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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
Ashraani sat in her lair a marvelous former lava tube from the volcano. Her attraction to this location was indeed the warmth and still flowing lava that flowed threw her new home in a small stream that dripped out of the mouth of the cave into some deep crevices below. The former lava tube joined with other making a series of caves and tunnels that could easily be expanded if so so chose and with such a perfect home Ashraani should have been happy but she wasn't. At lest not at the moment. She was greatly vexed by her male servant Argaaz. The young Wyvern had taken off on a hunt and had yet to return which caused the ember draconian to worry though she would never admit as much her pride overriding her other emotions. She was about to search for the disobedient male when his familiar shape graced her door way.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani had indeed been fortunate to find such a marvelous location, such warmth that radiated from the flowing, superheated rock! Merely watching the flowing magma was almost hypnotic. Never again would she or her kind need to freeze in such an environment. She had been surprised to find the place desolate, especially so as it was devoid of any tampering from others of her kind. Yes, this would be an excellent home with a bit of work.

She was however, a little displeased with her companion, Argaaz, as he had been gone for longer than she had anticipated. That he needed to hunt was something Ashraani would not deny him, especially so if he brought back food for her to savor, but he had never been gone this long during the journey to this place. She had every right to be worried, both as she was essentially Argaaz caretaker and mistress, and that without him her goals of forming a Brood would be severely hampered. While prideful, it would never be on her mind to hide her feelings for her extended family, Argaaz included.

Once her worries grew too great, and she decided to head out and call on him, he returned with an almost disgustingly good timing, causing the Draconian female to frown. "Finally you return, Argaaz? The hunt had better been worth it, and I hope you've brought something back for me, for being gone this long!", she hissed quietly as she sauntered over towards the Wyvern, her amber eyes glowing with mixed accusation and relief at her companions return. "You weren't hurt, were you?", she inquired once she approached him, looking him over, both in search of possible wounds, and to inspect whatever he had brought home, if anything.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Indeed Argaaz looked a little beat up but the excited look in his eye left little doubt to his success. "Mistress I have returned with food and news!" Argaaz showed Ashraani a large spider corpse as his prize but that wasn't all. His other hand brought forth a dented shield engraved with a leafy pattern. "I found intruders in your realm and chased them off. They have scattered making them easy prey for us."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani couldn't help but lick her lips and grin at the sight of the spider, food was food, and she could use a hearty meal. Her desires to feast however, was surpressed as Argaaz mentioned news, and intruders. She frowned, stepping forward, her left hand reaching out for the wounds present on her companion as it began to glow with a warm light, while her hand reached up to caress the Wyverns left cheek and head. As her healing magics did it's work, she would speak hurriedly, excitement shining in her amber eyes. "Intruders? You should have returned to me, I could've helped, you should know by now that I am not helpless. Even so, leave the corpse and shield here, and as soon as I have finished healing you, we shall hunt together! We must not let the intruders escape!"

Yes, this was good news indeed. Ashraani had been itching for quite some while with need to reproduce, as she during the journey had made good use of her healing magics to keep herself infertile during the times the lust overtook her, and she and Argaaz had more intimate moments. As soon as she had healer her companion, she would release a surge of her warm energies through his body, and her own, for even as formidable as they might be, she would give herself and Argaaz every edge and benefit she could.

Ashraani casts Healing Touch(Least), cast for free, until Argaaz is healed up, and then casts Radiance(Lv2 Light, +20 Mind) on herself and Strength(Lesser)(Lv2 Body, +26 Body) on Argaaz. Refer to cheat sheets on Ashraani/Argaaz for their improved stats.

