it was for 'Melchor' and Fiaran's lackies. Dealing with them by force wasn't necessarily a difficult matter below deck, but imposing her hypnotic gaze and her undeniable will took time and focus. With Verde still weak from the recent feeding, Ruby's assistance would no doubt be needed, as more men were headed down.

However, that wouldn't keep some seamen from continuing the search. Some were more thorough in their task than others. She heard the door latch open, and a youthful voice called out to the others.

"Right, I'm just going to check in here, just in case! I'll be out in a second... ah--" started one of the deckhands, turning around just in time to spot Ruby. He paused as a lump formed in his throat that kept him from responding with an immediate warning to the others, and an awkward silence ensued. He was less than a good three strides from the assassin, but it was difficult to tell whether any sudden movements would cause him to cry out. But more notably, he was wearing the sort of clothes that Ruby could use to properly disguise herself...
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby eschewed any opportunity for spite against the captain's assortment of inanimate objects. That sort of revenge was petty and the sort of entertainment that thieves and nobles acquainted themselves with. Ruby's idea of vengeance against the good captain Fieran would be something far more along the lines of setting him on fire and then keel hauling him.

She exited the captain's quarter's quickly and connected with Noir through their psychic link, understanding through emotional concept that there was an imminent need for her presence. But to aid her effort in reaching Noir unhindered, she would require a disguise and one would only be provided for her by the convenient appearance of a hapless sailor.

When he turned and spotted her, she closed the short gap between them and let fly her leg, raising it up high above her and bringing it down on him with a vicious axe kick. If it felled him, she would leave nothing to chance, following her motion forward and knocking the man senseless with two swift palm strikes and an elbow aimed at the side of his head. If her practiced incapacitating strikes worked, she would swiftly disrobe him and clothe herself in his loose shirt and trousers. She would forgo footwear, knowing that not all sailors had such luxury and besides, in the dark, they would not be examining every detail.

With new clothes, the kunoichi headed down further and further to the lower decks, trying to rejoin her mistress with all haste.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

The crewman stood with mouth agape at the sudden sighting. Perhaps he didn't actually expect to find the coveted target hiding in such a place? But Ruby gave him no time to decide on a course of action. She was quick, moreso than she let on during the voyage, and her target hardly expected the petite woman to close the distance as swiftly as she did. "Ah--" he started, only to see the blur of her heel crashing down on him. Instinctively, he raised both of his arms, which did just enough to keep the blow from buckling his legs.

Not that the initial strike was meant to knock him out, but rather, divert his attention upwards, which left an obvious hole in his defenses that Ruby didn't even need to look in order to understand its location. She knew the gap to be underneath between his arms, where his chin waited. Crouching low, she shot a palm strike upwards. That one hit its mark as intended, and he appeared dazed afterwards, stumbling back. Then a second would ensure that he was rendered unconscious; the elbow was practically ceremonial at that point. Either way, Ruby was left with a suitably senseless man, and could go to work in undressing him. He would make no argument as she stripped him of his clothing and pulled it over herself.

The attire was a bit dirty and smelled of man, not a scent she was totally unfamiliar with at that point... but it would have to do. One of Fiaran's hats hung nearby for her to take. Luckily for Ruby, the trip from the entrance to the captain's quarters to the lower levels was less than a dozen quick paces. Several brisk, businesslike strides later, she'd find herself in the dark once again.

As she wore no eyepatch, it would take a while for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. But she wasn't completely without guidance. There were auditory clues. The fake Melchor, along with the men that Fiaran sent down to guide him, made little effort to hide their presence, loud boots tromping upon creaking wood a dead giveaway, let alone the lantern that their lone guide carried. And of course, there was Noir's presence. Though Ruby had failed her domme in a sense, punishment of such was among one of the last things on Noir's mind for the time being. All she could do now was continue to offer her services, as she always had. No doubt the Mistress intended to 're-educate' this man carrying Melchor's name, but the four men along with him would need to be held at bay while she did so.

Finally, they reached her location. Noir sat in her usual spot, making no effort to hide herself. Ruby knew quite well that as a Voidic entity, her significant other wasn't utterly helpless in such a situation. Rather than them being a threat to her, she was more likely to gut them instead and send their lifeless bodies back to the real Melchor on a boat... but such a crude tactic would hardly end well for anyone on board. No--a situation like this would take some degree of finesse. But first, he had to come closer. And he did. With the pale beauty's visage revealed to him, the tan-skinned sailor hardly seemed disappointed.

"Ah, so this is her? Hoh... what a beauty," remarked 'Melchor', then turning to the lantern-holding guide. "So this is what you've been holding out on us! Fuh! We'll be taking her back with the rest of the cargo, no doubt." He looked back to Noir with a grin. "You see, we're taking over this vessel. I'm sure you'll have a lot more fun on our ship, instead of down here in this musty space with hard crates for seats, barely able to see a thing..."

Noir squinted a little at the light that was shown in her face, responding with only the faintest smile. "Actually, I don't mind the dark," she replied calmly, yet sharply. "Do you?"

The wavering flame dancing in the lantern moved at a rhythm that only Ruby's mind could match.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Noir's words were an obvious command to her sensitive servant, and the impostor captain was about to learn why he should fear the dark. The flame of the lantern light was like a living thing to the Fire Lotus, and all it took was to extend her own life force - partly composed of the element of fire - to connect herself with it. After that, it was simply like drawing in a breath, and suddenly the flame of the lanter would slip away through the cracks of the glass, burning up across the trail of her chi, and flicker away to another portion of the ship, around the bend where Ruby could still control it, but far enough so that its light would reveal nothing to the men of their immediate vicinity. They would be blanketed now in Noir's darkness, and her ability to incapacitate them would be a thing of ease.

After the immediate yet minor threat of Melchor and his guards had been neutralized by her superior, Ruby would appear, drawing the flame into herself, storing it within the elemental ink of her back tattoo where it glowed warm in the shape of a lotus flower. She used her other senses to navigate in the darkness and kneel nearby to her mistress.

"The captain of this ship has betrayed us and offers us and whatever cargo and supplies he can to this other pirate crew in order that he might save his worthless skin. Some of his men might have fought, had not the bearded cur ordered them to surrender. If the cowards cannot be convinced that they must fight, then our ship will be overwhelmed and likely sunk."

Ruby did not ask for forgiveness for her failure. Neither Noir or herself had time for it at the moment, and it would be addressed in due course. The safety of her domme and their continued journey to dry land must be a priority.

"Perhaps if the men saw the heads of these pirates detached from their bodies, they would know that there is only one course of action?" Ruby offered, though she wasn't certain that it was the best idea, and maybe Noir would have a better option in mind.

The vampire could do amazing things with her mental magics, but it was a question of time and preparation. In the depths of the Labyrinth, Noir had prepared for many outcomes, and she had been surrounded by numerous skilled servants, traps, and emergency exits. She was used to being a hunter, a predator, a spider on a web of her own making. Now she was adrift. Would she still be able to bend these mortals to her will?

Ruby, in her personal conceit, thought it would be so. She served the most dark and amazing mistress in the world. Anything less would not be worthy of a Fire Lotus.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

A moment of confusion was all that Noir needed, and it was exactly what her firebending subordinate supplied. In an instant, the fire in the lantern moved and hid. The intruders, whose vision was automatically drawn to the only source of dim light in Noir's crimson gaze, soon found themselves on their knees, seemingly incapacitated. While Ruby's dark mistress was quite fast, thanks to her Voidic gifts, the Fire Lotus knew that the position wasn't something she made them take with brute force, not in such little time. More likely it was a trick of the mind, a momentary lapse of focus that she invoked with her hypnotic stare. Either way, she had their attention now, and though her second assistant Verde had also emerged from the side, his help wasn't necessary to hold the pirates in place.

"Mm... I see," she replied coolly in response to Ruby's report. "Unlike you, my dear Ruby, some people need a constant reminder of what drives them. It appears Fiaran is one of those; a tool free for anyone's use, bound only to the hand that holds it at any given time. Hardly the make of a captain, don't you think? Perhaps I was too light on him from the beginning."

Taking a few steps forward, she stooped down only slightly in order to get a better look at the one who called himself 'Melchor'. It wasn't to bring herself to his level, but merely to get a closer fix upon his eyes. "But you... you're different. Not only strong of body, but also of will. Not unlike many others on that ship, hmm? The lot of you are infamous for a reason--the real Melchor doesn't keep weaklings around for long. Am I wrong?"

'Melchor' failed to produce a proper response. Instead, he tried his best to show the pale domme a defiant glare, but found that he could only do so for little more than a second. It was likely that he didn't enjoy what he saw in the reflection of Noir's eyes, as afterwards, he seemed all too intent on avoiding eye contact with the dark-haired woman... much to her amusement.

"Oooooh, yes... everyone has their weaknesses, don't they? Even I. Otherwise, I'd be on deck without a cloak or parasol, publically humiliating Fiaran as it was. But it's fine, as this way I get to rewrite the lot of you, and have you send a very important message back to your captain. Your real captain, that is. I just need a bit of time. Especially for you, my dear impostor." Ruby and Verde didn't even need to look at their Mistress to know the command; they were to hold off any curious seamen headed downstairs by any means possible. Preferably in a manner that would buy Noir the most time by which to work her mindmagic on the hapless pirates.

Even as Ruby made distance from her Mistress, it was easy for her to see what was going on through their link. Noir had gently cupped 'Melchor's chin, observing his face as she might have done a fine sculpture, and paying extra attention to his eyes. A bit of drool trickled down the side of his mouth, perhaps showing that he'd have spit in her face if he could manage as much. But he couldn't.

"Normally, this would take far more time. I much prefer to break someone's spirit the old-fashioned way. You know... pain, discipline, conditioning over days, weeks, months even. I find that it produces a lasting impression. You should see what triggers cause my dear Ruby to get soaking wet, fufu. I could do the same with you, too, if you would only renounce your loyalty to that man."

'Melchor' remained quiet, but Noir didn't need to hear him speak to know his answer.

"No? Shame. I suppose we'll have to settle for something far less comfortable." Gently releasing her hold on the man's stubbly chin, she renewed it into a firm, controlled grasp around his throat. It wasn't quite enough to choke him. But from his growing discomfort, it was clear that something was happening.

"Do you know what every living being craves? Breath... air. I'm no exception, in a way. It's really what I admire about sailors. Stuck on a wooden contraption with a bunch of your sweaty peers, and all that awaits you for miles around with a single mistake is death. And certainly not a pleasant one. The air you take for granted, being siphoned away, little by little..." she trailed off, watching the man shudder as she stared intently into his eyes. Ruby knew what sort of illusion she was imposing to the front of his mind. Most likely, he was drowning, but according to the rules that Noir set in this illusory world, he couldn't die, nor could he 'wake up' from the nightmare. There was only a struggle, a long, agonizing struggle. The fake Melchor was a strong-willed individual, no doubt, but he was only human. It was only a matter of time before he and the others would be taking orders from the pale mistress.

However, a trio of sailors came marching down the steps from above deck. No doubt they were looking for Noir, or even Ruby herself. Verde wasn't far from her side. Though he was somewhat weakened from the recent feeding, he was still more capable than some of the crew--after all, he was a monk whose body had been trained to its limits and beyond. Ruby knew of his physical capabilities quite well. After shifting his gaze to the source of the thudding footsteps, the green-haired servant looked back to her, deferring to the Fire Lotus in such a situation. How would they go about handling the three looking to investigate down below?
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

The kunoichi did not have to wait long for Noir to bespell Melchor's emissaries. She wasn't surprised to hear that there was some temerity within the impersonator - it would make sense that the most feared pirate to sail the ocean was smart enough to employ loyal and competent sailors. What it did mean was that she, Verde, and her mistress were up against it unless Noir completed her plan.

A small shiver tickled Ruby nonetheless when the vampire mentioned the kunoichi's own special triggers. There were many occasions where this had been thoroughly demonstrated, and certainly Noir had made a lasting impression on Ruby.

Hearing the request, Ruby left the dark room with Verde beside her, heading out to delay any oncoming searchers. There was advantage down hear in the dark, as the space was narrow and it meant that it would be difficult to become surrounded.

