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Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

The inside of her home wasn't too bad, a bit of webbing having formed in the corners of the living room after Kathy put them there. It appeared there was a fair bit more on the roof, seeing as the drider was currently hanging from the ceiling, causing her hair to hang down below her.

Her breasts probably would have followed suit, if it wasn't for the fact that the drider had apparently made herself a set of clothes, that were all in all pretty skimpy, but covered the important bits. "I think Lyn is heading down there to help them dig as we speak." The drider pointed out to the yard, where indeed Lyn was currently heading down the tunnel.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Ah geez. I'll be right back, Kathy, better keep that silly dog safe before there's a misunderstanding. Guess dogs can see through your guys magic or something."

She headed that way to go get a hold of her dog, grumbling a bit. Least her house wasn't too web choked. Though turning the ceiling fan on now might lead to either amusing results, or a destroyed ceiling. Not worth the risk.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Going down into the tunnel, Syn would only get a few feet in before she came across Lyn. The dog was currently in a stare down with the soldier ant, which was once more standing guard.

The staring contest would continue, more or less for as long as Syn didn't decide to intervene. It didn't look like either side was hostile, or expecting the other to be hostile. So that was something atleast.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn looked between the two, hesitating at seeing them. She simply waited a minute before speaking up. "...Ooookay then. This is Lyn. She's my dog. I'll try to keep her from bothering you guys, jsut don't do anything bad to her okay? Cmon, Lyn."

She moves over and got her by the collar, trying to lead her back up to her home.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Lyn would let herself be lead back, though she maintained the staring contest until she was turned around. Once back in the house Kathy spoke up again. "Got to admit, I wasn't expecting you to bring home another Youma so soon. I'm almost wondering if I should feel betrayed or something like humans tend to get when other humans cheat on them."

The tone was joking, though there was a bit of worry in Kathy's voice about potentially getting replaced already.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn brings Lyn inside and sets her down. When she looks up at Kathy;s concern, Syn reaches up and grasps the drider's hand. "Hey. You;re not being replaced or betrayed or whatever. I'm trying to find her a partner, same as you. And if for some reason it comes to it, then well... Guess I'll er.... Take care of... Both of you... But at no point am I abandoning you, Kathy. So don;t worry okay? I want you two to get along. I can;t promise there won;t be others, and I may be biting off more than I can chew, but I want to help you guys. And until I understand what happened to curse you guys,best I can do is try to find those sympathetic to your plight and help you find people who will love you, and make sure you guys don;t need to turn to a bad path out of desperation."

She smiles up at Kathy, "So trust me, like I trust you, okay? Whatever happens I;m not gonna abandon you guys. You;re in need and I;m gonna help you. It;s just, you know, the whole sex thing is kinda awkward for me. I've never done it before and well, sleeping with someone sudden;y feels weird to me. The whole you;re a different species and the kids probably will look nothing like me bit is also an adaption... So you know, meet half way sorta thing heh..."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Ya ya. Don't worry I'm not going to try to push you too quick. Just, don't forget me if you keep picking up more Youma alright?" Kathy said. "Also Ants and Spiders don't normally get along too well, so I can't promise much other then I'll try to avoid actually fighting her for now."

Then Kathy crossed her arms under...over? Her breasts, it was a bit hard to tell seeing as she was still hanging off the roof. "Also I already told you what happened. Unless you go find like, an ancient, then you're not going to get a more accurate story then what I said earlier."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I know. And I just might at some point if I think I can do so without getting annihilated.," smirks Syn before rolling her eyes. "Try, okay? You're people, you're not beholden to your species feuds or whatever it is. I don't expect it to be instant or to be besties but at least make an effort okay? I think she's jealous of your figure overall. Why not help her accentuate her body to compensate a bit? Help each other seem more appealing to humans and stuff? I mean obviously seems like all your species like women so you must find each other a little attractive physically even if you can't reproduce. I wonder how you'd act if you both weren't panicking over being able to reproduce heh."

