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Holding Cell

Re: Holding Cell

Toring looked down at his belly, which may not be chiseled marble, but certainly not a gut! Not in his estimation, at least. "That's no gut, that's muscle and testicles," he grumbled the reply his own father had always used... before he realized the company he was in. The Nordic man actually blushed and muttered "S-Sorry, I wasn't thinking."
Re: Holding Cell

Delilah tilted her head to the side, she had no idea what he was apologising for, but whatever. "To the Library! Professor Ramielle will love to hear my idea!" Then she started skipping. Yes. She started skipping to the Library.
Re: Holding Cell

"Uh-huh. Went a little nuts there, for a minute?" Jess asked, her tone half in jest. It reminded her of her own semi-compromised position, wrapped around his neck. "Off to the library then, giddy-up!" She said, trying to lighten the mood a bit as she rocked a bit, like she was trying to get a stubborn horse moving.
Re: Holding Cell

"Heh. You win this round, halfling," Toring chuckled and got moving to the library, feeling a little better about his slip-up now that he knew that neither of the ladies were too upset.
Re: Holding Cell

"Bloody lowwbloods," Servante thinks to himself at the sight of the group larking around. If at all possible his brow narrows even more at the sight of Toring offer himself up as a ride to the library. "You may have animal blood but come on, can't you show evven a shred a respect for yourself?" The young selkie comments as he walks up to the group, waiting for them to set off to find the professor.
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Re: Holding Cell

Grave watched the group from a distance, his eyebrow twitching. He wasn't that suprised when the professor ignored him, but this seemed to become a trend. An annoying one, no less. With a sigh, the pyromancer teleported again, deciding to just lurk around somewhere until the gate was ready for a second run. Maybe if he worked on another experiment in the meantime and blew something up people would notice, if only because of the conflagration that usually followed every single one of his less successful attempts.
Re: Holding Cell

Toring turned around and grinned at the selkie while walking backwards. "At least I make myself useful instead of standing around and being a sourpuss all day," the lycan said calmly. And you should be glad I have what little self-respect I have. Otherwise I'd have eaten you already. Even in this form, I can smell the seal on you.
Re: Holding Cell

"I'll start bein useful wwhen the time calls for it," The selkie replies coolly, not letting on that Toring's barb stung more than it should've. "I wwonder, do wwet bears smell just like wwet dogs?"
Re: Holding Cell

Toring stopped and sighed. With a slight roll of his shoulder, he answered. "Look, Draylor. You think you're the first mage with a superiority complex about us that wants to make fun of me? I'm going to tell you the same I told everyone else. I'll be here for a few more years, whether you like it or not, so you better get used to seeing my mug around." With that he turned and walked away, his longer legs aiming to bring as much distance between himself and the Selkie as possible.
Re: Holding Cell

Servante smiled as Toring walked away from him, and while he hadn't expected the werebear's response he guessed the man had been hassled for not being a mage before.

"Hey, you, wwait up," Servante called after Toring, the selkie having to break into a semi-jog to keep up with the beastman. "Seems like you havve me all wwrong," The selkie began, once he had caught up to Toring. "I may find you lowwbloods an abhorrent lot, howwevver I do have an iota of respect for you wwerepeople. After all, wwe're both noble beasts by nature, right?" Before Toring could reply to him Servante quickened his pace towards their destination, leaving the man behind him.
Re: Holding Cell

Calcius sighs.

"I think both parties got the shaft. I'm 20 years old and spent 15 of those years living alone in a forest. My people skills are somewhat lacking. That, and I'm still not entirely sure exactly what our objective was in interviewing you. I get the impression it wasn't all that well thought out. Don't tell anyone I said that."
Re: Holding Cell

Danielle giggled and gave him a mock salute. "My mouth is sealed. Though if you can wiggle through my thoughts, surely someone else can. Maybe they thought I had something to do with the way I got here." Then she shrugged. "But I've already told you, I have no idea." She stuck a hand into her jeans pocket and frowned, pulling something out. She gave a relieved sigh at the smallish book. "This is my pocket Torah," the word didn't translate well, though the feeling of the word helped Calcius to know it was some kind of holy book, and she radiated peace and calm as she held it.
Re: Holding Cell

Getting ahead of Toring wasn't hard, because the lycan stopped in surprise as Servante admitted he had respect for something. "Hmph. That... Hmph." He craned his neck to look up at Jess. "That makes me want to eat him slightly less."
Re: Holding Cell

Jess had been frowning in Servante's direction, the glare of death that all women possessed in one way or another only slightly diminished by her small size. "Remember, that war-mage said he's probably needed." She reminded him, her gaze never wavering as she watched the Selkie's back. No doubt she was coming up with a dozen or so nasty pranks to use on him at the first opportunity...
Re: Holding Cell

Toring sighed and made a slight hop, shaking the halfling on his shoulders. "We'll probably have to get along for much longer," he said. "No need to piss people off right from the get-go, hm? C'mon, let's get to the library."
Re: Holding Cell

"Kinda late for that, isn't it?" She huffed, then sighed and turned away from the Selkie's retreating back. "Yeah, let's go..."
Re: Holding Cell

Delor snorted at the one sided conversation. "Care to translate?"
Re: Holding Cell

"There's not much to translate, really. We've just talked a bit about ourselves. She seems to be just as clueless about the whole thing as we are, so I don't think we'll get anything useful out of her. Hopefully the library team has been having better luck."

"What's that? A holy book?"
Re: Holding Cell

Delor wrinkled his nose, "Hopefully. I'll go see if Delilah's rare insightful moment has borne any fruit." He waved his hand and sauntered off, whistling.

Danielle nodded and held it close to her. "It helps with the situation. I really don't want to give up faith, but it's been very hard these days."
Re: Holding Cell

"I might join you. This doesn't seem to be going anywhere."

"I'm going to go see what my companions are up to. Hopefully they'll have figured something out. They shouldn't keep you here for longer than necessary. They're just making sure it's safe for you to be here. And safe for us to be around you."

Calcius smiles again and bows slightly before slithering off after Delor.