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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The extra warmth that all her kind exhibited did indeed seem to get Fethis hot and bothered but not in a good way. He constantly tried to get comfortable during their trip to her love nest. Still the naked mage had little in the way of escaping even her lightest grip so all he managed to do was struggle like trapped prey.

Reaching her chosen location, Shabiri got to work teasing the mage. Her tongue slid down his chest and to his belly. Fethis was salty from his sweat, but as she moved lower she felt his body begin to respond on its own despite the mage's wishes. This made it all too easy for her tail to wrap around the rapidly growing member. Still Shabiri had to me slightly impressed with the man's length. Already it was a mighty eight-inch cock and yet still had room to go. Smiling she guessed the man had somehow altered his body with magic at some point but as the cock got stiffer any doubts as to why Aura was with the mage faded away.


Ash looked out over the jungle once more. "Its okay really.. I know your mother will never let me leave. She may think about it but deep down inside I doubt she will let me go and ... I'm not sure I want to..." Ash sighed and looked to where Ashraani had gone. "I don't know why but at first thats all I wanted to do was leave and escape but now.. I would feel wrong taking your sister or brother away besides my people would never accept her or him. Nor would they accept me after all I've been tai.. no changed and would be unpure in their eyes. But I'm rambling just ignore me. No doubt you have other matters to attend to."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Selraani pouted a little at Ash's words. Surely mother would allow her to step out at least once in a while? She couldn't keep her in this musty cave for the rest of her life? And why wouldn't she want to at least leave for a little while? She could stay with her and make sure she didn't run away. The hatchling would find a way. But her foolish naivete was ground to a halt as the woman explained just how dire her situation was. Well, taking her future sibling would be selfish...But why wouldn't the humans accept them? Why did they seem so stubborn? "Well that's just stupid! Why do people on the outside care so much about that? So what if you're a little different? It makes you special! What makes them so high and mighty to look down on someone like that? For once, the hatchling was more than a little angry, even if she had never actually been to the outside world Ash spoke of.

Selraani calmed down a little bit as Ash finished. Mother asked her to keep an eye on Ash, but surely that woman from earlier was free to talk. "I'd rather not leave you sitting here by yourself, Ash. How bout we talk to that lady that showed up earlier? She seems like she might be fun to talk to. Come on!" Hoping out of her seat, she'd carefully pull up Ash, making sure she was well taken care of. If she didn't object, she'd lead the two of them over to where Aura was, eager to talk to someone new.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri purred slightly as Fethis started to react to her ministrations, willingly or not. "Hmm, very impressive, dear. Your own work, I take it? Did you feel inadequate for some less you were wooing, perhaps?" She teased, bending down to add her tongue to her tail's efforts, wetting his cockhead with her saliva as she circled the sensitive organ, taking pleasure in his reactions.

Eventually, she decided that he was ready enough, or perhaps that she didn't want to wait any longer. Her coils shifted, bringing them closer together, face to face. She leaned in to press her lips against him, her breasts on his chest and her tail angling his shaft towards her folds, rubbing her outer folds with it so he could feel her own arousal, the heat of her tunnel soon to come. The stimulation made her gasp, and she pressed tighter, taking him into her.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri pleasures Fethis (foreplay and penetration) for at total of 48pp
Fethis pleasures Shabiri (penetration) for a total of 18 pp
Fethis is at 48/200 corruption
Ashraani HP: 51/51 PP: 61/61 EP: 52/52
Shabiri HP: 57/57 PP: 65/83 EP: 48/48
Selraani HP:66/66 PP: 51/51 EP: 101/101

Fethis gasped as Shabiri brought her mouth to task teasing the mage further. The mage for all his claims of not enjoying or taking pleasure gasped loudly as she licked his head slightly taking in his salty taste. Tormenting the mage a little longer Shabiri decided to step it up a notch. Brining the mage into her folds caused them both to gasp as her hot folds wrapped around his large cock. Quivering Fethis thrust into Shabiri his body betraying his desire to oppose her. He wouldn't last long and Shabiri had to grin he would be hers tonight and likely forever.