Syn smirks a bit. "Now get off the ceiling, it's confusing to me. why don't you sit with me for awhile. you can tell me more about Youma in general and I'll answer questions about humans or myself, alright?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"But I feel so much more at home up here." Kathy said, before dropping down to the floor beside Syn. "And I can think of a few outfits that might help bring out her figure. Though she'll probably insist on trying to make her own, she looked like the type to do that."

Moving over to the only thing Kathy could sit on, which was an Ottoman. She turned to Syn. "And sure I can tell you some more stuff, but you'll need to ask questions so I know what to answer."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Well, offer her pointers and methods to try anyways.," smiles Syn, before taking a seat beside the much larger woman, looking up at her.

"Well, let's see... When the last creature attacked me, it left behind a funny sphere I was told to give to Max. The heck was that thing? Hm... And what sorta Youma live around here? Or other magical girls? And... Do Youma have any sort of society overall? You guys seem pretty disjointed and divided. Annnnd, What is your favorite color?"

Syn waits patiently for her answers, smiling a bit curiously.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I can try." Kathy said about helping Cili, but she didn't seem entirely convinced about helping the ant queen.

"As for your other questions, what you got was the seed of a youma. I guess you could call it our version of your linker core. All our magic and our soul rests in that seed, and if the seeds are left along long enough, or fed with energy, the youma will be reborn. We get to keep all our memories and the like, but we come back as kids so it takes a while before we can get back up to strength. When the contractors purify it they burn the soul out of it, we haven't figured out why. Though the side effect is the magical girl doesn't absorb any of the youma magic inside it."

"As for youma and magical girls, there aren't to many around here. There aren't many magical girls, and as a result few of us come here as there isn't much worth while. There is probably less then three dozen youma in this entire sector of the city right now. We do have something of a society, but its not much. Mostly youma of the same species will stay together, but its only when there is a particularity powerful youma incharge that more then a few of us are in the same place."

"As for my favourite colour, its vermilion. What's yours?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn nods, frowning a bit as she takes out the purified seed, grimacing a bit. "Seriously? I was party to that? Ugh. It was a monster but still, I don't wanna, you know, destroy souls. Especially not for power. Supposedly I can absorb this thing to get stronger. What the heck is a linker core by the way?"

Syn muses a bit, listening to the explanation before nodding. "Me? I kinda like a nice dark green myself. It offsets my hair. I've a scarf of similar color. Maybe I'll wear it to cover my, you know, leash. Fricking weird my head comes off like that."

She hums a bit, musing a little. "That's kinda scary though. Us humans, we die and that's it. But you guys die and just come back, you're basically immortal. Given a stable breeding group and no predators you'd overwhelm the world in numbers. Definitely need to think a way to avoid that if I can fix all this."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"A linker core is the magical girl equivalent. When you girls take the contract your soul and power all condenses into one, kinda organ like thing, right about here." Kathy poked Syn just a bit above her heart. "Youma don't take them like the contractors have you girls do because its inefficient. Normally we just go for absorbing bits of you girls power and then let you go so you can get it back. Also cause we don't like eating souls."

"And its only normal humans that have to worry about dying of old age. That linker core you have will mean you'll just keep coming back as long as your core isn't drained or broken." Kathy didn't even seem to consider what she just said weird.

"And it'd be easy enough, just destroy or absorb the cores after a lifetime or two. Most Youma don't like living as long as we do, it messes with your perception of time."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn blinks in shock, frowning at the new information. She'd live... well, indefinitely? She leaned back and sighed as she took it in. "So that's it, I'll live perpetually? Fuck. That's scary alright. Huh."

She shook her head a bit and shrugged. "Well. Human as I can still be described when one's head's location is variable. So I guess you don't have any other family you call close huh?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Transcripts: Episode X, Sexy fun times with a drider

"Yes." Kathy said with a nod. "If you don't get killed and have your linker core absorbed. You'll live forever. Though most of your kind retires after four years so it isn't really a problem." Kathy shifted a bit and threw an arm over Syn's shoulder. "And nope, you're the only person I got around here. Most of my family is faaaaaar away."

Zilrax: Syn smiles wryly up at the hug and chuckles a bit. "Well, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon evidently. Wonder why four years though. Max probably knows. I look forward to him finding out there's even more of you girls hanging around now. Well, hm, what to do now. Last day off for now really, guess should get to work on something... So how do you girls tell someone from magic to not? and is it only girls?"