As the three sailors walked down the stairs, Ruby nodded for Verde to follow behind her as she advanced on the men.

"Incapacitate. Don't kill them unless you have to,"she whispered to the monk.

Determined to do most of the fighting to save Verde's strength, the kunoichi sprang forward, using the gathered fire from the lantern that she had stolen to send bright sparks up to the eye level of the first sailor to momentarily blind him and draw attention up high even as she herself ducked low.

Her strikes were aimed at the nerves on the back of the knees, looking to force these newcomers off their feet and vulnerable to any followup that Verde might have in store for them.

If she managed to fell the first two, she would leap up towards the third man and attempt to wrap her agile form around him, trying to disarm any weapon and possibly wrapping her strong legs around his neck and choke away the wind from his lungs.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Heh... I'm not the former assassin here," replied Verde quietly with a grin. As Ruby knew, he was a former monk of the Heaven and Earth Dojo--a school that taught largely unarmed arts of self-defense, whose practitioners were known for being able to put down attackers without killing them, making it a point to more often than not. They were in some ways the polar opposite of the organization that the Fire Lotus grew up in, the School of Five Elemental Harmonies, whose assassins were known for being particularly ruthless. The two used to trade verbal jabs about each others' origins when they were servants in the Labyrinth. At least that much hadn't changed.

Neither did Verde's willingness to fight alongside Ruby despite his weakened state. Still, thanks to her natural quickness, the Fire Lotus beat him to the first opportunity to attack. She blinded the first man, who received a follow-up blow to the solarplexus by the green-haired monk. While it didn't knock him out immediately, the well-placed strike caused him to groan and writhe in pain, incapacitating him for at least a few seconds.

The second sailor missed a reflexive swing and perhaps his only chance to get a hit in on Ruby, who ducked under only to deliver a stiff leg to the back of his knees. He fell forward, and Verde rendered him unconscious with a follow-up knee to the chin. The two worked rather harmoniously together in combat. It was an unlikely sight for any Honrainese native to have a Harmonist and a monk of Heaven and Earth working together, but circumstances and Noir's ownership led the pair to grow accustomed to one another in several ways.

Ruby needed only to deal with the third sailor. His cutlass, while normally suitable for close quarters upon a ship, was still poor for so cramped a space such as under deck, and his first slash found its way into a wooden beam behind the assassin. She skillfully dodged and grabbed his outstretched arm, using it as a grip to throw her legs up and around his head. From there, she could force him to the ground and choke his consciousness away from him.

Or so that was the plan. Unfortunately, the third seaman proved far more sturdy than Ruby expected, and where many other men would fall forward confused with a shift of her hips, he instead used the momentum to slam her down hard onto her back. It knocked the wind out of her for a second, but that was all he needed to free himself from her grip and deliver a stunning punch to her midsection.

Something about the nature of the attack set Ruby's partner off, and the monk tackled the man off of the supine woman in a rather primal, less graceful manner than usual. His expression overcome with rage, Verde proceeded to deliver blow after blow to the sailor's face, who could only wilt after being blindsided by the sudden assault. It wasn't long before his fists were covered in the mariner's blood, but he continued to pummel on the man.

The sailor could only sputter and grunt underneath the pressure of Verde's repeated strikes, and though Ruby had already recovered by that time, the beating didn't look as though it was about to end anytime soon.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby staggered under the punch to her gut, and along with Noir and Verde, fully realized the possible implications that such an attack could have. She'd have been angry too if she wasn't busy trying to reacquire air to breath. She took the blame for underestimating the man. She had to remind herself constantly that some of these Westerners knew how to fight, even without what her former masters would have considered to be proper training. It didn't help that her primary forte was to kill and maim with fire and blade. Her unarmed skills were a necessary tutelage, but not developed the way Verde's were.

Once again she cursed the sub-optimal circumstances. If she were a water serpent, she'd be laughing now. And tempests were never short of air to manipulate - though they were properly insane, so she supposed that the trade off was a bit severe.

She sat up when she was able and cradled her diaphragm, trying to will fate to have spared the small, growing life inside of her. Verde was pummeling the man in a most brutal fashion at that point, and she had to put a hand on his shoulder and speak to him in order to get him to stop.

"We are going to be okay," she said, hoping that he'd take her meaning of the word 'we.'

"You're not an assassin, remember? You've cracked his skull and removed most of his teeth. He won't speak right for half a year at least. That's enough." It was odd that she should be the most calm of the three of them in this situation. Perhaps it was because she had some intrinsic faith that her child would be all right. Though she vowed to not leave herself so open again if possible.

She half pulled Verde off of the sailor and stroked the monk's hair to try and cool him down. There was no denying that Verde had developed a kinship and feelings for her during their stay with Noir, and slowly she had managed to look upon him in a similar manner. He could at times be a dullard or an annoyance, and act like a kid brother that she never had. At other times... their relationship could get far more intimate, especially if it amused Noir to order it so. He was also the father of her child, and his rage was understandable.

"Come on, there may be others. Let's move the bodies off to one side."

Ruby and Verde would do this and guard the stairway for Noir. She hoped that it would take some time for the pirates to send down another group. She waited in the shadows underneath the stairs, so that she would have the element of surprise for any group that followed. This time she would stick to basic strike maneuvers. Nothing fancy, just quick and effective.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby's touch wouldn't immediately calm the beast that the former monk had unleashed, but a gentle squeeze would help remind him that she was there. Only after he heard her confirmation of well-being, delivered with such sureness, would the fire die down.

By the time Verde stopped, his victim, a man visibly larger than him, was already curled up on the ground in the fetal position. The brutish sailor was flickering in and out of consciousness as his body's natural instincts took over to defend itself the best way it knew how--by turtling up and protecting his already battered face.

"Hahh.... haah, hahh..." panted Verde, with one fist still cocked back ready to strike. Eventually, he would pull himself back and off the hapless man, visibly trembling with the remnants of blind rage as Ruby stroked him.

Through the mental window, the Fire Lotus could feel a moment of distraction, a surge of worry that lingered over a few seconds... but soon enough, it would pass. Did Noir know something about the status of her term? Or was it just a necessary attempt to refocus on her part? Yet, knowing first-hand the sincerity of her domme's care, Ruby could guess that she and her unborn child were going to be fine. They had to be.

But the offending sailor wasn't so lucky. Regardless of the actual effects of his attack, he would need to be brought back to Noir, and Verde would deliver, suppressing what was left of his anger to drag the man back to the vampire's position to add him to those to be mindwashed.

This would leave Ruby to watch for any additional intruders... but they wouldn't arrive so quickly. It afforded her a moment of respite, so that she might bind the other two deckhands so as to keep them from causing any future trouble.

However, after a few more minutes, it looked as though Fiaran had sent another small party down to check on the status of Melchor's messengers. This time, the captain himself had accompanied the men, with lanterns and daggers out. The blades would be a problem if Ruby were to get careless again, but on the other hand, Fiaran's apparent fear of the dark--and refusal to use a proper eyepatch like many members of his crew--would most likely be his undoing here. Verde was quick to rejoin her.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby took the spare minutes that she had to bind the downed sailors with whatever means were available, taking ripped pieces of the sailor's clothing to tie their hands if no rope was available. She then dragged and stowed their bodies in a dark nook where no torchlight would readily reveal them.

When she heard Fieran's low voice and his trusted sailors coming down the steps, the kunoichi felt her anger starting to flow. In spite of all that she'd said to Verde just a short while ago, she wanted to kill this man for his cowardice and his willingness to sell them out. She even tried to rationalize it in her mind. Killing Fieran would shift the leadership to someone else, someone who might be more willing to fight, once he saw what a foolish move it was to displease the Lady Noir and her followers.

Ruby drew her blade as silently as possible, waiting for the men to step lower, almost reaching the bottom deck before she struck. With a spiritual tug, she siphoned the flame from the enemy lanterns at once, then stuck her blade out between the planks of the steps and sliced across the back leg of Fieran, hoping that it would make the bastard stumble and crash forward.

In the ensuing confusion she would make the lantern fire dance in small blurring balls of pyrotechnics, moving where she wanted them to go, guiding her strikes, while distracting her enemies. She would use her blade to parry, and strike with the hilt or her elbows, looking to subdue all enemies, but taking care to guard herself in the process. She was highly aware that she was fighting for two lives with every swing, not just one.

If the fight was successful, she would have Fieran's neck at her blade point, and be directing him to crawl towards Noir's abode.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

There was no shortage of spare line laying about, with which Ruby could properly secure the downed sailors. However, torn-off strips of their shirts would make for satisfactory material as makeshift gags, which seemed necessary as the two that she had downed appeared to waver back and forth between the realm of consciousness and darkness. Being truly dead to the world by way of blows rarely lasted longer than several minutes, Ruby knew, unless they had suffered more severe damage--and only one of the trio could really be said to qualify for that. Still, he was a sturdy man, and it didn't hurt to be thorough. The assassin had just enough time to put them out of the way and set herself up in a proper spot to ambush whoever would come next.

It was Fiaran, of course, as given away by his voice and lantern, a source of comfort that he always carried with him at night and below deck. He hadn't thought about Ruby's mastery over the element, and as the Fire Lotus tugged the flickering flame away from its perch, the men couldn't help but follow the moving sources of light. Fiaran's item of safety and reassurance became a liability as he and his men brandished their weapons about in confusion, as if the swirling lights had become deadly buzzing insects. Naturally, she had to retain a certain degree of focus to keep the flames themselves from coming in contact with anything terribly flammable, which was difficult enough given the pain in her gut. While controlling a larger fire was certainly possible, the capability to do so wouldn't be a guarantee in Ruby's current position. Luckily, the men hadn't panicked enough yet to cause such an accident.

Additionally, the distraction bought the Honrainese beauty enough time to place a long, nasty slit upon the back of Fiaran's right calf and hamstring from below, causing him to fall forward and cry out in pain. He wasn't much of a fighter, Ruby knew, and that was enough for her to handle two of the other men in rapid succession. As their attention was quickly diverted, she didn't even need to parry, but merely to retain enough focus to keep the flames moving as she struck the temple of one man and the liver of another. They weren't even particularly hard strikes on her part, but the element of surprise proved sufficient in rendering one dazed and the other horizontal.

There was a fourth man at the back of the group, who soon charged her after a moment of brief hesitation. But his pause may as well have been an hour to Verde, who intercepted him and sent a straight, thrusting punch into his solar plexus. The man doubled over, and as he did, the former monk went straight to work with the rope. He would bind the others--from here, all Ruby needed to do was take the trembling Fiaran over to her Mistress.

The ship's so-called captain wouldn't go without a line of complaints, however. "Y-You idiots... you'd cripple every able-bodied man on this ship just so three of you could avoid some shackles?! What if I told you that I was planning a way to get you all back after the fact?! Now we'll never make it to shore!"

Despite his whining, he would still have to crawl as Ruby directed him to, with her blade at his throat. If there was anything Fiaran loved, it was to be in relative comfort, which was now in the Fire Lotus' hands.

When they reached the place where Noir was 'rewriting' Melchor and his cohorts, Ruby would be treated to a familiar sight. The stares of Fiaran's men were now empty, vacant in comparison to only minutes before. Yet the eyes of the fake Melchor, along with his shipmates, still held a sign of life, enough to show that they hadn't been reduced to complete husks. Despite that, they were in no position to rebel against Noir at that point. The Mistress directed her sharp crimson gaze in the direction of the crawling Fiaran.

"Crawled here like the worm you are. How fitting," said the Mistress with no lack of disdain.

"I-I can explain, you see..." started Fiaran, his body language quickly having taken that of submission, not that it was difficult to with his injured leg.

"Oh, I do appreciate that, but spare me the excuses," interrupted Noir. "You're weak, two-faced, and pathetic. I doubt there needs to be any more of an explanation than that."

Fiaran could only swallow in response, his body trembling. In stark contrast, the Mistress remained eerily still, tilting only her head at the groveling insect before her.

"But don't worry... that isn't entirely a bad thing. People like you are so much easier to rewrite. It won't even take me half the time for me to rearrange your mind as it did for this one," added the vampiress, tapping a pale finger upon 'Melchor's cheek. She then took a few slow yet sure steps towards Fiaran and gazed into his eyes with frightening intent. He initially tried to look away, but Ruby's blade and perhaps a bit of physical coercion on her part would ensure that proper eye contact was established.

