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Healing the Soul (ranger)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

The two years since the Invasion had been fairly kind to Chloe. The only signs she was exposed to of the two wars that her people were fighting were the wounded she had to treat in her position as a healer, she did well in her studies both academic and extracurricular, and her social life was active and pleasant. She and Nina had been on-and-off lovers for a good while, and now that they were on an off period Chloe had been attempting (unsuccessfully) to set the nature mage up with Tesnya.

The Amazonian girl had learned shortly after their adventure in the church that her entire family had vanished with the rest of the population of Celesis, likely taken by the aliens on the day of the invasion. She'd been understandably devastated, but they'd all been fairly close after what had happened between them and she and Nina had helped the wielder get through it. She was given a long-term visa to stay at the Academy, and so she'd been around ever since. Then, only a year or so later, they had to go through the same travesty when the city where Nina's family lived was taken by the orcs. Her parents been minor nobles, merchants who traded with the East, and the greenskins hadn't been particularly merciful on the upper classes in the places that they conquered, generally killing them to a member if they couldn't escape. There'd been no word, and after this long she'd more or less given up hope completely.

Chloe herself had been left relatively untouched by the assorted tragedies that had hit the world, and had worked through her studies and as a junior assistant healer since the Invasion, working to heal those injured in battle. It had been stressful but immensely rewarding, and today she was seeing to a somewhat happier bit of news; one of the instructors had ended up with child (via her husband) recently, and Chloe was put in charge of her care. The teacher, a young woman who taught fire magic, had just left when Tesnya walked into her ward, smiling, and said; "Hello Chloe! I've got some good news!" Her accent had improved greatly over the last two years, but it was still detectable and combined with her features to make the athletic young woman exotic even after being around her for so long.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe smiled as she waved her softly glowing hand over and around her patients body. It was still to soon to tell much as the young child was still growing inside her. The mother was healthy which is always good and Chloe had little doubt that the baby would grow up strong and healthy. "Everything looks good. Your healthy and I detected no abnormalities." Chloe helped the woman off the cot before sending her on her way. "Remember try not to consume excessive amounts of potions or alcohol and I'll see you next week for another check up." Chloe waved to the woman as she began to leave giving her a moment to herself. It had been nearly two years sense the invaders came and for the most part Chloe had made it out unscathed though she still had twinge of fear on foggy nights but for the most part she was doing good. Looking about the healing hall she smile yep things where going well.

She didn't have to long before Tesnya walked in. "Oh whats the good news did you finally agree to go out to dinner with Nina?" Chloe giggled at the joke as so far Tesnya had absolutely refused to even so much talk about it. "But no really whats the good news?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Not quite, no!" Tesnya replied, though her voice was somewhat strained. While Nina might have taken Chloe's attempts to set up the two of them with a degree of humor, Tesnya hadn't truly known what to think about it. "We've been invited, all of us, to a party tonight! Nina told me an hour ago, and she's already invited Jenn too. Some of the soldiers from Therion are hosting it, before the battle to reclaim Gods-Reach tomorrow. Would you be interested in coming with us?"
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Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Sure all my tasks are done for the day when is it?" Chloe set some of the paper work she had out aside and walked over to Tesnya giving her a friendly one armed hug. "I just have to take care of some papers and drop off my books and Im free the rest of the night." Chloe had grown fond of Tesnya over the two years they had been at the academy though she never got as close as Nina had with her she still counted the ninja girl as a good friend.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"It's supposed to start in a few hours," Tesnya said, returning the one armed hug Chloe gave her in kind. "If you're not busy later, I wouldn't mind if you helped me pick out a dress! Just come to my room later, around 4:30 if you're interested." The Amazons had invented a fairly effective way of telling time, and Tesnya had given Chloe a "clock" by which she could tell the time of day for her birthday last year.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Sure Ill be right over once I drop off my books." Chloe smiled at Tesnya and waved her off before gathering her books and filing her papers. The walk back to her room would hopefully be uneventful after all she wanted to get ready for the party as soon as she could. Not to mention she wanted to see what Tesnya thought of her new dress she had gotten not to long ago. It was deep blue and had a modest cut to it showing off Chloe's bust a little without being slutty but enticing enough for the brave to be curious. She was strangely excited for this party after all it had been nearly two years sense she went to any sizable celebration of any kind.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Okay, I'll see you then!" Tesnya replied, and then promptly left the room. Chloe was finished wrapping up her work for the day shortly thereafter, and the mage returned to her room without running into anyone she knew or seeing anything outside of the usual. The Academy halls were quite lively, as per usual at this hour when most everyone was getting out, and she arrived back at her room to find it empty. Her room mates at the time, an Earth mage named Stephanie and an Aether and Arcane mage named Carly, were absent at the moment, leaving her some time to herself to change before going over to Tesnya's room, which wasn't far from her own.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe set her books aside neatly before heading over to the closet that was hers. Getting out of the school robes rather quickly Chloe soon had her dress out and held it up to her while gazing in the mirror. It was a pretty dress and Chloe had been rather lucky to have found it in the bargain bin. Looking in Steph's mirror Chloe sighed and wished her roommates had been in to offer suggestions.

