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Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The kid waited and stared at Violeta, still suspicious. He waited until she got bored with him, and started to leave, but then made to follow her. "I'm... uhhh... not going with you, it's just... we're going the same way, coincidence, yeah, coincidence, that's it." He wasn't looking right at her, kinda off the side, hesitant to meet her gaze. At the very least, though, he seemed to loosen up a bit, and while obviously having his emotions run high, he wasn't exactly hostile towards Violeta anymore.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

When she noticed the kid over her shoulder, Violeta smirked a little but didn't say anything for a few moments. She was focusing on what was ahead of her and trying to be as careful as she could, using cars and other objects for cover as she headed south toward uptown. When the surroundings felt safer, she turned and smiled. "Nice to head the same way then. I'm Violet" She stopped and gave him a playful frown, "Try not to crash into anything back there..." Then with a smile and a wink, she turned to start moving again. Walking carefully on the sidewalk and looking around at the surroundings, Violeta gazed up at the faint blue aura mingled with orange and pink in the sky. <No matter how strange it gets around here, nature always finds a way to steal my heart>. Then she frowned slightly, realizing that the fading colors meant night was approaching. <We better start looking for a safe place to hole up for the night. Better yet, maybe we can find a flashlight or two in one of these houses or stores around here...>.
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Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The kid scowled, muttering under his breath yet not really replying to Violeta. He didn't really even look at her, though on the bright side he was scanning the surroundings pretty well, better then Violeta did at least. Overall, his grump attitude almost seemed cute, more like pouting then true anger.

As luck would have it, as Violeta was finishing her thoughts, the kid saw something. "Hey, over there! Look!" It was kind of a hiss, as if he didn't want it to carry. He was pointing towards a store down a side street, mostly intact, but dark inside. Every once in awhile there was a flash of light inside, though, very out of place in these conditions. The kid eyed it suspiciously and slowly got closer to Violeta.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta had a faint smile as she gazed at the sky, so she startled slightly at the kid's whisper. As she looked around to see what was the matter, she furrowed her brow and mentally kicked herself <This is no time for daydreaming Violeta!> After a moment of following the kid's gaze, she found the store in question. <Well that's kinda weird..> she thought to herself as she ran her fingers though her hair. She hadn't seen any lights on the street so far, and she knew the lighting in the club basement hadn't worked, but she wasn't sure if the electricity was out in the whole area or not.

Finishing her thought, she noticed the kid slowly getting closer to her. <Looks like I'm the protector here.> Even though she was looking for people that could protect her or even start a resistance, she found herself liking the idea of being in charge. Still, it was nice to have some company and help, whoever it was. With those thoughts swirling in her mind, she smiled warmly. "What do you think it might be?" She had already decided she wanted to check it out. She was looking for a store and a light after all. This wasn't really what she had in mind but still. <Who knows maybe there's even some people in there?>

Violeta softly slid her hand onto the kid's wrist, almost stealthily so and pulled him along. She looked around a few times, peering down the street and along the walls to make sure nothing was amiss. After a few moments, Violeta crept toward the store with the strangely flashing light. Not wanting to be in view, she didn't take a direct route but walked toward the building next to the store instead. Before she got to the store window (or door whichever came first), she put her back to the wall of the building and waited to see if she could hear anything. If she didn't hear anything, she would slowly peer into the corner of the window to see what was inside. Back in her home country, Violeta had seen countless war movies where soldiers used this very strategy. It wasn't her fault that was all they ever had on television! All she lacked was the gun or grenade.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The kid was very tense, and nervious. His eyes did not leave the store window. "It was.... kinda like a flashlight for a minute.... but the battery stuff wasn't working earlier either.... that's.... really strange..." He was a little closer then would normally be comfortable, but he was right up and clinging around Violeta. When she tried to get close to investigate he resisted at first, but after lightly tugging a few times he hesitantly followed her up against the wall.