Only moments later, Fiaran's fear, his anger, and other signs of humanity had left him. He had been reduced to a husk for the time being, for as long as the Mistress needed him to be. Noir smirked and patted him on the head. "Good boy," said the Voidic beauty with mocking praise. It wouldn't have been a surprise to Ruby if Fiaran had barked and panted at that point.

"On the bright side, we'll have a much faster ship soon enough. Melchor, Asterio, Latt?"

With a bit of apparent focus on Noir's end, the three pirates rose in a notably more natural manner this time around. They looked at her with a sense of respect. Not as Ruby did for her, and not as the late Azul or Rosa once did... but perhaps as a crew member might look upon a strong captain.

She then regarded Ruby and her more revealing uniform for a moment, noting that the initial disguise of modesty had fallen away. Noir knew that Ruby was hurt, that she had been through quite a bit today, enduring Fiaran's cowardice, 'Melchor's threats above deck, and a near-scare. But she also knew that the Fire Lotus had been through much worse in a sense. The two of them would undoubtedly get time to relax and unwind, soon. But first, they would need to transfer ships. Not as masters, but as 'slaves'.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Hold your tongue, coward!" Ruby hissed. "I haven't got time for your excuses or lies. If there is any truth to your claim, my mistress will know of it shortly. More likely however, she will see your true intent to save your own skin and leave the three of us in captivity. I serve only the mistress. I will not be bound or shackled to any other."

She pushed the fallen captain forward and then gave him a boot to his backside to get him to crawl forward until he was in Noir's presence. As expected, his quick desire to excuse himself to Noir was halted by the vampire's quick scan of his mind. The kunoichi would have been very much surprised had a word of Fieran's plan been true. He had maid a lifetime's career of allowing women to be sold as chattel. What would a couple more be to him if it meant he avoided a fight and continued to have a fair chance at breath?

When he tried to avoid her mistress' gaze, Ruby gripped his hair and hauled his head up, exposing his neck to her sword edge.

"Look at her, worm, if you value what's left of your life."

Ruby held the man still long enough for Noir's magic to take effect. After that, she simply stepped back and let the vampire do her work. She turned in that time to observe the other men that her mistress had referred to. They were strong willed, apparently. They'd taken time for Noir to break, and she knew it had been done the quick way - a more forceful approach than how Ruby had been conditioned over time. When these men looked at Noir, it was with a respect for a strong captain, and Ruby had spent enough time with Noir to hazard a guess that the vampire had inserted herself into their memories of their true captain Melchor on the other ship. That of itself was a credit to whoever their foe was - he apparently inspired loyalty.

Ruby turned back to regard Noir when she was done with Fieran, and nodded at her assessment of the situation.

"A faster ship, mistress. You mean to take over the pirates from within? But your transfer to the other ship will be perilous. It is day time still. You are not at your full power."

She spoke only because she cared for her mistress' well-being, but also there was a thought given over to the indignity that at any time her Noir should even be forced to 'act' the part of a slave. It somehow angered her, that her domme should ever be anything but in perfect control, and that all should know it - as Ruby had come to know it.

The kunoichi approached close to Noir, noticing that her body was being regarded. Instinctively she stood a little taller, her body presenting itself just a touch more openly. Her chin raised and her eyes stared forward. Her muscles clenched tight, though her concerned eyes still regarded Noir.

"If they put us in chains aboard the ship, we could still be in real danger."
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ever so gently, Noir slid a cool white finger along Ruby's lower abdomen. She paused for a moment, as if testing for something, before letting her touch slip away. Judging by her calm demeanor, which the Fire Lotus could feel in a more direct manner thanks to their shared bond, the child was safe.

However, Ruby did address some valid points of worry. The daylight didn't directly kill Noir, but it weakened her physical attributes noticeably. Yet the Mistress suffered no shortage of confidence nonetheless.

"I understand your concern, my dear Ruby. But I doubt a certain man on the other ship will be willing to wait until dusk. If he's as shrewd as I suspect him to be, he'll send everyone over at once--hardy, experienced pirates with far more skills than this lot. While it might be amusing to watch such a slaughter, I'd rather they not damage our goods in the process. I may as well facilitate our transfer, so that we can meet the man himself," explained the domme.

"I've waited long enough for this sluggish barge to complete its journey, and my patience wears rather thin, while my boredom grows thick. Perhaps a far more competent crew will also make for a more enjoyable, or at least interesting, ride?"

After giving each of Fiaran's men a good, solid look, she went on. "Worry not about the daylight... from what I've gathered, Melchor has quite the cabin--dark, lit only by lanterns, a large bed with sheets that shine. Quite romantic, isn't it? He likes to 'sample' slaves there first all by himself, reserving first claim on all who come on board. The man should be a fun one to persuade." The information she acquired from the captain's impostor was valuable indeed. From him, Noir had already gleaned a draft of Her Majesty's Bane.

The vampiress cupped Ruby's chin, allowing the Fire Lotus' gaze to meet her own hypnotic crimson orbs. An order would have sufficed, but throughout the years, Noir had developed a taste for the up-close and personal, the skin-to-skin contact. With this, she would have access to more than just the Honrainese beauty's feelings--now, her mind, memories, and immediate thoughts were all plain for the domme to see. Carefully, she inserted all that she knew of the ship into Ruby's mind. Its layout, its crewmen, and of course, how Arkad--the fake Melchor--felt about every one of these things.

As Ruby snapped out of it, it felt as if she had woken from a dream. It must have been hours... but given the state of everything else around her, it mustn't have been more than a few moments. Noir gently released her hold upon the shorter woman's chin... but not before taking the opportunity to sample another taste of her beloved sub's lips.

"Mm. Shall we? I don't want to keep our man waiting," said the pale one, pulling her hood over her head. Grabbing some of the thinner line from atop a nearby crate, she tossed the line over Ruby's neck, as one might a scarf. Then, she made a knot there before moving it straight down to the kunoichi's wrists, fastening those in turn. The Fire Lotus had been subject to her Mistress' expert knotwork before, but something felt... different about these. They were somewhat sloppily done, and not made in the fancy ways that the dominatrix was often keen to do.

She followed suit with Verde, then did the same for herself, having Arkad finish the final touches. "Don't be so eager to test the sturdiness of these knots," she would remind the two via a mentally relayed message. If nothing else, it would be a good backup plan. Shackles could mean real trouble, but the rope was done in such a way that any of the three could easily be free with the right moves.

With that, Noir, Ruby and Verde, followed by the three crewmen of Her Majesty's Bane, and Fiaran along with one of his bound men, made their way up top. Many of the crewmen couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the scene, but seeing as Fiaran, along with 'Melchor' and his bodyguards seemed to be in good shape, none thought to ask the questions that might have lingered in the back of their minds.

"Alright. I want all of the crates that came with these slaves moved over to our ship," said 'Melchor' in a loud, commanding voice. "And half of everything, just as promised. We'll be taking these two women... and these two men." The third member was of course Verde. The fourth, one of Fiaran's men, was the brute who had managed to rough Ruby up during their scuffle. Apparently Noir had plans for him.

Fiaran seconded the motion. "You heard him," said the other captain in a flat tone, and with that, his men went to work. There were mixed messages among the crew, but with the threat of fire still burning brightly and visibly upon the other ship thanks to Melchor's mages, there was little choice other than to carry out the orders.

Meanwhile, the 'slaves' were lowered into the small boat along with Arkad, Asterio, and Latt. The waves had a larger effect upon the smaller raft, and the conditions were rather crowded with four new passengers on board. Luckily, it wasn't something that Ruby would have to suffer for long. Only a minute or two later, the group would find themselves hoisted up and aboard Her Majesty's Bane.

It was, undoubtedly, a well-made ship. While the outer hull, long and streamlined for speed, had seen its fair share of wear from many years at sea, everything above it was well-kept, with the dark, rich wood polished to a shine. Ruby would find that several people were still at work maintaining these features, swabbing the deck and filling in scuffs upon the fancy railing. Whoever the real Melchor was, he certainly had an eye for surface appearances.

Already Ruby could feel the lewd stares of the pirates upon her and Noir. She could only imagine what they wanted to do to her here. Would Noir allow it? And to what extent? The men, mostly Talean with a few Deunic swordsmen and Ayonian mages in their ranks, fixed their attention on the four. Their desires would have to take a backseat to Melchor's. Arkad led them by rope towards the captain's cabin, located towards the back of the ship. He seemed to recognize Noir as someone worthy of taking orders from... but what would happen when he saw his real captain? Would it cause a dissonance?

Apparently it didn't. After giving the fancy gallwood door a knock, Arkad would hear a 'come in' from an unfamiliar voice, then invite himself in, pulling the four in after him. The sight of the real Melchor, a strapping and well-dressed Talean man seated with a glass of Grisalescan wine in one hand, didn't seem to give the mindwashed impostor any headaches. Instead, he merely presented his prize, saying, "Here they are. Two women, and two men."

"I never asked for any men," scoffed Melchor, who radiated a sort of stunning aura. It wasn't quite as powerful as Noir was capable of exhibiting, but it was notable nonetheless, enough to make Ruby question his humanity. "We've enough dick on this boat already, don't you think? Not nearly enough cunt. You'd think a damn Syndicate slaver ship would have more of the latter," added the captain of the Bane in a distinctive Talean accent. "But since you brought them here..."

He looked Verde up and down. The pirate leader was taller than Verde, but shorter than Noir herself. "Would make a good swabbie, huh?" The man prodded at the former monk's midsection, but Ruby's well-disciplined counterpart refused to let out little more than a faint grunt.

"Surprisingly solid. And this one..." Melchor moved on to one of Fiaran's sailors. He was a brute of a man in build, though he still appeared to be in a dazed state. "Not the brightest, seems like. Able-bodied, I'll give him that. Let's put these two outside for now. Put them to the test. Maybe we'll get a sailor out of at least one of them."

Verde set his jaw and gave the man a steely gaze, as if he were about to strike him... but he didn't. Noir turned her head to remind the monk that this was indeed her show. With that, Arkad unsheathed a dagger, using it to cut the lead linking Verde and Ruby. He gave a firm tug on the other end of the lead to direct the men outside, shutting the door behind him. This left Melchor alone with Ruby, and of course, Noir.

The interior of the cabin's captain was different than that of Fiaran's. While it too was lavishly decorated, with a satin-sheeted bed, an apparatus of cuffs and chains not far from one of its edges, and a small dinette, there were no windows. The only light was provided by a quartet of lanterns.

"But these two... mm," resumed Melchor, stopping in front of Ruby first. He eyed her clothing and features carefully, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Dressed like a real slave to me. But it looks like you gave those fools on the Dorral a bit of trouble, didn't you? There was a bit of a commotion at first, if I recall correctly. So, what are you, really? A slave? Or someone just made up like one?" He was sharp, indeed. Yet Noir didn't appear worried...
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Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

As always, Noir's cold touch made Ruby want to shiver and tremble with a conditioned meek response to her mistress' attention. Her eyes softened in the low light, her lips parting slightly and her shoulders setting back into a more receptive posture. Noir's finger traced along her muscles, paused, and then withdrew. Ruby sensed her lover's motives for the touch and allowed herself a small exhale of relief, thankful to know that the life inside of her wasn't affected by this run in. Mixed feelings about the child and what it would mean for her future abounded in the background of Ruby's thoughts, but not for one instant would she consider putting it in any more danger than could be helped. Unfortunately, as Noir answered her voiced concerns, Ruby was realizing that one way or another, there would always be danger until they could rid themselves of pirates and sailors altogether and get to dry land.

"As you wish, mistress. After this betrayal, I've no great love of our current confines. We may as well be in the clutches of men who would honestly cage us than those who would dishonestly do so."

