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Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Branimera Synclair, a paramedic with the local North Region Hospital, had the day off today. Infact, she actually had the whole next week or so off thanks to a weird bit of scheduling.

Unfortunately though, no matter how much she might have wanted to sleep in that morning, she'd be woke up by a tongue licking at her face. Whenever she finally relented and opened her eyes, she'd be greeted with Lyn licking at her face as the sun filtered in through the window of her small single story house. The dog obviously wanted to go out for a walk and refused to leave her be until she would start to get out of bed, at which point she'd jump off the bed and run out into the hall, leaving Branimera to get dressed.

Though Branimera might notice after she got dressed and was heading out of her room, the clock seemed to flicker skipping forward and backward an hour or two every few seconds.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Branimera grumbled a bit and pulled the covers down with a sigh. Well so much for sleeping in. Lyn was up today it seemed. She got up and stretched, stripping off the tank top and boxers she slept in. Standing at 5' 8", Syn was a quite toned woman, sporting a c cup and mid length orange hair and green eyes.

She grabbed a set of jogging clothes from her closet and got dressed, before moving to go out, glancing at the clock before frowning. What on earth? Damn thing must have been on the fritz. She'd pick up a new one while she was out she guessed.

Branimera headed down the hall, grabbing Lyn's leash off the wall hook and a banana to eat before hunting down her best companion in the world. "Alright, where you scamper off to, fluffface? Can't walk you if you're hiding on me.," she smirked.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Lyn would come out from the living room, where she had probably been staring out the window in anticipation. The dog almost knocked Syn over in her rush to the door but still sat there staring at her innocently from the front door, barking at her to try to hurry her along.

Once they were outside Lyn would practically pull Syn along with her, the dog unusually full of energy today. A few other people were out on the street this early, but all in all it seemed like your average lazy sunday in the neighbourhood, and just about everyone other then her was taking advantage of it to sleep in.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Branimera rolled her eyes with an amused smirk before hooking the leash to Lyn's collar then heading out. She was a bit surprised at how tuggy Lyn was today, but she shrugged and started jogging to give the dog more of a work out.

It seemed like a quiet enough day, her nodding politely to those other damned few who were not permitted to enjoy their rest. Well, keeping fit was important to her anyhow and she supposed she only had herself to blame. Her job meant she didn't always have all the time she'd like to care for Lyn directly. Still, she never resented her for it. Lyn was happy, and that made her happy.

In any case she moved with the dog and enjoyed the morning air, using the nip to wake herself up more fully.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Eventually the pair would reach the local park, which was more or less totally empty at this time of day. The one advantage to this park was that there was a penned off area that served as an area to let dogs off their leashes. Whether Syn used it or not was up to her but if she let Lyn run wild she end up having the large dog run a few laps around her before shooting off toward the far end of the park. She'd know from experience that it was perfectly safe, even if she wouldn't be able to see the dog there.

If she decided to avoid the park today she'd end up being half led by Lyn through the various pathways through the wooded part of the park, the dog burning out her energy sniffing at everything and refusing to let Syn stop for more then 20 seconds of break.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn chuckled once at the penned area of the park, letting Lyn off. "Alright, scamp, don't get too far now okay?" She smiled amusedly as Lyn ran around her before running off, syn catching her breath before running to catch up with her dog. May as well get her own exercise in. While she trusted Lyn to be safe on her own merits, she preferred to stick near her when she could.

She'd stretch a little once she got over there a bit, mentally considering the best route to get a new clock while moving to keep up with her energetic partner. Maybe get one with battery back up so it wouldn't fry like the last one if a power outage happened. Was probably the most likely answer to the weird clock glitch she figured.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn would catch up to Lyn, only for the dog to interpret it as a game, and immediately start running back to where they started. Before Syn could follow the racing dog, she'd notice something. The world around her seemed to have taken on almost a bluish tint, and she could swear the dew on the grass seemed to be floating up into the sky.

When she refocused back toward the ground she'd see a male dog much like Lyn sitting not two feet infront of her, looking at her with eyes that betrayed much more intelligence then it should have. It would hold her gaze for a few moments before she'd hear a voice, "Greetings Branimera, I would love to give you my name, but time is short. A danger is coming this way, looking for you specifically, and I can grant you the power to defeat it."

There was an unspoken feeling in the air that left Syn feeling there would be something ask for in return for this power. That was if this dog even existed, and she wasn't just having a tired induced episode.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Branimera chuckles as Lyn dashed off and turned to run after her before pausing. Blue? And was the water... up...? Shit, was she having heat stroke or something?