It had taken a little while for her to get use to them but in the end she found them both to be very accommodating though it took her a little while to get use to Carly and her fascination with Aether magic thankfully Chloe managed to keep her mouth shut about her encounter with the undead and Daemon two years prior. Still they where not present to help her with this at the moment and surly Tesnya would be able to give some advice. Getting dressed Chloe checked her enchanted jewelry to make sure it was safely attached. They where pieces she worked on herself though her pendent she had found in an old chest in the store room nearly buried and forgotten. Chloe had to spend many a frustrating hour trying to piece the shattered enchantment on the thing back together. Still in the end it was worth it and despite its demonic appearance Chloe was quite proud of the effort she put into repairing the thing. Slipping under her dress Chloe smiled at her self in the mirror and head to Tesnya's room.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

The door to Chloe's room opened as she was standing naked and examining her dress in the mirror, and Carly walked in an instant later. Seeing her changing caused the pale girl to quickly shut the door behind her, however, keeping anyone else from eying her up while she was undressing. "Hey Chloe," she said with a smirk, "Finally trying that thing on eh? What's the occasion? Will it be looking great on somebody's floor later tonight?" The aether mage peeled out of her own uniform as she delivered her teasing, Carly characteristically didn't wear anything underneath, a somewhat dangerous practice of hers given that she opted to wear a skirt rather than a robe, and doubly so given that she sported a number of piercings that were strictly against Academy regulation. The lithe pale girl hadn't ever been too bothered by the danger no matter if Chloe or Stephanie warned her of it, and after undressed she flopped onto bed, covered herself in a sheet, and grabbed a book out of her nightstand, leaving Chloe free to respond however she saw fit.

Once the healer was dressed and had finished with her room mate following Carly's impromptu entrance, she was free to head to Tesnya's room. The monk's door was locked, but when she knocked Tesnya's muffled voice came in answer; "Just a minute!" The door opened a moment later, and Tesnya peaked out around the corner and gestured her inside. The reason for staying hidden from anyone that might be outside became clear once Chloe was inside, as the monk was clad in nothing but a cloth wrapped around her chest and a pair of plain white panties, though she didn't seem particularly concerned about this even if she wasn't so brazen as Carly. They had all seen each other naked back in the woods after being attacked by the aliens after all. "Hello Chloe! I was just getting dressed!" she said happily, and headed over to continue donning her traditional formal wear, a tight fitting dressed that was wrapped around her rather than fitted and tied with a silk ribbon. The dress itself was red with a white pattern, and the ribbon was pink, and the complexity of donning the kimono ensured that it took a good bit longer than it had taken Chloe to slip on her dress. Turning to Chloe once she was fully dressed, Tesnya turned to her and said; "How do I look?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe startled a little when the door had opened but as it turned out to be Carly she quickly calmed herself. Chloe made a face at Carly before averting her gaze slightly as the girl undressed. The first time she had seen the piercings had filled her with tons of questions that thankfully she kept to herself. Given their locations they had to of hurt and the fact she went around with no underwear leaving them to dangle of such sensitive parts only fueled her curiosity. Still it was best to keep getting dressed after all she still had to meet up with Tesnya and she didn't want Carly to think she was staring. Slipping into her own dress Chloe answered Carly. "Well I won't lie it could happen after all I'm going to a party so we'll see how things turn out." Taking one last look in the mirror Chloe adjusted her hair slightly and turned to Carly. "What do ya think?" After getting her answer Chloe waved goodbye to Carly and headed down to Tesnya's room.

"Your k-kimono is pretty Tesnya." Chloe smiled she had learned a few things about Tesnya's culture and custom's but she was by far no expert and some of the terms where still hard for her. "It looks great I just hope everyone else thinks we look good to?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"A party eh?" Carly said, grinning as she momentarily lowered her book, "What for and who with? I'm not doing anything tonight if you've got room for another extra, and I've got a new dress that I've been dying to try on!" When asked how her own dress looked on her, Carly smirked wider and gave a mock wolf-whistle, but she seemed completely earnest when she said; "You look great!"


Tesnya received her compliment with a soft smile, and after a moment she lightly bowed and said; "Thank you Chloe! I cannot help but notice that you look quite nice in your dress as well!"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Im not sure Carly Tesnya invited me so Im a little in the dark." Chloe shrugged a little but then smiled. "Im sure you could come along if you wanted to." Chloe wasn't sure how Tesnya or Carly felt about each other but for what it was worth Carly was a friendly sort even if her tastes seemed a little odd/dark. "Im gonna head to Tesnya's room do you want me to wait or stop back by when we are ready to go?"


