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Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Bob has just come of the shower and is putting on his old uniform. He normally keeps the fabric stored away, but he is planning to go down to the station for a little reunion today. A quick glance around shows his few meager possessions. For the most part, he devoted the time after he retired to his prized vegetable garden, although he does some work on the rest of his property as well. His chainsaw sitting just inside the door as testament to that. Nearby, his radio, which had been playing music, cuts to an announcement.

This just in. The town of Jelton, less than 70 miles away has just reported zombie sightings. I'd suggest people start getting ready, because it looks like we'll be next in the path once the zombies are done there, and the national guard are staying locked down tight with the president in Hawaii.

Jelton, the town is only 50 miles from the town where his old wife and kid are. Not to mention that the zombies would probably hit them next.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Zombies? Great. Wait, Jelton? That ain't far from Moira and Rachel!"
He immediately rushes to his phone, dialing the number he had for Moiras cell. He waited patiently for a signal.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Click*

You have reached Moira, I can't pick up the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep. *Beep*
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Moira? It's Robert, I just heard something on the radio about trouble near Jelton, I'm calling to ask if you and Rachel okay. I'm heading down there to check up on you, so if you get this, could you please stay at home?"
With that he hangs up, waits a second, and dials his daughters cell number, hoping shewasn't already on it talking to one of her friends.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

We're sorry, the number you have dial cannot be reached at this time. If the problem continues hang up, and then dial the operator.

For whatever reason, it seems Robert can't get through to Rachel either, and this time he can't even get an answering machine.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

(Lol, Dreana better take good care of my daughter. Also, what kind of handgun do I have, and what kind of car? Can I have a truck?)

"Damnit...." After hanging up the phone, Robert reaches down automatically to feel for his pistol. He draws it and holds the weapon in front of him, looking down at it and remembering the last time it had been fired at a human being. Almost four years ago, some sleaze meth dealer had resisted arrest, and made a run for it after putting a .357 slug into his partners heart. He hadn't gotten far, maybe ten paces before Robert had emptied four rounds into the back of the perps head. He'd gotten into a bit of trouble for shooting him in the back, but it had all smoothed over.

He re-holsters his handgun and looks around the house, grabbing a duffel bag from the closet and looking around the house, getting a few bottles of aquafina and canned food from the closet, and grabs an apple from the bowl of fruit and taking a bite out of it before looking around his house for an ammunition for his handgun he'd left lying around.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Robert didn't keep much ammo these days for his gun, he occasionally goes out and gets a box to practice at a range with, but he'd finished off the last box during his last practice session. Unfortunately, this means all he has left is the clip he keeps loaded in case of a robber breaking into his home. Feeling his keys in his pocket, Robert's about as ready as he'll ever be.

(9mm, and I put down that you had a pickup truck yesterday.)
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Robert picks up his chainsaw on the way out and puts it and the bag full of food and water into the back of his truck before climbing into the cab and starting the engine. He pulls out of his driveway and turns toward town, intending to stop by the local gun shop to buy some extra ammo before going to the town where his ex lived, hoping they'd still be at the address she'd given him. He hopes that he wouldn't need to harm anyone on the way there.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

While not chaotic, there seem to be far more cars on the road today as well as people on the sidewalk. Everyone is moving about at a fast rate and quick a few vehicles look to be speed, although Bob doesn't notice any accidents. After almost thirty minutes of traffic jams, Bob manages to finish what should have been a 5 minute drive. Unfortunately, he can tell, even from outside the store, that the small gun shop is swamped. It seems like almost everyone in town is trying to pack in their, although Bob knows that isn't actually the case. Still, it would be hard to get in there right now.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Fuck." Seeing no way to get through that many people, Rob heads over to Walmart, keeping his eye out for any local police or state troopers on the side of the road, hoping they might have a radio in their car with which he might be able to ask about the situation in the town his wife and daughter were at.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Over near the Wallmart, Bob can see a large concentration of police beginning to set up barricades right in front of the doors, placing squad cars and bags of cement in a semicircle around the entrance as though they were preparing to use the Wallmart as a fort. Bob does recognize a few of the officers working as those who were rookies back when he was in the force.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Bob parks his truck a good distance away from the barricade, then steps out and walks toward it, looking out for anyone he recognized and moving toward them.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Hey is that... Hey, Mr. Dorlan, over here! One of the officers calls out, Bob recognizes him as one of the rookies who just joined the year before Bob left the force. Mr. Dorlan, are you coming over to help out? We're trying to make this place into a defensible location. Word is, since the zombies aren't really dead, once you take out a few waves of them, you're home free. All we have to do is make sure no one inside gets infected. Probably by winter all this will have ended, so we just need to last until then.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Hey, I remember your face, but not your name, what was it again? Sorry, it's been a while. Anyway, I can't stay here for long, I was just hoping to get a rifle or some more ammo for my service pistol, I've got to go make sure my daughter and my ex are okay. They live not far from where there were zombie sightings. Think you guys can spare anything?" Bob replies to the young cop.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

It's Frank, and sorry. We're holding on to all we have for when the zombies come. If you can get back here with your ex and kid, we can give 'em shelter though. The man, Frank, says in reply. Probably under orders not to give away anything to people who aren't staying at the Wallmart.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Was worth a try. The gun shop's swamped with people, I already checked and I'm not trying to get through that mess." Bob replies. He waits a moment, then continues; "I was thinking along the same lines, I'll try to get back here when I find them. Thanks Frank, good luck in the meantime. Maybe I'll see you around." With that, he returns to his truck and drives off, heading to the town Moira was supposed to be staying; "Damn zombies have turned everyone in the country into panicky fuckheads. More people probably getting killed by each other than by the zombies."
He turns on his stereo, hoping for maybe another broadcast about the zombie sightings.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Driving towards Milton is much harder than driving away as it seems many cars are taking any open space to leave resulting in the lanes headed towards the city being filled with people driving the wrong way. Even as Bob tries to find a clear way through, an announcement comes on over the radio.

This is the last announcement from this station. After this, we'll set the station an auto for those wanting music before the power goes out, but zombies have just been reported on the fringes of Milton and the people at this station are heading for somewhere safer. Good luck to everyone. This is Three Dog signing off. Awwooooooo.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

(You get a cookie for the Fallout 3 reference, though I'm pretty sure Three Dog would stay put in a zombie apocalypse. What with his BOS Paladin guards with chainguns and all.)

"Three Dog? Everyone's going crazy! This traffic is ridiculous! I don't have time for this!" With that, Robert pulls his truck over to the side of the road and keeps driving, trying to get past the wall of cars.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

With few of the oncoming cars being four wheel drive capable, Robert is able to get more headway against the rush, although he is still dreadfully slow. It would probably take him almost an hour to cover the twenty miles at this rate, although things should be better once he gets past the initial rush.

Fortunately, about halfway there, the flow of cars falls back to a normal rate, and only 40 minutes after he left Seville, Robert can see Milton coming up.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Robert takes advantage of the lack of traffic to speed up, but begins driving cautiously as he reaches the edge of town, looking for a way to get to Main Street, and keeping his eyes open for people or stores that look like they might have weapons or food. His family lived in an apartment building on Main Street.

(Taking a creative liberty here since I don't think you ever specified where their apartment building was in Dreanas thread, if it's not okay then let me know and I'll change it.)
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