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Hentai Creature Lore: Tentacle


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Disclaimer: The 'Lore' used to create these kinds of threads are from my ideas alone, parts of which may be taken from many different sources such as ancient folklore, games, literature, rumor and anything in between, the idea is not to inform the reader so much as entertain them, please try to keep this in mind as you read as you may disagree with the content, it is altered specifically in order to make it more erotic and therefore, may contain passages which directly conflict with other beliefs concerning creatures of the same name. Once again, the content of this article is to entertain, not to inform, if you wish to disagree, please do so in a fair and reasonable manner, preferably in a place such as inside of the thread where discussion may be had regarding such philosophical differences.

Other 'Hentai Creature Lore' entries include....

-'Corrupted Flora'

Hentai Creature Lore: Tentacle (Shokushu Souzoubutsu)



Tentacle creatures can come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, what is known however is that they each own at least one appendage (and this appendage may infact be their entire body) which is a long and slimy 'tentacle'. As a tentacle creature grows, its body changes, ballooning up and sprouting additional tentacles, The size and mass of a tentacle creature is theoretically limitless and a single Tentacle creature may potentially possess thousands of individual tentacles if it has access to a steady supply of energy.

Though Tentacle Creatures are widely varied based on their race, all of them have Three common traits which appear on every Tentacle Creature regardless of size, age or origin.


Obviously the most easily identifiable trait a tentacle creature has are it's tentacles, which may vary in shape and size depending on it's age or function, Some Tentacles function simply to penetrate into the orifices of their victims while others are more specialized, acting to stimulate and eventually siphon milk from the breasts of a lactating woman.

Some tentacles are small and fine, and are generally useful for teasing or arousing their captive, though it is a mystery what actual biological use this is to the creature itself.

Most tentacles are shaped like a phallus, as this mimics the human male's penis and serves the same purpose and shares the same penetration benefits, even tentacles which are used primarily to grab and bind their victims are shaped like phallus's and are all capable of individual ejaculation, incase the main tentacles intended for this function become damaged or disabled.

Tentacle Slime:

All tentacles produce slime from across their entire body, this acts not only as a natural lubricant so that the tentacle creature may be able to easily penetrate their victims regardless of whether they themselves are sufficiently lubicated, but the slime also acts as an adhesive, aiding their ability to slither or crawl across any surface.

The slime on a tentacle creature and the micro-movements of the tentacles the creature controls allows the creature to control the level of grip the creature has, which allows the tentacle creature to grip their victims firmly, while simultaneously making it nearly impossible for their victim grab onto a different tentacle.

Tentacle Slime also acts as a powerful aphrodisiac if it is ingested, making the victim feel incredibly aroused and encouraging their own body to make the necessary preparations for intercourse.

It is rumored that Tentacle slime also allows for telepathic communication between the victim and the tentacle creature, which is useful for when the creature decides to take the woman as it's slave.

Tentacle Semen:

Whenever a tentacle creature ejaculates, it releases a powerful fluid known as Tentacle Semen, this fluid is incredibly addictive to the victim, and a victim may suffer withdrawal symptoms if she has ingested enough of it and doesn't get her fix regularly.

Tentacle Semen acts not only as another method which the Tentacle creature uses to control it's victims, but also as a tool to keep it's slaves alive and healthy.

Tentacle Semen is a powerful Panacea which is packed full of vital nutrients and minerals, Ingesting Tentacle Semen will reinforce cell strength of the human who consumes it, significantly increasing the function and longevity of each of her cells, the result means that the female becomes incredibly resilient against the effects of disease and aging, effectively suspending her age and optimizing her body's effectiveness.

However continually consuming Tentacle Semen eventually erodes the consciousness and makes the woman unaware of her surroundings, she eventually becomes unable to control her body at all, and becomes incapable of feeling anything but pleasure, it is possible to recover from the effects of Tentacle Semen addiction, but it can take several months for a woman to recover fully whose consciousness has been significantly dampened.


Contrary to popular belief, most Tentacles are extremely intelligent, Able to make not only quick decisions when hunting their prey, but they are also capable of creating a longterm plan. Obviously Tentacles have varying levels of Intelligence, Higher Ranking members of a Tentacle brood are incredibly intelligent, able to form alliances or make agreements with other Broods in order to prevent an overlap of territory, Some incredibly powerful Overlords have also been known to barter resources (generally slaves) in order to secure a deal should the situation warrant.

As mentioned Previously, Tentacle creatures are able to potentially communicate with any human who ingests their slime, able to communicate by temporarily linking minds and potentially convincing them to submit willingly, though Tentacle Creatures are predators first, they are also able act without force, some races of Tentacle prefer this method, as their physical abilities are not as strong as their mental abilities.