After this Ashraani heads out, together with Argaaz, in search of one of the intruders, with her inquiring about them, and preferably seeking out a female one first.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani took off with Argaaz the wyvrn scouting on high while Ashraani was forced to stay on the ground. As she exited the mouth of her lair she noticed the clouded skys above her lair. It would rain soon an uncomfortable feeling but the hunt was on. Following Argaaz to the location of his glorious victory (or so he claimed) took nearly an hour but soon she was in the midest of a ruined camp the tents still smoldering from Argaaz's assult. "There where five of them mistress three females and two males." Ashraani saw the scattered paths threw the jungle but there was little to indicate which prey went where.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani had no intentions of staying on the ground, for even if her wings naturally weren't strong enough to carry her, she had the blood of a Dragon; As soon as she stepped out of her cave, she let out a mighty roar, channeling the powers that flowed through her body, the power of her fathers blood. Her scales thickened, her claws extended, her wings spread further and more magnificently than before, and then she took to the skies along with her companion.

The clouded sky worried her, not because of the harm, but that she'd hate to end up cold and freezing this soon after finding herself a warm lair. An hour was far too long time, Ashraani thought as soon as she and Argaaz descended into the now ruined camp, and she hissed annoyedly. While she wasn't a tracker, Argaaz was. "The trail better not have run cold by now, Argaaz, for your sake! Now search for them, for the females! Find their scent, their tracks, and if any of them went off in pairs we'll go for them first, and stay by the ground this time, you must not lose their trail."
Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 46/52

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Draconic Transformation(+6 to Attack Rolls/Melee Damage/Grapple, +2 Armor, Flight at Twice of Speed, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Perception to track vs dc 20
Argaaz 34 vs dc 20 success

Argaaz looked at each tracks and sampled the air with his tongue before reporting back to Ashraani. “Mistress a male and female ran off in this direction together both heavily armored the rest have gone in different directions.” The knowledge that the only pair that had stuck together was heavily armed was worth noting. It was up for Ashraani to chose however which prey to pursue. Argaaz had the scent of all the intruders but could only follow one trail at a time.

The clouds loomed ominously and seemed to get darker by the minute she would have to choose soon or risk getting caught in the down pour.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani watched impatiently as Argaaz began to do as he was told to, only to frown displeasedly at hearing that only two had gone in a pair, and that those ones were likely to be the more dangerous of the five. With a groan, Ashraani shook her head as she looked skywards. "Just go after one of the lone females then. We must hurry, I'd hate to be out here when the rain comes.", with these words, Ashraani would direct Argaaz to take the lead, and follow him. While rain wasn't exactly harmful to the Ember Brood, is was extremely unpleasant for her kind; the wet and cold droplets smattering across their jagged carapace, making small fizzling noises when slipping into the glowing cracks... She had been outside in rainy weather once before, and she hoped she would never have to experience it twice in her lifetime.
Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 46/52

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Draconic Transformation(+6 to Attack Rolls/Melee Damage/Grapple, +2 Armor, Flight at Twice of Speed, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Argaaz traveled back and forth between two paths clearly unable to choose until Ashranni gave an annoyed growl. Whether it stemmed from his inability to choose or some other reason Argaaz didn't wait to find out before picking one of the two at random. “This way Mistress a human female very fertile.” With that Argaaz tore off threw the underbrush following the trail better than any blood hound. Ashranni had a few moments to prep any other spells or such before she followed after her companion.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would let out an annoyed hiss after a few moments of Argaaz indecisiveness, but couldn't help but giggle as he fretted and mentioned 'very fertile'. "Oh now you're just making things up to please me, I know you're nose is wonderfully keen, but to pick up something like that?", she smiled coyly, "Just set out after her, and if we're lucky, the weather might remain like this for some time... Perhaps we could even find the other female before heading home.", she mused, and as soon as Argaaz set off, Ashraani followed suit.

She wasn't quite as fast as her companion, but she'd keep up to the best of her abilities, and even try to fly if the opportunity presented itself, as travel by air was faster than by ground. All the same, she'd remind Argaaz to remain on the ground and follow the tracks at all costs. As far as spellcasting went, she felt herself at her limit, upholding the empowering spells on herself and Argaaz, as far as persistent spells was concerned at least. She did have a slew of other tricks in mind, however.

If she and Argaaz found their prey alone, she wouldn't think twice before channeling her magics, and releasing a ray of crippling energies at her. Or if they found someone else with their prey, she'd have to gauge the situation first.