"Well, I think its just how long the contractors keep you on for or something." Kathy said with a shrug. "And its not always girls, just like 90% of the time. There are a few guys but when they get magical powers they usually turn into girls. It's kinda weird like that. There used to be a ton of wizards but after the curse they started to dissapear too. We tell where they are the same way you tell where we are. We are just better at detecting magical girls then other Youma."

Zilrax: "What. Wow, uh. That's weird.," blinks Syn in surprise, before shrugging a bit then grinning. "Better except for when I snuck up on you instead huh? Hard to catch ghosts in a web hehe. Huh, so eventually Max will drop me and I'll just be some girl huh... Guess I better make my four years count. Immortal indefinetly... For four years! Hah, that's pretty funny."

"I think its a choice." Kathy said, shrugging again. "I've heard of some girls with more then a dozen years experience. I'll admit atleast according to what my parents told me, most magical girls don't even make it four years..." Kathy awkward scratched the back of her head and looked away, a bit embarrassed to admit the potential casualty rates for Syn's kind.

Zilrax: Syn blinks then shrugs. "Well, I'm no stranger to risks. I risk my life to save others all the time. Usually it's the risk of collapsing buildings, fires, live wires and such, not being eaten by a giant bug. But hey, least I made some big bug friends before hand huh?" She smiles and pats Kathy's side, "I'm not gonna go anywhere though if I can help it, Kathy."

"Well, you won't get eaten by much of the things out here, except for temporary entrapment by some of the larger creatures." Kathy squeezed Syn harder. "Well I'd hope you aren't going to go anywhere, at this rate though you'll probably have so many Youma sitting around your house that no Youma would think to come after you."

Zilrax: Syn laughs, "Gods, I'm gonna need to hire a help. Whats next, bee girls? Well might save me some groceries hah!"

"Well...If you went out of town you might be able to find some. There aren't any in the city right now though."

Zilrax: "Maybe, but I don't wanna go running around over this just yet. I'd rather be able to find folks to be with my two house guests I already have before I try taking on any more if they aren't in populated areas.," chuckles Syn, "On that note, we should probably look around sometime to see. Is there any common features those with magic might have? I'd rather not have to run around the city carrying you about trying to find someone haha."

"Well, the easiest way to figure it out is if they can see Youma. Only magically inclined people can after all." Kathy shrugged her shoulders. "Only problem with that though is we'd have to expose ourselves to magical girls if we did"

Zilrax: "Oh yeah. Hm. Well you know magic better than me, think we could build some sort of... Magic... Detector... Device? I mean, I know how to build an electromagnetism detector, maybe you could then alter it to detect... Magic?"

"Maybe?" Kathy said, looking rather confused. "Whats an Electromagnetism detector?" The youma seemed to be very confused at technology just as she was before.

Zilrax: "It detects electrical fields. I figure magic must radiate something that can be sensed if we both can do it. Maybe we can build something that will do it if we mix your magic with it somehow?"

"I have no idea." Kathy said honestly. "I don't know how to use technology at all, normally we just naturally sense it."

Zilrax: "Hm. Well do you guys ever merge magic with objects?"

"Some cyclops and other youma are pretty good at such things, but I'm not a forger, Cili might be better on that but probably not."

Zilrax: "Hm, pity. Know where some reasonable ones might be? I mean if Cili can't, I'm defiently gonna ask her. And maybe get her some books on architecture. I figure she might enjoy making use of modern techniques to make the best nest she can."

"Well, I think there is a kobold around the city somewhere. I'm not sure though." Kathy said with a shrug. "They are usually more focused on there own work then fighting anyone so they'd probably be reasonable. Cyclops tend to be pretty far away from civilization, so you'd have to go hunt one down."

Zilrax: "Dunno what a kobold is but that might be a good idea.," hums Syn, "Any idea where he or she would be if there is one?"

"Uhh, dog people? Big hands, they used to mine cobalt for the romans? And its a he." Kathy said, "I don't know where he is though, he's probably either here or in Northwest as those regions don't see to much fighting. He could be in east though just as easily."

