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Re: Hate Thread

Co-workers with children. I realize that spawn get sick and they want their mothers to take care of them (hell, when I get sick, I want my mother to take care of me) but getting a text at 3 in the morning from my co-worker asking me to go in for her at 9 is just a wee bit on the annoying side. I told her I would but if it had been any later, then the answer was going to be 'no.' As it stands, I'm probably going to post this and go crash so I can get enough sleep. She promised to text around 6 or 7 whether it was a go or not, but for the moment, I'm not holding my breath.

(Also, ignore the fact that I'm still up at 3 am. My normal schedule has me in at 11, which would allot for more than enough sleep.)
Re: Hate Thread

Ugh. I hate it when the sun shines outside and I have to work. Not that I enjoy the day star, mind you. It just reminds me that there is so much more I could do with my time.
Re: Hate Thread

On a similar vein, I hate people that come through the drive-through (or into the store) and declare "How gorgeous it is outside! You should get out and enjoy it!" Thanks, I'll get right on that. How about you talk to my boss about letting me cut out early?
Re: Hate Thread

The hardest part about giving advice- any advice, mind you, good, bad, or other- is when people don't listen.
Re: Hate Thread

Right, so my headphones went bust again. And that's like my eight, ninth pair now?

I guess I have to buy some new...
Re: Hate Thread

HATE how my comp's been acting recently. Can't tell if it's the swap to Steam client version overworking the processor or just the change to summer, but playing Warframe for any time more then one average round seems to be leading it to crash completely. No bluescreen or warning, just the program freezes for like a second and the computer SHUTS ITSELF OFF.
Re: Hate Thread

Some raving lunatic beeped at the transit bus when it was moving closer to the other busses on its own legal lane, then ran into a taped off area and cut the tape with his car.
Re: Hate Thread

Hate it when your best friend/relative you just bought gifts for to show your appreciation, and have plans with, gets brain-dead drunk and ruins the entire evening because now you have to baby-sit them and make sure they don't kill themselves stumbling over a vase.
Re: Hate Thread

Some raving lunatic beeped at the transit bus when it was moving closer to the other busses on its own legal lane, then ran into a taped off area and cut the tape with his car.

I kinda need more context, but sounds.... well, I'm someone who believe it or not gets extreme road rage, so, I'm probably biased. Guy sounds like a d-bag.

In a similar vein, I've actually had to use my horn both times I went back home recently (a 20 minute drive), and the last time only avoided hitting the guy because of sheer luck and everyone else also being attentive x.x
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when you try to show your appreciation to a maternal relative (on mother's Day) and all they can talk about is the deadbeat relative that no one cares for and how they miss said person.
Re: Hate Thread


So, I think I mentioned before that we technically have our driveway exit right outside a light on a major road out of town. We also are in the central area of about 3 different supermarkets now. So whenever we go to back in with a trailer to the driveway, we have to time it between the light.

Traffic was calm enough, so we got it lined up and started backing up. Well, someone was starting to try and push it the right way... and then some derp started to try and squeeze in via the wrong way from one of the shops toward the shop further down the street, that, yet stressing again, was driving the WRONG WAY DOWN THE ROAD AAA D:

There was no accident, but even still, gezus. I miss natural selection but let's try not to take some casualties with em?
Re: Hate Thread

The problem with natural selection in these instances is that it removes a perfectly sane person (you) from the gene pool as well.
Re: Hate Thread

Every once in awhile I feel the urge to buy a dash cam and start a blog about bad drivers, living off ad revenue. The chances are I won't see something gripe worthy are literally less than one in ten per time I leave the house.
Re: Hate Thread

Both something I hate, and related to hate.

A map of where hateful tweets come from. For the entire state of Illinois, the stupid little town just South of here takes the cake in both homophobia and racism. This is why, unlike everyone else at my high school, I preferred to head North x.x
Re: Hate Thread

I'm actually kinda surprised the amount of homophobic tweets originate from New England. I mean, I kinda expect my state to be narrow-minded, but I figured New England would be a little more understanding.

I just realized that when you zoom in, the map get a lot more accurate >.<
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people that try to rush me into doing something before I'm ready.
On a completely unrelated note, I hate my step-dad.
I will get my own car in my own time. I refuse to pay for a mistake down the road, just because someone else is in a hurry. Especially when it comes to something as important as a car.
Re: Hate Thread

Wanted to eat lasagna. So I fired up the oven and waited 40 min while gently rubbing my hungry tummy in circular motions.
Hadn't actually put the lasagna inside...