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Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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The combination Administrative Center and Administrative Staff Dormitory for Cross Technologies' Horizon Research and Treatment Center had unique architecture, to say the least. Each of the originally separate, twelve-story buildings resembled a slightly inward angled needle. The banks of windows that comprised the outward facing walls stopped at the eighth floor, since the top four floors were devoted entirely to communications and servers.

Several sky-bridges, and a mutual ground floor lobby connected the two buildings, making the entire unit vaguely resemble an old Jacob's Ladder electrical gizmo from Earth. While initially planned to be spread across both buildings, Nathaniel Cross had reduced the actual office and living space for the facility director down to only taking up the entire eighth floor on the Dorm side.

Nate was sitting at his personal workstation in his workshop/lab room, desk projecting multiple displays of various technical readouts, when an electronic voice spoke up from his computer. "Sir!"

After no response, it began beeping at him. "Sir!"

Nate groaned, before opening yet another display to see what was up. "What is it?"

The computer popped a notice up on the new display. "You have an interview at 1100h today, with one Senra Belladonna."

Nate frowned slightly, vaguely puzzled. "Yeah, that's not until later, though."

A chronometer popped up next to the notice. "Sir, it's now 1000h, and you've been at this project for almost 72 hours solid, barring your naps."

Panic set in. "SHIT!" After hurriedly scrambling to put his work in standby, Nate barged out of his workshop, stopped long enough to make sure the door was sealed, then charged into his apartment on the other side of the conference room. Less than an hour later, he was out, cleaned-up and changed into a more business-looking suit, and was seated at one of the lower tables at the far end of the conference room, near the wall that was comprised entirely of windows, with a small tablet-like computer in one hand, and looking over what appears to be a black sheet with a white-line floorplan on it.

[Just jump-starting this early as a sort-of solo for Shrike, since she's likely going to be without internet for a short bit here.]
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center

“Ms. Belladonna, Mr. Cross will see you now.“ the disembodied voice of the AI spoke into the waiting rooom, Bell sitting calmly in one of the chairs, working on a program on her bracelet as she waited “Take the elevator to the eighth floor, the meeting room will be right outside the elevator.“

“Thank you, let him know I‘m on my way.“ She answered with a smile, aimed nowhere in particular. Pausing the work she was doing on her screen and causing the holographic interface to vanish, she stood and followed the directions, arriving at the meeting room a few minutes later. “Mr. Cross, so nice to see you again!“ she greeted him happily, striding up to the table he was at, and extending a hand over it to shake.
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate had looked up when he'd heard the elevator arrive. Whether he'd noticed the AI's message or not was another matter entirely.

He stood and shook Bell's hand when she reach the table. "Likewise. Welcome."

Nate gestured for her to take one of the nearby seats, then continued, "I apologize if the architecture seems a little unusual, even for human buildings. I basically just told the architect how much space we needed, and how much funds were available, and let him surprise me. There's really only been a handful of changes from that original design."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"It looks stellar. I got to watch some of the construction process from downtown when I was on breaks, it looked like quite the undertaking back then, and it certainly seems to have turned out well." She said with a light laugh and a playful smile, getting comfortable in her seat and glancing out the window.

Her gaze returned to him after just a few seconds, the friendly smile still on her face. "So, the request for an appointment was kind of vague. I'm pretty sure I know why you asked me here, but I'd like to hear it from yourself, or course." She offered, giving a small chuckle.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate paused a moment, then began, "Well, the previous offer of a job working here, either as part of the entertainment division's development team, or as part of our in-house Tech Support staff still stands. From what I understand, part of your earlier decline was due to an unfamiliarity with human technology, which is a perfectly understandable reason."

"One of the reasons I'm trying to get expertise from both humans and drow is that what might work, or be popular, with one may not necessarily be the case for the other. There's also another factor: If there's to be any kind of a success in a joint project, there has to be a certain level of trust on both sides. By trying to get both races involved in developing things, whether it be new shiny gizmos for amusement, or more serious developments in medical treatments and prevention, I feel that this is something I can add to effort."

