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There was no sight, there was no sound, there was little indication at all that Mika was not alone.. other than what had just happened. Slipping into the dress with it's pretty cut and curve-fitting design, Mika could almost see herself at a high society ball, wearing the ring she already had, some pretty jewelry, some makeup.. perhaps something more interesting to explore than the kitchen? She could see herself, with her ...
Well, that was a problem, wasn't it. The one thing emberassingly not fitting for her with the dress was the fact that it was tightly cut.. for a woman. It was pretty much impossible to hide a subtle, yet indeniably emberassing bulging from Mika's unusual anatomy. Not only that, but somehow.. something urged her to slightly adjust the dress, pull it nice and tight and keep her assets proper on display through the dress. No ball-dances with pretty men then. Perhaps another woman though, in a dress just like hers.. She could almost see it, a young beauty, with dark, long hair, taking her hand, leading her off, perhaps with one of Mika's hands emberassedly hiding her healthy bulging...

Mika shook herself out of her day-dreams to make her way downstairs, somewhere there with the servant-quarters was were the kitchen had to have been. It was easy enough, a little dust covered the corridor there, and even the kitchen floor, but..
Something in Mika's mind clicked. Something wasn't quite right. Footsteps. Her mind reminded her. A glance back out to the corridor revealed them. A series of footsteps, from small, dainty feet, leading deeper into the mansion, clearly visible in the dust. Well it could have just been.. no.. no.. Mika was slowly running out of ideas on what this could have been. Was someone else in here, perhaps someone payed by her uncle to prank her? That would likely explain, well.. everything. Though, with her stomach grumbling and the kitchen right before her, hopefully with some preserved food, perhaps she could investigate this later?
There was no sight nor sound that made a presence other than herself known to Mika. The only hint, the fading sting on her ass from a slap across it. She was weary about what had just happened but with no proof, Mika quickly slipped on the sexy dress, it was easy to notice how well crafted it was, curve hugging, and teasing, it was an amazing dress to say the least. Just looking down at it, Mika's imagination ran. She could practically see herself in a high society ball with the dress on. Perhaps a little modest makeup to highlight her features and some more jewelry other than the pretty ring on her finger, and she could be one of the stars of the ball! There were stars in her eyes as she dreamed. Though there was one thing wrong with the dress. It was made to huge a purely women's curves, and Mika came with an extra package, that stuck out alot in the dress! It was an embarrassing bulge that was quite noticeable. "Uhhhh... This would attract so much attention...." Her face almost went as red as her dress as some portion of her wanted to pull the dress nice and tight, and make her assets stand out even more, demanding more attention! Perhaps that wouldn't be so bad in the right company.... She just might be able to tempt a beauty for herself with the display! She could see it now! A black haired beauty taking her hand and leading her off the ball floor while she had one of her hands still trying to shyly hide the embarrassing bulge, off to some other activity much more fun compared to a ball.

Mika shook her head to clear the day dream away, though it was a good one. She made her way down stairs, making her ways towards the servants quarters, where the kitchen had to be close by. The hallway was easy enough to find, but had a nice coating of dust on it dulling its spender, but that dust was disturbed... She felt her mind numb as she looked down at the ground. Footprints! There were footprints left by some obviously small and dainty feet, heading even deeper into the mansion. W-why were there footprints here? She could come up with some logical things, b-but there was no chance for such confidences to be happening! I-it had to be something left for her by great-grand uncle.... She looked at them, all interest in the small chance for a meal disappearing, even as her stomach grumbled. She had to know! Was there someone else here? She wouldnt feel quite that safe till she found out. There wasn't even that great of a chance to find food after so long here anyways. Reassuring herself that it was probably nothing, Mika followed the path left in the dust.
With Mika pondering about it, an instinct, a lucky guess, a premonition, she felt quite certain she knew were to find makeup and jewelry int he large house.. perhaps a little dress up, just for fun, for later? A beautiful, pretty lady, with her bulge nicely on display for her bethrothed...

Mika then carefully followed the path left in the dust, into the twilight of the deeper mansion, observed by yet another of uncles.. paintings.. though, this image was decidedly more graphic, of a dark haired woman being... well, certainly not hugged by a hairy demonic figure.:
If Mika looked too long at that image she could almost imagine how those furry, inhuman hands would feel, digging down her thigh, a wet tongue, far too long for a humans slithering down and along her chest... but she had a dust trail to follow, didn't she?

Well, as a matter of fact, she did not. The footsteps just stopped. Infront of a wall, no less.

