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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Set back in a secluded portion of the woods, one finds a rocky face of the hills that border Gossamer Falls. Unlike the ones tucked behind the waterfall this one offers respite all year round to those that are willing to make the trek as these caves are home to several natural hotsprings. Most people deny the existence of this place and even among the students it can be difficult to get people to come clean on its location. Other than this there is nothing that keeps people from making their way there.

Once inside, there's a short, steam-filled tunnel that leaves no doubt as to what you are going to find. It then opens up to a large, albeit low ceilinged room, half of which is filled with bubbling, steaming water. Some folks bring a light source though others prefer the darkened atmosphere. It'sa good bet though, that more often than not you'll find a discarded torch or lantern tucked into a corner. Although during sunrise a large portion of sunlight still reaches to the back of the caves.
Re: Hotsprings

Shortly after leaving the party, and quite shortly at that (being able to run faster than just about anyone he knew was definitely a great help at times, though knowing the way was the real reason he made it so quickly), Kyo arrives at the Hot Spring.

"Well," Kyo says to the emptiness, "I'll take a dip in the Hot Springs, then find myself a quiet place to make my bed."

Disrobing quite quickly, Kyo immediately heads into the Spring, his chest, arms, legs, and back are littered with scars. Two stand out quite prominently, as if he deliberately keeps them from disappearing: One is on the upper part of his right arm, a long but thin scar that looks like he took a nasty slice at some point; the other is on his back, diagonally from his left shoulder blade down to his right hip, as if he had gotten hit with a whip quite severely.

However, it is only a brief glance, as he is soon submerged in the water up to his neck, gently floating, looking as though he's found a peace in the water that can be found nowhere else.
Re: Hotsprings

Glancing at the watch over by his belongings, Kyo notices that he's been floating for about an hour, maybe hour and a half. Knowing he needed to get to sleep before too long if he was going to wake up in time for class at all, he sighs and gets out of the spring, the cool night air hitting him like a semi as he steps out. Quickly removing the rest of himself from the water, Kyo begins to draw in Ki to warm himself. "Heh, I forgot about the Spring, I guess," Kyo says to himself, chuckling a little.

Dried off and dressed up, Kyo goes to find himself somewhere to sleep. Unfortunately, it seems the forest denizens had taken a greater liking to the Spring since he was last there, and it had become quite impossible to find a quiet place to sleep. Frustrated and not looking for a fight, Kyo shakes his head and gives off a very annoyed sigh. "Well, I guess it's back to the dorms, then," he grumbles. Deciding to take his time, Kyo sets off through the Forest at a jog. "I've got time before we need to be in our rooms, so as long as nobody sees me come out, I'll be fine."
Re: Hotsprings

((this wont be happening all at once, I'm just typing it up so that it spans a long period of time. Dont worry, I'm not speeding time up, all of you go at your own pace))

Art had managed to sneak into the forest without being seen by any of the students or faculty who happened to be out and about. Slowly making his way through the forest he finally came to the hotsprings, he sits down and watches the sun set.

Once the sun has set Art gets back up and walks to a section of wall, which, to the unobserved eye would look like a normal bit of cave wall. But to Art it clearly showed signs of tampering. Putting his palm on the wall the stone slowly shifted until a relatively large hole could be seen, housing a couple of towels, a sleeping bag, some alcohol and two pillows. Taking the stuff out Art sets it down on the cave floor and strips. He then sits in one of the hotsprings and lets out a sigh of content. Reaching over he grabs a bottle of alcohol, opens it and takes a sip.

During the night Art slowly drinks the alcohol whilst relaxing.
Re: Hotsprings

Shortly around sunset, Trixie arrived, dressed in her usual fur attire as she peers around inside, finally finding Art a little ways away. "Hihi!" she said friendily as she arrived.
Re: Hotsprings

"HOSHI-!" Followed by a large splash could be heard coming from the hotspring that Art was in. He wasn't expecting Trixie to actually come up tonight. Luckily he had only just got in the spring.

