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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The voice called out again, in a slightly rejected tone it said "okay bye, please write, it gets lonely down here." with the strange eyeball thing vanishing, looking up, hectate could see the hand of god, or rather Rui reach in and pull the two out, back in the real world, Rui pulled both Taku and Hectate out like it was a magic trick, Rui giggling slightly at the absurdity of it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Ill come visit later" Hecate said as she was lifted free, waving until she was safely deposited back in the real world. ignoring everything that had just happened as utter insanity, Hecate returned her attention to the vents, moving in the desired direction, slightly annoyed.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate returned to the vents, with Rui and Taku in tow, Taku was cleaning herself of the strange saliva that was covering her, Rui said "S-She must have climbed in w-when i wasnt looking or something...!" in a panicked tone.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Riiiiight" Hecate said grinning as she headed through the leftmost vent, since there was nothing to be done but check them all eventually. And hopefully before her 24 hours wore out and she turned back into a giant assed spidery sex machine that couldn't fit in these tight spaces.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Checking all of the vents, Hectate unfortunately found no signs telling her where each vent led, meaning it would be a blind crawl where she would have to hope she didnt end up going in a circle or in a place that she wouldnt want to be in.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Sighing, Hecate took the plunge, heading down the central vent and starting to crawl, gun in hand.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Crawling into the vent, Taku and Rui made sure to follow, following the vent, Hectate was not surprised to find her path onward blocked by a fan, meaning she would need something to destroy the fan, or she could back out and take another vent.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She'd have to back up and take another path, she was getting tired of wasting bullets, and damaging the fans would set off warning bells that would tell anyone looking where she was. Motioning the others back, Hecate chose another vent and started moving.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Choosing another vent, Hectate eventually dropped into...another cell, this one was still shut, damnit, why did everything always have to lead back into these cells? Regardless this one was empty, for the time being at least.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Marking off that vent as fucking useless, Hecate sighed in annoyance and proceeded to break her way out of this one as well, starting to get really really annoyed before heading back up, and choosing yet another vent, making a mental note of which 2 she'd already decided were useless at the moment.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Breaking their way out of this cell, Rui sighed and said "I hope we dont have to pay for damages~!", regardless they made their way back up to the vents and took the next one, this one was sloping upwards which at least meant they were going somewhere, peering out of a grate Hectate could see it was some form of recreational gym stroke swimming pool area, nothing dangerous could be seen in it, but there was a sound of splashing about in the pool.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, curious more then anything knocked open the grate just to stick her head down into the room to get a better view, since she could hear splashing hopefully that meant someone or something was here. Regardless it was better then a blocked path or a dead end.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Knocking the grate down and hanging upside down to look around the room, Hectate could see the pool was in the center of the room and the grate was right above it, the pool was fine but several shadows could be seen on the surface, as if somebody was swimming around in the water, beyond the pool were some exercise machines, including a few treadmills and a door to another cafeteria.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Well. In with both feet I suppose" Hecate muttered before dropping down into the pool. If the shadows were nothing to worry about, then great, otherwise this was leaping headfirst into a fight for a possibility at progression.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Dropping into the pool, Hectate realised that, arachanes were insects, a land borne one, and all land borne insects share the same thing, a inability to swim, crippled with suddenly being unable to remember how to swim, Hectate panicked and splashed about wildly in the pool, a few seconds later the shadow moved over to her and pushed her back onto the land, the shadow having revealed itself to be Michiko "You dont know how to swim?" she asked, concerned.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I used to!" hecate said, surprised as she coughed and spluttered on the edge of the pool. "Thank you for the assist Michiko, it's a pleasure to see you as always. Come on down you guys, Michiko's a friend!" She shouted up the vent, wondering what area they'd found.

"So Michiko, where in the facility are we? We just came back from an area with a ton of holding cells, an arena, and admittedly very fun robot spiders. I'm actually a little sad I had to kill one, I'd have much rather just let it have it's fun, but Rui was there and Taku was missing... I simply couldn't."