Zilrax: "Oh... Neat.," giggles Syn, imagining for a moment, then giggles more, "Hehe... Uh, guess maybe I'll ask if anyone else knows. Maybe Cili can narrow it down." She shrugs a bit, "But bit later. So hopefully haven;t been too bored coating my house in webs?"

"I got to admit, I've been kinda bored. There isn't much to do around here other then playing with the appliances." Kathy sidled over a bit and hugged Syn harder. The new position left Syn half pressed into the drider's cleavage. "But now that you're back we can have some fun maybe?" It was obvious from the grin on her face that Kathy was half joking, but that was still half fishing for a potential yes.

Zilrax: "Uh... Fun doing... What...?," blinks Syn awkwardly, blushing as she's pressed into cleavage again.

"Ohh I could think of a few things. Most of them involving my webs and you in fun positions." Kathy's voice continued to have the joking tone in it and her hand drifted along Syn's front.

Zilrax: "Uh... I dunno, I mean... Still new to this and um... Cili may want to...," mumbles Syn, blushing deeply

Kathy wiggled a bit, and couldn't resist pulling Syn into a kiss, but she broke the kiss after a few seconds. "Ohh you are just so adorable. It's fine, I don't want to push you to anything you're not ready for." Kathy looked like she had to struggle a bit to say that, but honestly meant it.

Zilrax: Syn blushed deeply as she was kissed, before chuckling a bit embaressedly. "Heh, are uh, most Youma like that? I um, I appreciate your restraint, Kathy. I know it must not be easy for you to act against instinct like this." She swallowed a moment and held her close, "Thanks. And um... I... I mean, I know you;ve got those instincts and such but you really like me?"

"Well, you're the first human that hasn't tried to murder me right after meeting me, then you invited me into your house and seemed dedicated to helping me. You are pretty much pure Youmabait." The drider joked at the end there, but then got serious again. "So yes, I really do like you Syn."

Zilrax: "Good to know, um... Geez, this is pretty weird for me, but... Well I guess never tried having relationships, maybe try something. Cili get's to play too though but... I'm alright letting you have first go for now.... Defiently need to find someone to help spread attention... Just um... be gentle?"

"Ohh? Well I guess I wouldn't mind sharing with the ant queen." Kathy said, shifting over a bit and lifting Syn from her seat. Pulling the girl into a full body hug that rather easily displayed the youma's strength, and how she wasn't crushing Syn with it atleast. "I can be gentle, though I'm guessing you wouldn't want to test how my ovipositor feels just yet would you?"

Zilrax: "Your what now? I don't know spider anatomy.," blushes Syn as she's squeezed in, "Um... Should I... Be transformed for this? I really dunno how the... Procedure goes or anything much beyond... Well I know anatomically but you're a girl. And half a spider so uh... clueless..." She looks her over, "...Should we take it to the bedroom...?"

"Ohh, its how I impregnate girls. It transfers eggs that are in my body into yours so they can gestate. Otherwise I'm pretty much a girl." Kathy said with a grin, as she picked them both up off the couch and started to weave her way through the house toward Syn's bedroom. "And yes, it would be for the best if you were in your magical girl form for this. It'll keep any complications from potentially happening."

Zilrax: Syn blushes deeply, "Oh. Most um, human girls can't do that. So won't be getting you pregnant or anything back. Ah geez... do I even have room for kids? I've never had to raise children or anything, would I even be a good mom...?" She mumbles, transforming into her dullahan form, quickly catching her head as it tips off during the moving.

"Well I'm sure Cili is going to put a few creche rooms down there in her hole. Youma kids generally get independent pretty quick so it won't be to difficult for us to look after them." Reaching Syn's bedroom,the drider decided to contribute a bit to keeping Syn's head in place with a bit of her webbing. It worked well enough that Syn wouldn't have a head incident when Kathy dropped her onto the bed.

Zilrax: Syn blushes as she's given a web choker and is flopped on the bed, blushing a bit. "...Still a thing though I guesss heh. Though I guess since I'm jsut an egg holder it's not really exactly my kids, won't share any of my blood or anything. Still consider em mine though... Um... Wanna help undress me, I dunno how to get armor off." She looks down at herself with a blush, "Sure Cili will be thrilled to have an erm, willing partner even before the month..."

