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Holding Cell

Re: Holding Cell

Hoten took the papers as they were shoved into his hands, then began going over them, and squinting as he did so. He thought he saw a pattern in them, but he couldn't be sure. "I must study these in depth." he says, his left hand reaching up and pulling his hood back over his head, before he began walking away from the holding cell, disappearing at the threshold from his own teleportation back to the library.
Re: Holding Cell

Delilah frowned a little. "I think she went back to the library, Jess. Who knows though..."
Re: Holding Cell

Jess just nodded. "Figures. 'Kay, thanks." She says and starts back off towards the library, muttering something about short legs and walking distance as she went.
Re: Holding Cell

The air behind the group suddenly shifted a little. There was a brief flash, some sparks of blue, flame-like aura and Grave appeared in the room, wasting no time as he took in his surroundings and glanced at the otherworlder. "Woah. So this is our guest?" He asked right off the bat, not bothering to say hi. "Did you manage to talk to her? Scratch that, you probably did." It was a pretty stupid question to ask, he had to admit. "Did she say anything about the papers she gave you? Or anything about her experience with the portal? I'd like to have some information about those damn things. Live data would be best, altough right now I'd settle even for a simple description..."
Re: Holding Cell

With a grunt, Toring pushed himself off the bars and takes a few steps back. "Well, since only the telepaths can talk to her right now until you guys figure out some magical translator thingamajig, I guess I'll take a walk. Maybe check up on that lovely bear lady in the forest - I swear she's been hitting on me," the lycan jested. His upbeat tone hid the fact that he felt he wasn't of much use right now, and he felt a bitter sting of jealousy at all the magic users - a sting he had felt before, but not as clearly as now. With a shrug and a wave into the room, Toring trotted out of the hallway, making space for the others.
Re: Holding Cell

Toring and Jess passed in the hallway just outside. She looked a little cranky herself. "Delilah still in there?" She asked as they passed by.
Re: Holding Cell

Toring gave her a wave and stopped. "Yeah, she is. Pretty sure I saw her. They have you running errands?"
Re: Holding Cell

"Yeah, can you believe it? 'Run around and find the professor!' 'Go and hunt down a teleporter!' 'Talk to that nutcase Delilah!'. I swear, it makes no sense!" She rants, a dagger flying loose and thunking into the wall beside her.
Re: Holding Cell

Toring grinned and leaned against a wall. "The average folk sometimes forget we can't use magic. Tell you what, I've nothing to do right now. How about I lend you a hand - or a pair of legs, as it were." The large lycan goes down on one knee and waggles his eyebrows at the halfling. "Go on, climb up. But I swear I'll toss you by the legs if you pull my hair."
Re: Holding Cell

Jess looked at the lycan suspiciously. Just last week she'd been running from the man after he had stubbed his toe, climbing up a wall to get away from him. "So long as Delilah doesn't con me into anything else, I should be good, actually.." She says slowly..
Re: Holding Cell

Toring shrugged his massive shoulders and got back up. "Suit yourself. Just so you know, though, I'm not a grudge type of guy," he added, having more than an inkling about why she wouldn't trust him. "It's just that nobody had warned me about your special brand of humor, that's all."
Re: Holding Cell

Delilah, with her tongue between her teeth, had been watching the human very carefully and thinking about everything from the human to the portals to her homework. She tilted her head to the side and withdrew her tongue, her eyes crossed as she thought about something very hard and then as the idea hit her she knew she needed to go find the professor. "I've got it!" She shouted, elated and ran out of the room into the hallway. "Jess! Toring! I've figured it out! I know how we can close those portals and I'm pretty sure why it's gotta be us!" she blurted.

Delor groaned in frustration as she ran out of the room, but he stayed put. He was pretty sure she'd be fine for a few minutes without him.
Re: Holding Cell

Jess turned from Toring to Delilah. "The professor wants you in the library courtyard in an hour, kay?" She told the girl, then went silent and listened. "So, why us then?"
Re: Holding Cell

"You know what they were talking about when the Warmage mentioned our resonance and the portals right?! Well, as an Applied Enchantment student and a soon to be mental healer I've gotten where I can feel energy and how it works together." Her eyes were bright and she was really very out of breath. "When you weave magic into an item, you're weaving or working the magic just as you would the item from blacksmithing to making clothes. But you can't weave two opposing kinds of enchantments into something because they resonate wrong together! To close the portals you have to weave their magic in with ours and use an enormous amount of energy and have someone that's really powerful use that woven energy to sort of patch it and sew it shut!"

She turned to Toring and have him a hug before staring up at him, "Do you know what this means!?"
Re: Holding Cell

Toring's eyebrows shot up as Delilah hugged him. He had been able to follow her to a point, but she lost him at opposing kinds of enchantments. His eyes scan for her brother - surely he wouldn't approve of her choice of huggee - before he answers. "Nnnnot really, no. Am I the needle or the patch in your metaphor?"
Re: Holding Cell

She giggled, "No! Silly, Toring. You're part of the pattern! We all are! I think the only person strong enough is Ms Ramielle. She's been a teacher here for a really long time. And me and the professor are the weavers! This is great! I've got to tell her right away. You guys wanna come with me?" Then she saw exactly how tired Jess was. "Oh wait... here. Hang on a moment. You ran here all the way from the library." She concentrated, her tongue stuck between her teeth and with a muffled pop a sealed container appeared on her outstretched palm. She studied it for a second and then handed it to the Halfling. "My alchemy friend told me I could conjure anything I needed from his stores. It's an energy restoration potion, here."
Re: Holding Cell

Jess shook her head. "Best put it back and save it for when it's really needed. Besides, I think I already have a ride, if we're going." She says looking over to Toring again.

If the offer was still open, she'd clamber on up and look back over to Delilah. "So if your theory is true, what does that mean for why they're staying open?"
Re: Holding Cell

Delilah tossed the bottle over her shoulder where it disappeared at the height of it's arc. "That I'm not so sure about," she shook her head. "Maybe they're natural, maybe someone is holding them open... I wouldn't be able to tell until I was near one and able to get it's.... flavor."
Re: Holding Cell

Toring grunted in mock surprise and bend his knees as Jess took a seat on his shoulders, pretending to carry an enormous weight. "Ranga's Pelt, how much have you been eating," he grumbled and winked at Delilah. "So, where to then?"
Re: Holding Cell

Jess chuckled. "Oh I'm sorry, I brought an extra backpack of rocks up here, thought I'd try and even out that bear-sized gut of yours, straighten your spine abit." She shot right back, wriggling a bit on his shoulders.