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Holding Cell

Re: Holding Cell

Jess tossed her hands up in what seems like frustration. "Gods if I know, lady ignored me, now they're all talking in their heads and I only get like two-thirds of the conversation anyways."
Re: Holding Cell

"I guess its up to the Language experts and the telepaths at the moment. Can you think of anything useful we could do to help? Hoten seems really hostile for some reason, Servante is seemingly useless, and Calcius is in his head. I'm afraid to get involved with the brother and sister. This is a real head-scratcher Jess."

Bibble pulled a small vial out of her jerking and slugged the foul smelling contents in one go, it would keep her awake but would do nothing for her power which was all but gone. It was slightly addictive as well so she was sparing in its use. Cringing, Bibble snuggled closer to Jess and waited for the awful mix to wake her up a bit.
Re: Holding Cell

"Let's go try your gate thing again. I'm not doing anything special, you can draw from me to try again. buddy said i had proper resonance or something, and i'd need a draining in the next day or two anyways." She said, getting up and pulling Bibble to her feet.
Re: Holding Cell

Bibble swayed a little as she was pulled up. "We can't, I don't dare try that again, I got lucky and grounded a lot of the energy in those tanks of mine. The explosion could have been much worse. But food would be a godsend..."
Re: Holding Cell

"Those tanks of yours explode regardless, I don't. Look at that, already loads safer. I don't want food, I hate just before the little meeting with the Dean, I'm good for hours." She said in an impatient tone, starting to drag Bibble along behind her. "So come on, where'd you leave this thing?"
Re: Holding Cell

Bibble drags Jess to a complete halt and when Jess looks back at her there is real fear in her eyes as well as tears. "I dont dare Jess..." The girl seems close to hysterics, whatever happened has her spooked for sure. "The proto is a pile of molten copper slag outside the Library..."
Re: Holding Cell

Jess wasn't having any of it. "So we build another one, this one took you all of ten minutes!" She answered angrily. "You've exploded dozens of times, and you said you were sure this would work. What's got you panties in such a twist this time?"
Re: Holding Cell

"Thats just it Jess... The math all adds up, It should have worked. Even the powerflow was right where it should have been... This wasn't another accidental mistake, theres something else going on. And what I saw...." Bibble completely locks up after this last statement, unsure about what happened or what to do. her confidence for now has been broken, but she leads Jess out to the wreckage anyway.
Re: Holding Cell

Bibble refuses to answer as she leads Jess outside the Library, stopping in front of the melted pile of copper frame and wire, the barrels that blew out have been moved to the side a bit. It seems someone tried to tidy it, She would have to thank Grave later. "I don't know, I have no way to describe it jess. But I will NOT replicate this experiment without more info, and what if you......" Bibble just sits down in the grass, her eyes low, ashamed of her own fear and how disappointing she must be to Jess at this moment.
Re: Holding Cell

Seeing as she wasn't going to get much done here, Lyinne sent a telepathic message to Calcius, "...If she's willing to hand us even a few of those papers, I'd be grateful. If she decides to, please send them to the library."

With that, Lyinne left the holding cell and returned to the library, hoping to get a little more research done.
Re: Holding Cell

Danielle wiggled the papers that were stuck through the bars, unsure of what to do. They'd wanted the papers, but why had they not taken them earlier?
Re: Holding Cell

"Uh, Academy to Bibble, if we don't figure out how these gates work, how are we supposed to close them?" Jess said, waving her arms about a bit. "What if I what, explode? I'm a lot more stable than those wacky drums you were using, or I'd have popped on my own a long time ago. Hurry up and get this thing working again!"
Re: Holding Cell

Servante watches the two bickering girls, his expression sour. Couldn't they take their common blood arguments elsewhere? The selkie thinks to himself before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. Noticing the off-worlder trying to offer some of her scribbling's to the group and them seemingly not noticing Servante sighs once before pushing himself off the wall he is leaning againt.

Elbowing his way through the group Servante stops a foot or so from the cell, unsure if he wants to risk contamination. Anyone who's paying attention to the selkie would notice a slight hesitation, both going near to the cell and taking the papers from the woman, though after several seconds he takes the parchment from the girl. "Thank you," The selkie says, his tone dry, the words merely forced to show mock courteousness towards the common bloods. "I think these are for you." Servante's attention now turns towards Hoten, forcing the sheets into the lizards hands, and without waiting for a reply the selkie returns to his spot against the wall, his expression, if possible, now more sour than before.
Re: Holding Cell

Danielle sighed and retreated back to the bed after having her papers taken. This was really some fucked up shit. But at least there are still humans around, even if one is a stiff with a stick up his ass.
Re: Holding Cell

Calcius seems a little confused as none of those who had expressed interest in the papers make any move to take them. Once Servante had given them to Hoten he relayed Lyinne's message to the Lizardman.

"The spider wanted to see those in the library. The human says they're an account of what happened to her, but from what she's told me I don't know how much help it'll be to us."

Returning his attention to Danielle, Calcius responds to her latest thought.

"Actually... she's the only human here besides you." Calcius gestures to Bibble, then to Toring and Servante. "If you were thinking of those two, they only look human. One's a Lycanthrope, the other's a Selkie."
Re: Holding Cell

She started visibly. "A selkie? He's a seal person? And the other's a werewolf? Wow. How in the hell did i get caught up in this madness? You guys aren't even supposed to exist." She said half accusingly.
Re: Holding Cell

"He's a bear, not a wolf. And show a little respect, you're representing your entire world here."
Re: Holding Cell

Danielle threw up her hands. "Okay. So he turns into a bear instead of a wolf. Big deal. And I'm a representative? You guys got the shaft then. I'm a 21 year old college student who has no time on her hands except to study, a father who hates her, a dick roommate, and a certifiable crazy mother and you expect me to relax and show respect? Uh huh. Right. My grades are plummeting into the toilet right now and ruining every chance I'll ever have at a decent career in Physics. My stress is busting through the roof right now. I just want to get home and get back to my nice cuddly science."
Re: Holding Cell

Jess walked back into the dorms and made her way back to the impromtu cell. "Whoa hey, wasn't Professor Ramille in here when I left? Did anyone catch where she was off to?" She asked when she looked around and didn't notice the woman she was looking for.