Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Lol, it's not like I stabbed her or anything, she just had to drag me to her car after casting the chain spell.)

Claire grunted in response to Pollusias statements. To the first she didn't have much at all to say, doubting most of what she'd heard about this 'Witch' and even if she did come after her, it would be better than being stuck here with all of these naked lunatics. After she finished, Claire said; "Lots of ifs and maybes there. I'll take my chances."

As to the second, quieter set of words, Claire didn't believe a word of it, having not seen any evidence to support it other than words, words of people who aided one who had chained and kidnapped her. To that she didn't respond at all, other than a quiet "hmmmm."

When the other woman talked about letting her go, Claire took a chance; "If I say I'll play along with this crap for a while, and promise not to attack anyone, will you let me out of these damn chains? They're starting to chafe. What am I gonna do anyway? Chew you to death?"
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Rolling her eyes at the last bit, the white-haired woman's response was filled with scorn and distaste for her captive.

"I'm more concerned about you running off like a headless duck and getting yourself raped silly then you hurting anyone. Seeing as it'll be my ass that has to drag yours back from whatever hell hole you land yourself in. Which you'll probably do the instant I let your delusional self free from those chains. And as I'm not in the mood to go graveyard running again, you can wait till Miss Reina or Eva decides to let you go."


Panda King
RP Moderator
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire mutters; "Big surprise....." not at at all surprised that they wouldn't let her go. Nor was she surprised at the arrogance in the other womans voice. She tried to move into a more comfortable position to wait for whoever was supposed to show up and let her out.
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New member
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia pats the chained girl on the shoulder in a surprisingly comradely sort of fashion, having discovered some sort of empathy for her situation, and helps her shift into a more comfortable position.

"Now.. I know you don't trust me.. but time will come when you won't have any choice but to wake and believe what's happening. When yo do.. come find me, ok?"

Without waiting for a reply, she gets up and crosses the room, sitting back down beside her sister with a shake of the head.

"That one's... been through something nasty. Doesn't trust anyone anymore."


Horn Dog
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea gives a wry smile. "Can't say I blame her really. We did sort of wake up here with no idea how we got here... This would be so much harder to deal with if you weren't here..."


New member
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia reaches over to take her sister's hand with a smile.

"I don't know what I'd do without you either. Plus.. I have you to thank for my only item of clothing.. so you've saved me in more ways than one."


Horn Dog
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea laughs and shakes her head. "I'm sure you'd hardly be any worse off if you didn't have those legwarmers, it's not like they cover much..." she teases.


New member
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia matches the headshake with her own, sporting a similar grin.

"That's not the point.. it's the principle of the thing. If you hadn't made me wear legwarmers.. I'd be naked right now!"

A glance around, and her voice drops a tone or two..

"And if I hadn't made you stay, we'd probably be separated about now."


Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Right...and while you two are engaged in your sisterly bonding...I'll go get those clothes I promised you..."

Using this as an excuse, the white-haired woman walked back out the door, muttering something about over affectionate relationships between siblings. Apparently, the woman's sharp perception had backfired on her and caused her to feel a tad "awkward" in the company of the twins...

Ten minutes later, after a quick trip to the vehicle and back, the woman brought back a white blazer and a green skirt, which were rather...mismatched.

"Not sure how well these fit, or if they even belong together...I kinda just grabbed things at random while they were handing out the supplies..."
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New member
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia watches the woman leave, curiously. In the intervening time she glances at her sister..

"...Was it something I said?"

She breaks off, though, when the woman returns with the clothing.

"I.. think the blazer is more likely to fit me, but Castea.. you take first pick."


Horn Dog
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Oh, thanks," Castea says, looking up at the girl and then over at her sister. "Well, if you want the blazer, I'll take the skirt," she says with a slight nod.


Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Handing each twin their respective choice, the white-haired woman apologized for her powerlessness to be able to do more for them.

"Sorry that this is the best that I can do for you two... hopefully Miss Reina will come back soon and make Eva set things straight..."


Horn Dog
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea takes the skirt with a smile and gives Rua a gentle pat to get up so she could put it on. "Oh... while we're waiting," she added to the girl. "Is there some place more... private... we can go? Rua here needs to be... er... fed..."


New member
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia takes both items of clothing with a nod of thanks, and hands the skirt to her sister. She looks at the blazer for a moment, before shrugging it on with a smile.

"Definitely better than nothing."


Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

The white-haired woman blushed slightly at the mention of "feeding" Rua, not fully comfortable with discussion in regards to such topics. Following the brief reaction however, the woman began to ponder for a bit in regards to a more "private" place, trying to think of somewhere that would satisfy their needs before replying.

"Uh...normally I think you're supposed to go to your room for something like that...but...I guess...I could let you use mine...for now anyway..."


New member
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"We can't use your room for -that-"!

Pollusia blurts out without thinking. After a moment, she blushes, and stares at her own feet.

"I mean.. can't we just wait until Eva gets back, and get our own room..?"


Horn Dog
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea frowns slightly. "Rua seemed pretty hungry before, and I did promise I'd look after her..." she says softly. "Besides, it means we're not sitting around here half-naked, right?"


Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"I think...I can go for a bit longer...although I wouldn't be too deeply opposed to an early feeding~"

Tail slightly curling around Castea's body, and voice growing slightly sensual it was obvious that the red-haired demon would prefer to be fed as soon as possible. However, so as to stay out of trouble with people like Pollusia and Eva, she would restrain her desires "as best she could"...until they were in private anyway. And even then, only as long as she had to...


Horn Dog
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Well, Rua, I'll see what I can do. If you like, you can ask anyone here if they'll feed you, as long as they'll agree. You don't have to be stuck with me if you don't want to," she offered in a sincere tone.


New member
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia glares swords at the succubus - daggers wouldn't have been large and pointy enough to sum up the look she gave the redhead.

"Well then, it's settled. We can wait until Eva returns, and allocates us our own room.."