As Violeta slid closer she could very clearly hear shuffling sounds. It sounded like there was a big mess inside, and that someone, or thing, was digging around, looking for something. There were also occasionally something that might be footsteps, but they sounded a bit distorted, perhaps around yet another corner from where she was hiding.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta stood at the edge of the wall listening to the sounds coming from inside. If it was true that batteries weren't working either, then her idea to find a flashlight wouldn't work. What could possibly be making that light in the store? Whether it was something horrible or great, Violeta wasn't sure, but she knew she had to find out. <What are you getting yourself into this time Violeta?>

Violeta took a quiet deep breath and quickly tied her hair into a pony tail and tried to give the kid a smile, placing her finger to her lips. Her heart was racing like thunder in her chest and catching in her throat a little as she very quietly knelt to place her staff on the sidewalk, out of view of the window. Violeta got on all fours on the side walk and slowly crawled toward the bottom corner of the broken window, peering inside with her eyes and trying to keep the rest of her body out of view. All she could hear was the rustling inside, the occasional footstep sound, and the thump, thump, thump of her heart. Despite herself, Violeta prayed that she was the only one that could hear it.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The kid stayed back as Violeta quietly crawled forward. He looked like he wanted to bolt, or maybe even scout for her, but there wasn't enough room for them to both be sneaking about in front of the store. In the end all he did was give a tense nod.

As Violeta peeked up, she saw that the light looked a lot like that caused by a flashlight, despite what had been said earlier. The main room was clear, but there was a door on the left wall, behind the counter, that was open where the light and noise was coming from. This unfortunately meant that Violeta still couldn't see what was going on, but fortunately meant she was still hidden. The noises were only slightly more clear, one might have even been a voice, but there was quite a bit of uncertainty.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

As Violeta pushed her head toward the window to peer inside, she held her breath and felt her body trembling slightly. Getting closer and closer to the window, it felt like her insides were betraying her. The lump in her throat got bigger and bigger as if threatening to pop out of her mouth on its own accord and run screaming down the sidewalk. When she could finally see inside the store, she let out a short breath, out of surprise and relief. There wasn't anyone there! At least not in the main area. Perhaps she was on edge from her attack before or maybe it was just everything adding up from the past couple days, hiding alone in a basement, being left alone, and wandering around in the dark. Violeta isn't a soldier and just wasn't used to being in such a creepy and uncertain environment. She probably needed some time to soothe her nerves, but that was going to have to wait.

Violeta slowly curled her fingers around her staff, picking it up as she pushed herself back up slowly and thought to herself. She had no idea what she was so afraid of, but she was glad it wasn't there. And a flashlight! That had to mean there was a person in there right? Even better, a person that knew how to fix a flashlight when they didn't work! She almost couldn't contain her excitement at finding someone that knew what was going on and could help, but she managed to keep herself quiet when she whispered to the kid. A smile starting at the corners of her lips, she put her hand on his shoulder and leaned so close to his ear that he could feel her breath, whispering (a little quicker than usual), "I can't see anybody, but someone's looking around with a flashlight in the backroom. C'mon lets go check it out!"

Violeta took the kid's hand and quickly led him inside the store through the open entrance. From the excitement building up in her, she wanted to move quickly, but she still tried to be careful to be quiet and not trip over anything on the floor. The way she walked was kind of like a cat, quick but quiet. It was like a mix of excitement and caution. Inside the store, Violeta suddenly stopped and her brow creased in thought. Should someone stay back to guard the entrance? She leaned close to whisper to the kid again wanting his opinion. "There's still strange monsters out there right? Do you think someone should stay here to make sure nothing comes in to surprise us?" When she looked at him, the fear and concern was plain in her eyes. (Whatever he decides is what they do). If yes, then he stays to keep watch as she heads to the backroom with the flashlight. If no, then they both head to the backroom. Either way, Violeta walks forward quickly but cautiously, careful of the objects strewn about on the floor.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The kid nodded, a bit tense whenever Violeta whispered, as if afraid that she'd give their position away. He stayed outside the shop, back to the wall, and carefully scanned around to see if anything was sneaking up on them.

Unfortunately, Violeta couldn't suppress all the noise she made. As she drew near the door she tapped the wall a little hard, making a small *thud*. There was rapid shuffling from the other side of the wall. "Hey, who's there! Come out with your hands up!" The kid quitely dove out of view, around the corner, so he wouldn't be caught with Violeta if something went wrong.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Knowing that the kid was keeping watch outside made Violeta feel a little better as she crept toward the door with the the flashing light. They couldn't be too careful with all the wierd stuff going on these days. When Violeta got a little closer to the door, her nerves started building up inside her. <It has to be a person in there right? I mean where else would a light come from...?> Her thoughts tailed off and the thought scared her just enough to make her stumble toward the wall, tapping it with a small *thud.*

Violeta instantly cringed and then froze at the sound of the male voice coming from the room. When she noticed the kid diving away in the corner of her eye, she looked like a deer in headlights for a split second. That expression quickly turned to one of annoyance as she furrowed her brow and frowned. <Typical men..> she thought to herself in disgust. She was starting to wonder if she would ever meet a trustworthy one.

