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Holding Cell


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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The holding Cell is in the Junior Warmages division of Campus. It is actually a rather modest dorm room that had been hastily converted into an area to keep this potentially dangerous and odd human.

The "otherworlder" is a tall, rather heavy-set young woman with brown hair to her chin, and deep brown eyes. She's currently lounging on the bed and looks to be bored out of her mind. If Calcius decides to try and gently listen to the thoughts rising to the surface of her mind, he'd hear Oh. My. God. This has got the be the most boring place I've ever been in. My dad... well I know he's not going to worry that I've gone missing, but my best friend is probably out of her mind with worry. Oh well, at least they were great enough to give me paper and something to write with. I can work on my stories. Maybe I'll have something to show when I get home. I should try and get another... You all notice there is a stack of paper on the desk in the room.

The graphite has been worn down to a nub and it's clear that the young woman has no interest in coming up to the bars to see the new people. She peeks at them from under her arm and says, "Oh, more people come to stare at the zoo attraction. Great." You can almost make out what she's trying to say, but not quite.
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Re: Holding Cell

Jess was among the first to reach the 'cell', standing at the bars and idly wondering if she could slip through them. She didn't know whether she wanted to, though.

"Uh, no, we're here to talk." She answered slowly. "Trying to figure out what all is happenning. You, uh, need these?" She asked, tapping the bars. "From what I hear, you aren't really that eager about running away, or anything."
Re: Holding Cell

"Oh, I doubt she does need them. But the bars may well prove beneficial to us." Professor Ramielle materializes next to the exit. "Not only do they ensure that our guest won't wander off, but our geneticist has placed strong disease and curse protection on the bars. After all, we're not sure that contact with her, or even proximity TO her, is safe as yet. We are checking to ensure that she didn't bring any sicknesses with her that might affect us. She IS from a different universe. The last thing we want is a pox among us."

The Professor peers through the bars at the papers with the strange language upon them. "I don't think those runes are magical in nature, but I am rather curious as to their contents."
Re: Holding Cell

"Oh great, so there's a chance this -thing- could vvery wwell end up givvin us one of its diseases?" Servante comments as he comes up behind the professor, his arms crossed over his chest once more and is leaning against the wall. "I vvote wwe keep the bars wwhere they are."
Re: Holding Cell

The professor's tone sharpens. "I would remind you that this 'thing' seems every bit as mortal as we are. There are those among us, among the mages that is, who have experienced captivity. We do not detain this being lightly, and there is no malice in our actions."

She pushes back her glasses and sighs. "Still, I agree with your assessment of the situation... until we receive more information from the school's head Genetics master, we should avoid opening the bars or touching the detainee directly. It's the safe move."
Re: Holding Cell

The "detainee" rolled her eyes as the people in front of her babbled back and forth. She rolled over on the bed and curled into the fetal position, effectively ignoring them.

Delor and Delilah arrived soon after the prisoner's dismissal. Delor leaned against the wall to watch, as was his habit, while Delilah went right up to the bars and pressed her face in between them. "She looks just like a normal human. I'm not sure I'd be able to tell the difference if it didn't feel like there was some sort of dead space where she is. That's creepy. I didn't realize we could feel when magic isn't there..." She pouted and frowned, "But then... magic is always there, isn't it? So. Weird."
Re: Holding Cell

Toring didn't materialize out of thin air - that would be silly. He merely walked up to the cell and casually leaned against the bars, lowering his head to peer in. "That doesn't look so bad. The cells for the lycans aren't as comfy, I can tell you that much," he said with a grin, referring to the facilities for lycanthropes that go into heat. "So, has anybody actually asked for her name yet?"
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Re: Holding Cell

Servante rolls his eyes at Delilah's actions and then turns to her brother. "You may wwant to put a leash on your sister, wwe decided it wwould be safer to keep away from that off-wworlder for noww. Just in case it carries germs wwe're not familiar wwith. An wwe all knoww howw 'fond' you are of your sister." It should be clear to Delor what Servante is insinuating as he's mentioned it often enough already.
Re: Holding Cell

Delor rolled his eyes at Servante's words. The brat knew he and his sister were not romantically involved, and it had long since ceased to get a rise from him.