Ash shock her head slightly "Not yet shes not ready. You see how she is looking away and down? She's praying about what Im not sure but it would be rude to interrupt her and OOFF!" Ash grimaced a moment and put her hand on her stomach before looking over to Selraani. "Selraani put your hands on my belly." If the young dragonian did so she would feel a gentle heat from her future sibling radiating from Ash. If she waited a moment longer she would feel a slight kick. "Its a strange thing how some of you are born form eggs and yet others are born my peoples way." She sighed in a amused manner. "I will never understand magic." After that Ash made herself more comfortable and rested against the wall.

Ashraani looked on Argaaz as the ritual progressed, the initial part had gone well and the strain of holding the magic had started to pass. She could hold it easily now giving her some freedom to move about. Looking about the area she had chosen she found no one just a set of shadows crafted by the bright orange light her spell had invoked. Setting her eyes on Argaaz once more she found the young Wyvern had grown substantially and in more ways than one. Argaaz's tool had grown a significant amount, be it from the magic or simply a response from his changing body Ashraani wasn't sure but it was clear that the young Wyvern was rip roaring to go, after all the cock was starting to ooze precum and well she had said Argaaz wasn't supposed to waste his seed.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The first part of this kind of ritual was always the most difficult. But after that had passed it was usually only a matter of keeping the magical infusion going. A matter of concentration that had almost become instinct for the firstborn Draconian by now. And her companion was already starting to shape up nicely; his body had grown noticeably, albeit not greatly, in size. As her wandering gaze found itself upon Argaaz oozing maleness she smiled wryly. He had grown in all sizes it would seem. "Argaaz, roll onto your back and make yourself comfortable. There is much time left before the ritual finishes... And you will serve well in sating a need of mine during this time." Not that such trivialities would keep her from having a bit of fun. Unfortunately her belly was plump with eggs Argaaz had blessed her with. His seed would have to serve another purpose this time. Breakfast.

As soon as the Wyvern had complied to the Firstborns instructions the Draconian would slowly descend upon her companion. She would lay herself ontop of his serpentine body, her belly down against his tail and her breasts a bit below his shaft, positioning herself for easy access to his glowing hot pole. She reached her hands up and forward to caress over his chest and to keep the flux of magic focused towards his core. Not the most comfortable position, but far from the worst, for her secondary task. Ashraani nuzzled against Argaaz cock with fondness; it had time and time again served her well for breeding and plain indulgence in the past. She pressed her lips against the rod, and again and again, kissing length of Argaaz's member until reaching the base of it. Next she slid her tongue out and ran it up the glowing pole, tasting every inch of it, and once she reached the peak of it she closed her lips around it with a hungry hiss. She made an effort in keeping her ministrations slow and exaggerated; she had plenty of time to kill while waiting for the ritual to finish after all. It would be a shame if Argaaz came too soon. Perhaps one day she could see to improving his lacking endurance.

[Note: Deals foreplay at 1/3rd of normal value]
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

A little upset by Ash's reluctance. So what if that woman was praying? How long could she possibly be pondering over her situation here? It was either she accept it on her own or mom would make her accept it. Either way, the draconian would accept Ash's choice and would not protest. She would be startled though when the woman suddenly cried out and held her stomach. The woman then invited her to do the same, confirming the feeling she had. Looks like her sibling was kicking up a storm in the woman. "All right! I get to see what sorta fight my sibling puts up! No doubt she'll be strong!" The draconian would gently place her hand on the woman's stomach and would feel the heat radiating from her stomach she'd then feel the kick. This only made Selraani more excited.

"I admit, our people are a bit strange. I myself was born from an egg with a couple other siblings. And I'm sure you'll learn soon enough. Magic isn't that hard to understand. Maybe I can show you something later." She would lean up against the wall near Ash, still adamant in continuing her duty of protecting Ash. She made a promise and she was going to stick to it.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

"Mmm..." The draconian moaned softly, leaning in to flick her tongue up Fethis' neck and around his ear. Her coils loosened some, to let him thrust into her more firmly, her own hips bouncing back in time, forcing him to pick up the pace. Her heat suffused him, the female feeling her mate's breath quicken. He'd be done long before she was, and hers for long after. The though spurred her on, drawing a longer moan from her. She'd bring him to several before she would be fully satisfied herself.

