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Re: Hotsprings

Aya nodded to Ian, releasing his arm so he could go. She then moved slightly, so as to be invisible to anyone not coming from within the hot spring entry. She could hear voices speaking, but couldn't tell what was being said. It seemed that they had come across at least one other person in the springs tonight, which was a mild surprise. She began thinking of an alternate plan should the need arise while she waited.
Re: Hotsprings

Coming back out of the rock dressing area, now back in her fur clothes, she stepped into more plain view. "It's ok now, I'll leave ya to it if ya like," she added, blushing a bit at the second feint heartbeat she managed to catch with her enhanced sences. Perhaps he planned to do what she and Art did up here. Then again, who knows what the other students did, she reasoned, standing to the side and allowing them in as they wished.
Re: Hotsprings

((Why can I see Trix spying on them? *laughs*))

"Much obliged." Ian nods his head in lieu of tipping a hat, since he doesn't have one currently. "Sorry ta chase ya out." He gets a good look at what exactly she's wearing and she can see the puzzled look on his face before he shakes his head and seems to relax. Holding a hand out to Aya, he twines fingers with her before escorting her into the main room proper. "Have y'self a good night," he calls back to Trixie. "And thanks again."
Re: Hotsprings

((She's curious, not a perv :p))

Nodding back, Trix soon was off, headed into the woods. Personally, she felt like some alone time. Aw well, there was always her old cave...
Re: Hotsprings

Aya waved hello to Trixie with a small smile on her face before following Ian inside the spring entry.

Once inside, she stripped down to her black bathing suit. Heavens knew where she'd actually gotten something like that, but she had. She would wait on Ian to be ready to enter the water before she did.
Re: Hotsprings

((Hey, I never said what sort of spying. She could watch and then when she started feeling all tingly, leave *snicker*))

Ian strips off his shirt and then shucks down to swimming trunks that he seems to have been wearing under his pants. They're baggy and done up on a palm tree print. Turning around to find Aya in the suit, he actually stops and cocks his head to the side with a little bit of a smile.

"If Ah weren't afraid of the echo, you'd be gettin' whistled at, girlie," he says with a bit of a chuckle.

Holding out his hand to her again, he leads the two of them into the spring, heading in first and taking her other hand when she starts to step into the water with him. He wades out a little, letting out a hum at the water.

"God, this, right here, makes all that craziness worth it." He chuckles. "Damn shame it's so far away, though."
Re: Hotsprings

Chuckling softly, she took his offered hand and waded into the water with him, visibly relaxing further as the water soothed her muscles.

"Ah, yeah. This sure beats standing in a shower any day of the week. And you whistling at me huh?"

She was silent for a moment, then leaned in and gave him a quick, unexpected kiss before sitting down in the shallow part of the water, indicating for him to do the same.
Re: Hotsprings

Ian starts to nod, then goes still as he feels Aya's lips brushing against his. His usual smile is replaced by something a little crooked in this instance and he follows her, easing down into the water with a content groan rolling in the back of his throat. They're close enough to touch and his one hand is planted behind her in the water, but he doesn't press for any type of physical contact, leaving that up to her. Although he is angled that he'd make a really nice lean-against if she were to relax a little and slump into him some.
Re: Hotsprings

Almost as if on cue, Aya leaned in close to him and placed her head against his chest. After a moment, she looked up at him with an almost foxy smile.


The near devilish grin she had now suggested she already knew the answer, but wanted to hear it anyway.

((And now I must decide how much more interesting I should make this for poor Ian, hahaha.))
Re: Hotsprings

"Ah'd say happily so," he replies with a bit of a chuckle. He shifts just a little, allowing the two of them to relax comfortably in the water. He certainly doesn't mind her this close, though she might be able to tell from his expression that he's at least the slightest bit curious at her mood, given this is, perhaps, the most playful he's seen her, at least when it came to the two of them.
Re: Hotsprings

If she picked up on his curiosity, she hid it very well. Nevertheless, she leaned a bit further inward into him, content for the moment just to be close with him.

"What, if anything, do you have on your schedule for tomorrow? Wouldn't want to keep ya up too late if you have anything important."

Devilish one she was.
Re: Hotsprings

"Nothin' Ah can't roll out of bed and dash ta," he replies with one of his grins. "What about you? No early risin'? Or a roomie that's goin' ta pummel me for keepin' ya out all night?" His arm curls further around her and he shifts some so that they're facing one another a bit more.
Re: Hotsprings

((Totally forgot about this.))

Aya only shook her head.

"Nah, I don't think Sho will mind."

Smiling again, she leaned in and kissed him again, pulling him a bit closer to her as she did so.
Re: Hotsprings

((Ian has a few choice words for you about that...))

"Given all the sneakin' around Ah hear she does, she'd bettah not." He laughs, the sound getting interrupted by the kiss. He brings a hand up to gently push her hair back, little drips of water falling from his fingertips as he does so. He eases off from the kiss with a soft chuckle. "Yer feelin' bold t'night." He doesn't sound like he minds, but this is definitely a new side of her.
Re: Hotsprings

((Swear to god I thought I posted in here .... ))


Ninjah'd! Yeah so ... Consider that they stopped here for now for some reason and that Aya has gone elsewhere for now and is to meet up with Ian shortly.
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