He paused again, then let out a small laugh. "I've been told before that people like working for me. Then again, I've also been told I can start rambling on occasion, so take from that what you will."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell listened silently as Cross spoke, nodding along appropriately. She gave a laugh when he finished, putting a hand to her lips and nodding in agreement. "You -are- quite the talker, Dear. No offense of course. Lots and lots of flowery words, but you seem to have skipped out on one important thing." She said, shifting forward and leaning towards him, unintentionally giving him a decent view down her cleavage. "What, are you offering me? What am I here for?" She asked slowly. "One of the things i've learned about your computers is that they -always- work in absolutes. on or off, zero or one, yes or no. Let's talk absolutes for a bit, hmm?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate paused for a second, then open his mouth as if to start to reply... And then promptly stopped and stared of into space for just a second.

He finally seemed to recover whatever thought got misplaced, though. "Oh, right... Right. At the moment, there's two key projects in the entertainment division that we've got going, both of them could use someone with your knowledge and expertise. Both of them, oddly enough, revolve around the same basic piece of technology. We've got a portable holo-projector with a programmed holopet. We managed to get it down to a size wearable on the forearm, and I've been told that there's room for some more features to be added."

As he explains this, he pulls out one and puts it on his right forearm, triggering the control panel's appearance with a flexing of his right hand. The panel appears just in front of his hand, and a quick command causes the appearance of a very large canine, easily taller than the lounge table. The holographic dog begins wandering around the room, seemingly curious about Bell, but not interrupting the conversation.

Nate continues, "I've heard that drow computer technology has gotten to the point that quite a few communications functions can be operated out of something the size of a bracelet. Creating a sort of hybrid between these units and those is one of the two. The other one is, of course, expanding the available options to include animals that would be familiar to drow. Both projects require skilled, talented, or both, programmers."

"As for what you'd be getting out of this... Most of our technical staff usually get between five and six figures. From what I've heard of your skill, you'd likely be towards the high end of that. That's not including benefits. Among which is free medical. Also, there's free housing on site included. And I can show you what the housing around here is like, if you're interested. Each space can easily be tailored to suit the occupant. Same with workspaces or offices. I've found that when people doing creative work feel comfortable, they tend to come up with better solutions, and have fewer stress issues."

It *might* become obvious to Bell at this point that Nate's hair seems a bit... Damp. Like someone who hasn't been out of the shower that long.
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

The drow listened with a smile, watching the holographic dog with rapt attention, testing a hand against the large dog when it passed by. "Impressive. I think we can do business. Let's see here." She said, pulling up her own display and swiping to a blank screen, tapping out the points so she didn't forget anything.

"First off, I'm still not sure I have the time to be a project lead for something like that. It sounds incredible, to be sure, but I have my own business to run. Desking for the kinds of hours that would require is simply beyond what I have available. What I -can- do is consult for you. Check your code, write some of my own, already have a few ideas for that, and generally troubleshoot. As for benefits, medical, housing... Eh, sure, but expect my use of it to be sporadic at best. I have a house already, so any apartment here will most likely be crash material after a long night. And that brings us to pay. Leaning at six figures there sounds amazing, but I understand that I'm not placing myself in the role you want, so I'm willing to cut down to half of that, flat out. Does that sound reasonable?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

When she tested her hand against the dog, oddly enough it would feel like there was a living, breathing being there... It would also cause the dog to stop and watch her closely.

Nate shrugged at her offer. "Yeah, I suppose I could cut the pay... Although, since what you've said you'd be able to do was pretty much what I was offering, rather than actual project lead, I'm fine with keeping it at the full amount. To be honest, most of the current staff here are sporadic with using the medical. Accidents seem to be low, which is perfectly fine with me. And it wouldn't surprise me if more than one has either a personal business or second job."

He shrugged, and then added rhetorically, "If it's good for morale and not causing issues, why worry about it?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"Hard to argue with that." She answered with a chuckle, though her eyebrows lifted a good deal up her forehead as she listened, surprised. She gave the holographic dog a scratch under the chin when it stopped to regard her, surprised at how lifelike it seemed. Best she knew anyways, but the few pet dogs she had seen humans dragging around down seemed pretty docile.

