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Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate turned towards the door across from the one he came out of. "Yeah, sounds like a plan..."

He had just taken the first step across the room, however, when his sweatpants decided to alert him that they were maybe too loose. They dropped, revealing what looked like the end of a pair of shorts under the tail end of his shirt. Nate made an attempt to grab the sweatpants, but missed. He sighed, then added, "Okay, this just got a little awkward, didn't it?"

He stooped, pulled the sweatpants back up, and then disappeared back into the room he'd emerged from. "One second."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell's eyes went wide as Cross suffered from a wardrobe malfunction, frozen like a deer in the headlights for a moment before turning away, blushing deeply. She nodded in response, a hand still up and covering her mouth after her gasp of surprise.

She stayed with her back to him until after he had retreated to his room, finding a seat to wait from.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Numerous chairs were available, as the main table had plenty of seats, and each of the three smaller tables closer to the window had four each.

After a moment, Nate stepped back out, this time with some sort of elastic cord for an improvised belt. He quickly crossed the room and went in the other door. Through it, Bell would be able to see what looked like a normal business office. As he did, Bell might catch him muttering, "If I had any dignity left, that would have been embarrassing."

Inside, Nate quickly accessed a panel straight ahead on his left, revealing a drink bar. He grabbed something for himself, as well as a cup of coffee for Bell if she wanted it.
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

The drow woman had recovered somewhat by the time Nate returned with the drinks, having chosen a spot near the window to take a seat. She sipped at the coffee likely, looking over at the man for a moment before commenting again. "Feel more awake now?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate nodded. "A bit. Enough to answer some questions. Which are likely why you're here."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"Good." She said, her bubbly demeanor fading, replaced with a serious frown. "Then tell me everything. I'm not going to bother asking first, you know plenty more than I know to ask, so spit it out."
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate sighed. "Okay, this will take a while... And, there's going to be gaps. Certain variables are in play that we don't know about, I'm afraid."

"To start... Those creatures that attacked last night. Both were beings from human lore, commonly referred to as demons. They're not friendly to others, as you probably already guessed. And they were two different types. They have their own realm that they live in, which was that other place from last night. Seems to be a mirror of our own. Normally, it's inaccessible from here, but something's off, obviously."

He paused here, seemingly to make sure that Bell was understanding what he was saying so far.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell's frown increased somewhat as she listened. "So, those were creatures from another dimension, is what you're saying. And ancient Earth faerie tales include automobiles? Why is it acting up now? And how come nobody else from the city crossed over?" She asked, leaning back in the chair and crossing her arms across her chest.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"Well, the closest explanation I've been able to come across is that they're in another dimension, essentially." Nate shrugged, "As for the car... The origins of that seem to have been an old 'ghost story' about a woman's ghost getting trapped in an ox cart she'd been killed for. It's possible that over the centuries, some form of... Well, of evolution could have occurred."

"The only explanation I can come up with for why only certain people are shifting is that the barrier between the two worlds, for lack of a better term, is only weakening slightly. So, only those with some sort of sensitivity to such phenomenon are affected, or those with really bad luck. Which could well be one and the same as far as you're concerned. I'm still trying to figure out why the barrier's acting funny here, in particular." He shook his head again. "It's possible, I suppose, that the illness has something to do with it, but that's just a wild guess at this point."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"You think I may have caught it? What about you, you went in there too." Bell responded, shaking her head. "I got a bit dizzy when everything changed, but I apparently crossed over to a different dimension, I'd say it was probably disorientation. I thought I was hallucinating, at first."
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate stopped, considering, "Possible... But I don't think so. I've been making the trip back and forth for some time now, and nothing like the disease has affected me. Oh, and before you start worrying, I've had training that allows me to freely move between worlds. I highly doubt you'll start doing that on your own."

He frowned, then slightly trailed off, as if distracted by one of his own thoughts. "If they were the source though... What kind would have that ability..."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"What kind of training? I thought you had some sort of tech, like that tube thing you killed the creature with. Dimension hopping isn't usually a mind over matter kind of thing, or it would be a little more common, dontcha think?" Bell answered sardonically.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate winced at that. After a moment, and a carefully drawn breath, he started to explain. "I've had more training than just tech... Some of it involved what could be considered more occult studies... The tube was part of that. If I'd been wanting to kill that Anzu, I would have just emptied the rest of the clip into it."

He stopped for a second, looking out the window. Finally, he sighed and began again, "What I did with that tube was almost more of an arrest of sorts. Something about that particular one had me intrigued, and I decided to confine it, in hopes that I'd be able to get some information from it. Haven't had a chance to try yet, and it probably won't be overly talkative just yet."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"So you... Captured it?" Bell asked, surprised. "And they can talk? They're intelligent, sentient?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate nodded. "Yeah, I did. And they are intelligent. The degree to which they are kind of depends on the... Well, the type that they are."

"That Anzu from last night, for instance... Very cunning, rather intelligent... But, at the same time, also very animalistic in mindset. I'm going to have to develop some manner of loyalty from it, before I'll be able to get anything useful out of it, in all likelihood."

He paused, considering something, then went on. "To give a different example, there's another kind called 'poltergeist'. It's almost more like a rather young child in mindset, so a little cunning, and someone might be able to get answers out of it even without confining it... Of course, doing the confine first is safer. Even the smallest, seemingly weakest, of the demons are still several orders of magnitude stronger than a human. Likely drow as well, since I've been seeing similarities between the two races with the medical work."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"You don't think that might be a little amoral, then? If they're intelligent creatures, Then... Shouldn't you be trying to parley with them, or something?" She asked, concerned.

"Far as I know, Humans and drow aren't that different, physically. I'm not really a doctor though, I just know the differences in tech. And cuisine, a little bit."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate hestitated a little, then shrugged. "I suppose a little, perhaps. Then again, the demons' natural reaction to humans is to either kill, or toy with them to terrify them before killing them, so... Could be a gray area, morally speaking."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell frowned a little. "You know, it's thought processes like that that lead to the war between our races, before we found a way to communicate." She pointed out, reaching over and emptying her cup of coffee.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate frowned, but nodded. "A little, yes. Of course, at least on the human side of things, there was also a fair degree of the mindset 'We shouldn't have to share anything with anyone'. My company and others are making efforts to break that mentality. From what I've been able to discover, though... The demons behave in that hostile fashion, simply because they believe it's fun to torment others... Even their own kind."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell just sighed, shaking her head. "I don't even know. Things would have been better if none of this had happened, I think. Kinda late for that now, though. What else can you tell me?"