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Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread


I would add that yes, it isn't normal, but hell, I have no problems with it, sounds entertaining.

*makes a note that the light blue area of the hair(the part that reaches her ankles) can and likely will be hardened up with cum and used to rape her like an extra dildo* :p

Although, I'm sure her hair is dark blue and only goes to, liek, her shoulders, the pale blue is some kind of cloak by the looks of things, unless she just has dyed her hair from that point onwards. Maybe I'm wrong, but whatever.

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Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Ok Ok I get the hint making my char now :p
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Archers get melee attack because they're supposed to be demi-tanks, and their bows don't work against things right next to them. Also improves their counterattack if they get caught.

And sorry This hasn't started yet. Been sick lately. :(
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Archers get melee attack because they're supposed to be demi-tanks, and their bows don't work against things right next to them. Also improves their counterattack if they get caught.
I think he was referring more to the "^4" part - basically it means it costs almost half again as much to upgrade an Archer from 2 Melee to 5 Melee, as it does to upgrade a Warrior from 5 Melee to 10 Melee.
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Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

I think he was referring more to the "^4" part - basically it means it costs almost half again as much to upgrade an Archer from 2 Melee to 5 Melee, as it does to upgrade a Warrior from 5 Melee to 10 Melee.

And the problem there is? Last time I checked, archers weren't melee units.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

It just seems a bit pointless to even put the option there if you're gonna make it ^4 :p

That's the most steep experience curve I've ever seen :D
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

It just seems a bit pointless to even put the option there if you're gonna make it ^4 :p

That's the most steep experience curve I've ever seen :D

What would you suggest then? (X^3)*2? In my mind, it needs to be more than raising ranged attack, and ranged attack needs to be more than a warrior's melee attack...
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Well to be honest I think they're all a bit steep but we'll see how it goes and then we can play a second game once we get the feel for what is balanced.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

That's what I was thinking more or less. It sounds solid in my head, but lacks practical use, so you guys are my guinea pigs! ^^ Speaking of, I'll try and get the game started tonight.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

It has begun! The front thread will be where the 'story' starts, but after that, It'll be by thread.

Front team:

Back Team:

For those of you who don't have what your character looks like, please get that up soon so I know what I'm raping if they catch you. But, as is traditional in TDs, that shouldn't happen wave 1. :p

Note that you can have more than one person in a space, so feel free to group up if you want to. PCs can move 1 space per round, and when you purchase NPC towers, you choose where they go as you buy them.(A1 or D6 for example) Rows are A-E, and columns are 1-15. Have fun, and good luck! Really hope this works out. ^^;
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Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

I've been calling myself a fool for not knowing, but I've never seen that term(Current Melee Attack^4) used before in such a way. What might it mean?
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Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

I've been calling myself a fool for not knowing, but I've never seen that term(Current Melee Attack^4) used before in such a way. What might it mean?

That means that to raise the melee attack of the character in question, you use their current number and raise it to the power of 4. Example, say you have a melee attack of 2. it would cost 2*2*2*2 gold to raise, or 16. Then it would be 3*3*3*3, or 81. It's really hard for me to find a way to balance this buying system in my head. It's either too costly in the beginning, or fair in the beginning and far too cheap later on. >_>
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Ah, that's what I missed. The way I learned it, doing something like squaring a number, all you'd do is make a tiny little number at the upper right corner of the number you're squaring. I've never seen that symbol used before to square a number. :p

Freakin' school books, none of em have their stories straight.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

To my knowledge, most calculators use that button to represent "to the power of", though I may be mistaken. Darn American technology...

Also note raptor, you don't HAVE to use the money on yourselves. You can but other towers to help defend. Keep in mind that there are 5 lanes, and only 4 of you...

Also, quick question... I never had a range on magic attacks because I didn't know what would really be fair... Any of you have ideas?
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Ah, that's what I missed. The way I learned it, doing something like squaring a number, all you'd do is make a tiny little number at the upper right corner of the number you're squaring. I've never seen that symbol used before to square a number. :p
The usage of the caret ^ to indicate exponents is because computers don't have an easy way of designating a number as an exponent. So we cheat and use the caret - it points up, the next number is supposed to be positioned upwards as for an exponent.

So 2^2 is the same as 2², meaning 2 * 2. 2^3 is the same as 2³, meaning 2 * 2 * 2. And 2^0.5 means "the square root of 2" - good luck finding THAT exponent in the character map.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Was I the only one who (While looking through the 'new posts' area, saw the title 'Rear Entrance' and thought anal sex?
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Ok, yeah max money is good, how should we post in our respective threads when we've finished with preparation round?

Once your team decides what to do in the tactics thread, you guys post your actions in your thread, or just somehow let me know if your action is to stand there and wait. ^^;
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Once your team decides what to do in the tactics thread, you guys post your actions in your thread, or just somehow let me know if your action is to stand there and wait. ^^;

Good good, just clarifying.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Just a suggestion:

Everyone should preface their post in the tactics thread with either Front Gates or Rear Entrance since we are sharing a tactics thread. (Although it would probably be better overall to make 2 separate tactics threads).

Otherwise, we'll have people responding to the wrong discussion or looking like they are part of the other team. For example, it looks almost as though Hero is responding to copper even though copper is at the gates and not the rear.