She crouched, breathing deeply, about to put her head between her knees when she spotted the dog. Male evidently, though she swiftly moved her eyes up from that with a slight blush. Eye to eye, it seemed almost... human.

Then it talked.

"Uhhh... Okay... Strange vision of possible dehydration origin... What's the catch? Nobody, not even hallucination canines offer stuff for free...," says Syn, standing up and watching him. This was... Weird as all hell to say the least.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I'd describe 'the catch' as you put it, but I don't really have the time. The danger is likely going to be here in but a mere matter of moments." The dog continued to stare at her, "Before you ask further, it would take many times that amount to describe it to you, though I assure you it isn't as bad as you think. So I ask, will you take the power I am offering you?"

Hallucination or not, it was obvious that the dog was deliberately avoiding telling her the potential catch involved with its power. Though if it was real, and if it was right, then refusing him could have potentially dire consequences. That was a number of ifs though.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

The dog was clearly shifty. whether that was because her own brain was too addled to explain consequences or it was actively shifty was a question. The whole danger thing seemed... Suspect too. Then again, if it was real...

"...You're a shifty fuck and if you make me regret this I'll make you a girl talking dog hallucination with a lawnmower. Fine, let's do this. And I'm gonna want a full explanation after, and I reserve the right to stuff you in the animal shelter if your explanation was tellable before ambiguous threat arrival.," growls Syn threateningly. She hated feeling manipulated by others and she very much disliked mind games and those who toyed with others via laws or emotions or words.

Course she had to question what the fuck would want her, and why...
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"You are welcome to try, now welcome to the twilight world," The dog almost seemed to grin at her agreement, and without warning Syn would feel as if her body was on fire, her vision taken up by a cloud of white. The pain would last only for a moment though, and when the white faded the world around her was back to normal. Atleast mostly back to normal, everything around her was still blue tinted but atleast the dew wasn't floating into the air now.

As she looked at herself she'd notice a few things, one was that she was dressed totally differently, and two she appeared to be holding a whip. She's also notice that she was infact looking at herself from a position of about two feet away.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Yeah I'm getting the feeling I'm definitely making you regret this somehow. Wait, twilight what?," she growls, before blinking then crying out in pain as she grabbed her body. The agony was so intense she whited out!

Fortunately it was brief, mostly cus she was sure she fainted. The world only seemed half normal now though. The water was acting like actual water again but everything was still blue. She was pretty sure twilight was not blue. Assuming that was what it meant. Damned dog things.

Wait, who the hell was that over there? Some woman in armor and with a whip, holding her sides. She tried to get up to go over and help, when her body didn't respond. Or to be exact, that woman's body responded. Wait, where was her head?! Oh mother...

"This isn't god damned funny! Freaking Alice in Wonderland nonsense! What are you, the cheshire Cat's asshole cousin, Dickery Dog?!," she snaps furiously, before performing the awkward maneuvering of ones own body via remote towards her, grunting as she accidently boots herself in the head with metal shoes. "Ow, fucking hell!"

She manages to get her head in hand, wincing as she picks herself up by the hair. "How the hell does this protect me from freaking threats? I have a whip, which I've never used, and am headless, which I have never been. I may have been better grabbing a branch off a tree... Oh god, do I want to know what sort of threat requires a headless woman with a whip to take down?!"

She holds her head up and uses it like a lamp, facing it in various directions, including behind her to try and perceive some sort of head assaulting danger.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Unfortunately for Syn, she would fail to take into account one rather important direction, namely, up. The only saving grace she'd have was that she managed to hear the danger before it could actually take advantage of her not noticing it.

What she'd see when she looked at it was a large butterfly. Infact if it wasn't for the fact that it looked about the size of a person, and was looking at her with somehow an evil expression despite it having non-expressive eyes. Then it made a noise that sounded very similar to someone spitting, and she'd manage to just dodge a glob of what she could only guess was acid by the way it was burning away at the grass.

Despite the creature being a good distance above her, she'd realize that maybe her whip would actually come in hand here compared to a log, she atleast had the range to hit it without having to jump, and it didn't look all that tough.

Syn 4/4HP
Butterfly 3/3HP
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn was alerted to the danger when suddenly she heard loud flapping above her. What in the holy hell? "Evil giant butterflies. Yup. I'm in fucking Wonderland. Aren't you supposed to be a drugged up caterpillar?"

Suddenly it made gaging noises, her frowning and moving aside, when suddenly it spat a fluid on the ground that begin to burn. She glared at the gunk then at the beast. "Did... Did you just spit ACID at me?! Oh, you're dead bitch."