She paused, listening to the description of the real captain Melchor and the layout of his cabin. Then Noir cupped her chin and transferred her knowledge of their new opponent directly into the kunoichi's mind. So conditioned and strong was their bond that the effort to do this was minimal on Noir's part. Ruby's mind was completely malleable for the vampiress. Should the dark haired beauty wish to rewrite her, it would have been child's play. It had happened once before, about a month after they had begun their unusual relationship. Her mind had been broken and put back together again. There was no way that Ruby could know if there weren't a thousand and one mental snares inside of her now, or if her personality had truly been rewritten exactly as it was before - but Noir assured her that it was so. What was more, Ruby was fairly certain, by dint of her dark lover's actions, that both of them had changed one another in meaningful ways.

As such, the mental intrusion, while horrific in concept to most rational thinkers in the world, was welcomed by Ruby. It was an issue of trust, a testament to her surrender to Noir, which had been complete and abject. She had no real choice but to love her and believe in her, and yet, the idea of doing those things pleased Ruby and so the point was moot. The Fire Lotus might have recoiled at such a dependency in her mercenary days, but she had come to understand that love itself was a prison of the mind, and in her case, she knew she had a committed cellmate.

"Yes, it does sound romantic," Ruby answered slowly, coming out of the daze of the mental transfer. "Dark, fire lit, and satin sheets. It's like you're showing me your own quarters for the first time again, mistress."

Ruby quirked the edge of her mouth upwards, even in this time of duress unable to stop a quick naughty thought from entering her mind. THAT habit she was fairly certain Noir had installed in her. She had become quite obsessed with sex, in all of the inglorious forms that her domme had introduced her to. Oh well, the sacrifices we make for some people, right? With a small effort, she dismissed the image of her bound body being flogged and spanked by Noir from her mind and returned to reality.

The vampiress looped the rope cord loosely around her already collared neck. Ruby had been trussed up by Noir enough times to become intimately familiar with her array of knots. This was a new one, and Ruby could instantly tell it was weak and flawed before Noir even told her and Verde. Still, she nodded to display she understood the plan. In the event of a surprise, she and Verde would be able to escape the binds quickly and overpower their new captor. He liked to sample his new slaves alone. That would likely be his downfall.


A relatively short time later, Noir, Ruby, Verde, and the unlucky sailor who had punched Ruby in the stomach, were aboard the new vessel, Her Majesty's Bane. The real Melchor ran a tight and impressive ship. She had to hand it to the man, he clearly had his operation running smoothly. No doubt Noir would appreciate this too - after all, it was the sort of ship Ruby imagined the vampiress running if she ever fancied a life of piracy. No doubt his personality would ruin things, but thus far, Ruby had a grudging respect for their new captor. He hired competent men, diverse and skilled, and he inspired loyalty.

The leers she received were nothing new, and to be expected, given she was being paraded on a leash line in her mesh armor. It would have been more insulting if she had received no lusting looks. Perhaps even in this situation, Noir enjoyed having Ruby on display. She knew the vampiress took pride in owning an object of universal desire.

They were led to Melchor's cabin and were at last face to face with the captain who had caused them so much trouble. Upon seeing him, Ruby noted the raw magnetic personality. He was ruggedly handsome, his voice was pleasant yet strong, and his eyes had a captivating quality similar to Noir's. Naturally, the edge was immensely in Noir's favor when it came to such matters, but nonetheless, he was impressive. The obvious bondage apparatus attached to his bed reminded Ruby instantly of the sort of things Noir and herself had gotten up to back in the labyrinth, and she realized she was getting turned on. Damnit it, she thought. Get a hold of yourself. You're being as bad as Verde.

Speaking of the fallen monk, he was quickly dismissed along with the other sailor outside of the room, to be put to some test of which Ruby had little doubt he would excel at. She knew Verde had more heart and fight in him than any single man on this ship, and despite his shortcomings, she believed in him. He would be fine. It was herself and Noir being alone with Melchor that she was most concerned with. Was he more than he seemed? He had to be. No normal man could achieve this kind of efficiency. Ruby was happy at least that she was not facing him alone, but together with Noir.

"Both, of course," Ruby answered as calmly as she could when he questioned her about her status as a slave. She wasn't in the mood for sullen silence, and she could find out more about him by responding.

"Which would you prefer?" She asked with a challenging smile. This was not the first dominant personality she had dealt with. It was better to not be boring. None of them, not even Noir, could resist a game of cat and mouse.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby's vague attraction towards the newcomer--if one could call it that--wouldn't go unnoticed by Noir, who glanced sideways at her sub only briefly. The Mistress certainly didn't seem displeased as she might have been in the past, but instead, amused. Perhaps it was because all of these apparent 'triggers'; the satin sheets, bondage apparatus, and relatively dim lighting, had inspired an intense sense of lust in the Fire Lotus... and it was all because of her. She had carefully conditioned what turned Ruby on, and the reaction was a confirmation of her efforts.

To think that this previously reserved assassin, once liable to slit the throat of nearly any man foolish enough to advance on her, would now just as easily receive a total stranger in the most intimate of ways should Noir order it, tickled her domme to no small degree. Whether or not the Voidic beauty was intent on flexing that a little more this time around was yet to be found. But for now, the two had someone to focus on, someone to observe just as carefully as he was observing them.

He seemed to believe that he was the one in charge here, and the legion of men on board would support such an assumption. Noir regarded him curiously. For as easily as she could have broken her binds and forced immediate violence upon the man, the vampiress was content to play her role for the time being. She too was in a 'mood', which wouldn't be difficult for Ruby to sense, and most likely there was a bit of fun to be had with the more subtle route towards domination.

Melchor thought to inspect Ruby first. It wasn't without good reason--after all, she was the one who was so blatantly dressed in the revealing mesh outfit, made for all to see, while Noir hid comfortably behind a drab cloak for the time being. No rush, as he would get to them both in due time.

Perhaps he had expected an initial bout of defiance or silence, both reactions he was likely used to by now. This 'slave' managed to stay calm without being broken or dead-eyed, like so many of the girls he had seen before. She even smiled at him! He would return the expression carefully, stroking his chin with interest. "So this is my choice? You've been trained very well, indeed..." the captain trailed off, slowly combing over the curves of Ruby's body with his gaze--and letting a wandering finger soon follow. His fingertip started at her knee, working its way up her inner thigh and finding the gap, only to discover some of her more lewdly placed piercings. "Down below, too. Quite the deviant you appear to be," he continued, briefly stealing a moment to fumble with the steel adornment upon her clitoral hood. It wasn't an extended feel by any means, yet his fingers would be coated with Ruby's juices by the time he proceeded upward. "Or were you waiting for this? Did the men on the other ship bore you, by chance?"

Her expertly pierced nipples would be the next stop for him, though he certainly wouldn't overlook the finely crafted form of her bosom and torso as a whole. The studs were merely highlights of an already impressive landscape, monuments upon fair hills as it were. "So, about your previous master. What did they have you do--what would you say you are trained best in?" If nothing else, she had managed to capture his interest and keep it. By that point he would take note of another hidden piercing, that upon her tongue, which he had apparently caught glimpses of as the assassin spoke. "I see. Open your mouth," he ordered, "and show me your tongue."

That was the sort of command that only Noir could issue so calmly, and yet here he was, doing the same without a moment's hesitation. Still, it was but a charade that would continue, seeing as the domme hadn't choked the life out of him yet. Should Ruby bother to put her adorned tongue on full display, as a tired dog might, Melchor would raise a brow and give a sharper smile. "Mm... while I have never met your old master, I like his taste already. You'll be a fine addition to this ship," stated the man with confidence. "You might find that others here ah, match you, in a way."

Finishing by brushing his hand lightly along the side of Ruby's cheek, he winked before moving on to Noir. "And what do we have here?" Melchor turned his gaze up slightly. He was taller than Ruby, but the Voidic dominatrix was not one to be dwarfed by even him, apparently. She responded with a slight grin regardless, allowing her potent gaze to meet his. The captain paused for a moment. Had she drained him of his mind right then and there?

No. He was not some spineless worm like Fiaran, ready to curl up at a moment's notice. If anything, he was the opposite. Noir was probing him, searching for gaps in his mental armor. But she would soon find that it was a well-made suit, so to speak. She'd have to influence him in more subtle ways. Perhaps his interest in Ruby could help facilitate this...

As if keen to her attempts to search him through the window of his eyes, Melchor suddenly averted his gaze from the woman's pale visage. He could tell that something was different, wrong even, about the otherwise gentle look she gave him, and for once, his normally confident mask cracked a little in a moment of confusion. "Ahem... a pretty face, to be sure," remarked the pirate captain, still daring to push the woman's covers aside to reveal her leather outfit, an offense that Noir would leave unpunished for the time being. If anything, she was enjoying his vague look of puzzlement.

Melchor continued. "And a suitable body. But a different kind, no doubt... perhaps, freshly captured? You don't seem like a slave..."

"Oh, but I am," cooed Noir. "My own master just had different tastes," she added. While it was all too blatant a lie from Ruby's end, for Melchor the pale woman's words were all too believable somehow in spite of his initial skepticism. He couldn't explain why, but his reactions showed that it wasn't too far a stretch. Slowly, but surely, Noir would undoubtedly be able to get to him. They just needed a bit of time... and also, a bit of effort. First, as Ruby knew, she would need a mental entry point--a vice of sorts. Some weak-willed people could be conditioned with pain and the like, but Melchor wasn't the kind to fold to it so easily, and his screams could attract the crew's attention. It was clear that his vice was lust. After all, he, like many of his men, had been stuck on this beautiful ship for who knows how long, all without the touch of a woman. It was part of the reason for their raid in the first place.

"I see. I'm looking forward to see what you two can do." Gathering himself once more, Melchor made a quick motion with his hand. "On the bed, on your backs," he commanded to the both of them. For Ruby, it was an oddly compelling order, and it was hard to say why--perhaps it was just the 'romantic' atmosphere that reminded her all too much of the early days of her relationship with Noir. No doubt her other could resist this stranger's charms, at the very least... or could she? The domme was quick to take her position on the soft satin sheets, her arms still 'bound' together.

After Ruby did the same, Melchor inspected them both, slipping a hand between each woman's thighs and testing their wetness, much to his satisfaction. Even the Mistress was turned on, apparently. Was she truly submitting to the man in her own way? Or was it just the situation? Either way, their company was all too pleased with what he found. While teasing them with hand and tool was certainly an option, he was still just a man, and his sexual appetite would soon get the best of him. First he would seek the comfort of Ruby's thighs, unfastening the front of his trousers to reveal a member with some peculiar adornments. Around twenty subdermal beads of sorts were neatly inserted around the shaft, giving it a general shape that was clearly designed for a woman's pleasure... depending on the girl in question. Some might have found it odd, but for the Fire Lotus, it was reminiscent of her frequent partner Verde's steel adornments. It seemed Melchor's tastes were not terribly far from that of Noir's own.

He caught Ruby's glimpse of his manhood as he began to slide its length back and forth along her soaking petals, teasing the possibility of penetration to the both of them. "Oh, this? Yes. It's a custom we do here, largely in my country. One pearl for every year at sea," explained the man. "A tinge of pain, but all worth it in the end--much like your own jewelry. I did suggest that you'd fit right in aboard this ship. Now, let me move these binds aside," he added, tugging at the rope between Ruby's legs to loosen them... only to find out that they weren't particularly snug in the first place. Was this the time to shrug them off? Noir hadn't yet moved, but the captain had clearly noticed the peculiar state of the knots.
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Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby sensed the way her mistress' mood had changed during the brief conversation with Melchor. She noticed the signs, felt the emotional pangs of burgeoning lust and a desire to play, much in the same way a seasoned mariner might tell that a storm was coming by sensing the change of pressure in the air. The Fire Lotus knew her mistress intended to be naughty, and sure as day followed night, this mean that Ruby's body would soon be a plaything for someone. This turned the kunoichi on more, and knowing that Noir sensed this would only deepen Ruby's internal shame and lust.

If this Melchor was as perceptive as Ruby anticipated him being, then he would notice the sultry fire burning in her eyes. He might not know the reason for it, but surely he'd welcome that look. He intended to sample them after all, and a willing slave girl was surely a happy find for him.

She inhaled audibly as his hands moved up her strong thighs and quickly discovered her lewdly coated petals and the advanced adornments that Noir had so kindly fitted onto her. Ruby's half lidded eyes fluttered, and she lifted her chin and swallowed as his fingers toyed with the hood piercing. His teasing question about the men on the other ship goaded her into a reply.

