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[WIP - Partial] Help finding issues in Common Events in RPG Maker


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Nov 21, 2018
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it's me again
rignt now im workng in a translation on a huge game, right now im testing it, but im having some issues with this error in some especific scenes of the game
i know that there are a kind of common events thar weren't translated correctly by the Translator++ but the problem is how to find the dialog or the event that are making troubles in the game, i tried searching event by event... but there are literally over 900 events to search and i cant see all of them searching where are the issues in the game because i know wich is the event or in wich part the game will close but i dont know where i can fint it to fix it
if some one can help me with a fom to see more easily the events or open the .rvdata2 to see in a form more complete the documents i would be very thankfully
similarly if someonewould like to help me with the translation or checking the documents if he can find the issues that i couldn't i would be very thanksfully, only if some one have the time or the insterest in help

1588069433341.png 1588069444462.png
I've never had Translator++ works successfully on anything before so i never use it.

Have you checked the original does it work ok?
If the untranslated one works try copying that over to the game and test again.
if it works you might have to do the common events over maybe without Translator++.

From what i understand of the error there is an issue in the scripting
this could be from translating something that shouldn't be or not completely
Thats just my 2 cents on this as I only got this error once before.
I only have done some debugging and editing for RPG maker games, so I can't help too much, but I have seen this before. Usually I see this when there is a character (like punctuation, not game character) where it shouldn't be, usually a "\" at the end of a string. I don't see any obvious problems with the common event you are showing, but my inability to read Spanish may be to blame.
This is why you shouldn't use non content aware automatic translators... The issue is almost certainly caused by Translator++ passing RPGMaker escape codes to the automatic translator, and these getting mangled.

It wouldn't be hard to find if you used RPGMaker Trans (which Translator++ is using under the hood - although in ways which I think are somewhat daft - but regardless you should be able to get it to output an RPGMaker Trans patch), you'd just be looking for instances of \ which are either at the end of a string or before a character which doesn't match the following Ruby regular expression (taken from RPGMaker's source, also note that your game might define extra escape codes) /^[\$\.\|\^!><\{\}\\]|^[A-Z]+/i. A tool like grep should be able to do this easily.
In my experience, habisain is absolutely correct. Usually it is because it stripped quotation marks from something that actually needed them, added a space in between a / and its switch, or it translated something that is being called as a variable or resource and needs to be left native. Also in my experience you cannot use line numbers to find it in translator++ as the line numbers are not right. You will need to parse the entire file manually to find the issue.
In my experience, habisain is absolutely correct. Usually it is because it stripped quotation marks from something that actually needed them, added a space in between a / and its switch, or it translated something that is being called as a variable or resource and needs to be left native. Also in my experience you cannot use line numbers to find it in translator++ as the line numbers are not right. You will need to parse the entire file manually to find the issue.

A small point: The line numbers are right. They're also not hugely helpful. Specifically, the line numbers refer to the script which is parsing the problematic dialogue and where that error occurs, and not the dialogue itself. This is also why I can diagnose the issue as being to do with a \ not being a valid RPGMaker code somehow (and not any of the other issues you mention), because that's where the error is occurring. Assuming that the game has not modded the Window_Message script of course, but that's pretty unlikely.

The advice I gave before will find the cause of this error and indeed, this entire class of errors, although there may be others types of error a non-context aware automatic translation causes.
Translator++ (2.0+) has gotten a LOT better in recent updates, that said, most script-heavy games have multiple issues with it.

Last time I had issues I was recommended to open notepad++, convert the file so that it could parse the JSON part properly. then use TextFX to find what I was looking for.

In my case, the issue was that the game was using the japanese space, which is different from our space. The script used in the game (To show text in battle) wouldn't show anything because it would 'end' after a regular space. I had to global replace the usual space with the international space (Which works fine for coding purposes) to get it to function properly.

Also if you're doing Megrim's Succubus Hunt, doesn't it already have a complete partial? It might be easier to build off that and only translate in-game text, which may help avoiding scripting issues. (Though if that's what you're doing, ignore this. :3)
Translator++ (2.0+) has gotten a LOT better in recent updates, that said, most script-heavy games have multiple issues with it.

Last time I had issues I was recommended to open notepad++, convert the file so that it could parse the JSON part properly. then use TextFX to find what I was looking for.

In my case, the issue was that the game was using the japanese space, which is different from our space. The script used in the game (To show text in battle) wouldn't show anything because it would 'end' after a regular space. I had to global replace the usual space with the international space (Which works fine for coding purposes) to get it to function properly.

Also if you're doing Megrim's Succubus Hunt, doesn't it already have a complete partial? It might be easier to build off that and only translate in-game text, which may help avoiding scripting issues. (Though if that's what you're doing, ignore this. :3)

I didn't know there where a partial translation in fact, so i began the translation from cero
Could You tell me where i can find the programs that You used to open the Game archives to find the text in a easier wey??
Asking Trans++ to machine translate (assuming you did that) "Scripts" part of the game is only asking for trouble. I made that mistake too when I started using it few months ago.

My advice is to manually translate "Scripts" part ONLY when it actually makes sense. There will be a lot of stuff in there that doesn't actually appear in the game. (Lines like "'/\\M\[([0-9]+)\]/'" for example, just leave those alone).

Also, Trans++ sometimes makes symbols disappear or messes the spaces up during machine translation. Those things will make the scripts break and crash the game.
I didn't know there where a partial translation in fact, so i began the translation from cero
Could You tell me where i can find the programs that You used to open the Game archives to find the text in a easier wey??
Notepad++ (You can google it it's free.)

Once you have that on the top bar, hit plugins -> Plugin Admin.

I used JSON Viewer and TextFX, you can search for them right in the Plugin Admin section of NP++