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Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(Just so you know, the introduction is the only time I apply actions to your character, needed to get you into position, etc)

Violeta Dragomir had it better then most in the city today. As luck would have it, she hadn't had anything to do the morning of the incident, and as such was home alone, relaxing at the time. Her neighborhood was far from downtown, near the border between a high class district and a seedy, dockside district.

The chaos in the streets was quick to alter Violeta that something was wrong. Before she could think to act, a contact from some of her less then respectable activities knocked on her door, Chet, a dark skinned bouncer from a nearby club. He insisted she come with him, the owner had a safe room in the basement, or something like that, and Chet quickly ushered Violeta along.

Chet left her in the basement, there was indeed a room stocked with some supplies, having sturdy walls and a thick door. It'd taken them awhile to get there, but still she was the only one at the club besides the owner and Chet. The bouncer left to go fetch more people they knew, leaving Violeta alone with the older man for awhile. They had to fend off a looter, once or twice, as well keep watch for strange monsters, which were now attacking people on the streets. Around here, though, there were enough people to dispatch the beasts quickly, and none of them ever disturbed the two in the club.

Around 4 PM, no one had returned, the sounds of chaos on the streets were somewhat less. Suddenly the ground started shaking, but the shelter held up. As soon as it stopped there was silence outside, and a very strange glow. The owner told Violeta to stay put as he went to check it out, leaving her totally alone. An hour and a half passes, and nothing happens, Violeta can't help but wonder if she must now fend for herself...
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

As time stretched on, Violeta started wonder if either man would return to the safehouse and started to become uncomfortable. It wasn't that she was overly concerned about either man's safety. No, she was more concerned about their utility in helping to protect herself. She was painfully aware of the dangers of wandering the city alone and that was before these strange monsters appeared!
Ugh. I just knew it was a bad idea for them to go out alone. Men...I can't stand their machismo.

As she started to feel more alone, Violeta began to eye the the thick door with a hint of paranoia in her eyes. Her feet twitched anxiously as she crossed and uncrossed her legs unconsciously. Finally, she couldn't take the wait anymore, bolting upright and running to the door to lock it, pushing some heavy furniture against the door for good measure. If anyone is coming through that door, it's with my permission she thought to herself. Feeling slightly more secure, Violeta turned around and surveyed the the supplies in the saferoom, taking stock of her inventory and assessing her options. She would stay in the safe room a short while longer in case either of the men returned, but she had no intention, desire, or care to wait around too long.

After she took note of her supplies, Violeta slowly crept up to the window under the ceiling of the saferoom. Holding herself steady against the wall, she stood on the tips of her toes and took a look out the bottom corner of the window to see if she could see anything happening outside. She also took note of the design of the window in case she felt the need to use it as her exit.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The large door had a very secure looking lock, it made a satisfying snap as it closed. An empty storage rack nearby was both heavy enough to work as a good block but also light enough for Violeta to move. Tilting it against the door would make it nearly impossible to breach, though no dobut it'd be harder to unblock then it had been to set up.

Behind her, there were more racks, but these were full. Unlike in the general storage area where supplies for the bar, the owner had put canned food, bottled water, and perhaps what were even a few military grade rations here. Long term, bomb shelter type gear, enough to feed at least five people. Violeta wouldn't starve by any means, and if she decided she'd better move, this type of food was easily transportable. There were even a few burlap sacks nearby to help her carry more, laying next to non-edible items such as toilet paper and soap, for the tiny little closet that served as a secure bathroom.

Oddly, the safe room had a standard basement window incorperated into its design, on the right wall. It did have a metal cover, though, with a small, closeable viewing slit, the window itself had bars over it, like many in this kind of neighborhood. Outside was an alley, so Violeta could not see much, just a bunch of trash strewn around. However, she could see a bit of the sky, it had taken on a somewhat disturbing look. The oranges of sunset were joined by similar tones, and were brighter then ususal, maybe from fires as wispy black smoke drifted up. That wasn't exactly what was wrong with the picture, though. Behind the oranges and reds was a faint tint of electric blue, for some reason. It was hard to make out, or even decide if it was there for certain, but there was definitely something seriously wrong...
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

As Violeta looked out the window, she paused and strained her eyes to make out the faint blue aura mingled with the vibrant oranges and reds of the sunset. Although there was something vaguely inhuman and sinister about it, she was strangely attracted to the colors. Afterall, she always had a little weakness for natural beauties. After a few moments of admiring the strange phenomenon, she came to her senses. Her fear and anxiety, fleeting only for a few moments, came flooding back into her. Visibly annoyed at the metal bars over the window, she closed the metal viewing slit and spun around groaning in frustration. She knew now that with what little strength she had, her only way out was the way she came in.

