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Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

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Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Driving through town, Robert can see dead bodies littering the sidewalks where they were smashed into the ground by the trampling of feet as well as red lumps on the crosswalks. Most of the store windows seem to have been broken and there are still people here and there going along the sidewalks. Up on his right, Robert can see the Wallmart that sits at the corner of Red and Main and that also borders on his ex's apartment. Of course, Robert may want to be careful about where he parks his car and how he leaves stuff in the back if he's going to get out of his vehicle.

(I can probably only give you one to two more posts before Dreana gets back. Your thread and hers will be colliding soon so it'll probably change to a two on one game at that point.)
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

(Fair enough. Also, how does infection work in this game?)

Cautiously getting out of his truck, Bob pockets his keys and locks the doors. He draws his pistol and glances around, keeping his gun pointed at the ground.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

The front of the building is noticeably different than usually. That mainly being the truck through the front doors. The back door is mostly clear except for the odd person wandering out, and the fire escape is empty. Robert's chainsaw and supplies are sitting in plain site in the back of his pickup truck.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Hope nobody tries to make off with my track." Bob says, holsters his gun, and packs his chainsaw into the back of his truck along with his supplies, and throws the duffel bag over his shoulder before taking his gun back out. He walks into the backyard, figuring he'd rather not try to climb through the crashed truck, looking for a way into the building. "I need to get to room 303......"
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

(I mentioned the back door and fire escape in my previous post)
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Bob glances around before heading cautiously up the stairs.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Moving up the stairs, Robert comes to room 303. The door is slightly opened and he can her a woman ranting to herself about disrespectful girls running off to be with thieving, murderous gangsters. Unfortunately, the woman also sounds as though she's Robert's wife. This would not be a pleasant hello, most likely.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Moira?" Robert yells, then slowly opens the door. "Is everything alright?" he says loudly, slowly advancing into the room with his gun ready in case someone tries to attack him.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

Robert? Is that you? The woman calls out as she comes into view. Guess what your ungrateful daughter did? She ran off with a murderous hooligan to go loot the Wallmart as everything went to heck. She and that wretched man said they'd come back here when they finished. I want you to put a stop to the man's wretched ways and separate him from Rachel when do. Moira says, angry and red faced.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Nice to see you too. Are you alright? This guy, what did he look like? Do you know if they came back yet, or are they still at the Walmart?" Bob asks, his years of policework coming back to him, letting him remain calm despite the fact that his daughter was apparently off with some gangster when there was so much chaos going on outside. "A bunch of cops are holed up in a Walmart back Seville, I met a couple of them before I retired. I want to take you and Rachel there once I find her."
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

He looks kind of feminine and has a rather neutral voice. Probably uses that to make people think he's weak and harmless. He wears real baggy clothes, too, with a tool belt strapped on around his waist. He and Rachel haven't gotten back yet, although I think they probably'll come back some time soon to at least loot my apartment. Moira responds before stopping for a moment when Robert mentions the Wallmart in Seville. Now that's where we should go. A nice strong police force hanging around is just what we need to straighten out this mess.
Re: Hedges and a Donut (Robert Dorlan)

"Alright, I'll see about taking care of him. Do you know where he lives? Maybe they went there."
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