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Re: Hotsprings

Siphon paused, then shrugged.

"I've been to A Hell dimension or two before, though I have no idea if it was the same place you came from. It's a long story on that, and I'll be honest, not something I'd really like to talk about. I am glad however that your friend was not killed. Alright."

The last was in response to her leaving to close the wound. When she returned he waited a moment before speaking.

"As for the formality ... force of habit let's just say. Hey ... where exactly did you enter our dimension?"
Re: Hotsprings

It was Mîrchell's turn to shrug.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll just have to leave him alone for a while. He'll be angry, and it's rather troublesome with him since he can't speak, even in my native tongue. Damned if I know where I came into this world. Outside some sort of village. No witnesses. You needn't look at me like that. I just mean no-one saw me. I was adopted and educated by a family of humans to speak English, to help me integrate here, and sent to this school to finish learning enough to be accepted. Why are you interested?"
Re: Hotsprings

Siphon shrugged.

"Was wondering if you came into this world in the same location I did or where the other hell portals once were. Seems not if it wasn't around this general area or the town some distance away. Probably not the same place then, usually dimensional rifts from one place will always appear in the same spot as before, due to the fabric of reality already being weakened there. Was just a thought, nothing to be worried about. Curiosity really."
Re: Hotsprings

"My thoughts are that I was put there specifically, for some reason. After all, they intentionally banished me. It makes sense that they would have picked somewhere to put me. I cannot be certain though. It may have been coincidence. You asked me earlier about whether I would want to get revenge. Did you plan anything out for after that question?" Mîrchell said, with a narrowing of the eyes.
Re: Hotsprings

Siphon hesitated a moment before replying.

"Well, sort of. The diagram's of that gate you saw back in the caves there are part Ancient, part my work. Both the Ancients and myself were working on a way of possibly creating an inter-dimensional gateway that would stand on both sides, allowing instant travel between them, provided of course one knew how to operate them. I only started working on it a couple years ago after a close friend of mine vanished and I heard a rumor he'd been dragged into servitude in hell, likely the same one we'd been to a year before. If I could get the device to work, and figure a way of actually determining the specific dimensional pulsar frequencies ... theoretically speaking it would be possible for me to send you home. Of course ... I have no idea if this actually will work, but I'd be willing to at least try."

The look on his face suggested an easier said than done mentality, but a willingness to try and not just give up without taking a shot at it.
Re: Hotsprings

Mîrchell spat on the ground.

"I have no knowledge of the terminology you use, your technology means nothing to me, so I am of little use there. I will not pretend to feel sorry for your loss either. What's done is done. It is not my home. My birthland, perhaps, but not my home. I seek only to return and destroy the family that betrayed me, I will never be able to call it home."
Re: Hotsprings

"Home is wherever you make it. I won't even try to understand your thought patterns. At least potentially you have the chance to return there for revenge. If all goes to plan in the next day or so, my dimension ... will cease to exist forever. I can't really say that it bothers me either. If I can find a way to get you back I will do so. But I make no promise I will be successful. Truth be told ... I'd just about given up on it until now."
Re: Hotsprings

Cocking her head to one side, Mîrchell said "You can destroy whole dimensions... Such power... Of course, you'd not approve likely if I had such power. Though it would certainly make getting rid of father, and his kin and masters, that much simpler.", she paused to giggle. "I will accept that, Siphon. It is... Difficult, to say the least, to gain access to a world on the Fel plains. If you would wish, I will do what little I can to aid, you, otherwise..." she trailed off, gesturing at the sky. "I guess I will just live here, more or less eternally, until I get too bored and reckless and run into someone as powerful as you again. Besides. I have little else to say here, besides ask you if you have any more queries of me?" she finished, holding out her hand to Siphon, wanting her sword back.
Re: Hotsprings

Siphon handed her sword back to her, shaking his head.

"I think you've answered every question I had. As for the dimension, it isn't just one person doing it. It's a joint spell with a number of other ... factors. It isn't something that could likely be done again even if I knew exactly where your dimension was. That and I think revenge wouldn't truly be served unless you could see the shock in their eyes when they realize they underestimated you."
Re: Hotsprings

Mîrchell's grin broadened as Siphon spoke the last sentence, as she slid the sword across her waste, the blood somehow already gone, and then back into the scabbard, which she affixed onto her sash. Since it didn't fall off, there was probably something underneath it, like a belt of some sort.