There was a chimney, but no one could have climbed up that.. right? Perhaps it had just been a rather large uhh.. cat that had made those footprints? There had to be an explanation, right? Mika could search the room, but, while she keeps looking around, she will find her eyes drawn again and again to the lewd portrait.
Well. Certainly nothing bad could come from a simply portrait hanging in some dead end chamber in an old house.
For some reason, Mika had a strong feeling that she would be able to find some makeup and jewelry in the large house quite easily. Prehaps it was a women’s intuition, but it was strong enough that she had no reason to doubt it. I've never gotten to dress up before, but maybe it would be fun to do so! Doll herself up like in her imagination, all pretty and bulge on displayed for her betrothed... Eh? Where did that last part come from? No matter, time to get going. She had more pressing matters than some random thoughts.

Carefully following the footprints left in the dust, Mika was taken deeper into the mansion. On her journey in, she came across another of great-grand uncle's lewd paintings. This one of some demonic beast fucking a dark haired women from behind, licking the women with its inhuman tongue. Looking at the arousing sight, Mika could feel her cock twitching against the soft fabric that was pulled tight around it. This... this painting seemed to be on another level compares to the others. She could almost imagine what it would feel like to be swapped with the women in the picture. Held tightly against the beast by its strong hands as they explored her, it's tongue tasting her... She shuddered. S-she needed to go. To follow the trail.

She pulled herself out of her imagination, but the trail she was about to follow once again ended nearby. It went straight into a wall and stopped.

Ma-maybe they climbed out by the chimney, b-but how would that be possible? Could it have just been a large cats trail? Hmmm, there had to be an explanation. Mika was a little shaken with how many things were going on that she couldnt explain. Maybe there's a secret passage! Mika suddenly thought, moving to inspect around the room for any sign of the trail or secrets. Though her search was often interrupted when she found herself just starring at the lewd portrait one again. It was arrousing, but was it that captivating?
Mika gives the room a general look over. There are two columns in the middle, two windows leading outside, showing a slightly overgrown garden. A chair stands in a corner besides one of those lamps that had magically come alive lighting up that seductive, beautiful painting.

Anothere three chairs stood in the room, on two of them, as well as on a rocking horse in the back, were simple dolls. The chimney seemed sturdy and too small to simply climb through. Getting an overall view of the room did not help Mika find a direct answer to the strangely disappearing. Perhaps she'd have to investigate individual objects closer. Like this beautiful painting. Her eyes wandered back to it. She could imagine the demons hot rod thrusting into her as a hand roughly gripped her breast.. there was a feeling of wetness on her neck, a dripping of saliva forming at about the same time as her dress was pulled aside, revealing her breast, another hand cupping her bulging, invisibly but clearly tangible, keeping up the caressing as she kept staring at the portrait, almost as if encouraging her... and her cock throbbed in agreement.

The mists depicted in the portrait seemed to waft into this room, Mika could smell the sexual scent of the demon, hear lustful grunts as the line between art and reality slowly blurred, the demons eyes falling upon her, making her feel like .. like a wanton whore. Yes. She wanted to be touched like this. Wanted to just stay and let this happen.. at least thats what a voice tried to whisper to her mind. If the accepted the whispers they grew gentle, luring, the touches continuing, the dress seeming to open on its own. If however she tried to turn away, the voice grew more insistant, angry almost, a WHORE should obey!
Starting off her search, Mika took a glance around the room. There were two columns in the middle of the room, with two more windows offering a view of the outside to an old forgotten garden. e magic lantern of the room was just in the perfect position to fully light and show off the suductive painting...

There were other things in the room as well. Some out of place dolls and a rocking horse. Why were such things in the home of an old man? If she could manage to stop finding herself just... Just staring at the painting, she might have been very curious about how the footprints had just ended, and the other items in the room, but the beast... She gasped in pleasure as she could feel it's hot cock thrusting into as it's hand possessively and roughly grasped her breast! W-why couldn't she stop imagining it?! Now it's tongue wss licking her neck as it pulled her dress aside to bare her breast! A sudden firm grasp on her bulge released a new sultry moan as Mika's imagination immersed herself in the painting! Her cock throbbed in need of more than just a grasp, of more pleasure!

Reality and imagination blurred as the mists in the painting waftted out into the room, the strong smell of primal sex accompanying it. The painting came alive as the women audibly moaned in pleasure, and the beasts beady eyes swiveled towards her. The way it looked at her made her feel like just another person to fuck, a whore! Something inside of her wanted to become the women in the beasts grasp, to be the one fucked by it, but a weak whisper told her that it was wrong. That this was all unnatural, and she started to will her body to look away. As she did so, that something suddenly turned violent, and went from whisper to a yell. She was a whore, and whores obey! The sudden change startled Mika so badly that her concentration collapsed, and she started straight into the painting as her dress seemed to melt away...
The moans of the woman in the painting sounded suspiciously like Mika's, until she realized, it actually was her moaning wantonly, right before the painting, almost feeling its heat wafting out at her. The scent of those mists from the painting made her head swim in forbidden arousal at the surreal sensations of being held and touched and molested by something primal and bestial all over her, while at the same time fromout the painting, eyes more like a goat than a mans stared out at her.