"Mmm, the men on the other ship have been quite a disappointment. We are hopeful that your ship will prove otherwise." She said smoothly, looking him in the eye with her head slightly tilted to one side. As his hands moved up to inspect her breasts, he asked her what her previous master had trained her best in.

"Pleasing my master is what I'm best at, of course." She said with an impish smile, while also flashing the glint of her tongue stud just enough so as to grab his attention. "I could list everything that I'm an expert in, but it wouldn't be nearly as fun as showing you."

The flirtation was deliberate and challenging, meant to keep him off his guard and to entertain Noir at the same time. She followed this by obeying his next command and casually letting her tongue hang out with her mouth open for him to admire the piercing. She let his last comments about being a fine addition to the ship and matching others already on it slide without an immediate answer. She only half-wondered at what he might mean, more curious instead on what Noir would have to say to him now that he turned to appraise her.

Ruby stifled the urge to guffaw as he so boldly removed her cloak to show off her leathers. It was like watching a young child poking a cobra with his finger. If only the man knew what he was doing, he'd be running to fling himself into the ocean. She eyed Noir and knowing that both of them were finding amusement.

When Noir insisted that she was indeed a slave, Ruby felt the urge to contribute to the white lie, but in a way that hopefully made more sense to the captain.

"Different tastes indeed," Ruby said with a grin. "Her specialty is to punish unruly slaves... or ones who enjoy earning a nice spanking. Of course, she loves to fuck as well.~ We've been paired together for quite some time. I urge you to let her show you what she can do... once you're done sampling."

She gave a sly look at Noir, confident that she was building up Melchor's curiosity and lust, playing into Noir's need to sink her mental hooks into his weakness.

The compulsion of his order took Ruby by surprise. She was moving the moment that the words left his mouth, and just as quickly she was on her back on the bed, besides Noir who had settled in next to her. Their legs were each spread slightly, and soon Melchor's hands were down between their thighs, shuffling aside their intervening clothes and testing their wetness. Both of them were turned on. Ruby could not shake away the similarities of this bed and atmosphere with that of Mistress Noir's bedroom back in the labyrinth. The heady memories of those early days filled Ruby's thoughts as the fingers toyed with her.

"Ooh~" She cooed, having seen at last the cock that Melchor had in store for her. He began to explain it to her, but she didn't need such an explanation. She knew from personal experience that she would appreciate and enjoy the tactile sensation such adornments could provide. "More like you'll fit right in with me I'd say. No, don't bother with the binds. Allow me."

She shuffled her body and cast off the bindings easily, just as he was coming to the realization that the knots were poorly put together.

"As I said. We were disappointed with the other ship and wanted to see what you could offer," Ruby explained as understanding dawned on his face. She shifted her clothes away and reached out her hand slowly to grip his studded cock and draw it to her, licking her lips as she did so. "Are you mad? Do you think we ought to be put in our place? Maybe we do, hmm?~"

She would let Melchor decide what the next move would be, but she'd decided from the moment that Noir had decided to offer no resistance that something along these lines would happen, and she intended to enjoy it, and to let Noir enjoy watching the fallen Fire Lotus act like this.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby's apparent receptiveness would only cause Melchor's body language to flare up with interest. It was evident that an attitude like hers wasn't exactly what he was used to in a captive. A defiant glare, a broken-down look, or a pathetic plea... all relatively common fare. But this sort of vague playfulness was a little more rare to come by--especially seeing that it was no secret what his crew members sought from these captives. Even as a facade, the sort of coolness retained by the Fire Lotus was only one that the most confident could convincingly pull off in the face of his presence. For a human, it would be a lie to say that his own wasn't impressive, but it still paled in comparison to Ruby's own domme.

He considered her praise of the taller 'slave'. "Hmm... she seems to fit the part. Hah! But I like it. The two of you are quite a catch. I'm damn glad that I bothered to run that slow rig down--what it lacked in quantity, it made up for in value."

Flattery was unnecessary at this point, and so Ruby could guess his compliments to be genuine. Her and Noir certainly weren't the typical fare of the slave trade, that much was certain. And yet there they were, willingly placing themselves on this stranger's bed at his command. He wasn't one to complain about it, however, seeing as it made the process far easier for him, who had been waiting for apparently far too long to feel a woman's touch once again. That is... until the Honrainese beauty shrugged off the tight-looking knots with far more ease than was believable. The bold display gave him pause, just enough to show that even he wasn't immune to the tactic. "You are... something else. Though I do have to ask who did these knots in the first place."

The more petite of the two women then suggested that it was still a willing encounter nonetheless, and Melchor's breaths grew heavier. He looked conflicted, though perhaps he was just fighting the urge to thrust himself into Ruby and begin humping her like a horny dog. To put them in their place, simply imagining the two whimpering and moaning in submission... it was enough to coax the man's member to its full length and hardness. But, for the time being, he would maintain his composure, retaining a relatively slow pace of teasing and pillow talk.

"Mad? No... but maybe you do need to be put in your place," he huffed, giving Ruby a few 'missed' thrusts that only caused his textured shaft to tickle her lower lips and clit. "I ought to bind you up in some better restraints," suggested the captain. "... though I wonder if you'll escape those too? But you know, I can do the same on my own." Grabbing her wrists and pinning her to the bed, he proved his grip strong and true as he began to slip the head of his manhood in between Ruby's slick petals. At any moment, he could claim her for his own.

By that point, Noir was clearly turned on. Enough so that she wouldn't even let an encounter speed to a conclusion so quickly. "Is keeping these binds so necessary? I'm sure you'd like something better than the dead fish approach," commented the Voidic beauty. "We've been trained very well... we won't disappoint," she went on to promise.

Melchor looked at her, and responded by reaching over and yanking away at Noir's binds, causing the strategically placed knots to undo themselves rather easily. It revealed the trick, but the man looked far from being concerned at that point, especially with the vampire's alluring gaze egging him on and pulling him into the promise of more immediate and rewarding matters.

"Ooh, thank you," she cooed, as if she were unable to get them off herself. To feed his ego and growing lust, it proved all too easy--and of course, fun. The Mistress rose to a seated position at the edge of the bed before lowering herself to her knees, and the captain could easily guess what her intentions were. He wouldn't refuse. Melchor managed to keep himself from simply taking Ruby, backing up and off of her to a standing position where the Fire Lotus could follow Noir's example. It certainly wouldn't be the first time they had shared a cock between each other in such a fashion.

The pale domme was first to start, inviting their host's pearled manhood in between her lips and taking in just the tip, as if giving it a brief kiss, before letting Ruby do something similar. Then, she would alternate, every time taking him in deeper on her initial strokes. When her partner worked on the lucky one's shaft, she would descend to have a thorough licking at his balls, priming them to prepare the massive amounts of sperm they would soon deliver. And once Ruby took over such a task, she would return to handling Melchor's rod, keeping it nice and firm. All the while her hands would stay far from idle, with one running up and down the seaman's well-defined abdominals, and another trailing his lumbar area, occasionally catching a feel of his rhythmically tensing glutes.

She couldn't help but to maintain an incidental degree of eye contact with her slave, as if doing the lewd act specifically for her. Hints of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips all the while, a haunting grin that reminded Ruby of the other woman's oral skills being applied in a more direct manner. Through their link, the Fire Lotus could nearly feel a similar sensation tantalizing her down below. Even if it wasn't 'real', it certainly felt that way, and did its job in getting her just as worked up as Melchor. Ruby would feel the trickle of her own secretions running down her inner thighs as she continued to work.

Their teamwork soon proved effective on the captain of Her Majesty's Bane, whose escalating groans and grunts notified them of as much. "Uuhhh... ohhhh! Hnnnhh," he sighed, watching the two women take turns sucking on his cock. Noir stretched out more of her lengthy tongue to expose her peculiar feature, allowing it to curl around the base of Melchor's shaft and jerk him off slowly while allowing Ruby to work whatever magic she wished on the tip and head. The Honrainese beauty would soon catch a taste of her man's precum, dribble by dribble, as her beloved domme returned to sucking lewdly on his hanging orbs. Few men would be able to withstand such a potent assault on the senses, no doubt, and Ruby could tell that he was going to cum soon...

But it would be Noir that would claim the man's first load for herself. Once Ruby backed off from his member, her Mistress would hungrily engulf it in the blissful embrace of her mouth, bobbing her head with renewed zeal to show that she would tease him no longer. When she wanted to be, Noir was unbelievably good, and seeing her suck Melchor's cock in earnest was somewhat reminiscent of when the vampire unleashed her full potential in combat--it wasn't the most common sight, but it was a marvel to watch nonetheless.

"Hurrgg... ohhh~!" he groaned, his visage a picture of pleasure with mouth agape and look vacant. Noir's bangs began to sway back and forth as she sought to take him there. Dimples formed in her cheeks as her tongue slithered forward ever further, cradling the sensitive underside of his shaft and tickling the underside of his balls, as if commanding them to surrender their contents. The stare given from her piercing red eyes, upwards to meet his own, would make such an order all but impossible to resist.

What the Mistress wanted, she would get... and even Melchor couldn't keep himself from surrendering the desired load in a matter of seconds. His lips formed an 'O', his eyes clenched shut and his chin tilted itself upwards as he achieved sweet bliss in the comfort of Noir's oral embrace. As she collected his sperm-filled liquid in her mouth, she would continue to milk him from the base of his shaft with her fingers and tongue, ever hungry for more of what he had to offer. She would eventually lift herself off him with an audible 'pop', granting the head sailor relief from the near sensory overload.

Noir paused, swishing the slightly salty load upon her tongue like a fine wine. Then, she cupped Ruby's chin, and at that point, the pierced and inked assassin knew what was to come. The pale domme locked lips with her, engaging in a most sensual and yet erotic kiss as the two slipped the thick globs of cum back and forth between their dancing tongues. It wasn't a completely airtight embrace, with a few trickles of semen escaping here and there to make for a messier show. "Mmmm..." Melchor could only watch in stupefied astonishment as Noir shamelessly transferred his load to Ruby.

After a few more lingering moments, the vampire took a deep breath in through her nose, savoring the flavor, the heat, the feel of it all... then parted the kiss ever so slowly, allowing a bridge of cum to stretch out from between their lips. Then, with a few cool fingertips she pressed upward, tilting the other woman's chin towards the ceiling and back. The gulp that would result told Melchor that his gift was accepted all too graciously.

That, however, was hardly enough for Noir, who would consider it a warm-up of sorts. Though Melchor was still stuck in something of a post-orgasmic daze, he would break out of it once the pale woman wrapped her fingers around his shaft and began to pump him steadily. The sly look she gave him would allow him to stay hard for her, inspiring the man to get ready to deliver as many loads as the Mistress needed from him. While it was far more difficult for Noir's hypnotic gaze to exert absolute and immediate control over one like the head of the Bane, it wouldn't be too hard to give him mental nudges in one direction or another. The lust that had built up in no small amount was there for her to draw out with a dominant smile and a knowing look.

Once he was at his full length again, Noir grinned and motioned for Ruby to take the same position as before, with her back on the bed. "Now that we have you warmed up," she started, kneeling on the bed beside her sub and spreading her thighs to invite Melchor in between them. "I think it's time you show us the true extent of your hunger," added the domme in a most tempting voice. Despite the fact that he had released quite the load only a few moments earlier, with Noir's encouragement he was as stiff and ready as he needed to be for a second round.

His eyes wild with lust, Melchor staggered forward and thrust himself into the assassin, as he had wanted to do all this time. Noir wouldn't stop him--after all, the more he gave in to his primal desires, the easier it would be for her to penetrate his mind in turn.

The fact that Ruby was sopping wet helped facilitate his desperate entry, allowing the petite woman to feel his studded cock burying itself deep inside. He was of comparable size as Verde, and perhaps of similar adornment, save that the entirety of his cock was pearled, giving Ruby a more full and complete sensation of the beads gliding along the various pleasure centers of her pussy. Not only that, but for as horny as he was, his quick strokes were consistent and satisfying, enough to bring the Fire Lotus speeding towards a first orgasm in little time at all. If there was ever an urge deep within Ruby to be pounded like a bitch in heat, it would be pulled out to the surface thanks to Noir's undeniable charm. Melchor, too, proved both skillful and physical in his pursuit to explore the Fire Lotus' depths, but a look up at his face would show that he was quickly devolving into an ever primal state despite the cool and composed front he displayed when they first met.