If the human female is alone, Ashraani casts Ray of Paralysis(Lv2 Arcane), costing 2EP, Casting Auto-Success(DC10 VS 34 Casting), Dealing 2d4+10 Damage and forcing a Resistance Check VS the human.

If the human female isn't alone, Ashraani will wait to act until observing the situation, unless Argaaz have jumped into the fray, then she proceeds like the female was alone and casts Ray of Paralysis at her.

Ray of Paralysis (Bolt) [Deals damage as a spell one level lower, but the target must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Paralyzed.]
Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 46/52, -2EP if casting Ray of Paralysis

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Draconic Transformation(+6 to Attack Rolls/Melee Damage/Grapple, +2 Armor, Flight at Twice of Speed, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Argaaz perception 27 vs 50 fail
Ashraani perception 28 vs 50 fail

OOC(Ouch go figure first NPC rolls near max and the pc rolls near low)

With no other preparations to make and the weather holding for now at lest Ashraani followed after Argaaz. They made great time her companions enhanced body giving him more speed than Ashraani herself. Still after awhile on the trail Argaaz had stopped as he looked about carefully. “Mistress the prey has ceased its panicked running.” He sniffed the air and paced about a small area trying to pick up her trail again. It took a few moments but before long he was off again but at a much slower pace. After awhile Argaaz stopped once more and looked about. “Mistress the trail stops here.” Ashraani looked about and could not see anything but trees and bushes.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani merely urged Argaaz onwards at the news of the prey having ceased to panic about, but she seemed to realize quickly what it meant when he slowed to a stop and looked around aimlessly. Even as she began to channel her magic energies, and her enhanced wings began to regress to their normal size, she knew she had to be quick. As quick as the frustration that was building up within her. "RrrrraaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!", she lifted her chin skywards, and parted her lips to let out a furious roar as a gout of flame spewed out. Within moments after her outburst she firmly put her left, magically charged, hand ontop of Argaaz head, infusing him with her magics and caused his senses of hearing, sight and smell improve drasticly. "HUNT HER DOWN, SHE WILL NOT ESCAPE! GO, ARGAAZ, FIND HER FOR ME!", and with that she slapped across the back of Argaaz head, not enough to hurt him, but more than enough to spur him into action, and then she set off whichever way he decided to head towards. The cracks in her obsidian-like carapace glowed brighter than before, as if fueled by her frustration.

Ashraani pays 2EP and casts Strength, Lesser for a +26 Perception buff on Argaaz, while dropping Draconic Transformation on herself.​

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 44/52

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Perception, No Upkeep for Ashraani
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani perception
45 vs 50 fail
Argaaz perception
54 vs 50 success
Argaaz attempts to grapple
60 vs 33 hit!
Ash is grappled

Argaaz flinched as the blow struck him but his magically enhanced senses had picked up a whiff of fear. This proved fruitful for the Wyvern as it narrowed out a location for him to focus on. Ashraani waited impatiently frustrated that the prey may have escaped. A peal of thunder echoed in the distance signaling the start of a thunderstorm which at the moment was still far enough away. She was about to call out for Argaaz to head back not wanting to suffer the annoyance of rain on her scales when her companion jumped into a thick tangle of bushes followed by a surprised and delightfully feminine yelp of surprise. It seemed though the foe would not be easily subdued as the tumble in the bushes kept going.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

The thunderous boom in the distance made Ashraani grimace, figuring they were running out of time. She would however, remain steadfast. With Argaaz empowered senses, it would only be a matter of time before he found their prey. There would be no crawling back home with their tails between their legs, not after her getting frustrated like this, oh no, they -would- find their prey and they -would- bring her home.

The moment Argaaz burst into action, Ashraani would follow suit as soon as she registered what he had done. She knew Argaaz wasn't the toughest young wyvern, so she'd have to act fast, and ran into the bushes after him. Their prey deserved nothing less than a full understanding of how helpless she were before the Ember Brood, as Ashraani once more began to weave her magics, preparing a spell that would make the Ember Queen surprised if the prey remained standing or conscious once it struck her. Once she'd have a clear view and angle of the female, Ashraani would release a bolt of pure magical energies. The spell would undoubtedly be painful, but it was meant to knock the woman out. Perhaps it would break a few bones, maybe a rib, but such injuries was things Ashraani had healed in the past.