Thinking quickly to herself, Violeta decided to do as the voice requested. She undid her ponytail and fluffed up her hair as best she could. Then she raised her hands holding the staff in one of them and slowly walked into the opening of the door. Violeta stood in the middle of the door and did her best to look stunning despite the circumstances. Her eyes were steady and confident and her lips curled into a soft smile. "Don't worry I come in peace!" she whispered as quietly as she could. Even though her nerves were screaming, Violeta managed to smile a little wider...mostly at herself.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

On the other side were two soliders, though their uniforms were quite ruffled and not exactly presentable. Both had their weapons trained in her direction, but quickly lowered them when she appeared harmless. "Well well, what do we have here? You lost, girly? This is a very dangerous place, you know. Maybe we should take you back to our camp and keep you safe." The man's tone definitely came off as "slimeball", but he wasn't exactly threatening. Behind her Violeta could hear the kid shifting around, but it was quiet enough that it was doubtful the men could hear him.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta wasn't quite sure what she was expecting to find in that room, but when she saw it was soldiers, she gave a mental sigh of relief. On the outside, she used her dance and theater training to keep up her look of confident charm. If the soldiers were very observant, they might have noticed the slightest flicker of relief flash across her face.

When the soldier addressed her, Violeta smiled, her brow furrowing somewhat playfully with a hint of fire appearing in her eyes. "Hey now. I'll have you know this girly just bashed a freaky monster's face in." Violeta gestured to her staff and beamed radiantly, genuinely proud of that feat. "I'm so glad I found you guys though. I really wanna fight back against the monsters." Violeta paused for a moment, trying to suppress the disgust she was feeling. "You don't have to take me back to base. You're probably on a mission right? I can help." The look in her eyes showed that she really believed it, that she could help at least.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The soliders glanced at eachother, clearly not quite sure what to think of Violeta. "Well, we're just looking around, mainly for survivors. We should probably take you right back, though I guess it wouldn't hurt to finish up this block, it seems deserted." For being military, the pair seemed rather disorganized.

The one not talking had went back to idlely digging through the rubble. "Man, there's nothing here, let's just go back." The other signed and turned, revealing him to be a higher rank by his insignia. "We should find the dairy store first, get the stuff before it spoils..." The lower ranked solider simply scowled and walked out the back door into the alley. Rolling his eyes, the remaining solider motioned for Violeta to follow and headed out back too.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta leaned on her staff in front of her as she talked with the soldier, flexing her calves and rocking up and down on the balls of her feet. She was hoping all along to find a group she could team up with to start a resistance, but she wasn't really sure if she would find anyone. Finding people so soon was exciting. Just enough to build some hope in her, warming her heart a little. <If all these people are still around we have to have a chance...> But still... Violeta frowned to herself in thought, <Milk errands? What is this, the grocery squad? Captain Cream and Major Milk? I guess we need supplies for survivors, but shouldn't we be fighting back?>

Violeta was still lost in thought when the soldier motioned for her to follow. She started following them, almost out the door when she froze in her tracks. Suddenly, it hit her that the boy might be still keeping watch for her. She was angry at him for abandoning her at the first sign of trouble, but she was sure she could still hear him moving around before. <Ugh...we can't just leave him to the monsters. And the soldiers are looking for survivors anyway right? Maybe they can protect him...> Violeta leaned out the door and called out softly to the soldiers, "Hey wait! There was a teenage boy with me keeping watch outside for any monsters. You're looking for survivors right? We should go back for him..." Violeta eagerly waved for them to follow and started to head for the front of the store.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The soldiers stopped and turned around. "Huh? Oh really?" The more mature man quickly walked out front, scanning the area with a faint hint of nervousness. "I don't see anyone out here..." He looked back to Violeta quizzically. "Eh, maybe he got spooked and ran off." Unfortunate, but at least the man didn't think she had lied or anything like that, though the other was getting impatient.