There is an obvious difference between the intelligence of tentacle creatures as it relates to their specific race (or color) Blue Tentacles for instance, are generally much more intelligent than Purple Tentacles and their preferred methods of enslavement reflect this.

Physical Attributes:

As previously mentioned, tentacles have a wide variety of sizes, shapes and even colors, a Tentacle's color is it's greatest indicator of what it's physical attributes are.

Green tentacles are incredibly strong, and once captured by one, escape becomes almost impossible.

Purple Tentacles are tremendously fast, able to chase down any human and use all of their tentacles collectively to subdue their victims.

Black Tentacles are extremely subtle and use not only their surroundings to blend in and ambush their victims, but are able to communicate strategies to other nearby black tentacle creatures in order to outsmart and corner them.

Blue tentacles tend to not be physically gifted in any significant way, however, they possess greater than average telepathic communication and manipulation of their captured slaves, able to make them believe they are part of a community rather than being kept as a slave.

Magical Attributes:

Little is known about Tentacle creature's aptitude of magical abilities, there has been rumors that incredibly powerful Blue Tentacle creatures possess some magical abilities, but such creatures are rare and elusive.

Most Tentacle Creatures rely solely on their physical strengths to capture and enslave their victims.



A Tentacle creature feeds by raping a woman that it has captured in either of her lower orifices, Tentacle creatures can draw minimal amounts of energy from the mouths of their victims, but generally if a tentacle creature is fucking the mouth of it's victim, it is because the creature is trying to force-feed the victim their semen.

Tentacle creatures has an insatiable appetite for female energy and draw that energy from their victim's body and transfer it to themselves, doing so not only feeds the tentacle creature, but allows it to become slightly more powerful.

Tentacle creatures will gain more power if they vary their intake of energy from different sources, meaning that while a tentacle creature can feed from one woman for it's entire life, it would become more powerful more quickly if it fed from a wide range of victims.

Tentacles also may find one particular woman's energy to be especially satisfying, these unlucky women may be used in trade between rival tentacle broods as they are highly prized by the most powerful 'Overlords' or leader of a brood.

Tentacle 'Overlords':

Tentacle Overlords are the biggest and most powerful tentacle creature in a brood, they oversee the management of not only all of the slaves which the brood has captured, but the management of the Lair itself and how the collective energy the slave's possess is distributed amongst the lower castes of the brood.

Easily the most hungry tentacle in the brood, an Overlord also grows 'Meatwall' from around it's body inside of a 'Lair' such as a cave or a sewer. This 'Meatwall' is able to hold slaves inside of it as well as house each of the members of the brood. If an Overlord is killed, it is not unlikely that the entire brood would die off from starvation, especially if another Tentacle doesn't step up and take it's place.



Like many Hentai Creatures, Tentacles need the body of a host outside of their own species to reproduce. In the case of Tentacle creatures, they need the body of a human female in order to deposit their eggs inside of.

The reason a female body is needed is unclear, but it is believed to be related to the Creature's Diet of female energy, it is believed that this same energy is the only kind that can nurture an Egg and allow the creature into to grow.

Only Mature Tentacle Creatures are also to produce eggs, and usually, the one depositing their Eggs is the Overlord of the Brood.

Once a Canidate has been chosen, the Tentacle Creature will first rape their victim as they usually do until they are able to ejaculate inside of them, once they do, the Semen acts as a form of insulation inside of the woman, and she is ready to have Eggs deposited inside of her.

The Eggs may be deposited in either the Vaginal or Anal cavities, and as many as Ten eggs may be placed inside her at a time, through Tentacle Creatures may Prefer to deposit only one at a time so that the Egg will be able to absorb the majority of the woman's power without having to share.

After a few days, the Creature has absorbed enough energy that it hatches from the egg inside of the woman and immediately proceeds to rape her, afterwards, it crawls out of her orifice and climbs upward in order to feed from her lactating breasts.

The entire process is physically taxing for the woman, who may need a few days to recover before she can be placed back into the established feeding rotation.

Hunting Grounds:

Tentacle Creatures are usually territorial creatures who hunt in packs, however, the individual traits of a Tentacle may vary greatly between the race of the creature. Purple tentacles tend to be especially pack oriented, while Green Tentacle Creatures prefer to hunt alone.

Tentacles generally set up dens (known as Lairs) miles away from civilization in deep dark places such as caves or mineshafts, After they have become established, they sent out scouts to abduct women from up to miles away from their Lair, once enough women have been abducted, the Lair expands deeper to make room for future slaves and more Tentacles.