((Feel free to skip some, if this would hold up the group at large. I dun mind.))
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

OOC: due to requests I shall be speeding up time to the completion of the Ritual. All in all it will be about two hours game time.

Ashraani indulged her desires with Argaaz keeping it mostly to a simple blow job. Her companion the young Wyvern squirmed hissed and moaned under her tender affections, and more than once was she greeted with his seed bursting forth. This of course left the Wyvern more than drained and near comatose from the combined effects of the ritual and his mistresses desires. This was rather disappointing as Ashraani had worked herself into quite the state. Her loins tingled and her already hot body was a near inferno of desire.


Meanwhile Ash and Selraani talked of little things on all manner of topics. Enough that she at lest knew more about Ash than probably anyone else in the cave. Eventually they managed to catch Aura not praying and decided to indulge Selraani's curiosity.

The elf it seemed was looking down the path where her aunt had take the male. She chewed on her lip as she looked down the cave her face a mix of doubt and worry. "Aura are you alright?" The Night Elf nearly jumped at the sound of Ash's voice but when she saw the woman she smiled. That is until her eyes drifted to the swollen belly of the Amazonian hunter. "By the goddess Ash did.. they do this to you...." Ash blushed and simply nodded and sat down. "Meet Selraani Aura she is our.. hostess's daughter."


Shabiri moaned as she felt Fethis thrust in her some more his action's more of a rutting beast than of a man. They had been going at this on and off for two hours and frankly she was surprised at how much stamina the mage had. Already he had filled her several times and from the dopy look on his face he had fallen into her charms. Whether or not Shabiri chose to be receptive to his seed was her own choice. Drained and exhausted Fethis lay limp in her coils still breathing but for the most part out of commission.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

The serpentine draconian groaned in pleasure, Fethis all but drained after the hours of rutting she'd put him through. He seemed deeply pleased, and so she was as well, the amount of seed swimming in her belly proof positive that her wiles had taken deeper root. The lair needed to grow, so she let it take root in her, if it was strong enough to.

She rested for a while, holding the near-unconscious man loosely in her coils, taking note of the changes wrought in him by their coupling. Once she had her breath back, she hefted him easily, heading back towards the main cavern.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

The hatchling rather enjoyed the long period of discussion with Ash, feeling it was a great opportunity to get to know her and in the end, she learned more about her then she could have possibly imagined. Finally, it seemed that Aura woman was done with her prayers and Ash decided it was only fair the pair see what she was up to.

Selraani let the two exchange what pleasantries they could before the woman known as Aura began to show concern for Ash and her swollen stomach. Strange, the sound of her voice made it seem like Ash's pregnancy was a bad thing. Why would she thing that? Any new life is one to celebrate! She'd have to ask her about it later. She was then formally introduced to Aura, a pleasant smile on er face all the while. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Aura. I've heard quite a few things about you and was very eager to meet you. I trust my mother hasn't been too harsh to you?"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would greedily swallow the hot, glowing, fluids her efforts provided her with. Loud, exaggerated, gulps were made as she savored every mouthful of her companions virile seed. She almost lost herself in those moments; such simple pleasures, but oh so delightful for her. It would take some time but eventually the ritual was finished. And as she scattered the magical energies it was quickly made clear that her companion was very much finished as well. Yes, without a doubt, she would have to see to improving his endurance some day. She crawled on her fours over Argaaz, and leaned her head down, to softly kiss him affectionately. "You rest for now, Argaaz. You need not return to your duties just yet." With a smile playing on her lips she rose to her feet and walked aside, spread her wings out, and leapt to the air to head elsewhere.