"Hey," Art calls out to Trixie, acting as if nothing happened. "Decided to come up then?"
Re: Hotsprings

She nodded a bit at the response, giggling slightly at his overeaction. "Yeah, I enjoyed my last trip here, so I wondered if it would be better with company," she reasoned.
Re: Hotsprings

"I've always found the hotsprings very relaxing after a stressful day, though it could be better with company, I've only come up here on my own. Well I'm glad you decided to come up after all." Art reaches over and grabs a towel, he then ties it around his waist so that even if Trixie did decide to enter the hotsprings with him he'd be decent enough.
Re: Hotsprings

She smiled a bit at that. "One moment and I'll be in," she said, stepping around a corner after grabbing a towel. After a few moments, she came back out, the towel wrapped around herself as she slid into the water opposite of him.
Re: Hotsprings

"Wow, she's certainly something else," Art thinks to himself as Trixie is seemingly eager to jump straight into the hotsprings with him. "It's not everyday you meet a girl like this.....normally I'd have to wine and dine her first.."

Art stares at Trixie as he thinks to himself, a look of slight surprise on his face. "Wow, just wow..." Art then says quietly. A short silence before he speaks again. "So, uh....you come to the hotsprings often?" It's probably clear that Art hasn't gone from first date to nakedness this fast for a long time, if at all and as such is slightly taken aback by Trixie.
Re: Hotsprings

She leans back comfortably, sighing a bit as she feels the water caress at her again. "Not too much, I've only been here a few times," she says idly, the back of her mind giggling at the fact that Art seemed a bit more nervous then the bravado he showed off earlier.
Re: Hotsprings

Art watches Trixie, trying to analyse her, could this open and direct girl be the same as the clueless shy girl he was dancing with just last night? Regardless, Trixie seems nice enough and Art slowly relaxes.

"Ah I see. I come here whenever I get the chance, though by the seems of it I missed you each time," Art rests an arm on the edge of the hotspring. "So how come you decided to come up here tonight? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just curious is all. If I'd have asked any other girl I'd have most likely been slapped." Art lets out a small laugh at his own comment.
Re: Hotsprings

"I dunno, really," she admits, still resting to the rocks. "I guess I was just, well, curious was all. Bad habit of mine," she says with a small giggle.
Re: Hotsprings

"Well, I'm glad you came up. It's nice to have some company," Art grabs his drink and has some before realising he hasn't gotten another for Trixie. "Want some?" Art asks her as he offers her the bottle.
Re: Hotsprings

She takes the bottle gingerly. "Thank you," she replied, before slowly opening it and taking a drink. She seems to wrinkle her nose at it, but decides to be polite and not refuse it.

(Hmm, this could lead to some interesting developments.)
Re: Hotsprings

Art quietly laughs at Trixie's impression. "Don't worry, it's not poisonous. Just don't let the faculty know that I'm handing out alcohol. After all we're not really supposed to have it on campus." Art then sits there, unsure as to say or do.
Re: Hotsprings

"So that's what it is?" she said with a slight grimace. "Trust me, my lips are sealed."
Re: Hotsprings

"And might I say what pretty lips they are," Art says as he sidles up to Trixie, he's regained some of his usual charm but this time it's natural, none of the usual flair he adds.
Re: Hotsprings

As Art slid closer to her, she blushed slightly, allready feeling a slight buzz from the alchohol. "T-thanks..." she said, looking slightly embarressed.
Re: Hotsprings

"There's nothing to be embarressed about," Art practically whispers to Trixie, his face almost next to hers.

"Could she be...coming onto me?" Art thinks to himself as he edge's closer to her. "That would explain why she so willingly came up here...Did she have some ulterior motive?" The alcohol has already settled in Art throwing his mind in all directions, and to test the waters he leans in and lightly kisses her.