If Ashraani's spell found its target, and the prey managed to stay conscious, the dragoness decided to speak. "Still awake, are you? There is more, much more, left where that came from, if you continue to struggle you will know more of such pains. If you give in and stop struggling, we'll treat you less harshly, perhaps nicely even. Either way, you'll be coming with us. What will it be?", there was a dangerous gleam in her amber eyes, and despite the statement of there being no escape, her offer to let the prey decide between pain or comfort was genuine. Ashraani's previous frustration was still lingering, but it was starting to dwindle, and with that the glow in her carapace slowly dimmed back to normal brightness.

Ashraani pays 8EP and auto-successfully casts Body's Betrayal, Lv5 Body Spell, Bolt Type, 10d4+50 Damage, preferably non-lethal, as soon as she catches sight of 'Ash', the sneaky woman.​

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 44/52, -8EP if successfully casting Body's Betrayal

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Perception, No Upkeep for Ashraani
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ash Grapple check to stab her foe
Argaaz Grapple check for submission hold
73 vs 59Argaaz wins
Ashraani bc auto success
no target unless she wants to risk hitting Argaaz

The bushes rocked and shook with force a few moments as grunts and hisses sounded from them. Ashraani stepped into the mass of bushes to help her companion out a powerful spell channeled and waiting to be unleashed. The sight she found more than pleased her. Argaaz had successfully wrapped the woman up in his coils making her nearly helpless to Ashraani's whims. “Mistress I have caught the prey.” Argaaz sounded very pleased with himself even though his hunt would have failed completely had it not been for her efforts.

Walking forward she could see the woman had defiance in her eyes and still struggled to escape from Argaaz's coils. “Stay away monster let me go!” Looking over her prize Ashraani could tell that the woman was strong and agile most likely a hunter of some sort. She had blue eyes and blonde hair. Her other physical attributes where hard to see due to Argaaz holding her tight but she could already tell this woman was a fighter full of defiance. Looking about more Ashraani saw a bow and quiver as well as a steel blade no doubt lost in the fight with Argaaz.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani, as soon as she stepped into the bushes, found her lips turn into a gleeful little smile. Oh yes, this was good. With a flick of her wrist, she altered the energies of her spell into something less harmful, and infused herself as she let an enchantment drop from Argaaz; her body filling with surging strength during the few moments before she joined the two wrestling on the ground, she wanted Argaaz on his back, with the woman on his chest, with Ashraani on top. "Don't hurt her Argaaz, just hold her to your warm, strong chest... I wish to talk with her, not harm her.", she shuddered with anticipation and hissed pleasedly, but not ominously, as her gaze settled upon the coiled up and trapped woman.

If Ashraani and Argaaz would successfully, and completely, deny the woman any chance of escape and manage to gain her desired position, with Argaaz acting as cushion for the prey and with Ashraani straddling the womans lap, the Draconian female would first look skywards briefly, and try to gauge how much time she had, then begin to speak as she looked into the womans eyes. "We will not let you go, little female. We are however running out of time, so I will be brief; I am Ashraani, and the one beneath you is Argaaz, and what I desire to know is this; who are you, and can you tell us where your friends have scattered, or where they might be heading next?"

If the woman relented and gave Ashraani the answers she sought, she'd let out a satisfied hiss. "A fierce spirit, but not unreasonable or unmalleable... You'll learn soon enough, I am sure."

If the woman refused to answer Ashraani's questions, and continued to struggle, Ashraani's eyes would gleam dangerously. "A fierce spirit, untamed and unrelenting... But you'll learn in due time, mark my words."

