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RPG RPG Maker [HO_Works] 回転切りのセイラ / Spin Around Sayla (RJ155863)

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Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Isn't it surprising how some of life's greatest problems can be easily solved?

I'm not a big fan of software altering all kinds of stuff for no reason. They might as well go the extra mile and start keylogging.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Cursor and mouse pointer changes, etc.

I turned it on and got this:


"More windows 7"
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Cursor and mouse pointer changes, etc.

In that case, you should use some of the alternate choices like ITH or chiitrans. Though their quality has dropped some due to the lower number of translators usable, they don't change anything.

Though cursor/mouse pointer changes is quite common in programs. Hell, i'll say a good 85% of VNs alone changes this to fit the theme of the game. So pointing this towards keylogging is going way overboard. But to each their own.

and the windows 7 thing.....well, sadly that's also common for the translator to spit out ridiculous lines like that. If you highlight and retranslate the same line, often times the translation changes to a more fitting one.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

I can't understand how I have blank text and no one does ._.


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Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Ah, XP blank text. Happens if you modifiy and then save XP and forget to fix the ini file.

To fix blank text open the Game.Ini file.
Replace with:

Save and then play.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Is it a bug?
I enter brothel on 2nd time (because I want some money)
and the event is up to morning
on the first time, the old man wake up, play with Seira's boobs one or two then give money and I can leave brothel
but now the old man in the room won't wake up and I can't exit brothel
I talked to everyone and every object I can interact with, also take a bath
the old man never wake up no matter what I have done
Then what?
Happend to me aswell and I don't know what to do to advance o.o.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Happend to me aswell and I don't know what to do to advance o.o.

talk to other npcs in the main hall and go to workers rooms and see scene. Keep repeating until for few times, then go to old man in room.

You keep getting stuck in these places because you don't read the text at all. You just skip it and then you don't know what to do or what's going on. And ofc you then go to forums and ask if it's a bug.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Hi people.

Can Sarah do anything at tha start village at night?
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

I'm having a problem, if i change the ini library to RGSS104J.dll there is no text but if i change to RGSS103J.dll i get text in the menu and some text in the beggining, after that i just get squares, can anyone help me fix this?
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

stuck at the brothel as well. this game is hard (especially when you are trying to understand what is going on through the machine translation programs).

I ve reached the part where the heroine can have sex with the proffessor (?) and the priest(?) but not with any of the staff( like the manager or the other red head guy). I made sure that her libido was 100.

So the story isnt progressing. I ve done both progressing outside (getting the gang caught) and not and nothing moves. Also that guy in the sea i cant seem to get the scene where they go at it above the steps.

Any help (or a walkthrough) would be appreciated.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

I'm having a problem, if i change the ini library to RGSS104J.dll there is no text but if i change to RGSS103J.dll i get text in the menu and some text in the beggining, after that i just get squares, can anyone help me fix this?

Make sure your region is set to Japanese. Win XP is easiest but Win 7 HAS to be Pro edition or better and Win 8 and 10 is similar to Win 7, but you don't have to have Pro edition. The thing is, you have to set your region settings to Japanese.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

I am experiencing the blank text issue as well. I have changed the .ini file, my Windows has always been set to Japanese locale. On Windows 10, I can play other games, just not this. Any solution?

Okay, I found the solution for this. Find a copy of RGSS103J.dll from other XP games, copy it into the folder of this game, and change the .ini file library to RGSS103J.dll.
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Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Make sure your region is set to Japanese. Win XP is easiest but Win 7 HAS to be Pro edition or better and Win 8 and 10 is similar to Win 7, but you don't have to have Pro edition. The thing is, you have to set your region settings to Japanese.

That kinda worked, now the game turns japanese when i'm talking to a old lady in a house where i'm supposed to meet with 2 guys (in the opening part of the game). Is that how far the translation goes?
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

That kinda worked, now the game turns japanese when i'm talking to a old lady in a house where i'm supposed to meet with 2 guys (in the opening part of the game). Is that how far the translation goes?