"Ohh don't worry, the kids will still have an attachment to you." Kathy said as she looked down at the blushing Syn. Then she let her finger trail down, and ran along the front of Syn's armour. The dullahan girl could swear she heard metal shrieking under Kathy's finger, but it was still a surprisingly quiet sound. Then, the plates and any underclothes split apart in two separate pieces, and shattered into nothingness a moment later. "Don't worry, they'll regenerate when you go back to normal and then to a magical girl again." Kathy didn't spare any more care to her own webspun clothes either, and a moment later her top and minor bottom coverings floated down onto the bed. "Now though, we have to get you nice and ready first." Leaning down again Kathy kissed Syn hard once more, her hands roaming over the now nude dullahan's body, lightly playing with her chest for a few moments before one of the hands shifted lower. Trailing along her stomach as it headed for her petals.

Zilrax: Syn gave a squeak of surprise when suddenly she was naked beneath the beautiful drider, her body on display as she blushes deeply. She gasped as she was kissed fiercely, before slightly awkwardly trying to kiss back, clearly unsure of herself on this but trying to reciprocate back a bit. She gently reached over and fondled Kathy's larger breasts as she shivers, feeling the hand moving for her own loins, where she'd soon be hosting Kathy's offspring. It was kinda weird to her she'd be having children with another girl without a single phallus involved but well, it could have beenw eirder she guessed...

Kathy noticed Syn's awkwardness, but failed to notice that she was feeling parts of this might be weird. Instead the drider pressed her tongue into the dullahan's mouth and started to wrestle with her own. Her hand finished its wandering, and began to run itself over Syn's slit, lightly teasing at the entrance for a little bit before one of the drider's narrow fingertips slipped in. Kathy seemed to start to pursue Syn's weakspots with zeal, the drider aiming to get her mate wet and ready for what was to come as quickly as she could.

Zilrax: Syn squeaked a bit as the drider made out deeper with her, tentatively sliding her tongue up the drider's own, before gasping as Kathy sank her fingers into her tight virgin body. She squirmed and groaned more, gasping at the attention, not having been too attentive to her sexuality herself either, it being extra sensitive from inexperience. She was panting and writhing, wetting very swiftly under her lover's attention.

Kathy cooed into Syn's mouth, delighted at how quickly her partner had become ready. She still kept up the kiss and the teasing for a bit longer though, before she pulled back from both. Grinning down at Syn again she said. "Now though, I've got one last trick to help you get ready, but I'll save it for when its about to go in." 'It' in this case was the rather long tube that had extended out from Kathy's spider abdomen. The long tube looked like it was fit for a horse, not a human. "Don't worry, it's a bit big, but you'll be fine, its why you're in your magical girl form after all." Leaning back down to Syn, the drider rested up against the dullahan's neck, and then bit the girl. After a moment of pain though, Syn would feel intense pleasure coursing from the wound and through her body. At the same time the ovipositor moved forward, pressing against the dullahan's entrance before forcing itself past her petals, and moments after that her hymen if it was still there

Zilrax: Syn blushed, squirming beneath Kathy, shivering, before staring in shock as Kathy pulled up a bit, showing off her massive erect appendage. "Uh.... If you're... Sure...," says Syn nervously, as Kathy draped herself over her again and positioned herself. She yelped in alarm as Kathy's fangs pierced her, before giving a loud moan as her venom sent waves of pleasure through her body, her gasping and panting. She gave a cry of shock and pleasure after as Kathy claimed her virginity for herself, yelping at feeling the massive thing stretching ehr tightly around her, shuddering with a gasp. "Oh, oh gods!," she moaned loudly, clutching hard against Kathy, squishing their breasts against her and clinging for dear life as she was made the mate of another species by her own will. "Hng, oh gods... Heh.. took a magic girls virginity... Bet you're real excited.... Does that mean you'll turn into a super spider now...?" pants Syn teasingly.