Regardless of outcome in extracting information, once she had made her assesment of the woman, she'd speak to her wyvern companion. "Argaaz, help me expose her nethers and breasts, and then hold her in place! She will have a taste of what is to come!", despite the target in question, there was no lewdness or implicit excitement to her words. If all went well, soon after the prey's privates had been exposed, Ashraani's left hand would glow brightly as she channeled a spell. If successful, she'd press her palm down a little above the womans nether regions, and release a powerful surge of warmth into her body. Like waves of burning bliss, the sensation would wash over the womans body, and most powerfully so within her womanhood. "Feel the fires of our kind spread within you, female, and embrace it!", and not one to waste such an opportunity, the pleasure would undoubtedly leave the woman unprepared, allowing Ashraani to fully savor and drink the sweet nectar that was her preys very soul, siphoning the womans energies to replenish her own, and leaving nothing but the blissful warmth to fill the empty void within her prey. If the woman remained conscious after the surging heat, Ashraani would be quick to slip a pair of fingers down, teasing and stimulating the womans nethers, and a hand up to fondle the womans breasts to both pleasure and evaluate, while the aftermath of the infused heat lingered, and continue to drain her until unconscious or otherwise incapable of resistance.

If Argaaz tried to join the fun at any time, he'd recieve a sharp hiss of disapproval from Ashraani along with a few words of warning. "I'll see to your needs later, Argaaz, but for now she is all mine and no one elses. Just keep her in place."

If all had ended happily as far as Ashraani was concerned, with a sexually, and spiritually, spent woman laying limply ontop of her wyvern companion the Draconian female would rise up with a satisfied hiss rising in her throat. If there were any juices on her fingers, she'd take the opportunity to lick them up. Time was likely of essence, and Ashraani would have Argaaz carry the woman, while she herself gathered the scattered equipment, and then they would make their way homewards. Ashraani would have plenty of work ahead of her with this female. Work she was already feeling very, very excited about.

Action Chain,
Round 1: Ashraani doesn't cast Body's Betrayal, Ashraani casts Strength, Lesser on herself for +26 Body while dropping the +26 Perception Buff on Argaaz.
Round 2: Ashraani grapples the woman, to help Argaaz keep her in submission hold.
Round 3: Shift the womans clothes to give clear access to her pussy and breasts
Round 4: Ashraani casts Empowered Vibrating Touch for 8EP; potential 8d6+48 pleasure damage dealt, and drains all EP she's able to.
Round 5+: Ashraani provides mundane, non-magical, stimuli to the woman while continuing to drain her every turn until unconscious.
Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 44/52, -8EP if successfully casting Empowered Vibrating Touch, likely replenished if fully draining the prey

v With Body Buff v
Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Grapple: 46
Stealth: 9

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Round 1
Argaaz maintains submission hold
Ash tried to escape
73 vs 50 Argaaz wins
Ashraani CC success

Round 2
Ashraani joins the grapple success
Ash tries to escape cannot succeed
Argaaz maintains submission hold success

Round 3
Argaaz attempts to shift clothing success
Ashraani attempts to shift clothing success
Ash tries to escape cannot succeed

Round 4
Argaaz maintains submission hold success
Ash tries to escape cannot succeed
Ashraani cast empowered vibrating touch. CC auto success
Ash takes 86 pp damage and is drained of 38 ep She orgasms twice and passes out.

While Ashraani did not sound threatening (well at lest by her perceptions) it did not seem to allay her captives fears. In fact it only seemed to cause the woman to struggle all the harder but with little result. Joining in on the grapple proved easy enough as the woman was completely held by Argaaz and despite all her struggles she made no headway to her escape.

"We will not let you go, little female. We are however running out of time, so I will be brief; I am Ashraani, and the one beneath you is Argaaz, and what I desire to know is this; who are you, and can you tell us where your friends have scattered, or where they might be heading next?"

“Ill never tell you and I could care less who you are let me go or you will rue the day monster.

"A fierce spirit, untamed and unrelenting... But you'll learn in due time, mark my words."