Violeta stood crossing her arms and frowned, her forehead creased in thought. She could only think of one option, and that was getting the heck out of there. She couldn't stand being couped up in this little room. She couldn't take being alone, and most of all, she couldn't stand the silence. Having decided what she had to do, she turned and smiled at the amount of food stocked away. Even if these guys are a little shady, they sure do know how to prepare crazy things like this she thought to herself and couldn't help but smile. Violeta took two of the burlap sacks and stuffed them with as much food, water, and supplies as she could carry.

Finally, Violeta looked over her shoulder at her little obstruction and slumped her shoulders. THINK! Violeta how could you be so stupid?? Slowly, she walked up to the storage rack and brushed her hand over it, frowning nervously at its weight and girth. Just how did I even move this thing in the first place? Oh well it's now or never... she thought to herself. Violeta took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around the storage wrack. She planted her legs, hard into the ground to try to use the strongest parts of her body and tried to pull the storage wrack upright in order to push it to the side easier with her body weight. Once the wrack was away from the door, Violeta gasped and caught her breath, sweat glistening on her arms and forehead.

With an air of confidence mingled with nervousness, she wrapped a burlap sack around her waist and strung a second one over her shoulder. Striding up to the door, she unlocked it and looked around nervously, attempting to turn on any lights in the basement and searching for the janiter's closet for any useful items laying around.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta was about to fit what looked to be three days worth of food in the sack, though an equal amount of water would of course be consumed faster. Technically she could take more, but then she'd be unable to carry the strapless sacks well. Even so, it'd still be a little awkward to carry them, she may want to find another way some time in the future.

Removing the rack was indeed no easy task, but fortunately Violeta was a smart woman. Her tactic of standing it back upright first, while taking alot of strength, prevented any mishaps. It was then a simple matter to unlock and open the door.

The men had kept the lights off in the basement, both because it was cooler in the desert, and to prevent people from being attracted to the area, they hadn't wanted any attention. Therefore, it was a bit of a surprise when flipping the light switch did nothing. There was enough light through the windows to make the basement navigable, but it'd be hard to work in any dark corners. Upstairs in the club proper would be pretty dark too, as there were no windows there.

It was hard to see into the basement janitor's closet, but Violeta managed it. There were mostly random chemicals here, as well as a large mop and a worker's uniform. Not exactly what she was looking for, but maybe useful if Violeta got a bit creative.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

After walking through the door and looking around nervously, Violeta flicked the light switch up and down to no effect. Her eyes widened and gulped slightly as she tried to adjust her vision to the dim light of the basement. The only thing she could hear was her soft panting, recovering from the physical exertion and her footsteps. And it was seriously creeping her out! Ugh this place looks like one of my nightmares gone bad! she complained to herself Hopefully once I get out of this place, I can find some people to help..

When she she came across the janitor's closet, Violeta quietly opened the door and squinted her eyes to make out what was inside. She stood idly looking at the supplies in the closet and frowned slightly, running her fingers over her glistening skin and through her silky hair. Then as she looked at the mop, her eyes brightened. She had an idea. The young woman scooped up the mop and tilted it to an angle with the cleaning part on the floor. She then picked up her right leg and stomped as hard as she could onto the connector, snapping the long wooden rod off the head of the mop. Afterwards she smiled and swung the wooden rod side to side. Although she preferred hand to hand combat, she could try to use the wooden rod like a bo staff and when not fighting, she could use it as a walking stick to conserve energy.

Smiling at her makeshift staff, Violeta climbed up the staircase and stopped at the door to the club proper. Still concerned about the quake, she remembered that the two men had gone this way and never returned. Frowning and shifting her eyes side to side, Violeta nervously peered through the window of the door to see if she could make out anything lurking in her field of vision and to check out the general atmosphere she could see in the club itself.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Much of the club was dark, but fortunately those areas, such as the main seating area and dance floor, would probably not contain anything useful. Violeta had to slide by the adequately lit bar to look outside, light reflecting on the glass bottles making an interesting sight in some cases. The door was hard to see out of, clubs liked privacy, but there was a small place for the bouncer to look out that she could use.