Even Noir wasn't completely immune to the infectious atmosphere of lust and desire, and she threw one thigh over Ruby's head, sinking herself down in a comfortable kneeling position and giving her sub the challenge of trying to please her while taking an incredibly intense fucking. All of the loss, the sorrow, the troubles of the past several months had kept her down... but here, and now, she would be able to find true release, if only for a while. In a sense, it was freedom, and Noir embraced it wholeheartedly, swiveling her hips sensually as she rolled her head and moaned loudly in response to Ruby's tongue working concentric circles about her cunny. Raising a hand to fondle her own breasts, she did her best to savor the pleasure that was given to her. Yet, when Melchor's grunts and pants grow more and more desperate, Noir wouldn't forget the priority at hand. She smiled, locking her eyes onto his and drawing his gaze forward, giving him a lustful look as if she were the one he was fucking. Her hypnotic, voice-filled stare must have told him a thousand words, the most compelling of which was: 'cum'.

It wasn't a particularly difficult command to follow, but he would obey nonetheless. At the apex of his rhythm, Melchor pressed his hips against Ruby's as tightly as he could, hilting her. "Huuhh... OOOOOOHHHHHH! UUUHHHNNNNNN! Hnnnnnnhhh!" When he did, the assassin could feel her man twitch powerfully inside before releasing a veritable flood of seed, the heat of which she could feel spreading deep inside and seeping into her womb. The trigger would send even Noir tumbling over the edge in an orgasm of her own, the Voidic beauty's hips rolling uncontrollably as her juices gushed forth to coat Ruby's lips and chin.

But the assault upon Ruby's sensations wouldn't stop there. "Ooohhhhh! Ohhhhh! Haaauhhhhhnngghhrhh..." Melchor would draw himself out halfway and thrust again forcefully, allowing his second spurt to fill her more thoroughly... and yet again, the third leaving Ruby feeling satisfied and thoroughly full of her partner's potent spunk. But there was still a fourth, fifth, and sixth pump to top it all off, each delivering an impressive explosion of cum until the excess began to dribble out from their point of union onto the satin sheets. If she weren't already pregnant, it wouldn't have been a surprise for Melchor to father her child in such a manner, mainly by virtue of how thorough her insemination proved to be.

In that moment, his eyes glazed over as he went somewhere else mentally, to a state of pure bliss. It left the door wide open for Noir, even in her post-orgasmic bliss, to plant some very important and compelling suggestions deep in his mind.

When he snapped out of the heavy, sleep-inducing haze, Melchor looked upon Noir and Ruby with a newfound sense of admiration not seen before. The same way Verde did, with a sense of frighteningly genuine respect and love. It was apparent that the Mistress hadn't stripped the more important foundations of psyche and personality, but left them intact while adding a place for herself in his internal hierarchy of relationships. Every positive aspect of herself and Ruby that she could recall, she had placed in the new chamber of Melchor's psyche. Of course, he was still the captain of Her Majesty's Bane, and all decisions were his own to make... but the opinions of these two women were to be taken as seriously as he would advice from his most trusted mates.

"Hahhh... that was... amazing," Melchor finally remarked, having only enough energy to withdraw himself from Ruby and plop forward onto the bed. "Both of you are." Thanks to Ruby's efforts, he was impressed, but thanks to Noir's, he was now enamored.

"I uh, need a rest, though, for now," he added, having spent the majority of his energy in rutting Ruby as hard as possible. He rolled over onto his back, sweaty and heaving... only to have Noir straddle him. Once the Mistress got in a mood, she was difficult to stop.

"Oh, is that it? I thought the great captain of the Bane would have more than that," teased the raven-haired vixen, lowering a hand to grasp his cock. But just as she did, a light rapping came at the door, followed by a muffled voice.

"Cap... d-don't mean to disturb you but, the guys are getting pretty restless now. It's been a couple hours already. All the important cargo's loaded, and the initiation show's over--the little green-haired guy already put a beating on the big guy, who's now on a cot. 'Least we got one sailor out of it... anyway, uh, we were wondering if you wanted to share this time or not?" asked a sheepish voice from behind the door.

Noir couldn't help but grin at the question. She took a seat next to Ruby on the plush bed, embracing her and kissing her neck. Then, she slid a hand down the Fire Lotus' abdomen, descending until she reached her flower. Slipping a pale finger in between the shorter girl's folds, she scooped out a sizable glob of the captain's seed and sampled it with her tongue, then brought it closer to her sub's face. "Mm... my dear Ruby. You're still horny, aren't you?" asked the domme, eyeing the physical signs of the Fire Lotus' lingering arousal. "I know I am, fufu. May as well keep morale high on this boat, don't you think?" She began to stroke up and down the full length of her folds, to help add emphasis to her already convincing suggestion.
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Ruby smiled, taking the compliments about herself and Noir as if it were her due. It was not the first time that she had impressed someone with her challenging and eager receptiveness, feigned or not. She had dealt with Draevus Black in much the same manner, making him imagine her to be the perfect subservient slave girl right up until the moment that she had concussed him with the back of her heel and had his sorry carcass brought back to Noir in a gift wrap. It had taken body altering drugs for her to be turned on in his presence, but with Captain Melchor the kunoichi had managed to get herself ready naturally. Ruby attributed this to Noir's presence, and the knowledge that the two of them were going to be experiencing this together. With a side glance to her mistress, Ruby bit her lip and allowed herself to slide into a more vulnerable, more submissive mood - the sort of bedroom demeanor that she reserved for the voidic vampiress. Her mistress, by contrast, was starting to give in to her more lustful side, one that had always led Ruby to fulfillment. Melchor may be the captain of this ship, but he would be only a means to Noir's end.

"I do so enjoy a good restraint," Ruby uttered throatily as Melchor slid his body against hers and pressed his modified and pearled member against her slick folds. She tensed herself in anticipation of his animalistic rutting, but Noir kept them both in check by reminding him of just how forward they were capable of being. The fact that Noir was content to be on her knees surprised Ruby slightly - usually she was content to watch the fire lotus be fucked silly for her entertainment. But this way, she supposed, the two of them would be able to enjoy each other as well as Melchor.

Ruby pressed herself up off her back as the pirate did away with Noir's false binds and moved off of her into a standing position. Ruby pursed her lips and then crawled slowly to the edge of the bed, taking the opportunity to nip at Noir's ear lobe and then kiss her neck as she descended into a kneeling position next to her.

Noir began the excitement with a kiss to the captain's cock head, then she made room for Ruby to move in and do likewise. Ruby obliged her, following her lead and letting her lips press against the slightly wet glans, trailing the tip of her tongue against the tiny slit of his urethra. Flicked her tongue back and forth and then bobbed down a little further before surrendering the knob back to Noir and lowered herself to kiss the man's shaft and running her wet mouth across the hard bumps that made him seem more and more like a sex toy enhanced for her pleasure.

She and Noir switched between the shaft, the balls and properly sucking Melchor's cock, their tongues swapping saliva from time to time as they worked him off together. Ruby locked eyes with her mistress from time to time, acknowledging what Noir was doing and responding positively to it. She wanted Noir to know that she appreciated this, and that she would work hard - do any lewd thing asked of her - to increase her lover's pleasure. She considered this act a testament to her surrender to Noir and how far she had come from those initial days when she was a mercenary who would have welcomed death before allowing herself to be humiliated and sullied. The vampire had thoroughly corrupted her and would continue to revel in this fact, even if she also chose to love the fire lotus at the same time.

Between the two of them, they brought Melchor to a thorough release that to Ruby was a validation of what an unstoppable pair the two of them could be. Noir's final assault on his pearled cock was breath taking, and Ruby found herself slipping a hand down between her own thighs, stroking herself as she watched her mistress finish him off. The captain came hard in Noir's mouth, and the Fire Lotus groaned happily as she schlicked harder, kneading her pert breast as Noir emptied Melchor's balls. After she was done, Noir played with the cum and the stretched her fingers out to take Ruby's chin and tilt it upwards.

"Ooh, yes..." Ruby whispered as the vampire drew closer, understanding what Noir wanted her to do. She opened her mouth, lowered her pierced tongue, and spared a glance at Melchor, wanting him to note how she was apparently looking forward to share a taste of his seed.

Noir closed her mouth around Ruby's lips, and the kunoichi wrapped her arms around the taller, pale woman. The salty fluid spilled forth into her mouth, its sliminess coating both their tongues as they danced and swapped with one another. Ruby put everything she could into this kiss. It had been too long since she shared such a passionate, uninhibited kiss with Noir and if nothing else about this encounter was genuine, this at least was.

When they at last pulled apart, a ribbon of cum elongated between them. Ruby breathed heavy, her eyes staring longingly still into Noir's, the flames of desire still glowing bright within them. The vampiress knew how to service that desire of course. She gripped Melchor's cock and pumped it, making him hard without much effort. She pointed Ruby to the bed, and with a nod, Ruby obeyed the unspoken command, standing up and showing Melchor a good view of her ass and soaking cunny as she crawled back onto the bed. She flipped over onto her back, spread her legs, and began to stroke herself again as Noir lined the captain up with her.

Her body quivered with anticipation. Noir had driven him into a frenzy now. A dervish of sexual energy that was going to expend itself fully on the assassin. Ruby readied herself to receive it, and quickly she felt the pressure of his studded cock spreading her moist petals apart and entering her. She groaned happily as he hilted himself inside of her, her eyes going wide as the sensations of his modified cock sending her nerves alight.

"Mistress... nngh... Master! Oh fuck me! Fuck me! Hyahh!~"

No encouragement was truly needed, but something about Ruby's wild command seemed to spur the captain on as he proceeded to thrust into her with wild abandon. Clutching to one another, both of them devolved into their basest desires as Noir moved herself into a position over Ruby's face. The implicit meaning was clear. Ruby had pleased the mistress countless times, and although she was going quickly delirious with pleasure from Melchor's efforts, she gripped Noir's thighs on either side and pulled herself up against the vampire's dripping pussy, rolling her tongue hungrily against it and lapping the heady juices as best she could. Ruby's whole body was rolling and arching, caught between the two dominants, each enjoying her body in their own way.

Of those two dominants, Noir was now thoroughly in charge, using her mental abilities to slip inside of Melchor while he was so completely distracted and enthralled with his enjoyment of Ruby. Complete control would of course take time, but Ruby had provided enough of an opening to make reasonable suggestions a cinch, and the order to cum was as reasonable as could be expected in this situation.

By the time Melchor released inside of her, Ruby had been well worked up to her own heights, and his last burst of movement sent her over the edge. She tightened up, arched her back, curled her toes and thrust her hips towards him. Her muffled screams of ecstasy were swallowed up in Noir's cunny, reverberating against her hot, wet flower that had dripped its offerings across Ruby's mouth, chin and tongue. The vampire had been drawn into the mutual orgasm as well, and she gushed against Ruby who had no choice but to taste all that was being given.

Ruby's orgasm was drawn out, but it was nothing compared to Melchor, who emptied himself no less than six times inside of her. By the end of it, the Fire Lotus could only quiver and lie still when he pulled out, leaving her with an overflowing cream pie. Ruby breathed heavily and lay still, a sopping wet mess at both ends. She would remain this way for some time, as Noir moved forward to complete her mental intrusions into the captain.

After a rest, Ruby turned onto her side, spilling the contents of her vaginal canal onto her thigh and the bedsheets. She crawled off the bed, found a rag to wipe herself down with, and then looked around the room.

It was at this point that a knock came from the door, and the hopeful voice of one of the pirates asking if it might be time for the other men to have some fun. Noir's rhetorical question about Ruby's desire to keep morale high on the boat drew a sly smile from the kunoichi.

"I couldn't possibly let you have all the fun.~" She chirped and then set her eyes on a walk in closet and an ornate chest of drawers inside of it. Having an inkling of what might be inside. She had already found a captain's jacket that would look perfect on Noir, along with a tricorn hat. "But if we're going to play pirate - we ought to look the part."

