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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Panicking slightly and almost fumbling drawing her gun, Zenia pulled up the pistol and started to fire, dropping several of the eyes already as the herd started to thin, as the things came out of the darkness they could see they were some strange form of dogs, however they were....morbid, part of their skin and fur was peeling off, however the strangest thing was the one at the front of the pack, instead of a dog, it was a woman, around 20, her hair was black and she had feral wolf ears, her body was nude and her modesty only preserved by black panties, she had a wolf tail as well, she was leading he charge towards them "DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY!" she screamed a command to the undead dogs as they picked up their pace.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate snarled as she withdrew the tendril from the water, her body bloated with the increased mass as she raised her arm and fired all the water contained in her body at the woman, a powerful deluge of H2O as all the water she had picked up was released at once. "Ummmm.... No?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The powerful deluge of water was expected to slam into the horde, and it did, blowing a good chunk of their ranks away, however Zenia was trying to reload, and mid reload she was pounced by one of the foul dogs which bit and tore at her bra, knocking the gun away in the scuffle, part of the ranks had split off to engage Hectate recognising her as a threat, with the wolf girl leading the charge once more.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Bubbling angrily, her crimson form rippling in anger as one of the dogs pounced on Zenia, Hecate gave a loud shout and spun, a thick, whip like tendril lashing out at it with explosive force even as she continued her spin, more tendrils lasing out at anything else nearby. "Last Chance... Back off!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Lashing out with her tendril did very little as the dogs simply hopped over it, they all fell upon her almost as if possessed, biting and gnawing at her liquid body and generally causing quite a bit of discomfort and pain, Zenia wasnt having much luck as her wrist was bitten, making her attempts to resist harder as her shorts were torn off, she did manage to kick one of the dogs away though and retrieve the gun, reloading the clip and squeezing off a few more shots at Hectate, not even caring about aimming, if they hit Hectate the casings would just float harmlessely in her body as the bullet passed through her, if they hit the dogs thats just a plus.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate had warned them and it was too late now. Rippling in fury again, her body seemed to contract before the 360 explosion of spikes she had used before were utilized again, anything close to her was in serious trouble, although Zenia, and anything farther away should be fine as the spike only expanded about two feet. It was like the vampire all over again, something pushing her too far, her bloodlust rising...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Right on target, Hectate skewered a few of the undead dogs, however plenty more ran at her and bit into her again, the wolf girl ran over, with a syringe filled with a multicoloured liquid and jabbed it into Hectate, Hectate felt the fluid flow into her and started to feel woozy, the girl grinned and ran back over to Zenia, Zenia was still shooting but ran out of ammo and had her panties torn off, the dogs fell upon the vunerable cow girl and bit and tore at her, trying to get her up onto her knees, Hectate started to feel oddly sick...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate struggled as the wolf girl injected her with something, making her feel sick and woozy. Unable to continue fighting if the drug took full hold, Hecate retreated, heading for the water as quickly as she could, if she could reach it, she could dilute whatever had been thrust into her... and hopefully Zenia would forgive her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to reach the water, the undead dogs predicted she would try that and pulled on her, dragging and trying to keep her away from it, however she could feel changes start up inside her core, as if something was being reclaimed from her, Zenia still couldnt get herself free as the first undead dog ravenously mounted her,rubbing its dick against her pucker and making her moan in surprise, she tried grabbing the gun again but was too far away from it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Desperate to get to the water now that she could feel something in her core, Hecate sacrificed mass to get to the water, simply letting the pieces of her that were snared fall off of her. She was pretty sure this was going to cost her, severely, but if she could just get to the water, then all the fluid of the ocean would be behind her and she could come to help Zenia, if she could recover from whatever the hell they had injected her with.

She was confused on that count, it hadn't affected the Queen slime at all, but it seemed to be reeking havoc on her, and that terrified her. She was certain that if she had held the gun, her own skill would have made the difference. If they got out of this, she'd have to teach Zenia how to shoot...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Sacrifing her mass to try and reach the water, Hectate paid heavily for it as her mass shrunk so much she barely had any slime in a pool around her, she reached the point where she simply couldnt detach any more of herself or she`ll just dissolve away, getting to the water, she had to take a second to start absorbing it and recover mass, she diverted most of the water to diluting the chemical put inside her, the dogs stopped their mad rush at her and the wolf girl barked another command, the dogs going after Hectate lit on fire and started slinging fireballs at Hectate by literally firing them out of their mouths, thankfully her quickly expanding mass managed to tank most of the damage, Zenia managed to kick the dog mounting her off and squeeze off more rounds, ridding the dogs going after herself.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was feeling much better in the water as her mass regenerated as quickly as the hounds could damage it, Rising up, her face covered with a malicious smile, Hecate decided she had had enough... Targeting as many of the dogs as she could, and drawing on the water constantly, Hecate launched a mass of tendrils out to spear them, but didn't retract them after, leaving a network of solid bars extended out from her form. If she could, she was going to ensnare the werewolf woman next, and drag her to her. She was going to answer some questions...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Sending out some very sharp spears of her own slime, Hectate skewered most of the undead dogs, Zenia managed to thin out the ones she missed, the wolf girl growled and barked a fall back command, the horde started to turn tail and run away from both Hectate and Zenia, Hectate tried to stop them but couldnt as they ran at a incredible speed and almost vanished as they ran back down the corridor.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate stayed in the water and sulked for a moment, she had wanted to grab the werewolf lady and ask her what the poison was for, because she obviously knew. Taking the time to regenerate properly, Hecate pulled Zenia over for a hug and hopped out of the water. Which had to be strange because now she was the same colour as the water, which meant in the water she was practically invisible save for the core floating around in her.

"Well, that was damned unpleasant" Hecate said glaring down the hallway, but with each win she felt more like the queen bitch here and that was doing wonders for her confidence. "Come on, lets find the way down to the mermaid, see if we can figure out whats going on."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate had indeed changed to a simple clear colour, Zenia reloaded the pistol, the clip in the pistol was the only source of ammo left, Zenias clothing had been torn to shreds by the rabid dogs, Zenia was worried now "How are we gonna carry our stuff...?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I have no idea, just... stick it in me for now" Hecate said, puffing out her chest in an amusing fashion before reaching out to just float stuff in her. It probably looked odd, and it felt even stranger, but... It was a way right? Except the book. "Zenia, open up that book, try and figure out what wolfgirl was and what she wanted, I'm going to try and find our way down, just... stay close and be careful. I doubt canine woman wants another go."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Zenia fit the water bottle inside her, they couldnt do it with the gun because it might not work when they get it out and ofcourse they didnt want the book to be wet, nodding, Zenia opened up the book they found in the cafeteria and tried to find a entry for the wolf girl.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded and started searching for either the tunnels or the submersible. Whatever route of travel they had to use. Hecate was wanting to try holding air for Zenia, but didn't know if she could hold enough, and drowning would be bad for the holstaurus. Looking around, remembering what they were after was on the second level, Hecate looked for the next floor up.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate didnt find anything else in the medical ward, a fire exit was found in the operating theater area, Zenia continued flicking through the book trying to find the answer Hectate wanted.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate went back for Zenia and pulled her along as she turned back into the suit, the core, and the bottle of water held in tendrils on her back. "Up the stairs and onwards!"