With a belly full of her companions warm cum she would feel quite sated for a while. Such was good as she still had many needs to tend to. As she soared through the large cave that was her lair she noted her sibling, and Fethis, wrapping things up on their end. A wry smile crossed the firstborns lips as she saw such a sight. Her sister was a wily one, that much Ashraani knew, and with some fortune the mage might very well end up serving the Ember Brood dutifully. That still left Aura however. Ashraani frowned slightly as her thoughts went to the Night Elf. Fethis staying would mean she could not fulfil the terms the woman had given her. But perhaps there was still a chance to sway her to their side. As Ashraani looked towards where she had brought Aura she also noticed Selraani and Ash in the Night Elf's company. Whatever her daughter had done while Ashraani wasn't looking it appeared to have been good. Such a sight warmed her heart with pride. Selraani might very well be deserving of a reward, depending on how things have gone while Ashraani was away.

And after a leisurable flight the firstborn descended gently. A relatively soft, if still quite heavy, thud sounding as her feet touched ground several feet away from the trio that was Selraani, Ash and Aura. Ashraani was positively brimming with satisfaction. There was a gentle sway to her hips as her wings folded and she approached the three before her. A warm and friendly, and more than content, smile forming on her lips as she spoke. "I see you brought Ash with you, daughter of mine," Her words were of the musing sort, but also very approving. "I hope you were careful with her? Above all we must be gentle with those that bear us young, for they are very important to us." Ashraani's words were not so much lecturing as they were a friendly reminder. That and it surely couldn't hurt to show a friendly, caring, side of herself to both Ash and Aura.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Almost as if Selraani's words had summoned her, Ashraani landed near the talkative group. Ash smiled slightly at her and no doubt Selraani was pleased her mother was no longer busy. Aura on the other hand didn't smile but eyed the elder draconian with a contemplative look. Turning her head Aura answered Selraani's question. "She has treated us well so far.. some seem to have taken to her affections more than others." Ash winced ever so slightly but than again the two had been companions not long ago perhaps Aura felt slightly betrayed. Either way it seemed the trio was having light conversation.

Meanwhile Fethis moaned as Shabiri carried him, his exhausted body unable to support him. Already Shabiri could feel the magic of her kind alter the poor mage. Parts of his body had started to swell and patches of his beard started to fall away. To what effect Shabiri wasn't sure but it would be all to clear in a few more hours. Rounding the bend she saw her sister and niece chatting with the breeders. The one called Aura looked over at her and noticed Fethis and got up and headed for her at a run her face full of concern. "What did you do to him!"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"Calm yourself, he's simply tired." Shabiri said, her tone soothing, perhaps even motherly. She let Aura have a cursory inspection of the man before leading her back to the peninsula she had been on, setting Fethis down there as well. "Let the man rest, he'll be plenty fine to travel in the morning, just as agreed. He's done his part to help expand the brood as well. I know you care for him, perhaps you'd like to do your part as well and carry his child, hmm?" She asked sweetly, giving the near-unconscious man a few soft strokes along his head, her gaze never leaving the other woman.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Selraani was overjoyed to see her mother finally finished with her task and finally join the others. When she finally got close enough to the group, the hatching gave her mother a hug, noticing the warm smile on her face. Something must have seriously perked up her mood and it was infectious. "Yes I did, mother. Me and Ash spent a great deal of time talking. We even got a chance to talk about my future sibling! I'm so excited, I can hardly wait!" The hatchling was so full of energy it wasn't even funny. "And I was super careful! I promised Ash that I'd make sure nothing happened to my future brother or sister before or after they're born. After all, it's my job to keep them safe." She said, reminding all around her of the promise she made. Come hell or high water, she would stick to it and let nothing slow her down.