A furry claw closed around her cock, threatening, rough and domineering. Demanding she stood still and stare and let herself be fucked. The feeling of being a good whore intensifying. with the demonic beast now kissing her lips with a tongue, impossibly long, pushing into her mouth and throat alike, chocking her while positioning her, ass bent backwards as something prodded at her backdoor, demanding entry while she fell into the painting, an intense sensation of being just a sex-object for the beast, worthless otherwise, a whore to be fucked more and more, to be enjoyed wantonly, as she inhaled the brazer misty smoke wafting into the room. It told her how she couldn't fight this pleasure, how weak and worthless she was, how she could only keep on staring and stroking as the beast positioned itself, the demons tongue still writhing within her mouth, chocking her, only withdrawing when she was swaying, weakened.. a tamed whore with a lack of oxygen, the creature gripping her, pushing her and bending her forwards.

You crave this abuse. A voice in her head whispered. You want to learn how to become the perfect whore. Just look at you you disgusting pervert, you love it.. You'll be a good WHORE and bring this painting back to your room, wont you? The demonic hand kept roughly pushing her down, half dominantly controlled, half chocked into submission as something thick and hot and hard first pushed at and then, clearly enjoying its violation, pushed into her backdoor, a feeling of violation that went beyond just what happened to her body permeating Mika under the act.. though, by now, if she tried to look away it got ever harder, with the voice insisting how weak and worthless she was, and how her only value was for pleasure, was to obey, as her own hand violently pumped her penis with a ferocity it had not known before, truly feeling like it was the hand of the demon stroking her. Hmnn think filthy whore-thoughts for me, slut. The posessed painting whispered.
The moans sounding out from the women in the painting sounded familiar, very familiar. It took Mika a few seconds before she realized why. It was her moans, she was moaning out loud, her voice filled with lust as she stood in front of the painting, feeling the heat of the two bodies from the painting wrapped around her. The scent that came with it plunged Mika into an instinctive heat, where she constantly thought about about dark, forbidden desires while feeling something primal and beastly caressing her entire body! Something in the painting glowed. A pair of eyes, more beast than man reflected the light in the hallway as they stared back at her. A shiver went through her as she once again felt that something was wrong, but that feeling was quickly smothered beneath a building dark arousal.

At the same time, a furry claw closed around Mika's cock as she stared back at the inhuman eyes in the painting, causing her to gasp and twitch in place. She could feel intentions of whatever beast this was in the painting. She was to be still and allow this beast to claim her as it's own, else she would be forced to accept it anyways. She felt even more like a whore when she realized she couldn't bring herself to resist! The beast was upon her suddenly, pressing its impossibly long and beast like tongue against her lips, kissing them before it entered her own mouth, pressing deeper till it was choking her with its tongue. She was pushed forward, pushing her ass outwards so that… something, could prod and poke around for an entrance into her! At the same time she fell into the painting, into the realm of the beast, an intense feeling of being just a sex object, a slave, a whore to be used for the beasts needs however it desired, welled up inside of her, sparking a desire of Mika's own, to be this beasts whore. She couldn't fight it, the smoke around the room made her understand, she was just her to be used and used again, to be fucked till her whole being belonged to the beast. She had no right to fight against her needs, against what was happening. She was to weak to do so anyways, too worthless to be anything else, but a whore. She went into a daze of lust and oxygen deprived weakness where her hands somehow made their way to her cock and started stroking on their own. She was only allowed to breath finally when her world almost went entirely black. She gasped, sucking in a rush of smoke infused air into her lungs, leaving her muddled headed and unresisting as she was bent over by the creature!

“Yessss.” No! Two parts of her contradicted each other in response to the voice in her head. Almost immediately, the resistance in her melted away once again as it's final push to get herself to resist failed. She was a good whore. The painting would be in her bedroom. She moaned as she was dominated and choked into submission. Something thick and hot and big poked Mika's backdoor, pushing slowly into her, making her enjoy the violation, a violation that she could feel went deeper than just physically… Mika couldn't stop watching what was happening, watching herself being toyed with and used by the demonic figure. This was what she was made for, fucking. Her only desire, pleasure. Her hand was pumping her own shaft at such a violent and furious pace that she had never achieved before, that it actually felt like a demon’s hand was stroking her! She was moaning and gasping like a bitch in heat constantly. Mmhhhh, fuck me moooore! I want to feel even better, even if I have to give myself to you, to be your pet, your slave! Lusty thoughts started to fill her head. Mika didn't even know who's… or what's voice she had heard, but it made no difference to her. She was a whore, and a good whore just wants pleasure.

On the one hand, Mika was the one doing.. these things. But on the other hand, she was -not- the one in charge.. and a part of her felt so good about that.. Yes thats it, my whore. Feel your primal desires pulse through them. None here can satisfy them Like I.