Full translation: everything translated

Partial translation (that's the thing you got for this game): ONLY items, menu, some recurring text (sleeping, etc)
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Full translation: everything translated

Partial translation (that's the thing you got for this game): ONLY items, menu, some recurring text (sleeping, etc)

oooohhhhh ok, i thought there was a full translation of the game, my bad, sorry and thanks for the help.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Since there wasn't a walkthrough yet and it was a pain in the ass to wade through the thread to find out if/how to advance, I thought I might start giving something back to this community (considering that I leeched for several years now). As I'm writing this, there is only a partial translation available, so I highly recommend installing chiitranslate lite and atlas as a translation library since google seems to block chiitranslate. It's not enough to understand the story but enough to understand the games hints of what to do next. And "milk" apparently means "breasts".

Disclaimer: This walkthrough is neither complete nor correct. It is based on Version 2.0.2. Feel free to contribute and I will update this post. I have broken my game several times by bringing my character into a situation where I was stuck, so safe often on different slots!

General information:
The game has different scenes/options during day/evening/night and has various (to me) unclear dependencies for a scene to be available/advance, so there is still some experimentation required. This is more a list of reachable scenes. If your are stuck, just try to talk to different people/advance different scenes.
If you reach 100 pregnancy, it is an immediate gameover. Loosing any fights aside from the final(?) bossfight will give you an immediate gameover as well, so don't waste your time.
The signs that you find around most houses and in the wilderness can teleport you to all other signs that you have activated.

Important: When you start the game it will ask you whether to view the introduction or not. Someone in the forum said that you need to watch it to unlock some scenes. No idea if that is true, but I wouldn't take the risk. The game is long enough as it is without having to replay it.

You have been away for a while, came back as a grown, superhot chick and all the village men want to get into your pants. Your childhood lover then more or less forces himself on you. The intro railroads you, so if you don't manage to finish it I would steer clear of this game. The main game starts after you had sex and went naked into the hallway to be seen by your housekeeper and her lover (the item shop owner) and rushing back into your room.

Your house:
You live here with your foster-grandfather and his housekeeper. You can masturbate in your bed to reduce Lust if you go into bed with a high lust value. You can use the bath to reduce pregnancy value once per day (applies to any other bath as well). If you come back when its dark, your grandfather will give you a spanking (literally). Your room also has an armoire which lets you change your clothing. As far as I can say it is not possible to leave your house without being completely clothed, no matter what level of "corruption" you achieved. So don't bother trying out different states of undress. You can change panties later but that's about it. The mirror can be used later to rewatch unlocked scenes. In the basement is a library that is basically the game tutorial, not much use if you don't understand Japanese. Once the soldiers leave the dojo (you are blocked from entering it), your foster grandfather will leave the village and never come back for the rest of the game(?) as he doesn't seem to return with the soldiers.

Get dressed, talk to your grandfather and get an assignment. Go the (mayor's?) house directly south of yours (the one where you have to knock) and talk to them, go into the fields in the south and talk to the beggar-ish guy then kill all the plant monsters. Your first attack doesn't use mana/spirit, the second attack can stun enemies for three rounds, the third one does a lot of extra damage, the fourth uses health potions if you have any, fifth one flees, last one skips your turn. They will hit you with a spit attack which increases your lust over time (out of combat as well) which can only be removed by going into the river. In this case go back to the beggar and he will clean you selflessly with a towel. His efforts proof useless so you need to go to the river anyway. Luckily a kid will lead you there and then spend the rest of the day with you. Report back to the mayor the next day to turn in the quest and acquire the bikini. Talk to your grandpa the next day to get another quest. Go to the house with the tables on the roof and the indoor onsen, join the old man in the bath and talk to him. Go back to the fields, talk to the green haired guy, kill all plant monsters, go back to the guy. The next day report back to the old guy with his indoor onsen.

Now is a good time to do all the scenes in the village you can find until you can't advance them anymore. You can find a list of the scenes I found at the end of this post.