"So, sounds almost settled then. When do I start? Oh, could I get a look at the thing now, even? Seems like quite the leap forward."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate shrugged, shut down the projector and then passed it over. "You're free to start as soon as you want to. I'd prefer sometime within the week. There's available workrooms across the skybridge, just beyond the elevator, if you're interested. I'll get things set up for a more permanent assignment by the end of the week."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell nodded, grinning slightly as she took the armband, flipping it around and examining every surface, to start. "I have a couple counter shifts to fill, but even if I can't switch them, I can just pull a few nights here to catch up." She said, shrugging as she cleared the display on her own bracelet, erasing the job notes and starting with fresh ones on the work itself.

After a moment, she handed the thing back. "Wonderful stuff, truly. I doubt you want proprietary prototypes leaving the premises, so I'll just pass this back for now. Already have a few ideas, I have some half-finished programs that I may be able to get to work with it. You mentioned comms tech you wanted to add. For what purpose? Any other features you were thinking of?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate shrugged. "That's actually one of the general production models, so I'm not too worried about it. As for the features... Calender, messaging, vid-link calls. As it sits right now, the device is almost more of a fashion accessory, and the entire team, and myself, had originally envisioned something with more utilitarian properties. It's just that the trinary syntax coding that we had to develop for the projector control programs doesn't want to talk with what tech we've already got for those kinds of functions. Someone on the team back on Earth, though, mentioned the possibility of drow technology having a solution. This place was the obvious choice for starting a search of sorts along those lines."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell nodded, slipping the armband back around her arm as she listened. She'd have time to fiddle with it at home, apparently. "Understandable. Meshing the two tech is incredibly difficult, so far. At least with any degree of true integration." She answered, standing again. "But you already knew that, I'm sure. I have something I want to try already, but I'll have to take a look at the code you already have in place. Should be no more than two days or so before I can get deep enough in to see if it will pan out. Should be able to get my shop in order by then, and settle in here somewhat. Paperwork's in the mail, I take it?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate nodded. "Yeah. I'll make sure it's done by the time you're ready to start."

He stood, as well... Then stretched slightly. "If the good things I've heard about your work are anything to go by, it should be interesting to see what you come up with."

While he'd show her to the elevator, it would be a little obvious that his mind is already started to work on a list of what would need to be done. Or perhaps on some other technical issue.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell chuckled as he walked her to the elevator, drinking in the praise eagerly. "Well, you do know my ad. Orchrios Solutions, the Best of Both Worlds." She says with a grin. "I have been working on a system that works similar to dual booting, but the two halves work in concert. Translation software is getting better, I could probably run them as a unified whole, with the human OS running the absolute math and similars while the drow system does the expansive stuff. Get them talking back and forth fast enough and the combination could become seamless."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate chuckled. "Well, it certainly will be interesting to see what you come up with. Oh, one word of warning. The projector programming has a series of sub-routines and protocols in place to prevent the holograms from being able to cause physical damage or harm. We've embedded security precautions and coding in the actual hardware itself to prevent the safeties from being disabled. Short version, the processors and memory units will burn themselves out if you try. Which leaves the device as a somewhat expensive weight."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"That was something I was planning on asking about. Solid holograms can be a very dangerous thing, it's good to know you've already thought of that eventuality." She replied, a hint of solemnity entering her otherwise playful voice. They reached the elevator, and she gave a short bow. "I Guess I will see you soon then, hmm?" She asked, pressing the button to open the elevator doors and stepping inside.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

As the elevator arrived, Nate nodded. As they started to close, he responded. "Yes, until later."

Once the elevator with Bell in it had left, Nate went back into his apartment to change back into more normal clothing, and returned to his workroom, shutting the door again, and returning to whatever it was he'd been working on.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Will whistled as he looked up at the convoluted building architecture, wondering how much effort had gone into building it. Whatever the outcome of his little expedition, the evening stroll had been nice, and he really didn't get the opportunity to visit this part of Orchrios often.

"Good to get out of the apartment, I suppose." He chuckled, grinning. "I should talk to creepy strangers more often."

As he approached, he scanned the windows for signs of activity, hoping that there would be someone he could make an appointment with. Failing that, he would check for hours when the building would be open.