The whispering shadows cajoled, as much as a voice with such a rough, bestial quality to it could. That's right. You can't fight it at all. No. You don't want to fight it. The dark lover encouraged her on, beastial eyes staring almost hypnotically. The smoke burned into her lungs as she roughly inhaled, weak and lustful, not fighting the beasts influence granted her a reward-spanking as she confirmed to the unholy creatures demand, a shiver of perverting energy pulsing through her body as the creatures mighty shaft slowly, lustfully, sodomized her.

Thats a good whore. This is what a whore like you wants and thinks about most. You will obey. The voice insisted, as the red-hot goat-cock pumped into her backdoor, precum that was just a little too hot to be entirely comfortable lubricating her as the beast insisted on stroking her on. Mika felt herself pushed to get on all fours, held there as the creature rutted her like an animal. Not fighting at all? Good. You know your place.. now then. Let's improve you.
The voice cooed, and Mikas cock spasmed. CUM! It shouted into her mind and soul, and her body obediantly followed suit, thick ropes of cum pumping out of her, splashing on the ground, an unnatural quantity of it, though, a part of it just.. kind of faded away, with a whispered hint of lustful regret, as Mikas cock returned to normal, the unnatural libido that had posessed it and increased its.. production finally exorcised.. albeit not by the hand of any deity.

Consequentially, Mikas shaft pulsed hotly again. The first thing that happened was a tingly sensation on the surrounding skin as thick, slightly shaggy pubic hair began growing in, her balls darkening, hanging low and heavy.. heavier than they even had been before. Her cock, with the next stroke, began growing, lengthening, a sheath forming around its base while the tip became flared and flattening, inhuman, certainly.. a horses cock, a thought wandered into her mind. No. The voice in her head demanded, amplified by the smoke burning into her lungs and continuing to keep her dizzy, her mind too weak to muster a defense against the demonic creatures musk. A goat. a fuck-whore goat slut. That's all you are. The voice insisted, animalistic shaft.. no.. a goat-cock, she realized, pumping into her backdoor, with the creaute gripping both of her asscheeks, holding her in place, clearly nearing its own climax.. while her goat-cock, newly changed, demanded her attention with throbbing insistance.

Will you try to fight it? Oh I bet you will.. but the lust, it's too great. Once I've stained your soul you'll come to crave it. You'll submit to it, because none can sate your dark desires like ME! The voice insisted as it plunged its hot shaft deep into Mikas ass, were, for just one moment, it stayed, pulsing in her body to fill it with pleasure and regret, the creature giving her a moment to squirm on the edge of its climax, a hand toying over her goat-cock, the creature cooing. So horny you'd submit to even a beast, aren't you.. The sensation of shame and perversion driven to its height, the creature released a hot flood of cum into her ass, as the creature let loose a bestial howl.
There was a strange, burning sensation, right above her ass-cheeks and, if she had had a mirror by her side, she'd have seen an unholy symbol being painted upon her skin, a dark pentagram-like shape that would continue to fill her with a sensation of lustful heat and shameful desire alike even after this act was done....

As the visions of the portrait finally faded away, releasing the trapped Mika to collapse, the room.. just being an ordinary room, again.
If Mika looked at the ground before her she'd still see her cum splattered all over the floor. From up close it almost looked like.. a writing? Propably her imagination, but she could look at it closer... or, a sudden pulse of warmth through her body suggested.. she could just lean down and lick up her cum from the floor.. like a greedy whore.
Who knew that losing control could feel so good? She had resisted at first, but being dominated just kept feeling better and better as she was dragged deeper and deeper into depravity by whatever was doing this to her. Desires she never knew she had were being dragged out of her, or maybe they were being put in her, but either way, the sweet demonic whispers promising to fulfill those desires was so tempting.

It whispered in its beastly voice as it fucked her ass, slowly convincing her that she really could do nothing right now, especially with her body turning into putty for the beast from pleasure! Then there was the smoke that was turning her mind muddy with lust as she breathed it in gasps and moans. The sudden spanking no doubt left a bright red handprint on Mika’s pale white ass if the sudden spike of pain and pleasure told her anything. At the same time, Mika could feel something other than the huge demon cock that was fucking her, spreading inside of her, changing her, pushing her to become a perverted bitch!

Mika could feel a tingle in the back of her mind as she was praised for her lusty thoughts, as the demon’s hot and hard cock thrusted deep inside of her, depositing it's hot precum deep inside of her bowls. The precum was unusually hot, hot enough that she could feel it's heat painting her insides, leaving a slight sting from the heat inside of her, while also allowing the cock to pound her harder and faster! Mika’s love juices practically poured out like a waterfall, covering her thighs in the juices. Her folds desired any kind of attention, but were left alone for the most part, leaving Mika slightly frustrated yet still feeling blissful from that ass ramming the demon was giving her! It didn't take long for Mika to be pushed down onto all fours so that she could be taken in a much more primal way, it's hands squishing her soft ass. She was held in place as the plowing she was receiving just increased in intensity and passion! “I-improve…?” Mika barely managed to say between moans. A shock went through her, almost like the demons command physically hit her as it traveled through her very being! Her world turned white as her body reacted and sent her hips bucking in bliss, shooting her delicious seed onto the floor before the painting, and spraying lewd juices from her rose. Some of her seed disappeared, and a faint feeling of regret hit her before fading away as well.

