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Re: Hate Thread

"I wanna have babies, and the easiest way to get a license is Federation service, so *shrugs*"

Starship Troopers, weeding out the horrible parents via intergalactic man shredding insects.
Re: Hate Thread

"I wanna have babies, and the easiest way to get a license is Federation service, so *shrugs*"

Starship Troopers, weeding out the horrible parents via intergalactic man shredding insects.

I think the subtext of that line was more @ how bad government controlled eugenics is as a concept, to be honest. While it's easy and fun to look at all of the worthless parents in the world and go "you should need a license to have children," there isn't any objective way to decide who should and who shouldn't be allowed to reproduce fairly. I know I've come down in favor of certain aspects of eugenics in the past, but that's also usually after seeing something particularly terrible, and if given a vote for implementing a system of eugenics I'd still most likely say no.
Re: Hate Thread

I wasn't truly being serious. I just took the opportunity for a Starship Troopers reference. In all honesty, putting any form of regulation on that just seems... wrong. And leads to all kinds of worse wrongness.
Re: Hate Thread

Trust me, as a German I know that eugenics is not all it's cracked up to be. We tried that.

I hate having to change my sleep schedule from morning shift to night shift. Sleepless night, here I come!
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe you were right and just happened to pick the wrong master race.
Re: Hate Thread

I can still be a dick about the fact that my parents should have never had children.
Re: Hate Thread

Almost quit today after realizing I had nearly four months worth of expenses covered. Was reminded that the job market is shit, and I ought hang on to the job until I had something else set up. They're all correct, but I was very excited by the idea of quitting, so I'm a bit frustrated right now.
Re: Hate Thread

I wasn't truly being serious. I just took the opportunity for a Starship Troopers reference. In all honesty, putting any form of regulation on that just seems... wrong. And leads to all kinds of worse wrongness.

I actually think parenting licenses could be an immense boon. Not hard to get just make sure you know your asshole from your elbows and not to shake a baby. Of course this all falls down when you realise unlicensed babies have to be forcefully terminated or confiscated... making all this useless.
Re: Hate Thread

I actually think parenting licenses could be an immense boon. Not hard to get just make sure you know your asshole from your elbows and not to shake a baby.

"We're going to install in your house a machine that repeats the sound of a baby crying at high volume. If it's still intact when we come back in a week, congratulations, you passed!"
Re: Hate Thread

I hate lab experiments at the uni where the fact remains unannounced that I would have to look at a stroboscope for like 30 min ... I don't feel so good ...
Re: Hate Thread

You know, I'm not sure this is the right place, but as you all probably know I love to hate on bad drivers, here's an interesting tale that isn't as high blood pressure inducing as normal. The other day as I was driving to class I saw a guy take a turn out of a parking lot rather sharp. His drivers side door, which had been shut, suddenly swung open from the force. I was far enough away I could just watch, but he was obviously panicking x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Sounds like that one's more for the "Giddy" thread. Although that probably had to have been frightening, the mental image is amusing enough.
Re: Hate Thread

His birthday is tomorrow.

February and November have been added to my list of months to hate.
Re: Hate Thread

Sounds like that one's more for the "Giddy" thread. Although that probably had to have been frightening, the mental image is amusing enough.

Yeah, I wouldn't exactly say I was giddy about it, cause that could have ended badly. It was a nice break from the day before when someone actually ran a redlight as I was going through the green, followed less than 10 seconds later by one of those idiots that edges out so far they're in your lane, then almost hitting the car behind you that tries to pass when you dodge the first car.
Re: Hate Thread

Very true. If nothing else, it's a good reminder to always wear your seatbelt.
Re: Hate Thread

Just found out one friend's granddad is on his way out. There's nothin more the docs can do to help, he's just... old. And other friend's cat's cancer came back and has spread to half of her body.

And all this before noon. What's next, day?

Re: Hate Thread

There's a certain level of stupid that just makes me x.x so hard. Today in a lecture hall class one of the professors opened it up for discussion. The topic was global warming, and these questions prove just why this generation may be doomed to failure. All four of these were serious questions, as in they weren't joking...

"Doesn't the government control the weather?"

"Isn't the sun going to expand and kill everyone soon anyway?"

"One group says that since humans are the problem, we need to get rid of humans. Are they going to pass that in a law?"

"Are hurricanes and tsunamis natural or are they just for corporate profit?" (wtf at that one)

What I consider the worst part was I asked a helpful question trying to steer us somewhere productive the answer was just "Oh, we'll talk about that next week", and we moved on :\
Re: Hate Thread

What the hell kinda college are you going to!?
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, this class is the only one that's ever been that bad. I think a lot of these people were freshman, or outside my major. It's a class cross taught between 4 majors.
Re: Hate Thread

I had something similar, my roommate and I were in this class about philosophy and politics and he was bringing up the issue of "autonomy." Of course, no one knew what autonomy meant, so he was explaining like. "You can smoke if it's something that only affects you." And this girl across the row went "BUT WHAT ABOUT SECONDHAND SMOKE" completely ignoring the "only affects you" comment. He goes on to say "Fine, I mean like if you're smoking crystal meth, it only hurts yo-" "BUT WHAT ABOUT CRACK BABIES!?" I could see my roommate fighting the urge to tell her he's not going to be pregnant any time soon, but instead goes "WHATEVER! You can sit alone in your closet and start banging your head with a hammer!" "Why would anyone do that?!" She wasn't snooty or trying to shut him down with examples, she honestly was just completely in surprise the whole time.