With their little exchange done Ashraani gave her commands to expose the woman's sex and breasts. This only cause the female's eyes to go wide and start struggling again. “NO STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” This proved pointless as Ashraani moved along with her plan and placed her pulsing hand above the woman's sex. The effect was immediate as the woman began to convulse and moan squirting fluids from her pussy. Ashraani drank deep savoring the woman's soul but was careful not to leave her an empty husk. The woman bucked and moaned as it proved to much for her. As her consciousness began to fade she treated Ashranni to another body shaking orgasm.

Her prey caught and the weather holding it was time to head home and enjoy her new toy.

Ash's status
96 corruption gained
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani let out a long, pleased hiss as she watched the woman spasm and convulse after the infusion of heat, and wasn't at all surprised as it proved too much for her prey. The Draconian briefly checked to make sure the woman was unconscious, and then rose up and off of her and Argaaz. "Carry her, Argaaz, I'll take her equipment. While it annoys me that the others might escape, taking care of just one at a time might be enough of a challenge." Ashraani hissed quietly, deviously, to herself as she began to gather the womans equipment, as those and her clothes would be kept around. Who knows what they might be worth or useful for? Waste not, want not. With the hunt successful, Ashraani headed homewards with her wyvern companion, home to the volcanic mountain.

Along the way home, Ashraani would be on the lookout for strong vines to potentially tie the captive up with. If they managed to come home without anything stopping them, the draconian got to business right away. "Argaaz, remove her clothes, but try to leave them undamaged. They might be useful later.", and with this said, Ashraani next put the carried equipment down and turned her gaze upon her homes primary cave. In particular she'd look for an elevated plateu or cliff where she could store things out of reach for her captive, and future ones for that matter, not to mention having mild hopes of a magma river cutting off an area from the entrance; like an isolated little island where she could put her captive to keep her from escaping even if unbound. Regardless of finding such things or not, Ashraani would take the time to explore the primary cave, to get an idea of what she was working with.

Even as she explored her home, she'd look to Argaas from time to time, to make sure things were under control. During the exploration, Ashraani would undergo a minor transformation in order to grow her wings in size and capability, so she could explore the cave by means of flight, particularly in search of a cliff or other elevated area. By the time she was done, she hoped to have found what she had been looking for, but otherwise she'd just have to make do. When she returned to Argaaz and her captive, she'd see how he had fared in the task given him, and if the woman was waking up. Hopefully, she wouldn't wake up this early, as Ashraani still had plans and preparations in mind. "Tell me Argaaz, what do you think of this female, hmm?", idle curiosity more than anything made her ask such, as the draconian took the opportunity for a closer look, to gauge the physical assets of her captive. And removes her clothes while doing so if Argaaz attempts had been fruitless or half-done.

Ashraani uses the Shapeshifter property of "Warp Shell" to upgrade from Wings to Greater Wings, and then explores the cave.
When Ashraani returns to Argaaz, she inspects the woman, to get a good idea of her assets, overall figure and health, and more visible mutations if any.​
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani began a thorough search of her home looking for a few desired features. After awhile she did manage to find a small cliff or ledge to store her captives items. Sadly it was the only feature she found in her main cavern to her liking. Any of the small islands in the lava where to small to safely hold anything. Still there where other caverns to explore later for now it was time to check up on Argaaz.

Making her way back to where she had last scene her companion and the prisoner Ashraani found that Argaaz had indeed been successful in his attempts to disrobe the woman without damaging any of the clothing or armor. However the wyvern was clearly masturbating staring at the creature before it. Whether or not she chastised her servant was up to her but he responded to the best of his limited intellect. Ashraani listened to Argaaz as he made his assessment to her while conducting her own. “She is a lithe and agile hunter if mistress had not blessed us with her power she would have escaped.” Indeed had the build of a hunter slight in nature but well muscled from years hunting and tracking prey. The woman wasn't especially endowed her breasts barely breaking B cups and her hips left much to be desired in the child bearing aspect. Other than her current state it seemed the woman was in perfect health and had no mutations that could be seen.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani hissed annoyedly at the lack of good 'storage area' for captives, and it looked like either she or Argaaz would have to keep close eyes on the captive until she had been molded into the right mindset. Still, a storage area for equipment would suffice, as not having equipment might serve as a deterrent for captives to make a run for it.