As her climax settled down, Mika’s cock grew hot and pulsed as if to cum once again under her touch. Then the changes started. Her previous somewhat neat pubic hair grew wild, thicker, and darker: her balls grew darker as well, dropping down with an extra weight to them, her sperm factories had grown more viral. As her hand continued in its unholy quest to climax once again, each strike brought a rapid change. Her entire cock changed, it grew larger, thicker with a sheath forming and the glands at the tip flared out and flattened, forming the image of what Mika thought a horse cock would look like! No… a goat's cock for a goat fucking slut-whore! The demons words repeated in Mika mind, which was too overwhelmed by the change and lust to resist the claim. She looked at it in a trance, feeling every needy twitch it did as her hand sped up slightly. What was happening to her? It felt so good. The anim-.. goat cock felt so good ravenging her, it felt good as a part of her…

“W-what… Ahhhn! A-are you doing… to me?” W-what would happen when her soul was stained? Possibilities flew through her mind, yet all the while her hand couldn't stop moving, nor could she look away for long from the hypnotic painting. All sorts of lusty desires were being born, and yet the demon claimed to be able to satisfy them all. Is it r-really that bad to just give in? She questioned herself. All her thoughts came to a stop all at once when the goat cock inside of her, pulled back and gave one mighty trust, reaching the farthest it had into her since the fucking at started! Her broken mind focused on the twitching of the shaft, as it sat right on the edge, the anticipation for its cum, as well as huge amounts of shame and desire built, until the first rope of unholy seed sprayed into her! “A-ahhhnnn! Y-your cumming inside of me!” She gave a shriek of pleasure as the demonic seed triggered a second climax for goat cock whore! She went limp as she climaxed, feeling a burning sensation right above her ass, but with no way to see it, she had no idea what was happening, only that her shame and desire were only building even after she had a second sweet release!

The world swam as the visions let go of Mika, and she collapsed in front of the painting. She was free from the smoke filled fuck room of the painting, back where she had been just before. She stayed painting on the ground, slightly spasming from aftershocks for almost a minute before strength returned to her. She looked up from her position on the ground, seeing her cum sprayed all over the floor in front of her. Something triggered inside of her still addled brain and before she could stop herself, she licked up a small portion of her own cum! Only after did she notice the cum seemed to spell something out. It took a lot of willpower to just not swallow the cum and instead try to read what it had said before she did away with a portion of the message.

Just give into your lusts whore, no less, nor more is expected of you. The voice had assured her whilest toying with her body.. and mind. Her timid questioning about improval brought her just another lusty, yet stinging spank to her backside to silence her. She was not to question, but to obey, though the demonic thrust grew far more.. encouraging when she fell prey to her lusty cock-transformation. Yes. Think about delicious cock. Mine. Yours. Any cocks you can crave. Let yourself drown in this depravity and recieve your perverted rewards!

I'm setting your true, darkest desire free, my horny little goat-whore. You have a whores-soul that just craves to be used as sex-toy for your owner. The voice lustfully, insistantly suggested. Remember, how good this felt. How shameless and perverted you really are deep down..
The voice implored, in a final whisper as it's goat-slavegirl was finally released.

Her cum tasted salty yet delicious, a pulsation of shameful lust permeating her very being as she licked the ground clean, the message wasn't ruined that simply, but it was a lot harder to read now.:
'Don't fall prey to the ot---s. You w--r my --ng, I c-n --lp. Come find me at the D-n- -oo-'
Was all that Mika could read.. well, now that she -had- read it, nothing stopped her from enjoying that delicious cum.. a pulsing on her lower back had her fully in its grip as her tongue extended again. To lick her own cum from the filthy floor before that lustful painting.. it was just too tempting to resist, now that she had already had a taste of the perverted humiliation, and.. something.. made her crave to do it more. What should she do now though? She had to bring that painting to her bedroom, but ignoring her cum-breakfast, befitting a whore, she was still hungry.
Of course, she should indulge in her bodies desire and eat whatever she could find in the kitchen. She was not the one in control, her desires were.. another pulsing of her demonic marking suggested..