This was insane. She was about to fight a colossal acid spitting butterfly with a whip. She must be off in the ER in a coma, having these insane hallucinations. Well... She wasn't about to go down without a fight. And she doubted she could escape this damn thing anyways. Going into the trees wouldn't help much, too many branches to hit her opponent with a whip.

So for now she kept a grip on her head and lashed out with her whip up at it, trying to smack it in the wing and ground the damned beast. That dog better have a damn good explanation.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn (12) vs Butterfly (5) Critical
Butterfly (14) vs Syn (4) Critical

Syn's whip would strike out, and strike true. Surprisingly her body seemed to act on instincts after she started her attack and actually made the strike inflict some extremely serious damage to the butterfly. The wound that resulted was a large gash in one of its wings. It seemed atleast that the dog had given her a bit of skill with the weapon she had been given.

Even as she was thinking about that, the butterfly seemed to grow enraged. With a hiss it spewed out a much faster and even larger glob of acid that she wasn't able to dodge in time. The goop landing on her upper half, and very quickly burning away the top part of her outfit. Strangely though when the acid touched her skin it didn't burn her, instead it seemed to sap her strength.

Syn: 3/4 HP, Half Naked
Butterfly: 1/3 HP
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn lashed out, and was a bit surprised when she knew what to do with it. She also noted that her whip might actually be her spine. Great, if she could use her head as a shield, and her leg as a car jack, she'd be a one woman swiss army knife.

Regardless of her emotions on the matter, it seemed like she had done some serious damage to the butterfly. The bad news was her competence threw off her momentum, and the enraged beast struck home on her!

She yelped in alarm as her chest plate was eaten away, leaving her topless. She expected to be dead at how virulent the acid was, but it seemed to be an anesthetic to her flesh instead. What the hell? Was it trying to eat her alive or something?

"Hey! The cost for the peepshow is your life, Absolem!," snaps Syn angrily, before lashing out again, trying to power through the numbing sensation in her chest, and her embarrassment at fighting topless.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn (9) vs Butterfly (6)

It seemed like the butterfly had put all its eggs into one basket with that attack, as it hovered there for a few moments trying to catch its breath, which was more the enough time for Syn's whip to strike out again and smash into the creatures body.

With a screech the creature seemed to start dissolving, then in a matter of seconds it was gone, a small black coloured gem falling to the ground just a few feet infront of the headless girl.

As it touched down she'd hear a familiar voice. "Good work Branimera, you defeated that Youma quite handily. You should grab that seed and head home, I will explain more to you there." The dog turned away and seemed to almost half dissipate, before it stopped and added, "Ohh, and just think about being human and you'll turn back." Without another word, or letting Syn have a chance to say anything, the dog disappeared into thin air.

If Syn dropped her transformation, she'd find that her normal clothes were back on her and undamaged. Then a moment later Lyn would coming running around the bushes from the far side of the fenced off area, apparently having seen none of what was happening.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn grinned as her whip laid a smackdown on the butterfly. Was not so much expecting it into dissolving into a... black... gem? Huh. Did she just earn a Rupee?

As she crouched and looked at it, the Dog reappeared, congratulating her before bailing on her. Oh joy. She plucked the gem up and looked herself over. She did not have... pockets...

Concentrating on being human, she found she did now, everything seeming normal again. Nothing even amiss. Even Lyn was running over, completely unaware. Welp. This was 6 shades of fucked up.

"Riiight. Alright Lyn, let's head home. We've a... Guest that needs talking with. And possibly to be fixed with a set of pliers if I don't like what he's peddling after this whole nonsense..."

She began making her way home after reaffixing the leash to Lyn's collar and slipping the gem in her pocket, heading to confront her evidently not hallucination.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

The trip home would be uneventful for Lyn and Syn. No other monsters appearing from nowhere to attack them, and no other talking animals waiting to ambush them with mysterious contracts. Though when she got home she'd only just get in the door before she'd be greeted with a, atleast somewhat familiar face. The dog staring at her from the end of the hallway. "You have a nice house here Branimera, I look forward to working with you."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Branimera fumed as she went home, working through her nerves as she watched around for danger. Nothing. Eventually she got inside, before the dog made it's appearance.

"One sec." She let Lyn off the leash and shut the door, then calmly walked over to a drawer, opening it and pulling out a set of pliers, then went and sat on the couch with them in one hand.

"Now then. You owe me a through explanation while I stare at you and be vaguely threatening. I suggest you be straight with me, or I will drop the vaguely." She looked at him with a level look, awaiting his spiel.