But Aura seemed less enthused as the others present, saying some rather hurtful words. So much so, that it brought Ash down a great deal. Feeling she needed to say something, the hatchling stepped forward. "Watch your mouth! Just because you don't like being here doesn't mean you have to bring others down for accepting it. We've tried to be as accomidating as possible, and you see fit to complain." She turned to her mother, an uncharacteristically stern look on her face. "Why are we even keeping her if she's going to be like this?"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ashraani beamed as Selraani went over to hug her and excitedly spoke about what she and Ash had done. The Draconian mother raised a hand to fondly stroke her daughters head while smiling approvingly. "Such a good girl you are, daughter of mine. It brings me joy to see you so excited about having more siblings soon... And I am proud of you for looking after Ash so diligently." Ashraani raised her other hand to idly stroke over her belly, round with eggs as it was. Oh yes, Selraani had more than just one new sibling coming to be excited about. Unfortunately the merriness was short-lived as Aura appeared to have an issue with Ash finding herself appreciating the care the Embers were giving her. And then the Night Elf was scampering to look after the mage that Shabiri carried in her arms.

What Ashraani had not expected was the outburst from her own daughter though. And yet... The question the Firstborn recieved from her daughter made her blink, and then smile wryly. Her answer would be said aloud, enough for Aura to hear it clearly as the Night Elf hadn't needed to run that far to meet up with her dear boyfriend. "Remember, Selraani, whether Ash stays with us longer than she carries your sibling or not is up to her to decide, as I have promised her as much. But it is an interesting thought you bring up..." Ashraani turned around slightly, her gaze settling upon Aura, Fethis and Shabiri. "Fethis do appear quite satisfied with the treatment my sister gave him, and if Ash do decide she feels quite at home here... Perhaps it is Aura who is the odd one out?" Ashraani had to restrain herself from coo'ing with glee.

Ashraani turned her gaze back upon Selraani, but kept speaking clearly for all to hear. "Perhaps it is the Elf we should let go, and the Mage that we shall keep? Would be a shame that we wouldn't be able to show her how much we do care for our breeders... I am sure my sister will quite happily take it upon herself to ensure Fethis' happiness though." Oh yes, a dangerous gamble indeed, playing with Aura's emotions was quite possibly dangerous. But in the best case the Elf would do something reckless but harmless that they could hold against her, and in worst case... Well, Ashraani would have to teach Aura a lesson if such was to be. Ashraani was far from the most subtle individual, but if the Night Elf was as emotional as the Draconian thought her to be it just might work out in the Firstborns favor all the same.

And should Aura act violently Ashraani would not think twice before sending a bolt of intense, if non-lethal, pain to wrack the Night Elf's body. A spell meant to make no lasting harm but would surely leave the victim sore and aching all over for a while. Unfortunately it would also go a bit above Ashraani's limit to cast, and she would thusly suffer some feedback from it... But such was a small price to pay to put an unruly guest in her place.

[If Aura not only resists, but even breaks out from, the Collars hold of her and starts acting violently(IE casting a spirit power) Ashraani will cast an Empowered Bone Grinder(6+8EP) that deals 14d4+61 Non-Lethal Damage. Ashraani's ceiling is 10 and thus she will lose 4HP and and extra 4EP damage ontop of the 14EP to cast the spell]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Shabiri pregnancy rolls: 1, 1, 1, 3 One success! Selranni is pregnant with a wyvern egg. Poor Fethis despite his partner being highly fertile he couldn't pull it off.

Aura looked at Shabiri with a hateful glance as the draconian took her prey away. The two didn't have long for their stare down as Aura's attention was called away by Selraani and Ashraani's none to quite discussion on the matter. At Ashraani's comments Aura closed her mouth. She had promised to stay if they had left Fethis go and she was a woman of her word. Taking one last look at Shabiri Aura moved over to her place and sat away from the rest of the people present keeping her own company. She was outnumbered and had little choice in the matter for the moment.

Meanwhile Ash leaned against Ashraani and sighed. She had no idea why she was feeling at home here it had been barely a day but the thought of leaving seemed to bother her some. Still she tried to push it out of her head and think about the upcoming birth.