"It matters little, though yes, it wouldn't quite be the same if it wasn't in person, not polite, is it, to kill something without looking it in the eyes first, hrm?" she said, giggling madly. "I doubt my father at least underestimates me. He recognises that my power is derived mostly from his side, and knows that combined with the agility lent to me by my mother makes me a greater threat than the other Nathrezim, at least in straight up combat. Still, I trust you are not worried about returning alone, Siphon? I must return the sword without any insects noticing, and there is little time left before the lesson finishes."
Re: Hotsprings

"I will be fine. Go do what you need to. If I need you, I shall find you."
Re: Hotsprings

With an nod, Mîrchell turns around, and takes off, quickly disappearing from sight as she flew over the tree tops towards her room.
Re: Hotsprings

Deciding to take a break from studying, Trixie worked her way into the springs, gently removing her garmentry and setting it aside like last time, as well as taking a few towels before gently sliding into the pool. Sighing a bit at the water, Trixie let herself relax, a few of her more beastial parts of her anatomy extending from having to hide all day as she let the water massage herself.
Re: Hotsprings

Having maneuvered their way past the gate without much incident and traversed the path through the forest without getting eaten or assaulted by anything, Ian and Aya finally make it to the springs, having been chatting quietly about whatever seemed to strike them at the moment, from complaning about classes to Siphon's newest changes. Reaching the tunnels, they pick their way through, neither really bothered too much by the gloom of the cave, content to leave it dark for the time being. Besides, it's a good excuse to hold hands. That is, until Ian catches the quick ripple sound of something in the water ahead. Pending on how much she's paying attention, Trixie might hear the echo of a whisper from the direction of the tunnels in and out.

"Ah'm gonna make sure we're alone, a'ite? Wait here, huh?"

And with that, he'll continue on quietly toward the cavern with the springs proper, approaching cautiously, mostly for proprieties sake than being actually worried about what he's going to find there.
Re: Hotsprings

Trixie felt her ear perk up slightly as she hears the whisper echo through the cave. Panicking slightly, she quickly molded her features to her 'human' state while moving herself a little bit deeper into the water. "Hello?" she called out, almost expecting an answer.
Re: Hotsprings

Ian lets out a soft curse as Trixie answers him. It's not like the springs are exclusive, but this was going to put a damper on plans, that was for certain. Given that the voice that answered sounded like a girl, he stops in the 'doorway' to the springs, keeping his gaze on the floor, even if the cave is dark. In fact, the only reason he got closer was so he didn't have to shout.

"Sorry, didn't figure on anyone bein' here at the moment. Guess, ah, we'll just leave ya be." Though at the moment, he's not making a move to retreat.
Re: Hotsprings

"No, I can leave if you want in," Trixie replied, quietly taking a towel and covering herself with it much as she did when she was here with Art. "I was only relaxing after school is all."
Re: Hotsprings

"Seems ta be the plan tonight," Ian says with a chuckle. "Especially after recent craziness." Much as he didn't like the idea of kicking someone out, he knew Aya'd probably too shy to share, even if they'd be in bathing suits. "If ya need a little more time, Ah'm sure we can keep ourselves occupied in the meantime." If it was one thing he did hate, it was having 'wind-down' time interrupted and figured other folks might feel the same way. Not like he and Aya couldn't relax outside until the gal was done.
Re: Hotsprings

"Naw, it's ok, I can always take a walk or something, to tell the truth I like the forest more then the campus. Just seems more... I dunno, manmade?" As Trixie mused with her thoughts she slid out of the springs, wrapping the towel around herself in case the boy decided to look in. "Won't be a moments!"
Re: Hotsprings

Ian chuckles at her term for the campus. "Well, that could be because it is." There's no missing the mirth in his voice as he says that. "But yeah, Ah understand. Got a few friends that think that way." And Trixie is fine. Ian's still being the gentleman and keeping his attention somewhere other than the room with the spring itself, whether she can see him doing so or not.