From now on it gets a bit muddy as I didn't want to replay all of it. The next part is to get access to the caves north of the temple, this can be done by doing the research in the dojo's library (you can make a "date" to go there with one of the soldiers in the central room, not the one that does fuck you) and by talking to the head nun in the temple. It may also be necessary to have sex with the soldier guy in the dojo until you can't access the dojo any more. Once you can get into the caves, get the crystal in the sidecave to upgrade your sword and get new scenes. North of the cave is an area with A LOT of monsters. The chest has a ring which makes you immune against lust state(?) but it seemed broken for me. If you fight all the way to the north you find a hut with a guy that rents you his boat. Use the boat to drive to an island with a strange lust aura and tons of enemy soldiers. If you loose against normal soldiers its a game over, if you loose against the black knight near the crystal its a lengthy cutscene and a bad end, if you win its a short cutscene and a bad end (wut?). If you go into the cave you can talk to a guy which seems important to the story, but for me talking to the guy blocked me from leaving the island (the boat looked broken and was unusable), so the whole island thing seems to be a dead end (maybe later versions will adress this or my game bugged out).

If you advance the evenings scenes in the onsen, the naked guy will have a date with you at the river and will talk to you about another village which has been occupied (you should have seen some scenes about it already). After that you can travel there by leaving via the guarded south entrance and then following the way near the river to the north. On the way you will be interrupted by bandits. If you came back later after beating them they will invite you into their base (no scenes as far as I can say). Once you reach the military encampments you can pose as a prostitute to enter. Just talk/fuck your way through it. To get through the last one you need to duel the female camp commander found in the tent (can only be done during the day but you can only challenge her during the night?). After that you can go
- To a cave to meet a strange caveman family that will fuck you a lot and you can rescue the daughter from a vampire(?)
- Go to the village but be denied entry unless you have a work permit
- Go to the main road where you will find a carriage station/inn, a brothel/restaurant and a lake. The lake has several scenes with and without bikini (there are some night scenes as well). The brothel can give you a work permit. You need to talk to the manager in the lower floor side room a couple of times until one morning a girl asks you to take over her job there because here brother is sick or something. Talk again to the manager and you can work there. Work there for a couple of days (very long events that lock you into the brothel until the next day, bring protection/clean yourself often) and talk to the manager after each time to get your payment and finally the work permit. Oh and the brothel has a total bitch of a coworker, that ALWAYS leaves her client to fuck one of the guards so you will have to take care of her client as well. EVERY DAMN TIME. Can somebody please fire her? Be sure to talk to everyone during the scenes and to the manager afterwards. Leave the brothel after each work day (but after talking to the manager). After the third (?) day there is an unavoidable cutscene infront of the brothel with a large group of soldiers where you have to fight their commander only to be rescued by the guy that is your customer each time. I think you need this to progress the brothel scenes to the end and finally get the permit. The last brothel scene is when the girl that got you the job is back ... which only means that you have to take care of her customer as well for some reason (so you will have to alternate between three customers - and some strange teacher in the morning as well).
With the work permit finally acquired, go into the village. Talk to a few people and soon you will end up in an epic battle that destroys most of the village and kills nearly all of the inhabitants aside from three adults and some kids (WTF). You will spend a few days in bed afterwards. Return to the destroyed village to take advantage of the kids.

After you had the big cutscene infront of the brothel, you can access the prison below the hotel next to it and talk to a prisoner. No scenes as far as I can tell.

That's all I was able to find so far. If you know something I've missed, I will add it (I know for a fact that I'm missing a few scenes from the recollection room). In addition, the last parts of the game seemed to be considerably more unstable/buggy than the first half, so I may have unknowingly blocked myself out of some scenes.