((p.s. totally didn't know Mika was futa with cock as well, *chuckles* Alwas a bit biologically counterintuitive and not evident from the picture, explains some descriptions though *cough* err.. totally teasing her on purpose, ofc!)
Mika mewled out loud as the second lust inducing yet painful slap landed on her round ass, her beastman bloodline shining through as she her instincts took hold. It was only natural to yield to the strongest… She was being toyed with, she could tell even through her lust, but with each thrust by the goat cock in her ass her will to do anything but give herself even more to the beast weakened. The encouragement to seek even greater pleasure seemed to break some kind of restraint in Mika, as her hips started to slightly thrust back at the cock ravaging her insides! She was no stranger to sex, but at the same time she had never fell into such a cock lust as the one the demon was coaxing her into! No doubt that if she was actually thinking straight she would have worried or questioned what those rewards were, but in her condition, she couldn't care.

The demons words were so convincing, so true. How could she not be a whore after all she had done? She was a slut, a shameless whore for goat cock! She cursed herself. She recovered some ability to think as she was released from the demon, some lust clearing away. Even without the demon’s words, Mika could realize that her actions were shameful, embarrassing, and sultty! But how good it felt to have her soul tainted by whatever this beast was! Uhhh. She shivered in perverted pleasure. Was she really this perverted? She couldn't deny the ever constant desire and pleasure she was feeling…

Mika's suppression of her cum lust could only last so long, and after she read what was left of her cum, an intense, undeniable desire sprung into existence from her lower back as she gazed as the cum. In no way was Mika able to resist the urge any longer! S-something was forcing it to happen! She stuck out her tongue and set upon licking up all the cum in front of her, cleaning the floor of her mess! The salty yet delicious taste was amazing. She was rewarded for her actions with a burst of lusty pleasure for the humiliation she experienced.

Mika could feel her face heating up as she just sat on the ground before the painting. Trying to ignore and reject what she had just done, she focused on her hunger instead. Although she… she had a cum breakfast, Mika was still plenty hungry. After she took the painting back to her room, she needed to go find and eat some food in the kitchen. Her mark demanded it of her. Strangely enough, the thought of not bringing the painting back didn't even pass through her mind. Hopefully after she could try and figure out what her c-cum meant!
Thinking about how perverted she was was in itself dangerous, as the pulsing of the demonic mark upon her body insisted, while she took up the painting to her room, for a long while utterly oblivious to the fact that she never put back on her dress, wandering the hallways naked, placing that picture so that it could stare down upon her as she slept.. a nice, warm, rewarding tingling going through her body, over her back.. and into her belly. It was time to indulge in her desires and hungers...

Though, the kitchen was sparsly equipped for one that wanted to fully satisfy their gluttony. while it had a nice, big chamber of food, some of the same was spoiled, only dried meat, dry bread, dry cheese.. everything was so dry she could hardly indulge into any kind of animalistic feasting(why do that again?).. and worse, it got her incredibly thirsty.. and no non-green stale water was about.. she needed something (other than cum) to sate her thirst, this much was obvious, but where to find it? Looking out of the kitchen, there seemed to be a well outside, perhaps there she'd find the completion of her breakfast. Now, to put on her dress..
A pulsing over her lower back made her hesitate.. she was warm enough.. and a goat-whore like her liked walking around naked.. no one outside would see (almost a shame) so why bother putting on a dress when she could walk around like the slut she was? Though the dress had been pretty...

Whatever Mika decided, if she wanted a proper breakfast, she'd have to head out, through a backdoor by the kitchen, into a small, fenced off garden area.. there were even some vegetables, albeit growing wild and uncontrolled, there was a well, with a statue of a beautiful horse half jumped up into the air above it, a hoove holding onto the rope of the wells bucket.
It was only when Mika came closer to the well that she realized that, true to her uncles.. strange tastes, the stallion statue was.. very realistic, including a depiction of an equine erection, for .. who knows what reason. Well, Mika was thirsty and would not get distracted now, would she?
Just thinking about anything perverted seemed to cause the demonic mark on her back to pulse and fill Mika with strong lust and desires. She was in danger of losing her control if the unnatural desires built up enough. Meanwhile, she had taken down the painting and was hauling it back to her room, and when she did get there, she placed it right where it could overlook her as she slept! It didn't even occur to her that she was still completely naked, with her sexy dress still lying where she had taken it off. Immediately after placing the painting, a comfortable and almost soul warming heat came from the demonic mark filling her belly. She could go unduly herself now that she had done what was demanded of her by her Ma… by the demon!

