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Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

A - Open the cage!
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

The robot passes by the cage. There seems to be no real use in opening it if she preserved herself by putting an infected Sister down. She opens the door nearby to another room. It seems to be a pond of sorts. With lush greenery. She thinks about this a bit. What is greenery doing in this lab? What could the Enemy be cultivating with this? She looks to the water, then notices a strange depth underneath the wall. It could be risky. She had never been in the water before... She looks around and sees a ledge around the pond that leads to an open door. She can hear sounds from inside, though it could be a tunnel forward...

A.) Take the doorway

B.) Sink or swim
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

B for Boobies.
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Robots of her caliber shouldn't fear such obstacles as water, in her opinion. She takes a step to the water..... then tries to walk onto it with a surprising splash! She sinks a little into the water, flailing as she does not readily know what to do. Luckily, she has no need to breathe. She sinks a little bit lower. She looks down and observes the plantlike tentacles at the bottom of this synthetic pond. It seems to have remnants of a new kind of enemy drone model. Luckily, in her belief, she is out of its reach.

She begins swimming until both her feet are snatched by two of the tentacles. The ropelike appendages seem to try to spread her titanic thighs. A third creeping up the further apart her legs are spread! If she allows this plant to overcome her, she might have some trouble on her hands. Her thighs may be strong enough to overpower the plants, but if that doesn't work, she could shoot the flower housing the tentacles. She is limited in ammunition though and may need to preserve it for later.

Nonetheless, she has to think of how to prevent an... incompatible insertion.

A.) Use them legs!

B.) Shoot the flower.
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA


Use the legs less the tentacle uses your womb! Or ass either one is good.
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

A for Anal.
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

As tempting as it is to just feed this adversary her bullets, as a logical robot, she knows how gun bullets work underwater. She waits for the enemy to spread her magnificent legs far enough not to get shafted... then pulls as hard as she can with her thunder thighs, borrowing from her strength value some.

The plant struggles to move her powerful thighs as she counters the pull magnificently. Eventually, she snaps the tentacles from the flower. The installation tentacle jutting back into the flower in 'pain'.

The robot's toned legs have worked their magic. She takes pride in herself a bit before swimming onward, passing under the above-surface wall and finding a ledge out of the water. She climbs up out of the water, using her two-step climbing technique. She rests her strength value, as it seems to never restore while swimming.

In this new area, she sees some new items. A medkit she doesn't need, and a couple inactive land mines. She takes these items. Who knows, it may be worth it if she faces a particularly strong enemy... Next to these items is a station of sorts. With a shelf portion that looks like it may contour to her face. The panel next to it lights up, reading "Infrared Vision Upgrade. Damn, this area is full of goodies!

The robot curiously steps into the chamber. She then places her chin onto the head resting portion. The chamber suddenly closes, squishing her strange squishy yet metallic bust behind the glass. She then feels her face getting worked on. The "mask plating" sometimes separating very subtly to get behind it. The procedure is thankfully painless. When the upgrade is finished, she feels... unchanged.

A door opens next to this area as the chamber opens. The panel reads "Infrared Testing Room". She thinks about this, but then her mission at hand.

A.) See if the upgrade works

B.) Swim back to the ledge leading onward at the other side of the room
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Alwyas try out new upgrades to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Always checking
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

The robot decides to test this new upgrade. She goes into the small room. As soon as the door closes, the area is pitch black inside. She looks around, finding nothing different. She then is startled by a loud mechanical sounding voice. "PLEASE USE THE TOUCHSCREEN ON THE SIDE OF YOUR FACE AND SLIDE UPWARD TO ACTIVATE INFRARED VISION." The robot looks up and then hesitantly does just that. Suddenly, everything is bright green. On a nearby wall, it reads "Hardware Update Successful. In an even where you are in a dark room that includes water, observe through it, then deactivate Infrared. Please do not use Infrared in the water." The robot seems confused at why she cannot use Infrared Vision in the water but takes the warning's word.

There is no way to move forward in this room so she goes back the way she came. The bright light blanks her vision. She recoils as she blocks her "eyes". She then moves a hand to deactivate her Infrared Vision. When vision returns to normal, she takes a dip in the pond once more. This time never going too deep. She swims up to the other side and takes the path to the door next to the pond. Past the door is an empty room with a giant closed door affixed to one wall, and a smaller locked door to the other.

A.) Inspect the large door

B.) Inspect the locked door
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

A - for big!
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

The robot decides to check the locked door. She looks to the mechanism. It seems that it may need a Key Chip to unlock. But where could this Key Chip possibly be? She looks to the door once more, then turns around. Suddenly the lights go out! Everything is stark silent. Not even the "lovely" ambient noise of the Enemy running rampant is heard anymore...

She decides to turn her Infrared Vision on. In front of her, she sees the lage door has opened with something in the distance. She takes a few steps forward to analyze it... It is gargantuan. And the whole thing has a Make Listing just like the enemies she's encountered before!

It seems to be an older model than she's scanned. It is shaped like a crab and towers over her like a spaceship with legs. However, it seems that it has had modifications done on it. It can now dispense henchmen of more modern design.

She hopes for the towering mech to not wake up... but the bright light it shined at the robot begged the contrary. The mech then runs up at her! She has to think of something.

A.) Try to climb the mech!

B.) Spray and pray!

C.) Wait until it reaches you, then think of something...
Re: Haydee: The Sex Hacks Mod: The CYOA

Acrobatic jumping up there like a kung fu master.