Delilah turned to Toring and her eyes went even wider (if that were possible) and her mouth dropped open slightly. "No! I just... oh I forgot!" She turned back to the non-magical human and said, very slowly, "Whaaat, iiiis, youuur, naaaame."

The girl rolled back over on her back and stared at Delilah intently, as if trying to puzzle the words out. I... understood that. She then spoke one word, "Danielle," and pointed at herself. Then she pointed at the rest of them and cocked her head to the side.

Delilah laughed and spoke her name, before pointing at her brother and giving his name. She then nodded encouragingly to the others in the room.
Re: Holding Cell

The professor suppresses her smile as the simple solution works. "Interesting. Miss Noran, please see if you can get her to give us some of the papers she's writing on. It might be of use to the library team."
Re: Holding Cell

"Wwe're actually entertainin this train a thought?" Servante sighs before he too introduces himself. "Servvante Draylor. Prince a one a the many Selkie kingdoms. You may noww bask in my glory, lowwblood."
Re: Holding Cell

Toring grinned. "Oh sure, leave it to the half-beast to be the sensible one," he said in a joking tone. When it was his turn to introduce himself, he raised a finger to point at his face and stated his first name, loud and clear so the girl can understand.
Re: Holding Cell

Danielle turned to Servante and stuck her tongue out at him before turning to Toring and eying him up and down with a grin.
Re: Holding Cell

Calcius had been listening to Danielle's thoughts ever since the group had arrived. "She seems to understand us well enough so far. This might not be too difficult."

When Calcius' turn came around he stated his name louder than normal, but made little effort to ensure she'd understand it. He kept listening to her mind to see if she did, though.
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Re: Holding Cell

After a brief crawl on the campus grounds, Lyinne arrived at the Holding Cell that the otherworlder was being kept. When she slipped in, they were just getting the introductions started. She learned the otherworlder's name and looked at her. So her name's Danielle.

She didn't want to completely frighten the girl, so she held off on using her telepathy. In this case, she brought a lot of paper so she could just write down what she wanted to say to the girl. She just stayed behind the group, looking at the girl. She looked like a regular human, and was rather curious on what really differentiated the two worlds.
Re: Holding Cell

Danielle swung her gaze sharply over to Calcius. She mouthed his name once before her eyes widened and she noticed his tail and the rest of his body. Naga... the thought sprang to her mind. There are elves, a naga... I wonder if they have magic too? Maybe I can talk to them with my mind? No, that's silly.
Re: Holding Cell

Lyinne looked at the girl before looking around. She slowly started to write what she wanted to tell the girl on to a piece of parchment. Shortly after, she crawled up to the bars and pressed the paper to it, so the girl can read. First order of business...can they read our language?

The piece of parchment read, "Hello. My name is Lyinne."

Lyinne looked at Danielle for any reaction.
Re: Holding Cell

Calcius smiled as he heard Danielle's thoughts. If she was already thinking about it, there couldn't be much harm in confirming her suspicions.

"You can't talk to all of us with it. But you can talk to me."
Re: Holding Cell

She peered at the paper and shook her head in confusion before her eyes opened wider and she made a small squealing noise. "You can understand me? What the hell is going on here? Why... why are there species other than humans? I'm so confused. Things are... I was sucked into something and... then I woke up in this blasted place. Help me. I'm not gonna hurt anyone and i just..." tears started filling her eyes and she shook her head. "I want to go home."
Re: Holding Cell

Lyinne frowned for a moment as Danielle shook her head in response to her piece of paper. She then saw the girl begin to cry and narrowed her eyes. She looked around for a moment and stopped at Calcius, who was looking intently at the girl. After a moment to piece together a few things, she figured it out and backed away from the bars. She took out her notes and jotted down a few things.

Looks like they can't read our language. But... she looked at Calcius and then crawled to her place at the rear of the group, it looks like telepathy can be a way of communication. Though I don't think I'm strong enough to do that