It seemed things had calmed down and while Aura rather disappointingly didn't take the bait Ashraani could almost sense the elf was plotting something. Still with out proof there was little she could do except watch and see what would develop.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ashraani didn't have to bring harsh punishment down on Aura in the end. It was undoubtedly for the better though. The Draconians tail flicked slightly from side to side as she felt Ash lean against her, and moved an arm to half-embrace the woman caringly. Ashraani smiled softly as she turned her gaze down upon the smaller female, and spoke with a gentle tone. "I do not know how well you and Aura know eachother, Ash, but I could see how her words stung you... I'd be happy if I didn't have to see you like such again." The Firstborn stroked her hand up and down Ash' arm to try and soothe the human. "I will keep my promise, as I always do." With those words said Ashraani looked over to Aura, a ponderous look in her glowing eyes. To keep Ash company herself, or let her daughter keep up that duty while she dealt further with Aura and Fethis? Choices, choices.

In the end Ashraani decided mostly for the former, and crouched down next to Ash to bring her head in height with that of the humans own. One hand moving to the womans side to support her, the other to place upon and fondly caress the growing buldge on Ash' belly. A soft smile forming upon her lips as she spoke. "Ash, are you hungry? My sister and daughter have brought home meat for us all to savor, though I imagine you and the others would prefer yours cooked?" Whatever answer the Draconian recieved she would nod and smile, followed by leaning in to give Ash a soft and brief kiss on the lips, before rising up and putting an arm around the smaller female again. Ashraani next set her gaze upon the brooding Aura, her smiled a little less joyous but still there, and spoke just loud enough for the Elf to hear. "Aura, do call on us whenever you, or Fethis, get hungry. We have meat to roast for whenever your bellies growl." Ashraani fell silent for a few moments, but it wasn't hard to see there was more she wished to say shortly afterwards. "And please do consider the idea of me keeping both you and Fethis here, together."

The Draconian set her gaze upon the Mage with a concerned look. She had seen her kind corrupt many people over the years, and the patches of Fethis' beard that had fallen off... It gave her a decent idea of what fate might have in store for him. "He might soon have every reason to feel confused and scared, which can easily lead to anger, and that could make it more dangerous than before for me to let him go free. I am fairly certain he will want for someone to comfort him if such happens." And with that Ashraani turned slightly, putting herself a little between Ash and Aura, in the case of the latter having an outburst at what Ashraani just had said.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Shabiri Slithered back as her older sister took the fore, spending her time watching the two captive women's faces. Again it struck her how... nice, Ashraani was being with them, when it would be all too simple to simply force the lesser beings to stay in the lair. When food was mentioned, she puffed up a little, still impresed by how well her and the youngling had done in that regard. The draconians themselves ate sparingly, but the captives less so, in her experience. Those deer would be enough for some time.

"I have some practice cooking for beings such as them." She offered out loud, waiting for the go-ahead before leaving the area to start the simple meal.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

That Aura woman was really starting to bring the hatchlings blood to a boil. She had the gall to oppose mother like this and upset Ash and then when presented with good enough reasons, she said nothing and ignored them. The nerve! Is she always this rude of a guest even back in her world? Wouldn't surprise her. She'd wait until she offered the guests food. She felt now was the best time to raise her voice. "Mother, don't bother with that rude woman. All she's gonna do is complain. Food, shelter and the like seem to be the last thing on her mind. Why would you even want to keep her here? She's just going to continue being mouthy the whole time. Why waste the effort on her when we have two perfectly good guests right now?"

The hatchling was quite bothered by this fact and was amazed Mother was still giving this woman the chance or even considering keeping her. She wouldn't be a good parent and might actually hurt the bloodline.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ash brightened at the mention of food. "Oh I can cook may I help you Shabiri? Ill just need my kit on the shelf." The human looked at the serpentine draconian and waited for an answer. Meanwhile Selraani got the cold shoulder from Aura who was content to ignore the hot blooded Draconian. Whether or not this angered her further was hard to tell but surely such insolence should be punished. A picture of Selraani plowing into Aura flashed across her mind.

If Shabiri accepted Ash's help or not Aura would head over to Fethis and kneel beside him whispering words and petting his head. Clearly she did care for the mage. Still pondering how she would exploit this relationship Ashraani eyed the two brifely. Still with her recent conquest moving to assist her sister Ashraani might have some free time.