"Just forget it man, lets keep going." He could be heard forcing open another door outside, then tripping over whatever mess was on the other side, letting out a small curse. "Man, why can't we just go back no, there's just useless junk here!"

The patient man sighed. "Well, do you want to wait on us to search, or head back to our camp now?" His tone of voice indicated he was looking for an easy way out of the situation, without having to argue with the other solider.
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta quickly followed Captain Cream and Major Milk outside. When they got outside the door, she eagerly looked around. But realizing the boy was gone, her face fell and she slumped her shoulders. <I didn't mean to leave him behind...but maybe he didn't like the soldiers anyway.> As Violeta started to follow the soldiers away, she kept glancing around trying to see if she could see any sign of the boy.

She practically jumped when the other soldier crashed over something past a door. She looked concerned for a moment then stood looking at the higher ranking soldier as he addressed her. She thought to herself for a moment, running her whole hand through her hair. <Captain Cream over there is going to get us killed if he keeps this up. I guess his cream got all curled and moldy? What a whiney brat.> With her hand still laced through her hair, she gave Major Milk a small smile. "You're in charge so you probably know best right?" Violeta sighed and looked around one last time, hoping she would see the boy. "I'll follow you whatever you decide." Violeta hesitated for a moment, "But I still want to help, and your on a mission right? If one of you guys is tired, I can use your flashlight and look around for any survivors as we go...That is if its okay with you" Violeta adjusted her sack on her shoulder and did her best to look capable, smiling sweetly all the while.
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Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

The officer glanced towards where the other had disappeared, then back to Violeta, a few times over, milling over the decision as she looked around for the kid. There were a few signs of movement, but it may have just been her eyes playing tricks on her, and the man didn't seem to notice. Eventually he spoke again. "Eh, c'mon, let's just go back. We can search more later." He turned and headed out into a side street, popping his head in the door to yell at the other again, just to be sure. He didn't hand over the flashlight, though didn't comment on Violeta's suggestion, more distracted then anything.

The small group lead Violeta in roughly the same direction as she had been heading, though down a path that was much more rubble strewn and dangerous looking then she would have picked herself. The soldiers streamed the flashlights back and forth over any potential hiding spots as they slowly walked. They seemed to be pretty security conscience, despite bumbling earlier, but something still didn't feel right...
Re: Hidden Danger (Ranger Princess)

Violeta nodded tentatively at the military man's words. She expected him to want to go back after all, but she froze, staring incredulously as he turned and walked away . . . totally ignoring her question! Violeta's fingers clenched on her staff, and she let out a small "ugh" under her breath, unlikely heard due to the soldier's distraction. The young woman had about her fill with men being stubborn and ignorant lately. Perhaps she was biased because of her work at the dance clubs. Regardless, Violeta was seriously starting to wonder if she really was from another planet, Venus the ancestral home of women. She looked up at the sky for a moment with a sort of odd longing expression in her eyes before grinding her teeth and pursing her lips tightly to capture any more displeasured noises trying to escape her lips, grumpily walking after the soldier. <I hate men..> Any other time, she might have given an apologetic look to where she thought she saw movement. But she was in no mood for any more male shenanigans and instead just quickened her pace to catch up to the soldiers as they started down the street.

Violeta walked with the soldiers down the rubble strewn path, following closely just behind them. Her frustration from before simmered, and she started to relish the feeling of protection. Her emotions were running high ever since she got couped up in the basement, and she started to realize how nice it felt to have someone watching out for her . . . even if it was a pair of frustrating dairy soldiers. As they kept walking down the path, Violeta glanced over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure there wasn't anything behind them. She was starting to feel more and more like they were being watched and made sure not to fall behind the soldiers. Violeta couldn't see much so far, but it bothered her that the soldiers didn't seem to be looking behind them. A ball of dread starting to creep into her throat, she took it upon herself to keep track of what was going on behind the group for them. Something just didn't seem right about this path. <Well of course it doesn't seem right! There's creepy monsters running about and the sky is orange!> Violeta shuddered, a few pesky shivers running down her arms. This feeling had to be her imagination right...?

Violeta remained silent, not having spoken a word since their last conversation. She focused all of her attentions on what was going on behind them, her eyes darting about their surroundings.