The street outside looked vastly different then when Violeta had come through earlier. Debris litter the sidewalks, newspapers and other random garbage was blowing in the wind. Bricks and concrete chuncks from several buildings littered the street, there was even what looked to be a burning station wagon in the intersection. What's more, there appared to be someone laying a short distance away from the wreck!
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

As Violeta walked through the dimly lit bar, she smiled at the twinkling of the bottles, reminding her of her dance routines at the clubs. Grinning, she twirled and spun her legs over the bar acrobatically and landed on her toes. The short dance put a bit of a hop in her step and a sparkle in her eyes as she walked to the door to see outside. Looking outside, she wasn't sure what to make of it. Everything looked pretty abandoned and apocalyptic. Then suddenly she noticed a person laying next to the burning car. Violeta's eyes widened in concern and gasped.

Normally she might have thought twice about running outside, but all of the events that had happened so fast and her loneliness had put her on edge. It was like walking on pins and needles. Perhaps purely out of instinct, she pushed open the door and ran to the person to see if they were alive or hurt. Her staff in hand, she ran to the laying person and knelt on the pavement. She was slightly more than arm's length away from them and looked to see if she could tell who it was. Are you....okay? she asked, her voice trailing off.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

It was a man, somewhere in his 40s. He was on his back with his eyes closed, laying in a small pile of random gunk. It was reddish, but not blood. Overall, though, he did not look overly injured, just a bit scruffed up from something.

For a long moment he was still, unresponsive to Violetta. However, after a little bit of goading his eyes shot open, a dull greeness to the orbs. He immediately looked at the woman over him, mouth opening an letting out a raspy, angry moan. One arm came up quickly to grab onto Violeta's makeshift weapon, taking the girl by surprise. He tugged her downwards, making her fall ontop of him before she could react.
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Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Kneeling down at what she thought was a safe distance, Violeta looked at the red gunk surrounding the man with a mix of fear and disgust. Heart starting to pound in her chest, she started to think this was not such a good idea. Just as her voice began to trail off, the thing opened its eyes and the image terrified her. She screamed and tried to avoid its grasp but could not.

Screaming in terror, she used the momentum of her fall to punch the monster in the throat as hard as she could. Then she immediately tried to wrench her staff free of it's clutching grasp, pulling backwards as if her life depended on it.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta lands a powerful blow right on the man's windpipe, actually causing him to stop for a moment and recoil. However, when she goes to yank the stick away from him, she finds his grip is as strong as ever! He recovers fast, faster then a normal person would. Not only that, but as Violeta struggles he quickly slips his otherhand behind her, yanking her back down on top. However, not all is as bad as it seems for the woman, because she is struggling, he cannot lock her in place just yet, giving her wiggle room and space to manuever.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta's satisfaction from landing the blow is wiped away almost as fast as it appeared. She is caught off guard by its fast recovery time and strength and ends up pulled back in by the vile creature. Stumbling and falling on the man-thing, she jabs her knee into it's ribs, attempting to pin it down with her weight and wildly tries to punch and jab it's throat as many times as she can, her dark brown eyes tear streaked and gleaming with ferocity.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The man was too focused on trying to hold Violeta to him that he was unable to defend against the woman's rapid attacks. As the beating started, each blow left him more and more dazed, by the time Violeta slowed to check her results the man's arms had gone momentarily limp, releasing both her and her makeshift weapon. This time he was much slower in recovering, alowing her ample time to get off of him.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

When Violeta's rage subsided enough to realize the monster has started to go limp she quickly grabbed her staff and jumped up. Then with a look of sheer revulsion in her eyes, she raised her staff and jammed the jagged end down on the dazed monster's face as hard as she could, her hair tossing in the air from the force of her movement.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The infected man was only just starting to recover as Violeta attacked. Her spearing motion broke the skin, sending a little bit of strange green fluid spurting out. There was a sickening crack, as well, no doubt the sound of his skull cracking.

He was not dead, but was clearly in alot of pain. A loud howl escaped his lips as he went limp again, rolling slightly back and forth. His eyes rolled without focus, though every once and awhile they'd come back to Violeta for just a few seconds, almost having a terrified quality in his glare.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

When Violeta stabbed the staff onto the monster's face, she was wild with fear and anger. As she pulled back, the sound of the crack and the monster's howling made her pause and her face softened. There was just something about the look of fear in the monster's eyes that made it seem...human, and she couldn't bear to kill it no matter what awful things it surely planned to do to her. I'm sorry... she said quickly, her voice quivering slightly, her cheeks smeared with tears from the fight, and she turned with her staff and burlap sacks and ran.