She drew out the articles of clothing and lay them near Noir's lap. "You would make a good captain of pleasure..." she noted, before going back among the clothes to find a more simple outfit for herself that eventually comprised of boots, a wide leather belt that she idly thought could double as a strap, a red sash that she liked for the color, and a matching bandana. "And I can be the saucy sailor wench! Fufu... What do you think, Captain Melchor? Will your crew approve?"
Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Noir turned a crimson eye to the garments Ruby had laid out on the bed, and gave her slave a knowing smile. "Mm... now this is the kind of voyage I've been looking forward to," remarked the Mistress. No longer would their days at sea involve waiting around in the creaky dark upon a slow cargo ship, managing an uneasy yet boring truce with a spineless worm. Now, they would have a spirited group of men--pirates no less--to entertain them... but first, Ruby and Noir would do their best to drag the seamen into their little realm of pleasure. And as they would no doubt be lost in bliss while planting their physical seeds inside of Ruby, Noir could then plant her mental seeds of suggestion into them in turn. Not that such a thing was even completely necessary, with the charismatic captain under her finger, but it certainly didn't hurt.

The pale woman threw Melchor's spare jacket over herself, browsing at herself in a mirror attached to the back of the cabinet door. She then donned the tricorn hat and tipped it forward just slightly, in time to see her beloved Ruby's reflection in the mirror. Boots, a bandana, a sash and belt... it left little to the imagination, but it would no doubt suffice in stirring the more carnal desires of the men on board. Noir gave a grin of approval before discreetly snatching a vial she found in the dresser.

Melchor was still half-comatose when Ruby asked his opinion. He raised a brow, giving the best look of disbelief his normally confident expression could muster. "All of them? I... hahh... can only hope you know what you've gotten yourself into," remarked the man bluntly in between breaths.

When the two women stepped out from the captain's quarters, they were met with a cloudier sky overhead... and more importantly, a collective look from those on board. The same needy, lustful stares from before once again met Ruby's lithe form... but this time, their intensity was magnified by her new clothing--or lack thereof. As if her fishnet outfit wasn't revealing enough, this new getup had done its job in advertising her natural assets to the selection of potential 'customers' before her. Even Arkad, Asterio and Latt--the three men with whom she had traded words and threats with earlier that day--couldn't keep their eyes off the Fire Lotus' tempting form. Noir, showing just enough skin to stir the imagination, doubled the visual treat.

"Hello, gentlemen," she greeted boldly, without a trace of the nerves that might usually go with confronting so many pirates. "So I hear you are in need of some... relief? Follow us. Your captain has tested our skills quite thoroughly and found us acceptable. I'm sure that you will, too."

Melchor managed to stumble forth far enough to peek out from behind the door, and a forward gesture of his hand signaled his approval of the situation. It was all that was needed to ease the concerns of his crew, and before long, Ruby would be following Noir to the lower deck... trailed by the multitude of men. She would spy a multitude of budding erections, ones that she would undoubtedly have to tend to.

The Mistress strode confidently through the lower deck of the Bane, quietly memorizing its structure. It was far more organized and orderly than the interior of the Dorral, and this was to her liking. It wasn't just filled with crates, nets and other forms of cargo, but appeared to have something closer to various rooms of sorts. Some held riches, others had cots. But there was one larger chamber that caught her attention, and she stopped to take a look around. In it was a pillory, an X-shaped cross, a makeshift mattress, and a rectangular cage. Naturally, it wasn't quite as spacious or as fancy as the chambers that Noir once held command of in the Labyrinth... but it fit perfectly within her range of tastes. This was where slaves were broken in, or at least used. And it was where Noir would gain her first grip on the minds of these men. But like Melchor, she would first need to soften any potential resistance by nudging them into a more primal and raw state... like a lustful one.

"So this is where it all happens? Do you keep the captured women here, ravaging them until they give in to your every demand?" inquired the curious Noir, herself taller than many on board. She ran a pale finger along the side of the pillory, grinning. "Fufu... so, who breaks them in?"

"Melchor does... usually," replied a voice. It was Arkad--Melchor's trusted stand-in.

Noir couldn't hide her grin. If this Melchor was truly the dominant one on ship, she had already mastered him at this point. These men would soon follow her lead, one by one...

Her crimson eyes scanned the crowd that had begun to fill out. So numerous was this crew that they couldn't all fit into the quarters, so the line would stretch down the hall and up the stairs onto the deck. There were at least fifty, but probably more.

Noir placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder to help ease any leftover feelings of nervousness that her slave might be feeling. "I am Noir... and this, is Ruby." She playfully slid a hand along each of the kunoichi's breasts, advertising her erect nipples to the audience. Then, she trailed it down to her lover's crotch, collecting her secretions and showing her glistening fingers afterwards as proof. "Melchor gave it to us good... but she's still very horny. And she wants you to help her, as I would like you to help me." Her words rung through Ruby's head, becoming the truth. "Can you?"

Naturally, she was met with many excited grins and nods of agreement. "If you like what you see, why don't you form a line against... this wall, right here?" As expected, they all rushed into queue.

She fiddled with the latch on the pillory for only a second before getting it open, ushering her favorite slave into position, and then closing it. From where she was, Ruby could see the crowd coming in through the door. They had organized into a line that crawled along the eastern wall, ending behind her, and so she could get a good look at those lucky enough to be partaking of her--though she obviously couldn't see who was first in the queue. But she had a good enough idea. Here, they were mostly Talean, though Ruby could spot a few fellows of Ayonian or perhaps Deunic descent.

Noir gave a look to the mystery man who was first up, giving Ruby's ass a firm smack and then rubbing it gently. She then fiddled with something that the assassin couldn't quite see, but could soon feel, as the slickness of an oily substance was slathered up and down her waiting slit, and also applied quite liberally to her rear pucker--in case anyone was to miss.
"There we are. She's ready--are you? Mm... nice and hard, I see. Be sure to visit me here after you're done. I'll clean you off properly."

The first lucky sailor in line wasted no time getting right to it, hurrying behind Ruby and lifting the flimsy sash that only barely covered her backside. He set one hand on her hip as the other scrambled to position the bulbous tip of his member in between her slippery folds. So hasty and eager was he to plunge into her depths that his first thrust forward actually missed, as his shaft went just shy of the entrance, sliding along her clit instead and nudging the smooth metal piercing that adorned her hood. It proved to be a tease for Ruby as much as it was for himself, and he released a sigh laced with both pleasure and frustration. Drawing himself back slightly, he tried again to claim her. The second attempt was a bit too high, and the natural upwards curvature of his cock combined with Ruby's secretions caused it to slip upwards, just missing her rear pucker and sliding up between her shapely cheeks. He groaned softly in frustration.

"Heh," chuckled the one in line behind him. "Too happy to be getting some for once!"

"S-Shut it! I'll get it this time. Uhnngh..." Pausing to position himself as accurately as possible, he took the time to hold his cock steady, and in his third try he succeeded, allowing Ruby's slippery petals to invite him in and welcome his throbbing member to her depths. The feel of her warmth accommodating him was almost too much right then and there, given the loud sound of his elated groan. He was a younger seaman, or at least one of the greener ones, as the slave soon discovered from the feel of his single subdermal pearl. Once he had pushed himself all the way in, he clutched the other side of her waist and began to pound away, letting nature take over completely.

His rhythmic grunts matched up in time with his brisk, rapid strokes, causing Ruby's pert breasts to swing back and forth as she bent over helplessly in the pillory, with little choice but to take everything that he was willing to give. And how willing he was. So spirited was he in his approach that the kunoichi could feel the beginnings of another climax stirring within her, and if he could keep it going for just another half minute or so, she would no doubt be joining him in a world of sexual bliss.

But before long Ruby would hear an escalating cry from the man behind her, and at that point she knew he had reached his limit. Weeks or perhaps months or being without a woman's touch had lowered his resistance to such pleasure, and he could stand it no longer.

"A-Aaahhh... c-crap, huuhhn... hnnnhhh! HNNNNGGGHHH! URRHNNNNGGHH! Hahhh... uooooohhh!" The lucky sailor was not quiet in expressing the sheer magnitude of pleasure he was experiencing from rutting Ruby in such a fashion. The assassin would soon feel her man's rod throbbing to forecast its imminent eruption as he pressed himself tightly against her. Several explosions of heat deep inside her pussy followed, as her first john shuddered and gasped in delight. "Hahh... ooooh... ohhhhh, uuhhhnnhh," he sighed, pumping himself in and out a few more times before slowly withdrawing from the heavenly warmth of Ruby's folds. Globs of his cum began to drip out from the Honrainese beauty's cunny, pitter-pattering into a small puddle on the floor between her legs. He had managed to store up quite the amount...

As he moved to leave, Noir beckoned him over, and pushed him against the cage somewhat forcefully. Ruby could see through her peripheral vision the features of the one who had just came inside of her--a rather young Talean, as expected, handsome and boyish in appearance. Her Mistress lowered herself to her knees and began to give him the best oral treatment he had no doubt experienced in his relatively short life, locking her hypnotic gaze onto his the whole time.

But while she went to work, Ruby had more of her own to do, as that was only the second man besides Melchor to claim her that day. The one patiently waiting behind him was next to have a turn.

"I've been waiting for this," announced the man as he pushed himself inside of the Fire Lotus and began to pump away at her increasingly sloppy pussy. Still, her slippery folds wrapped tightly around his meaty shaft, which bore six distinctive pearls. "Ohhh... yeah. Honrainese women are my favorite. So damn tight," he mused aloud, leaning his body forward not only to get deeper in, but to reach around and fondle Ruby's sensitive breasts. He was notably larger in size than his crewmate before him, and the assassin could feel as much with every kiss of his tip against her cervix.

That, combined with the force of his thrusts, would soon grant Ruby her very first orgasm in this public use situation, one that was strong enough to weaken her legs a bit temporarily. The rhythmic contractions of her cunny around the john's member made him hit his peak rather quickly in turn, and he cried out to announce his release. "F-Fuck... OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH! UUUHHHH! HRRNNNNNHHH! Uwoooohhh!" His cock, lodged deep inside of her, continued to piston in and out as it pumped out his impressive load one spurt at a time, with legions of his sperm spilling forth to join the mixture of his shipmate's and captain's.

While Ruby couldn't see his face, she could imagine that his must have been the picture of bliss thanks to the astonished expressions of those waiting in line, witnessing the spectacle. Some of their bulging lengths had stood to full attention by that point.

Even after the waves of his orgasm began to die down, he continued pumping for a few more seconds, apparently unconcerned about the potential consequences of letting this unknown beauty receive his potent load internally. In reality his chances of fatherhood were slim to none, as Verde had already claimed such a distinction.
"Hahh... hauuhh... hooohhhuwahhuhh," sputtered the man as he pulled out slowly, causing yet another thick flow of baby batter to drip from the Fire Lotus's pussy onto the wooden floor. "C-Could die happy now..."

Noir then beckoned him over, apparently only having needed a few seconds to put in the proper mental suggestions for the first guest. It was much easier to do so in their drowsy, post-orgasmic state. Despite being on her knees in a traditionally submissive position, it was hard to deny her dominance, as she maintained control the entire time, cleaning him up with her deft tongue and causing him to roll his head in pleasure. "Uhohh!"

The third man to have Ruby as she stooped helplessly in the pillory wouldn't lay claim to her steadily dripping cunny... but her rear entrance instead.
"Uuuuhhh... you like that, girl?" He wasn't too big in terms of size, which made receiving him in the back a bit easier compared to some of her previous partners. But the sensation of his heavy balls rhythmically slapping against her outer petals hit Ruby's other pleasure centers in a different way.

The ferocity of his strokes caused Ruby's backside to ripple slightly from the impacts, and by the way he moved, she could tell that this particular sailor wasn't one to draw out the encounter more than necessary. He was a five-pearl man--perhaps one of the only ways Ruby would be able to identify these men while in the stocks given that she couldn't easily see their faces, and stronger than the two before him. Luckily, the sheer amount of lubrication that Noir had prepped her rear canal with made the experience that much easier, and also allowed the deckhand to pound Ruby as fast as he liked without causing her any pain. Only pleasure was to be had at this point, by both participants. But the pirate was to reach his peak first before the bound girl could have another.

