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Re: Hate Thread

Geeze, Bei. *hugs*

I got nothin' beyond the usual rant against pushy salespeople. Yes, honey, I know you have to try and sell me the magazine subscription but all I want is ONE frigging issue of Game Informer that I *maybe* by once every couple of years and I already told you TWICE I *just* want *this* issue.

According to my cousin, who is more currently in retail than I am (been out of direct "customer service" retail for a couple years now) the current tally is they have to get FOUR "No's" out of you before they're supposed to stop asking.

Makes me want to drag those dumbass corporate suits down into a retail chain and go "Okay, here. You do it. See how *easy* it is and how *happy* the customer is after being *harassed*."
Re: Hate Thread

talking about Game Informer, I wish that GameStop would make it optional with their PowerUp Rewards Pro membership n reduce the price of the membership (because I'm sure that's where at least $10 of the membership comes from)

I'm not interested in reading Game Informer and have a neat stack of old issues somewhere in the house that are mostly unread

the only reason I'm keeping them around is in case I can sell them for a decent amount of money at some point
Re: Hate Thread

Some asshole keeps resetting the password of my battlenet account, via SMS Protect I assume. I haven't played any Blizzard games for a while now and fortunately I suck at them, so there is nothing of value to be lost. But it is still very annoying.
Re: Hate Thread

I found a woman's wallet in the mountains a couple of days ago and searched all over the place, asked the police and the government to see where the woman lived; and after driving for over two hours just to get to her house and returning the wallet (and with many thanks and tears of gratitude from the woman by the way), I returned to my place.

About three hours ago I received a letter from court saying that I have been sued. Guess by who? By the same woman I did all of that shit just to return her fucking wallet.

So apparently being a good person is wrong now. Fuck everything.
Re: Hate Thread

trying to find cropped jeans/capris to cosplay Junpei from 999 n all that exist are ugly

male fashion feels really limited to me cuz there's not much that actually looks different from other things that you wear in the same way

I can find tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of tees and shirts and pants with different designs on them and in different colors, but they're all about the same look

I could try combining things, but the outcome usually looks ridiculous
Re: Hate Thread

Hopefully that gets thrown out of court. If not... well fuck that bitch.
Re: Hate Thread

I found a woman's wallet in the mountains a couple of days ago and searched all over the place, asked the police and the government to see where the woman lived; and after driving for over two hours just to get to her house and returning the wallet (and with many thanks and tears of gratitude from the woman by the way), I returned to my place.

About three hours ago I received a letter from court saying that I have been sued. Guess by who? By the same woman I did all of that shit just to return her fucking wallet.

So apparently being a good person is wrong now. Fuck everything.

The fuck? Did the letter give a reason?
Re: Hate Thread

Sued specifically for what?
Re: Hate Thread

I'm with Chibi on this one. Unless you took her credit cards on a spending spree before you returned it, the hell is she suing you for?

Alternately, why didn't the police/authorities not just return the wallet to her? I know in the States, if you find a wallet and it has ID in it, you can pitch it into a mailbox and they'll see about getting it to the right owner.
Re: Hate Thread

trying to find cropped jeans/capris to cosplay Junpei from 999 n all that exist are ugly

I don't recall anyone named Junpei on the ol' three-9, but it's been a while since I've seen it...
Re: Hate Thread

Yes. I am aware. I was making this thing called a 'pun'.

I'd add the dictionary definition here, but all it seems to say is 'Copper loves them.', which is entirely unhelpful.
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Re: Hate Thread

Yes. I am aware. I was making this thing called a 'pun'.

I'd add the dictionary definition here, but all it seems to say is 'Copper loves them.', which is entirely unhelpful.

sorry, it passed by me (n is still passing by me)
there's a show or two named 999 n you said it had been a while since you "seen" it
Re: Hate Thread

The letter said that I was suspicious of robbery. Why? Because apparently the wallet had about 50$ in it but when I returned there was no money. When I found it there was nothing in it, only a shopping bill and the woman's driving license (that's how I got to find her). I don't think it will be a big deal (since I got proof that I didn't steal it), but just thinking about that that bitch sued me after all the shit I did is enerving.
Hopefully that gets thrown out of court. If not... well fuck that bitch.
Couldn't agree more with you Sin...

I didn't know I could do that until a friend of mine told me Copper; so it was too late.

Well, I do know where she lives...
Re: Hate Thread

The letter said that I was suspicious of robbery. Why? Because apparently the wallet had about 50$ in it but when I returned there was no money. When I found it there was nothing in it, only a shopping bill and the woman's driving license (that's how I got to find her). I don't think it will be a big deal (since I got proof that I didn't steal it), but just thinking about that that bitch sued me after all the shit I did is enerving.

Couldn't agree more with you Sin...

I didn't know I could do that until a friend of mine told me Copper; so it was too late.

Well, I do know where she lives...

$50 isn't worth suing someone over
Re: Hate Thread

SO, after house-sitting for my parents for 3 days, making sure our sick dog is okay and the house doesn't get robbed, the thanks I get is my step-dad throwing a fit like he's 12 that I spent most of the $100 my mom gave me before they left, in case I wanted to order food/do something. I... but... LDSKFGLIDSHFGPOIDASFGJFBGJHFVBLKASFGOIAGFOIB

Re: Hate Thread

Apparently it is.

I'm not a lawyer, but I read a lot.

This was a wallet you found. So there's no way this was a robbery or a burglary. Additionally, it's not even a serious crime as it's under fifty dollars. If there is a case it would likely be decided by a judge. But the standard for criminal cases is "beyond a reasonable doubt", which can't be proven.

The standard for a civil suit is different. The prosecutor must be supported by "a preponderance of evidence", which basically just means that it's more likely than not that you did whatever they're accusing you of. However, I don't know what lawyer would take a case over fifty dollars, as there's no way there's a profit in it unless they try to pin something larger on you. And it may be the case that there's a bottom limit for civil suits, because I can't see the courts getting embroiled in every ten dollar dispute.

Basically, it sounds to me like you're being set up for something bigger, because nothing else makes sense. But I might be wrong. You might have miscommunicated something or I misunderstood, or the woman hasn't yet consulted a lawyer and doesn't know this won't work. Let me know how it goes, I guess.