At first she ran directly away, overcome by her emotions and fear. But quickly she realized she should probably be more cautious as there might be more...corrupted people on the loose. She moved over to the side of the road, trying to look as inconspicuous as someone can on a road with no other people, moving behind any cars on the side of the road when possible. Living between the uptown and seedy dock areas, Violeta was heading toward the uptown. It wasn't that she thought the residents there were any less treacherous, but it was a different kind of treachery that she was more prepared to deal with. On the way, she was looking for any people, preferably normal, non-psychotic people or any places or items that looked safe or useful. At the very least, it would be away from that clutching, twitching man back there.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

This area was pretty clear, so it wasn't hard to run. Violeta only had a few objects to worry about tripping on. However, this also meant there was very little cover in the street itself, so it was a good choice when she decided to be more careful.

The fleeing woman had only made it a block and a half when she saw a head peek out around a corner, quickly looking at her then darting back into the alley. She could hear a muttered curse, clearly male sounding, but young as well. There was a clatter of metal, probably a dumpster, then an even louder profanity and some shuffling.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

As Violeta continued to flee and start out on her journey to uptown, she panted and tried to clean the streaks of tears from her face. Then looking at her hands, she shuddered, feeling vile and gross from the touch of the creature back there. Groaning, she shook her arms and legs all over, trying to rid herself of the feeling. She made a mental note to try to wash her hands and arms sometime soon, even if it meant using some water from her bottle.

Then looking up, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a head appearing out of the alley, but frowned and raised her brow at the sound of the clattering and curses. Still, she was fairly certain he was human from the ability to speak...improperly. As far as she could tell, that monster back there could only groan, howl, and flail around wildly. So she jogged forward to check it out. She looked to see if she could see the young male, and called out to him trying to keep her voice as low as possible while still being heard. Hey! Are you okay? Come out of there, we need to find some place safe... Violeta stood at the entrance to the alley. She was still quite distraught, looking over her shoulder to see if the creature was following her and not at all intending to follow the kid into the dark alley. Still she felt an instinct to see if the kid was ok. It was probably against her usual character to care, but today was no ordinary day for Violeta. She waited a little while to see if the kid would say anything or come out, constantly looking over her shoulder and fidgeting a little, really wanting to keep moving.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

With a scowl, the figure came out from around a corner in the alley. He was older then first appeared, probably 18 or so. He had shaggy brown hair, and was wearing a sports cap backwards. Probably a punk, but not a very serious one. He had a wooden bat, and was gently letting it swing in his hand. "Look lady, I don't want no trouble. Sticking with other people is either trouble, or a burden." His eyes darted around, looking for danger much like Violetta was, though fortunately nothing interrupted their little meeting.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta brightened a little when the young man came out. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she smiled radiantly and leaned against her staff. The radiance really came from her happiness at actually finding a regular person on the street more so than anything about him in particular. If he had survived and she had survived, there must be more people around looking for safety or even starting a resistance to fight back. In any case, the radiance served the same purpose regardless of intent.

She kept her smile but dropped some of the radiance, instead taking a confident pose and tone, Do I look like trouble? Don't worry, I'm not looking to make a burden for you... She swayed against her staff subsconciously for a moment. Look hon, some nasty howling thing just attacked me back there and I bashed it's head in....I want to find out what the heck is going on here and see if anyone is hiding out in a safe place or fighting back against these monsters. Then she looked at him and spread her arms in a friendly gesture. I tell you what, that monster grabbed me like 2 blocks back there just outside the bar where I was hiding out. We had stockpiled some food and supplies in the basement there. If you are staying here, maybe that stuff will help you out? Suddenly, Violeta's eyes took on a fire of determination and passion, But, I'm not sticking around here to wait for some monster to jump on me and eat me. I'm heading south to look for people to keep me safe and figure out what's going on. You can come with me if you want, but I'm going whether you come or not. Leaning on her staff, the fire gone from her eyes, replaced by friendliness and charm. If not....do you know anything that might help me or that I should look out for? I really don't know what's going on....