Though that hunger that she felt would be hard to satisfy fully with the condition of the kitchen. It was a large room, filled with all the equipment for cooking a feast. By now, most of the food that had been left had been spoiled, all that was left for Mika were really dry foods like dry bread, dry meat, and even some dry cheese! There was no clean water left in the kitchen and with how dry the food was, Mika needed to find something to drink, other than some (delicious) cum! She needed water badly enough that the animistic food cravings were dashed away. Looking around, a well out in the garden caught her eyes. Perfect! Her eyes lit up clearly. “W-wait, w-wheres my dress?!” How had she not noticed she still didn't have her dress on? T-though she was warm enough without it on. A w-whore should be happy to be naked. To show off her amazing goat cock to who ever would see it… Thoughts not completely her own filled her mind as the mark pulsed. Ahhh, but her dress looked so good on her… I want my dress! Somewhere along the way, the dress she had found had become her dress, made to show off her body! Before heading out to the garden, Mika quickly retrieved her dress, slipping it on once more, though with slightly more difficulty. Her goat cock sheath made an even bigger bulge than before in her dress! It felt right to have the tight dress strained against her cock!

Back at the kitchen, Mika had an absent minded grin on her face as she still appreciated the dress. She opened the door put to the garden, and stepped out. The garden was filled with many wild plants and vegetables from being left alone for so long. Maybe she could turn this back into a proper garden once more for a source of food? She walked down the overgrown path towards the well. Standing over the well was a statue of a horse, holding the well’s rope and bucket. Just generally observing the overgrown garden around her, it took until she was pretty close to the statue for her to notice the lewd addition to it. Of course it was her grand uncle’s, so it had to be as realistic as possible. Joking aside, Mika couldn't keep her eyes off the sheath for long, opting to studying the statute as she got closer, only to try and ignore it so she could grab the water she so desperately needed. She tossed the bucket down the well if it wasn't already down there so she could began to reel it up.
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Wandering naked felt Mika's corruption-touched body with warmth and her inhuman shaft with a subtle, lewd twitching sensation, though the sinful hunger the mark bestowed came first. So the Goat-whorewalked on, uncaring, no proud of her nudity, unashamed, because a slave like her knew no shame anyway... or did she? With the memory of the dress came a strange, romantic yearning, to wear it, to be pretty, to dance in the moonlight.. Still lewd, but in quite another way. For a moment she didn't feel like a whore, she felt like a beautiful noble bride, with ring and dress and everything and the painful pulsing of the demonic mark ebbed away.. after all, her hidden perverse features, well, hidden somewhat at least, just made her exotic beauty all the more enticing, did it not?

It was almost as if two different spirits were warring over claim to Mika's soul, this struggle, but of course, that was rediculous. Mika prepares the buket, pulling it up and coming up with .. well, it was mostly water, though with a viscose, white tint to it... and a sweet, almost primal scent. Inhaling that scent almost makes her head swirl.. looking up at that strong, impressive stallion, she.. she..

What was she doing again? Oh yes. She wanted to take a sip from that bucket. But not right now, a proper lady like her knew restraint, did she not? But why wait, why not sate her whore-bodies thirst, right now? Take a deep gulp, indulge...
Or.. considering how wonderful this thing smelled, why not just go wild, and just straight up put her head into the bucket, drink from it, like an animal. There was no shame or pride in doing such a basic, natural function, just fulfilling her thirst and the water was as enticing as the stallion's realistic proportions were distracting..

(Leaving it up to you to determine how well Mika can endure the different teasings. ^^ Heh, if we write one gameover for each 'path' I could totally turn this into a little CYOA game. :p))
Just wandering around being free from clothing brought a pleasurable tingle to her entire body, especially her goat cock, which was like it just had an errotic electric current go through it as it twitched in pleasure. The demonic mark on her lower back reinforced it's unnatural hunger in Mika, and she walked on, slave to her new instincts. A slave that knew no shame, only pride for her body and her new precious goat cock! When she finally remembered the dress, a romantic feeling washed over her. She wanted to be a novel lady in her dress, dancing under the moonlight in her lewdly tight dress. For just a moment, she forgot that she was supposed to be her demonic masters whore, but instead she suddenly yearned to be a noble bride, with a ring on her finger and body wrapped in a beautiful dress! As this happened, the burning desires of her mark cooled finally, though they were still there, just not powerful enough to completely control her like they did before. How would she look in her dress now with her new cock? She couldn't wait to see!

The constant changes with Mika did not go unnoticed now that the searing desires of the mark cooled. It was almost like two parts of herself were fighting to be in control. It was unfortunate that her soul had already started to be stained, as although she had some awareness, she couldn't reverse what had been done to her, at least not right now. Some desires were burned into her now. As all this happens, Mika’s body continued to draw water, throwing the bucket down into the well, before drawing back up. The water that came up in the bucket had a whitish tint to it. And… and it smelt good. There was something primal about the smell, like it was calling to her.The scent smelled so masculine, and brought to mind the stallion standing tall and proud before her. She needed… she...