"Hrrggghh! Hnnnn! Hnnnn! Huuhhhhuuuuooohhhh..." Spurt after spurt of his milky gift tickled the insides of Ruby's colon, giving her the sensation of warmth deeper in her body. He had nearly as much to give as the first man in line, and so he pressed himself tightly against the assassin for quite some time, ensuring that he had gotten it all out. Trapped in the pillory as she was, Ruby was helpless to do anything but let herself be filled thoroughly by him.

When he was finished, he would draw himself out somewhat unceremoniously, causing thick semen to drool out from her ass now as well, as more and more of the substance pooled up on the floor between her feet.

Rarely ever had she actually seen so many people gathered in one place so excited and eager in anticipation for something, and here it was her! But as some of the men in the queue began to stroke themselves, the Fire Lotus would sense an overall air of impatience growing within the room. Perhaps they were used to having more girls occupying the various contraptions around such a dungeon, or it had simply been too long since their last opportunity for true release.

Sensing this, Noir stood up after burning her influence on the nearly comatose sailor, and addressed the line once more. "Oh, now don't make yourselves wait too long. She can take another!"

Ruby didn't have to wait long for another customer... and then another after that, to take their respective positions behind and in front of her.
This time, she could clearly see at least one of the men who was to enjoy her. It was a little difficult to roll her eyes up far enough to get a good, focused look at his face, but his lower half was chiseled and muscular, and his three-pearled cock a remarkable shape. He was already dribbling precum in anticipation, and pressed the spongy tip of his member against Ruby's lips.

"Oh! This mark... an assassin, I think," remarked the one behind her, running his warm fingertips over the ink on Ruby's back curiously.

"And she's been made into a slave like this? I have to wonder who managed that!" came the response from the one she was to orally service. When she finally opened up for him, be it willingly or hesitantly, he wasn't shy in the least about thrusting his cock right into her mouth, his sailor's musk filling her olfactory senses. It was on the strong side, but the degree of lust that Noir had inspired proved stronger, enough so that Ruby wouldn't simply stop due to just that.

At the same time, the man out of Ruby's line of sight claimed her rear orifice once more, an easy entry thanks to the amount of oil still coating the opening. Again, he wasn't particularly large... rather, on the small end of the spectrum. On the other hand, it would spare Ruby from much discomfort for the time being.

The two shared deep sighs of bliss as they began to pump away at her rhythmically, causing the pillory to creak audibly as it swayed back and forth along with her body. She could feel the seven studs on her man's cock hitting the more sensitive parts inside her ass, and the three pearls upon the other seaman's rod against her tongue, as she was put to the task of servicing them.

Like the others, it wouldn't be long before they reached climax. The man in front opted to pull out and paint Ruby's face with thick ropes of his semen, while the one behind her was content with remaining deep inside of her anal passage and achieving sweet release within. They shuddered and grunted as they gave her their last few thrusts, holding nothing back in expressing their feelings of lust and pleasure... and leaving Ruby feeling warm and full inside. When they finished, the level of excitement in the murmurs of those waiting in line only grew.

Noir paused from her tasks to hold the line for a moment, freeing Ruby from the stocks. She gave her beloved slaves' neck and wrists and gentle caress, licking the seed from one side of her cheek... and with a single finger, beckoned no less than nine men to come and surround them. "Think it's about time we speed things up..."
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Re: Harmony and the Void (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Seeing her mistress showing off in front of the mirror and adjusting her tricorn hat, Ruby felt another surge of pride and admiration for her lover. Noir was always beautiful, but her dark radiance was at its peak when she adorned herself in the sensual trappings of a dominant role - be it dungeon dominatrix, noble lady, imposing monster, or a pirate captain.

"It does have that sense of familiarity about it, doesn't it Mistress?" Ruby answered, putting a hand on her be-sashed hip and putting the weight of her body to one side as she grinned and ogled Noir.

"The costumes, the playtime in the dark... and you leading me out to receive heavens know how many strangers' dicks. Will you clean me when it's over?" She winked at the vampire, but would follow her faithfully and obediently out to the waiting audience of sex-starved sailors.

Ruby was not at all surprised that the two femme fatales were able to capture such extreme attention. Nor was it shocking when Noir convinced them all to follow them merrily to an awaiting sex pit and form an orderly line to 'play' with the kunoichi.

Having that many hungry eyes on her would always send alarm bells ringing in the girl's head to some degree, but the Fire Lotus had received sex slave training from the most capable and mentally powerful dominatrix in the mortal realm. Ruby knew how to steel herself, or more accurately, how to make her personal morals flexible enough to receive those stares and feed off of the attention. Her nipples hardened, her cheeks flushed, her lower lips grew wet. She knew through direct experience that if she shut out the uncertainty and the fear, she could be free to focus on the hedonistic pleasure that was soon to arrive. Her mouth quirked in a sultry grin as Noir introduced her to the crowd and explained how she was still very much in need of 'relief.'

The assassin leaned into the taller woman as Noir cupped her small but perky breasts and sighed passionately when the pale, slender fingers roamed southward and spread her petals to reveal proof of Ruby's lewdness for all to see. Noir's mental command washed over Ruby, adding another layer of certainty to the slave's obedience. The Fire Lotus' disposition became more needful, weaker, and more pliant to Noir's physical direction as she was placed into the pillory. First her neck was encircled, then each of her wrists by a separate bar. A simple metal latch locked into place, and Ruby was well and truly stuck.

When the first man came up behind her, Ruby had no way of knowing who he was or what his attentions might be like, but she had the urge to say something - to spur whoever it was on in the same way that Noir was doing. Even if it might be at her own expense, she was Noir's servant, and she was compelled by oath, by command, and by her own desire to act in accordance with Noir's Voidic urges.

"Ah... come on... whoever you are!" Ruby wiggled her butt from side to side, letting the motion further entice her first 'suitor.' "If you're man enough! Even your captain couldn't keep up with me all the way. Hurry up and put it in! I can't stand the waiting anymore. All your eyes on me... just fuck me!"

She felt her flimsy red sash, which had just been for show and not to cover up her womanhood, was brushed up higher on her waist, and two warm, calloused sailor's hands gripped her by her hips. She felt the bulb of the man's tip slide against her oiled petals and she exhaled deeply in anticipation. His first stroke didn't enter her, but slid along her petals and clipped her clitoral hood ring, which induced in her a happy, fluttered sigh. Those standing in line who could see her face would likely be impressed by the genuine look of pleasure written across her features. His second attempt slipped up her rear crevice, this time only making her annoyed, for she had been sure that she would feel his warm length inside her already.

"S-stop teasing me, you jerk!" Ruby groaned and pushed her ass up higher, propping herself up further on her toes. "Come on. It's not like I'm a hard targ-eeeeeehhttt aahh!~"

At last, the first sailor had found his mark, and being a young man with pent up sexual frustration that had lasted months on end, it was inevitable that he thrust rapidly and forcefully inside of her. The pace was already at a point that should have been reserved for when they both were nearing orgasm, but in his own selfish need, he didn't seem to care much how Ruby was supposed to be worked up. He came fast, powerfully, and quickly, leaving the assassin with a used and disappointed feeling, because if he'd taken just a bit more time, she would have been right there with him.

"Ohhh nn-nnoo.. .not yet! Ahhh.... hnnh... you came too quickly!" she groaned unhappily as he withdrew and moved to be cleaned by Noir.

The next man had the attitude and grip of a more seasoned sailor, and when he entered her, she could feel his endowment fill her up, along with six noticeable pearls underneath his skin, giving her a nice additional feeling. He managed to piggy back onto the feelings that the first young buck had induced in her, and in no time at all she was back to heading towards her crescendo. He leaned forward, bending over her and wrapped his arms around her. She could feel his rough hands seize her breasts and fondle them as he thrust into her, his sweaty body spooning against hers. With every heavy motion she began to make forceful utterances; outward gasps that could be heard by the audience whose erections were visibly pitching tents in their pants. After a couple minutes of this treatment she found her orgasm just before the new man finished inside of her. Her ecstatic shriek faded away to a low coo and a weak "y-yeah....~"

Her resulting muscle contractions coaxed an incredible torrent of cum within the following moments. She felt his grip on her breasts tighten, his fingers pinching at her pierced nipples and his hefty weight slamming into her with a sudden burst of irregularity and animalistic need. Hot jets of his ejaculate splashed against her cervix and inner walls, and she could feel his hot breath on her back as he gave his orgasmic yawp.

"Ohh yeah! Ahh, hnnh, that was a good one!" Ruby applauded, slightly out of breath. She pushed herself back onto him as much as her current position would allow and stirred her hips around to feel his big cock inside of her, his metal pearls still setting off minor aftershocks of pleasure.

When he, too, left to go seek Noir's exit prize, the kunoichi felt his gobs of seed dripping down her thighs, and she knew that even after two men, she must look like quite the lewd sight to see. She was only empty for a brief time however, as the third man appeared quickly and without ceremony inserted himself into her rear entrance. She gasped, more in surprise than discomfort, as it was not her first anal experience and Noir had anticipated this likely scenario by drizzling the perfumed oil down her crease. The man's question about whether she liked this type of sex seemed rhetorical, but she'd do him the courtesy of answering anyway.

"Unnh... unh... nnh - yeah.~ Mmh, maybe a li-little... You're so fast... like a rabbit. Go on little bunny. Fuck me in the ass!" she challenged the man, who responded by going even faster inside of her until he joined the first two in cumming a long-held load, only this time it was up her colon.

When he walked away, Ruby noticed that while her large audience were indeed turned on by all of this, it was becoming apparent just how long some of them might have to wait to get in on the action. She wasn't exactly feeling sorry for them however. After all, it was she who had to pleasure all of them - no mean feat even for a girl who had undergone physical training throughout her whole life. Still, Noir was attentive to their growing qualms, so she invited the next two men to take Ruby at the same time, giving her her first view of an active customer.

"H-hi..." she said in a tired, but still willing voice.

She stared directly at the throbbing, thrice-pearled cock with precum already dripping from the tip. She was oddly reminded of the time Verde had taken her out into an alleyway in Brevnia one time, overcome with his lust for her and she had, for the first time while arguably being 'free' of Noir's direct command, had given into her lust willingly. It had been one of those moment's in her life where she realized just how fundamentally her sexual training had changed her from the woman she once had been. Now, as she stared at this stranger... this pirate's cock in front of her, she felt again an unapologetic lust that defied logic and explanation. The gods help her, but she was enjoying this debauchery too much.

"I was trained by the best, now let me prove it to you!" She said determinedly as the two men briefly discussed her tattoo which to those who knew something of Honrai culture would know signified her as belonging to a feared cult of assassins.

The Fire Lotus opened her mouth wide and let her studded tongue extend to lick the tip of the pirate's cock, slickly gathering his precum on her spongy pink flesh while her eyes roamed upward at an extreme angle to stare up at her benefactor. She must have had quite the effect, as her mouth was immediately full of his manhood and she wrapped her lips tightly around his swollen cock as it began to use her mouth as a pleasure device. Behind her, she felt her anus being stretched and fucked again, and together these two men rode themselves to completion, enjoying their assassin sex toy as much as the previous three men had. Ruby finished them off with more cum inside of her ass and several impressively thick gobs of cum adorning her face.

With so many more men in line, Ruby was surprised to feel the bars of the pillory come off. She stood up, looking questioningly at Noir, though she felt safer and calmer when the mistress caressed her neck and wrists while cleaning one of her cheeks with her tongue. Ruby wanted desperately to initiate a kiss back, but knew that she still had a lot more to do and there wasn't time to indulge the desire. More men gathered around the two of them, and Ruby realized that Noir had beckoned them to do so.

Ruby slipped an arm around Noir's waist and put her cleaned cheek to rest on the vampire's shoulder, showing the nearby men just how comfortable she was in getting intimate with the other woman. Maybe it would turn them on more.

"They're all so horny. Ready to burst..." Ruby said aloud, in a dreamy, lusty voice. "Maybe they'll be happy to cover us in their cum? I wouldn't mind some creative decoration.~ Would you?"
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