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Hive Number One


Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Can we just blow the hive one section at a time, I am hyper and I want to see some fireworks soonish." Zero said, pulling out a few blocks of C4 and started tossing and catching them.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"It might come to that, so keep that stuff handy."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Don't you know the fireworks usually come at the highlight of the party? You can't have them from the get-go. It's against the rules!" She laughs. "And speaking of get-go? Are we gonna? Soon?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Burrito sighs as he walks, tapping his right ear and speaking "Siphon, we're far enough ahead. I want you two to cover our rear and make sure nothing sneaks up on us." he says, then takes his shotgun off his back and prepares it for use "We should be within throwing distance of the Hive in a few minutes."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Copy tha- Ah shit."

He stops as his eyes catch the familiar glint of metal off to his right side, indicative of a horde of ad-bots coming inbound. He turned to tell Tsuki to be ready, and saw more coming from the left side as well, an englobement maneuver.

"We've got dual inbound waves of bots, East-West englobement formation, estimated time to engagement, sixteen seconds."

True to his word, roughly sixteen seconds later, all that would be heard over the radio would be the M249 firing off, the needle launcher effectively useless against these kind of numbers.

Some of them seemed to be armed with their own weapons, and instead of ads flying over their heads, he was greeted back with a flurry of what he suspected were P90 rounds, one grazing his left shoulder. A hiss of pain followed that, and led to another hail of M249 rounds back at the offending bot, the wound seeming to close at an accelerated pace on his skin. "Don't think these are the mindless types we came across before, these ones are armed, and they seem to know what a formation is. May have something to do with being so close to the hive."

((Some of that is my own working, some of it at Burrito's request.))


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Alright, boys and girls! Get fightin!" Burrito yells over the radio, firing his shotgun and smiling as three bots topple from the spread of viral pellets "These bastards definitely know how to fight. I want suppressing fire on the left flank, Siphon. Tsuki, start hitting them hard with that Gauss rifle. Everyone else, pick a bot and start killing!" he yells, a commending tone in his voice as he aims and fires another spread, this one coming from the opposite barrel of his NS2000 "Make sure not to let them surround us. I don't want our rear guard being cut off!"


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Bartnum laughs malevolently and engulfs the head of his hammer in flame.

"Let's get this Flamewar started!"

Swinging his hammer in a wide arc and taking out several bots at once, he draws one of his swords in another hand and begins smash and slicing his way into the masses.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon turns, loosing a blast of M249 fire into the bots, watching as some fall, while others almost seem to pause for a moment, as if they were trying to do something to those fallen. Each time they did, a fallen body simply vanished, as if it had been vaporized. Shaking his head and filing it away for now, he continued laying down fire, a few more rounds from the enemy finding his chest and striking, causing him to step back in pain. Somehow these bots weren't missing much when aiming at him, and he wondered why.

As it continued, he knew eventually his luck would run out. Two bots got dangerously close to him, and he spoke to Tsuki. "I need cover fire for a moment!"

When he had it, he would grab the two bots by the neck and lift them off the ground, slamming both to the floor on their backs. A second later, while the one in his left hand was trying to get free, he shoved his right hand almost through the chest area of the second, and crackling noises could be heard. He then repeated the process with the other bot, again with his right hand. When he was done, there wasn't much left of either bot, save a crude representation of what might have once been the shell of their bodies, withered and devoid of any and all electrical activity. He then stood, seemingly refreshed, and very, very angry. It would become clear fairly quick that he had fed on the bots and their energy.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Come on, come on, you filthy bastards! he yells, his shotgun already on his back as he draws his sword and stands in a standard Kendo stance, the bots all around him "Come, demons. I'll kill you all." he says, his left hand releasing the blade as he wraps his right arm around his body and under his left arm, the blade itself pointing straight back "How's about a little breeze?" he says, a smile on his face as he whirls around, all of the bots sent flying back away from him, shut down from his viral blade "Alright, ladies and gents, we can't get a lift, but I can call in some support." Burrito says, his right hand on his comm as he tries to contact command, nothing but static coming up "Scratch that, we can't contact them for some reason. Siphon, give us some support from your friend!" he yells, sheathing the blade and looking over at Bartnum "Bartnum! get the hell out of there! Epic bombing about to drop! You'll be nothing but a smoldering crater when it's done with you!"


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki used sweeping fire on the flank, trying to deter any advancements. She provided more specific suppressive fire to those who needed it, like when Siphon had.

Even as she was still fighting, she was mentally starting to look into the programming of the bots. To see what makes them tick. To see the vulnerabilities....


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon had just really gotten back into combat mode when Burrito's order came over the radio. He picked a group of them that seemed to have been brushed back by something, he couldn't tell what from this distance. A smile crossed his face, and for just a moment he froze, commanding his "contact" once more.

*************Vantage Point from Space*******************

Daedalus charged up, multiple ports coming alive with what seemed like yellow squids flying out, heading toward the planet. Each one began seeking a target of their own, all locked in on the ad-bots as they raced towards the surface.