What? What was happening now? All of the sudden she had the urge to drink directly from the bucket. It grew stronger to the point where Mika almost started to plunge her head into the bucket to drink the water! S-something was wrong with the water, b-but she was still so thirsty… a little duo wouldn't hurt, right? Mika once again couldn't help but indulge in her desires, even if it was only a little bit. She dipped her hand into the bucket, cupping it and bringing some of the water to her mouth to drink!
Another nice pulsing of the mark rewarded Mika's line of thinking.. why should a goat-slut like her feel shame.. it was just weird to consider. Then again, was not the most beautiful body one that hid some and teased more? She could be beautiful in her dress, her mind was convinced, though her body was still easily distracted with that goat-cock, swinging heavily and freely whenever she took a large step..

When Mika drinks the water, something urges her to extend her tongue, rather than take her time, she slurps and laps at the water with primal thirst.. it tastes sweet and nutritious and .. masculine. The image of the strong stallion, perhaps inspired by the mighty statue towering above her, was quit distracting. How would it be to lick and suckle such a cock.. even mightier than her goat-cock, demanding worship in it's own, animalistic and primal way. Again, there was an urge to just plunge into the bucket and indulge, suck and drink down all that healthy water to sate herself with no concern for the consequences, but not out of some shameful desire, simple basic, animialistic need, pure and primal, teasing her body now. A noble would stand back, measuredly, a goat slut would indulge lustfully.. but an animal was just happy to drink and didn't worry about the bigger picture.
The extra pulse of pleasure from her mark caused a small jet of precum to shoot out of the tip of her cock with a moan. Ahhh, she was a good goat slut, she doesn't need to feel shame. In fact she would be considered shared if she felt shame... The voice whispered continually in her mind. At the same time, something else was pulling her thoughts back to her sexy dress. Wouldn't she be much more attractive if she was able to wear her dress, teasing with her beautiful bulge? She would look amazing in it. It was a kind of paradox that Mika’s mind was convinced about. She was free and beautiful when she was naked and shouldn't wear clothing, yet she was also so beautiful in her dress. Though her cock was so hypnotizing as it swung in large motions with every step she took, how could she cover it?

With just that single sip of water that Mika took, the primal energy swimming in the water contaminated her, driving her to lose the previous will to only take a slip, instead she straight up started to drink and lap up every drop that was left from the handful she had grabbed. The water was so satisfying. It was sweet, nutricional, and… masculine? She could only think about a Stallion and its magnificent horse cock which was even bigger than her own Goat cock… the image was alot like the statue standing above the well… “Uhhh~” She moaned with need, need for the delicious, whitish water. She could just stick her head right into the bucket and slerp it all up… Perhaps it was some fragment of Mika that was still left deep inside of the goat whore that she was now, but Mika somehow just barely stopped herself for almost an entire minute as she just stood there struggling against her instincts. Though after that minute, Mika brought the bucket right up to her face and started to gulp the primal water down in large quantities! Goat whores should just enjoy themselves!!! Mika was constantly falling faster and faster to temptations. Her last chance to free herself to some degree might lay with whatever tried to contact her… Though what did a lusty Goat Whore know?
Mika, the goat-slut struggled with a long moment of uncertainty as she held the water-buket, struggling against conflicting sensation and a primal, prideful fantasy, as she half-imagined the horse-statue above her coming to life, neighing majestically and forcing her into the position of a breeding mare. But, being just a goat-whore with her horny cock oozing precum was all in all, just so much easier. She indulged in the taste of the water in the buket, but the primal spirit inhabiting the well was not talking directly about cum and fucking and perversions, so it struggled to properly reach the little goat-whore.

A dirty, sticky feeling pulsated along her hand as she felt the dirty thoughts, the pulsing of the infernal mark, right above her ass, her mind too distracted by primitively lustful thoughts to shake itself free as she felt almost compelled to lower the bucket.. and stroke her cock into it. The water was under the influence of a nature-spirit. The goat whore would 'purifiy' it with her own cum before drinking any more, to keep her mind firm and nicely oriented towards what mattered.. her pleasure and obediance, nothing else. Every concern or complaint, she tried to just stroke away, with a lustful pumping of her goat-cock.
The struggle against her instincts was intense. Although her struggle started out as one between her remaining will and the primal sensations, it quickly became one between Mika the goat-slut and whatever this water was... She only managed a long pause of uncertainty before she was consumed by her desires for the unnatural water in the bucket. It brought an image of the strong horse from the statue, forcing her to bend down with its great strength all to turn her into it's breeding mare! But still her nature as a goat whore won out, the spirit in the well having trouble reaching her.

There was a dirty sticky feeling in her hand as the well spirit's dirty thoughts were transferred to her, her mark pulsed right above her ass. Her mind was in absolute shambles. What was happening now? As it turned out, a new desire wss being born. She needed to purify the water with her cock… yessss… it would be good for her to infuse the water with her demonic goat essence… oh gods, drinking water heavily mixed with her own cum would feel so right, she just knew it deep in her. She started to stroke her seemingly constantly erect goat cock, submerging the tip into the bucket. It felt so right… She got closer and closer to climax, masturbating right into the bucket!