Kathy replied to the hug with her own, holding Syn against her as she let the dullahan adjust to the ovipositor that had speared her. "Hmmm, just a bit. I don't want to drain you too much after all." Indeed, even through the pleasure, Syn would be able to feel her magic draining bit by bit into Kathy. After a few moments to let her partner adjust, Kathy said. "Now though, there is a bit further this needs to go, then the fun part really begins." With that Syn would feel the member pushing deeper, well before it was maybe at a depth an average human might be able to reach, now it was going all the way to her cervix, pushing against that barrier for a few moments before, with a blast of pleasure thanks to Kathy's venom, it pushed past it, the tip resting inside Syn's womb and the dullahan could feel something oozing out of it. Whatever it was it seemed to drive her arousal even higher, forcing her womb to become alight with it in preparation for what was to come next.

Zilrax: Syn pants, shuddering with a groan, shivering with a blush, "Heh, yeah... Might need that eventually...," she mumbles, groaning, before blinking with a shudder. "Oh gods more? I dunno if I can ta-" She gave a howl of bliss as her very womb was plowed into, violated by her lover as she poured something in that made it feel like an inferno, her writhing in a bliss, her body screaming to let the drider breed her hard as she could. "Oh fuck it;s so much! Gods, more, or, stop or... I dunno! I can;t even think right! Sex is so good!" She was practically drooling as she squeezed hard against Kathy, compeltly impaled and drugge dup in bliss

"Heh, and it's only just starting." Kathy said as she rubbed Syn's head with one hand well letting the girl stew in the juices that were being pumped into her. Then though it was like a switch was hit, and Syn felt the pressure of the hug increase as the drider started to moan. Kathy's face became more and more twisted with pleasure and then Syn felt something pressing against her petals again. She could likely piece together what it was pretty quick, and by the time she did the egg pushed past her petals and was stretching Syn even more then the ovipositor had as it worked its way toward her womb, and a moment after it had started its journey through her pussy, another egg was pushing against her.

Zilrax: Syn whimpered, gasping as Kathy clutched to ehr harder as she likely pushed, before gasping as she felt the thick knot of the egg hitting her body, before crying out as it forced itself into her, her wailing in pleasure as she was filled further, another already working to burrow into ehr, her moaning loudly. "Oh gods, I'm getting pregnant! It feels so good, a spiders impregnating me and I can't stop feeling so good!" She cries out, writhing in bliss, pinned benetah the more powerful woman who was making certain she was throughly impregnated.

Kathy responded to Syn's pleasured shouts with her own. "Your insides feel amazing Syn! You're pulling my eggs in." The first egg finally reached Syn's cervix, and had a half dozen coming up behind it. The drider above her still moaning in orgasmic pleasure as the eggs pushed the last few inches on there journey. Those last little bits would be even more pleasurable then the last for the dullahan. The first egg forcing open her cervix with a slow deliberate movement, before with almost a pop it slipped free of Kathy's ovipositor and deposited itself into Syn's womb with a rush of more of the ooze from before.

Zilrax: Syn groans, too aroused to be embarassed, gasping as the single most pleasurable moment happened, of Kathy's egg hitting home and making her a mother, Syn orgasming hard with a shriek, clenching hard as she hugs against Kathy, pulling her into a kiss this time, making out with her sloppily in her lustful daze, silently crying out for more

Syn wouldn't be left wanting on more, the next egg repeating the push of the last, forcing her open as it pushed its way in to join its companion in Syn's rapidly inflating belly. In an effort to suppress her own moans, Kathy bit down on Syn one again, flooding her with her pleasure inducing venom once more as the third egg moved to join the first two and the drider above her shuddered in a near constant orgasm from the effort to push the eggs into Syn.

Zilrax: Syn wailed and wriggled as she was further envenomed, squealing in endless climax her body practically sucking the eggs out of the drider, trying to claim them all inside the life magic aligned woman, taking them into her fertile core, even if her own eggs went untouched.

The two continued to mate until finally, the sixth egg passed out of Kathy into Syn, and the two girls high would finally begin to slow. Panting from the exertion, Kathy would slump down onto Syn, making sure to avoid pressing on the girl's egg inflated belly. "T-That was amazing." The drider's hand would once more find itself running through Syn's hair as the other held the dullahan. Then the spider girl seemed to get embarrassed and a bit worried before she asked. "I hope I didn't go overboard."