As a Lair expands, so does the territory of the creatures, which may extend up to even hundreds of miles away from the lair.

As a brood becomes more populated and powerful, small towns and hamlets can start becoming the target of tentacle raids, when a large amount of tentacle creatures enter into a populated area and hopefully rape and abduct any women there.

Generally speaking a Tentacle creature will not abduct a woman unless they are within a few miles of their lair, choosing instead to simply rape them for energy.

Relationship with Human Males:

Most tentacle creatures actively avoid most human males, as they are of little use to them, however, if a group of men threatens their lair, they may be forced to violently remove them, potentially killing them in order to do so.

Also, If a human male is in the way of a Tentacle Creature raping or abducting a female, the creature will see the male as a threat and may try to kill him.

Many Tentacle creatures are stronger or faster than the average human, however, an organized group of humans can put up a fight against most tentacles, though female's are generally at a huge disadvantage when fighting tentacle creatures.

Conclusions and Practical Advice:

Tentacle Creatures are a true menace which is difficult to detect early and later on can be especially difficult to deal with.

Finding a Tentacle Lair is not easy, there could be one in almost any cave and it would be difficult to know for certain whether it was one unless you were to explore it, doing so would most certainly result in enslavement or death if you were not part of an organized group.

Firstly, the most effective weapon against tentacle creatures is on that can slice through their tentacles, without such a weapon, it would be very unlikely that you would be able to kill a tentacle creature.

If you are a man, and come in contact with a Tentacle Creature by yourself, immediately back away in a non-threatening manner and shealth and weapons you may be carrying. Tentacle Creatures have very little interest in men and will not attack them unless they pose a threat to their themselves or their Lair, Once the Creature realizes you are not a threat, it will not pursuit you and will leave you alone, if the Creature does follow you, it is usually trying to 'escort you' away from it's Lair, after you have been chased away, the creature will leave and you will be fine.

If you are a female however, your best bet is to take out your weapon and try to defend yourself. A tentacle creature will not try to physically harm you in any way, but it will try to subdue you, rape you, then capture you if it can. As a woman you have little choice but to fight or run (depending on the race you encounter, this may be possible).

Try to keep your body low to the ground and pay special attention to any of the tentacles which are also low against the ground as they will attempt to grab at your legs and ankles in order to pull you down, if a tentacle grabs you, immediately try to cut through the tentacle before it can drag you towards it, if you find yourself losing your footing, do your best to perform slicing actions as the beast pulls you closer, aiming at it's tentacles. if you are able to sever enough tentacles, the creature may try to retreat or it will bleed to death.

If the creature disarms you or is able to get multiple tentacles around your appendages, you have likely lost the fight and must prepare to be raped.

In the event that you are being raped by a tentacle creature, do your best to escape while it is happening, a Tentacle creature will continually drain you of your power while it is raping you and eventually you will pass out if you cannot escape.

After you are raped, if you are lucky, the creature will simply leave you alone, if you awaken later on to find yourself having been raped, immediately leave the area and try to make it back to civilization, your sweat and smell which is produced after sex with such a creature attracts more of them to your area and it is not out of the ordinary to find that you had been raped several more times between when you first passed out, eventually, one of the creatures may have it's lair be close enough that it abducts you.

Should you awaken to find that you have been abducted, don't panic, you may find that you have been stripped entirely naked and been bound against the 'Meatwall' of a Tentacle Lair, try your best to free yourself from your bounds, but if you cannot immediately do so, refer to the 'Enslavement' portion of this guide.



If you are a woman who has been defeated by a tentacle, it is likely that you will become enslaved by the creatures within their lair.

Please understand that should this ever occur to you, your options are limited, Tentacle creatures are remarkably good at protecting their slaves and preventing them from escaping. you must do your best to maintain your consciousness so that if an opportunity presents itself for you to escape, you will be ready.

Firstly, the Tentacle Creatures will feed you several times per day with its Semen, so you must be ready for the effects that it will have on your body, some of which include incredible feelings of pleasure. you must not allow yourself to accept your fate and give up to accept the pleasure.

The creature will make promises to you that it will protect and nurture you, you must resist the urge to give in, remain defiant as long as possible and fight though it.

The creatures will rape you several times throughout the course of a day causing you to feel incredibly weakened for long periods of time, only by consuming their tentacle semen will you be able to regain your strength but RESIST! the more you feed, the more your mind will begin to numb, eventually you wont be able to make and decisions for yourself and you body will simply become another mindless resource with which to feed from.

Hopefully one day you are rescued from your enslavement, try not to give up hope.
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Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Tentacle

Added Japanese (which i hope is correct.)
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