With her primary cavern explored, Ashraani turned her attention back to Argaaz... Only to let out a furious, loud roar at the sight of him pleasuring himself. She swooped down, landing near him and the woman, hissing angrily at him, her cracks glowing brightly again. "You still haven't understood, have you?! You are not to waste your precious seed, Argaaz! I need it, OUR KIND NEEDS IT! Do not waste the life-giving seed of our kind, of our shared father, Ashrigaaz!", her eyes glowed with seething fury, she was quite touchy when it came to the survival of their species, in particular so when it came to disrespecting the great dragon father of the Ember Brood, Ashrigaaz.

Again, Ashraani tilted her chin up, her head back, and let out a furious roar as she released a great gout of flame, it was a thing she did both to let out her frustration, and to vent excess heat from her system. Within moments, her eyes and cracks dimmed in brightness, returning to normal while the female draconian took a few, deep, calming breaths. She then stepped closer to Argaaz, ignoring the woman for the time being, and rose a hand slowly to place it on the wyverns left cheek. She caressed him tenderly, affectionately, and looked into his eyes like only a concerned mother could. "So please, Argaaz... Do not waste the seed of our kind, of our father. I know you have needs, and I promise I will take care of them personally... But all in due time, you must be patient.", and with that, she leant in, kissing Argaaz lovingly, deeply. She was as much a mother as she was a lover to Argaaz... And she had always been the same to everyone else of the Ember Brood. Argaaz, however, was the only one she had brought along of her family, and thus the only one for her maternal side to care for, in both affection, and desires to see him mature into something wonderful, and powerful.

With the outburst, lecturing, and affectionate display done with, Ashraani would next turn her attention back to the woman the two of them had brought back home, letting out a ponderous 'hrm' while looking the female over. She laughed heartily at Argaaz words, and lovingly caressed his head, stroking down his neck and back. "And without you, Argaaz, we wouldn't have captured her.", there was a warm gleam to her eyes, and a smile on her lips. "We work together towards the benefit of our kind, after all. You were an equally important part in her capture as I were, Argaaz. Hmm...", Ashraani moved her hand off the wyverns back, to scratch under her own chin, thinking a bit. "I am not quite sure how we are to best make use of her, however... We've just settled in, and we have some food...", Ashraani's eyes shone up with desire, and she leant closer to Argaaz, rubbing her nose against his cheek, a sensual hiss escaping her smiling lips. There was a scent to her that the wyvern recognized all too easily. "I think it is about time we started breeding, Argaaz. My body yearns for your seed, but I think I will be this females first time with our kind..., Ashraani licked her lips, already excited for what was to come... But there were still things to take care of. "Soon, very soon, Argaaz... Just let me safely tuck away her belongings... Keep your eyes on her, we must not let her slip away, but do not try to mate her! Your seed will be mine, and mine alone, tonight!", with that, Ashraani began to hurriedly gather the womans equipment, clothes, armor, weapons... Briefly looking through the things as she leaped into the air, and headed towards the storage area to safely tuck the things away.

And then she leaped into the air once more, swiftly descending back to Argaaz side. "Pick her up, we'll find a nice place for our breeding... Would you mind holding her against your chest, Argaaz? To lay on your back with two females writhing in pleasure ontop of you? All you need to do is hold her in place, and I will pleasure you both to the best of my ability.", Ashraani's eyes were hazy with lust by now, she needed this badly, needed both of them, but far too impatient to take them one at a time... And the thought of thrusting into and out of the female, while simultaneously bucking herself up and down Argaaz member, was a far too enticing prospect for her to pass up on right now. She'd let the wyvern find a place to lay comfortably, but she would urge him to do so quickly, lest she give in to her desires and take them both right then and there.

Ashraani preferably have Argaaz lay on his back, while keeping the likely still unconscious female to his chest, prepared to restrain her when needed.​
Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 52/52

v With Body Buff v
Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Grapple: 46
Stealth: 9

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)