Zilrax: Syn shivers a bit dizzily, panting a bit, laying there and running her hands over her full womb. "Hnnng... No... M'fine... Your first time too...?"

Nuzzling against Syn's cheek, Kathy half nodded and gave her a tired grin. "Yes, you're the first girl I've managed to catch in my web." The hand that had been holding Syn drifted down to the magical woman's belly as well. "Its a weird though thinking that in a week I'll be looking after these little girls. Though umm...on that note... you are probably going to want to take some sick leave unless you want to go to work like this."

Zilrax: "Ah geez... Yeah I'll phone it in.," nods Syn with a groan, "Heh think I just boosted the predator population... I better find that kobold quick after Cili has her turn so the kids can have partners when they grow up..."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Phoning in that she needed some sick leave proved significantly easier then Syn might have expected, something about her boss understanding that occasionally they'd need a break and Syn had seemed a bit stressed the weak before. It didn't entirely seem right, but maybe her boss was just trying to be nice to her.

Either way she got her week off, so now she just had to figure out what to do with it. Though maybe she should check in with Cili, as Kathy seemingly had fallen asleep on Syn's bed, judging by how the spider girl hadn't come out of the room yet.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn found walking hard, her blinking at the ease. Seemed a bit off. Maybe next time Max showed up she'd ask about it. Unf, god she was heavy... And soon to get heavier. Cili would probably want her turn. Well... She was awake. May as well get to it. Thus Syn headed out, transforming and heading down the ant hole to help things along.

Maybe there was more she could do to help out but, well, helping with their urges certainly seemed to deal with the problem for the time being. Even if it, well... Made her a heavy egg carton girl. Couldn't say it didn't feel amazing though. She was kinda glad her first time was with Kathy and not a real monster, even if it was weird and a diffrent species sorta.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Making her way down into the tunnel, she found the guard ant standing there again. Though this time instead of stopping her, it instead flicked its antenna at her a few times before stepping aside. The tunnels didn't seem all that deep, evidently the worker hadn't had much time to dig yet.

She only walked for maybe a minute before she came to a room, there Cili was sitting and watching her worker digging away at the wall. Sensing Syn's approach, the ant queen turned to her, though her eyes widened at the sight of the dullahan's belly. "I would guess the spider girl got to you first? Though does that mean you are more open to relations with our kind?"

The queen was nothing if not blunt, though she also seemed anxious, obviously she wasn't to happy with how slow her tunnel was getting built.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn moved down into the tunnel, nodding to the guard ant as she moved down. She soon found Cili and the ant worker at work. She smirked a bit at the obvious surprise on Cili's face.

"You figured I wasn't being serious about my promise before hm? Well, I'm in for a penny, in for a pound at this point. Yes, I'll carry your eggs too then. But you need to provide places and help for any other eggs I end up with okay? And do try to get along with Kathy, she isn't going to steal me or something and she'd be happy to help you with things. I've actually some ideas you might be able to use to make your nest even better eventually, but for now..."

She moved over by the ant queen with a gentle smile, "I figure you seem pretty lonely and you must want to be able to have a bigger bunch of nest mates hm? So let's make sure you're not left out. But if you make me immobile, you and Kathy have to exercise Lyn okay?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

At Syn's words, the haughty ant queen let out a sound that could only be described as a squee, though the girl roped it in quickly and only showed a small smile accompanied by a blush. The girl's words were a bit shaky though. "Of course, though umm... I can almost garuntee you won't be able to go to far once I'm done with you too. I umm, I have alot of eggs back here right now."

The ant girl patted her insect abdomen, and indeed it seemed larger then usual, and even seemed a bit for a lack of a better word, buldgey. Syn could almost see the eggs pushing against the abdomen's walls. "I can have my guard move you back into your house after if you want, or you could stay down here with me?"

Cili seemed a bit hopeful that she might stay down with her, and if Syn kept focusing on the girl's abdomen she'd see a bit of goo flowing out of the tip, and a ovipositor starting to poke out behind the goo.