"Thank you Tesnya I've been wanting an excuse to wear this for awhile now." She was blushing a little from the complement but offered to help Tesnya with her Kimono if she needed. "One of my roommates wanted to come along do you think it will be alright?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Cool! Where's it at? I've got a little homework to do, but I'll probably show up at some point!" Carly said excitedly, hopping out of bed in her nude state shamelessly and heading over to her dresser to start picking out clothes. "We can have a contest! Whoever brings back the person that makes us scream the loudest in bed wins!" she added jokingly as she pulled on a pair of lacy red panties, and glanced over her shoulder and gave Chloe an exaggerated wink. "You can head off without me, I'll be a little while!"


"I'm sure it'd be alright! As far as I know, anyone in the Academy can go!" Tesnya replied jovially once she was fully dressed, "Which one was it? Carly, or Stephanie?" She seemed curious more than anything, as Tesnya had always got along well enough with the other two girls. With the both of them dressed in their finery, Chloe and Tesnya were ready to depart for their next destination, which was Chloe's to choose.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Carly was the one interested. I guess well swing by my room to see if shes ready. After all Im not sure where the party is being held so we'll have to let her know." Chloe looked at Tesnya and smiled "Shall we?" Chloe offered her arm to the woman as if escorting her out of the room. There first stop would be Chloe's room to either pick up Carly or at lest let her know where the party would be before heading out in the best direction to get to where it was being held.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Okay!" Tesnya said brightly, and took the offered arm with a smile of her own. Chloe had gotten a few looks on the way over, but with Tesnya beside her they earned quite a few more, both curious and interested. The halls weren't exactly full though, and nobody bothered to stop them as they returned to Chloe's room, where they found Carly examining herself in Stephanie's mirror while wearing a stringy black dress that left the pale skin of her back mostly exposed. "I'm almost ready!" she said, and if Chloe waited a moment the aethermage finished up her preparations, essentially just touching up her makeup, before looking to them and saying; "All ready! Lets go have some fun!"

Tesnya then said; "Nina told me that it was going to be down in one of the taverns in Buttersville.... The Harper's Cup I think. Should we go right now, or wait for your other room mate?" Carly looked to Chloe to see what she thought, as they both knew that Stephanie would likely be back from her late class pretty soon anyway.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

It was true that Steph would be back soon though the extra time to prepare take far longer than they wished. "Well we could wait for Steph if you wanted Tesnya or do you want to just head on down?" Chloe never traveled alone out of the academy walls her experiences during the wars had left her a bit wiser and more prone to caution.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"I don't mind waiting," Tesnya said brightly, and moved over to sit down in a chair. "Awesome! I'm sure she'll be delighted!" Carly replied, and she too took a seat, though she opted to sit on her bed. The three of them made idle small talk in the meantime, but soon enough the door opened, and Stephani stepped inside with a somewhat harried look about her. The mousy, brown-haired girl's look became quite surprised to find three women dressed to go out sitting in her room, and quickly said; "Uhhh, what's going on?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Hey Steph! we are heading down to the Harper's Cup for a party want to come along?" Usually Steph was the outgoing one but they way she looked disheveled she might turn them down. Still Chloe waited for the girl to answer before assuming anything. "It'll be a great way to relax from an evening of classes."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Huh? Oh sure! That sounds like fun!" Stephanie replied, and started toward her closet. "What merits the occasion?" she asked as she changed out of her school clothing, having a little more reserve than Carly and doing so in the half-cover offered by her closet door. She also actually wore underwear, something of a necessity in particular thanks to her fairly hefty chest, and after donning a green-blue dress of her own and working for a bit to touch up her hair and makeup Steph was ready too. If Chloe hadn't answered her by then, Tesnya would supply; "None that I know of.... It's just a party thrown by some of the soldiers stationed here according to Nina. She's probably already there by now."

With that they were free to set off, and would do so unless Chloe opted to stall them for something else. The journey down to the Harper's Cup was as easy as ever, the road between the Academy complex and the village that kept it fed having just been freshly repaved. They were treated to the sight of the massive field that the Crolian army had taken as its own as they journeyed, and got a number of appreciative glances and friendly waves from the men nearest to the road as they passed. Arriving in the village, they found it bustling with life as usual, and the tavern that was their destination was particularly rowdy looking tonight.

Stepping inside, they found it fairly crowded but not quite packed to capacity. It was warm, music was playing, and the drinks were flowing freely from the bar. Chloe couldn't spot Nina, at least not immediately, but as they stood near the doorway a man in soldier's uniform carrying a bunch of empty ale mugs stopped by them and smiled. "Would you ladies care to join us at our table? We've got some room left!" he said, gesturing over to a table over in the corner of the room, one that had just enough chairs to seat the four of them.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe wasn't sure what the occasion was but thankfully Tesnya had an answer for Steph. With that they where off having nothing else to slow them down the group of four was soon at the Harper's cup being gestured in. "Sure unless you girls want to mingle first?" Looking to the other girls waiting for their response. The tavern was rowdy but thankfully it seemed no fights had broken out and with all the soldiers Chloe felt relatively safe. If the rest of the girls wanted to mingle a bit then Chloe would turn the solider down at lest for now sticking with Tesnya and looking for Nina. If not then she would follow the man to his table.