**********************End Space POV******************

The bots really had no clue what the hell hit them. One second they were getting ready to move again, and strike at Burrito's group, the next the air was filled with strange noises as they were literally smashed into repeatedly, some of them simply vaporizing after only a few hits. The more heavily armed ones took several repeated smashings to die, but almost all of the group that he had targeted was wiped out in a major hurry, what seemed like nothing but yellow lights carving them up like a thanksgiving day feast.

Of course, this momentary void left Siphon open again, and three shots pierced his skin just as he came back to the waking world, ripping out exit wounds in his chest. Hissing in anger and pain, he whipped around and spoke a handful of chilling words, at a shout. "MY WOUNDS WILL HEAL! WILL YOURS?"

He then proceeded to aim his M249 at the face of the bot, and pulled the trigger, blowing half it's head off with the sheer number of rounds fired. Even as he did so, his words rang true. The holes had already sealed themselves with frightening clarity, the blood that had spattered out already drying up.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"DAMN! THAT'S WHAT I CALL A BOMBARDMENT!" Burrito yells, chuckling as he looks around at the dead bots "Gotta hand it to ya, Siphon. You kill these bastards good." he says, kicking a bot over onto it's back and drawing his blade, slicing the bot down the middle in a single swing, sparks shooting out "Let's see what makes them tick." he says, taking the gloves off his hand and reaching one hand into each half, then sighing as he scans the entirety of the bot "This is weird. Hm." he says, standing up, then putting his gloves back on "They aren't fully robotic. They're cyborgs." he says, looking down at the bot "Their skin and vital organs are organic. But the rest of them....well........." he simply trails off, thinking to himself


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Bartnum had just managed to get clear in time, and was at the edge of the blast zone hauling the remains of a bot off him.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon grew quiet for several moments before speaking. "I wonder if that is why the two I fed on withered like an aging human would?"

It was a thought to ponder. Normally if he fed on a bot, they simply became lifeless hunks of metal, but with the two he had fed on, there were corpses, but they seemed withered and dried out, almost as how an aged, dehydrated dead human would appear.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Copper drops down from one of the nearby trees, claws still dripping and wiping at her mouth with her sleeve. The leather, of course, doesn't really absorb it and she winds up looking like some sort of macabre clown, the red glow of her eyes slowly starting to fade. "If it bleeds, that means we can kill it. Doesn't matter if it's blood or oil. So you gonna keep playing doctor or are we going to shut this thing down?" Suddenly, her head snaps up and she glances into the woods, tearing off at a dead run at one of the 'lucky' bots that had survived the bombardment. Tackling it to the ground, there's a very liquid tearing sound in the distance accompanied by a spray of sparks. By the time they've faded, she's already walking back to the group, sucking on her fingertips and letting out a "blech" sound as she spits on the ground. "Still not tasty."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"I can't imagine it ever will become 'tasty' to you." He seemed to not notice the slight fact that his voice had become more raspy and distorted than was normal for even him. What might be even more noticable was that the veins in his head were more towards the surface now, but instead of being blue as normal, they were more of a red or purple color. His eyes had become more yellow than normal, and his demeanor had changed some.

He seemed more calm than one would expect given the situation, almost as if he was growing more confident the closer they got to the hive.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

She cocks her head to the side and arches a brow, looking over at Siphon. "And I thought I looked freaky when I fed, which, yes, will likely not be on these guys. Too many impurities. This is why organic is better. Bastards." The comment seems to be more directed at the Hive than anything else. She's bouncing on the balls of her feet now. "Though after the first firework display, we can probably forget about needing to sneak in. I've got a feeling they'll be waiting for us. Unless you want me to ghost in and have a look first. Lay of the land and whatnot. See if there's any welcoming commitee's waiting."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"We go in and kill every one of these bastards." Burrito says, cracking his knuckles and looking over at Tsuki "Tsuki, care to get me an automatic weapon of some kind? A P90 would be great." he says, cracking his neck and sighing


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki nodded. She muttered a few words, and the wireframe of a P90 formed in front of Burrito. A bit of loading and tada! A gun! Finished, it just stayed floating for Burrito to take it. "Infinite Ammo hack. Just take out the magazine and you'll get a new one. Just don't go too fun with it, don't need my CPU to overload."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon nodded again. "We can definitely forget about sneaking in, they know we're here. What we need to do is move quickly while they are still recovering. Perhaps once inside Tsuki can hack into their system and gather more intel before we blow the thing sky high. I have a feeling the soldier bots aren't the only surprise they have for us, and I don't like ugly surprises."

It was then that Copper's first words struck him, and he chuckles. "Yes I can look quite strange after a recent feeding, but this is nothing compared to what I would be after a full fledged feeding. These bots are merely snacks or appetizers to what I can store. Luckily, there are plenty of them to go around."

He considers her mentioning of ghosting in, then decides better of it. "Unless Burrito objects, I think we may be better off just pressing the advantage we have now, rather than trying to scout ahead. They know we're here, they know we're crafty. They'll be expecting us to regroup and scout ahead, but if we charge them we might just confuse them some."

He stops just long enough to grab two of the P90's from the bots on the floor and says, "anyone else want P90's, or shall I just use them myself as backups?"