------------ Village scenes------------------------

The warrior dojo/school:
- Talking to Aramis, the brown haired soldier in the dojo will lead to him inviting you upstairs right next to him where he will fuck you. Several scenes. Doing this too often will lead to the story advancing and you being unable to enter the dojo for a while, so only advance this if you can't advance anything else anymore. Aramis will eventually break up with you and start dating your house keeper.
- In the upper floor is a classroom where you can meet the kids. In later stages the teacher will use you for biology class to show the kids how a female body looks like.
- One you have met the kids in the classrom (and maybe even more preconditions), if you use the women's bathroom and walk onto one specific tile right next to the water, you'll get a scene where the kids come in. Three stages.
- (After the bathroom scene?) you can enter one of the childrens bunkroom in the upper floor to have a scene with a kid.
- The library in the upper floor has several scenes where you first meet with one of the soldiers from the first floor to research and then scenes to peep on a couple having sex (requirements unclear but has something to do with the couple in the first floor).
- The dojo will be blocked at some point, but you will be able to enter it again later, just advance some other stuff in the mean time.

- In the medical wing. Lots of scenes with the doctor (and patients). Once you have actual intercourse, he will give you a very useful contraceptive (reduces pregancy to 0 once it reaches 100, only works on the same day). Last scene level I managed to unlock had a two way with the item peddler.

House with grandma/grandpa and indoor onsen (and tables on the roof):
- Has two scenes during the main quest line

Farmer (north of the placa near the watchtower):
- Help him harvesting the weeds for scenes. Once you are interrupted by the guard, be sure to talk to him a few times otherwise you will block the rest of his scenes as he will invite you to his cows in the southwest and order you to buy new panties. Get the panties from the item shop, then visit his cows wearing them and have some scenes with him while helping him to tend to the cows. Later you will find him stabbed and he will be brought to the hospital. I think there are some scenes with him in the hospital but this part of the game got quite buggy, I ended up with two farmers right next to each other beside the cow pen, one to help, the other one stabbed (again) which just restarts the whole "farmer to the hospital" storyline.

Item shop:
- Once the farmer has ordered you to get the new underwear, you get it from here including a scene.
- Once you have the new underwear and Aramis has broken up with you, has several scenes with the item shop owner.
- Sells a dildo to be used for masturbation

- Will upgrade your rapier in exchange for flirting with him. Once his assistant mans the shop, go into the back for another scene. Once your rapier is upgraded to level 10 and the story has progressed far enough, he will tell about a crystal for another upgrade. You can find the crystal in the cave north of the temple. Once you have given him the crystal, he will have some more scenes.

Onsen (the indoor pool/restaurant in the south west of the village):
- A lot of scenes with the grandpa in the upper left room
- A lot of scenes in the actual onsen part in the EVENING. Requires the bikini to enter after the first time. You can get a bikini from the mayor(?), the one where you have to knock to enter. He will lend you one from his wife. Be careful, the naked guy his highly potent, if he finally comes inside you, he will deposit about 80 pregnany and then there are more mandatory scenes afterwards, so either keep your water cooldown or bring some pills.
- Once the sick guy comes back from the hospital, he will be situated in the lower left room, quick scene if you go in there in the evening.
- If you advance the onsen scenes far enough, the naked guy will have a date with you.

------------Lake & Brothel------------------------

- When walking around the water, a blond guy tells you to change into the bikini (in the changing room boxes at the beach) and will play with you at the beach. When its evening he will hide with you in the rocks to have sex but then some soldiers come interrupting and you have to beat them. No other scenes there.
- In the lower left is a pair where the guy will grope you sometimes when in a bikini(?).
- In the lower right a pair is having sex in the rocks. During the day there is someone peaking, if you peak as well there is a short scene but he will run away. IMPORTANT: You can lock yourself out scenes if you then not talk to the blond guy on the left. Check post #627 for a more detailed explanation.
- If you go to the pair having sex in the night, you can join them. The first time he will still have sex with the other girl, the second time he will choose you but then soldiers come interrupting. You will be rescued by some other guy with even more soldiers. After that there were no more scenes for me.
- There seems to be a scene where someone peaks in on you while changing clothes in the (right?) changing cubicle (at night?), but it seemed broken/unfinished and I can't reproduce it.
- At night you can find an item shop vendor that sellls apparently good items but he gives you a fake one if you buy it (WTF). You can still get the real item, here is an explanation by kR1pt0n1t3 how the whole thing works: Go to post #613 (have no permission to link and this post is long enough as it is)
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